Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 CAddonGlobalInterfaceMain structure passed from kodi to addon with basic information needed to create add-on
 CAddonInstance_GameGame instance
 CAddonProperties_PVRStructure to define typical standard values
 CAddonProps_GameGame properties
 CAddonProps_InputStream"C" ABI Structures to transfer the methods from this to Kodi
 CAddonToKodiFuncTable_AddonCallback function tables from addon to Kodi Set complete from Kodi!
 CAddonToKodiFuncTable_GameGame callbacks
 CAddonToKodiFuncTable_PVRStructure to transfer the methods from Kodi to addon
 CArtForThumbLoaderA structure used for fetching music art data
 CAUDIO_ENGINE_FORMATInternal API structure which are used for data exchange between Kodi and addon
 CBlurayStatePod structure which represents the current Bluray state
 CCActionClass encapsulating information regarding a particular user action to be sent to windows and controls
 CCAddonBuiltinsClass providing add-on related built-in commands
 CCAESpinSectionLockless consistency guaranteeer
 CCAndroidBuiltinsClass providing CEC related built-in commands
 CCApplicationActionListenersClass handling application support for action listeners
 CCApplicationBuiltinsClass providing application related built-in commands
 CCApplicationPowerHandlingClass handling application support for screensavers, dpms and shutdown timers
 CCApplicationSettingsHandlingClass handling application support for settings
 CCApplicationSkinHandlingClass handling application support for skin management
 CCApplicationVolumeHandlingClass handling application support for audio volume management
 CCBlurayStateSerializerAuxiliar class to serialize/deserialize the Bluray state (into/from XML)
 CCBufferObjectBase class for using the IBufferObject interface. Derived classes should be based on this class
 CCBufferObjectFactoryFactory that provides CBufferObject registration and creation
 CCCECBuiltinsClass providing CEC related built-in commands
 CCCharArrayParserWraps a char array, providing a set of methods for parsing data from it
 CCComponentContainerA generic container for components
 CCConvertMatrixHelper class used for YUV to RGB conversions. This class can take into account different source/destination primaries and various other parameters
 CCDatabaseManagerDatabase manager class for handling database updating
 CCDateTimeDateTime class, which uses FileTime as it's base
 CCDecoderFilterDeclaration of CDecoderFilter
 CCDecoderFilterManagerClass which handles multiple CDecoderFilter elements
 CCDVDStateSerializerAuxiliar class to serialize/deserialize the dvd state (into/from XML)
 CCEnvironmentPlatform-independent environment variables manipulations
 CCEventThis is an Event class built from a ConditionVariable. The Event adds the state that the condition is gating as well as the mutex/lock
 CCFileItemRepresents a file on a share
 CCFileItemListRepresents a list of files
 CCGenericTouchActionHandlerGeneric implementation of ITouchActionHandler to translate touch actions into XBMC specific and mappable actions
 CCGenericTouchInputHandlerGeneric implementation of ITouchInputHandler to handle low level (raw) touch events and translate them into touch actions which are passed on to the registered ITouchActionHandler implementation
 CCGenericTouchPinchDetectorImplementation of IGenericTouchGestureDetector to detect pinch/zoom gestures with at least two active touch pointers
 CCGenericTouchRotateDetectorImplementation of IGenericTouchGestureDetector to detect rotation gestures with at least two active touch pointers
 CCGenericTouchSwipeDetectorImplementation of IGenericTouchGestureDetector to detect swipe gestures in any direction
 CCGenreClass to store and read album information from CMusicDatabase
 CCGPUInfoClass to concentrate all methods related to GPU information
 CCGUIAnnouncementHandlerContainerThis class is a container of announcement handlers per application component. It allows the GUI Layer to execute GUI Actions upon receiving announcements from other components effectively decoupling GUI from other components
 CCGUIBuiltinsClass providing GUI related built-in commands
 CCGUIContainerBuiltinsClass providing GUI container related built-in commands
 CCGUIControlBase class for controls
 CCGUIControlBuiltinsClass providing GUI control related built-in commands
 CCGUIControlGroupGroup of controls, useful for remembering last control + animating/hiding together
 CCGUIControlGroupListList of controls that is scrollable
 CCGUILabelClass for rendering text labels. Handles alignment and rendering of text within a control
 CCGUILargeTextureManagerBackground texture loading manager
 CCGUIListGroupGroup of controls within a list/panel container
 CCGUIPlayerAnnouncementHandlerHandler for announcements of type player
 CCGUISourcesAnnouncementHandlerHandler for announcements of type sources
 CCGUIStaticItemWrapper class for a static item in a list container
 CCGUIWindowMusicBaseThe base class for music windows
 CCHevcSeiParses HEVC SEI messages for supplemental video information
 CCImageLoaderImage loader job class
 CCInputManagerMain input processing class
 CCInputStreamAddonInput stream class
 CCJobBase class for jobs that are executed asynchronously
 CCJobManagerJob Manager class for scheduling asynchronous jobs
 CCJobQueueJob Queue class to handle a queue of unique jobs to be processed sequentially
 CCLegacyPathTranslationTranslates old internal paths into new ones
 CCLibraryBuiltinsClass providing library related built-in commands
 CCLocaleClass representing a full locale of the form [language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]]
 CCMapThis class is designed to implement a constexpr version of std::map. The standard library std::map doesn't allow constexpr (and it doesn't look like it will be implemented in the future). This class utilizes std::array and std::pair as they allow constexpr
 CCMediaSourceRepresents a share
 CCMultiProviderA listprovider that handles multiple individual providers
 CCMusicDatabaseClass to store and read tag information
 CCMusicLibraryCleaningJobMusic library job implementation for cleaning the video library
 CCMusicLibraryExportJobMusic library job implementation for exporting the music library
 CCMusicLibraryImportJobMusic library job implementation for importing data to the music library
 CCMusicLibraryJobBasic implementation/interface of a CJob which interacts with the music database
 CCMusicLibraryProgressJobCombined base implementation of a music library job with a progress bar
 CCMusicLibraryQueueQueue for music library jobs
 CCMusicLibraryScanningJobMusic library job implementation for scanning items. Uses CMusicInfoScanner for scanning and can be run with or without a visible progress bar
 CCOpticalBuiltinsClass providing optical media related built-in commands
 CCPasswordManagerPassword Manager class for saving authentication details
 CCPictureBuiltinsClass providing picture related built-in commands
 CCPictureFolderImageFileLoaderGenerates a thumbnail for a folder in the picture browser, tile 4 images inside the folder
 CCPlatformClass for the Platform object
 CCPlayerBuiltinsClass providing player related built-in commands
 CCPlayerControllerPlayer controller class to handle user actions
 CCProfileBuiltinsClass providing profile related built-in commands
 CCProgressJobBasic implementation of a CJob with a progress bar to indicate the progress of the job being processed
 CCPVRBuiltinsClass providing PVR related built-in commands
 CCSettingSetting base class containing all the properties which are common to all settings independent of the setting type
 CCSettingActionAction setting implementation
 CCSettingBoolBoolean setting implementation
 CCSettingCategoryCategory of groups of settings being part of a section
 CCSettingGroupGroup of settings being part of a category
 CCSettingIntInteger setting implementation
 CCSettingListList setting implementation
 CCSettingNumberReal number setting implementation
 CCSettingsWrapper around CSettingsManager responsible for properly setting up the settings manager and registering all the callbacks, handlers and custom setting types
 CCSettingsBaseBasic wrapper around CSettingsManager providing the framework for properly setting up the settings manager and registering all the callbacks, handlers and custom setting types
 CCSettingSectionSection of setting categories
 CCSettingsManagerSettings manager responsible for initializing, loading and handling all settings
 CCSettingStringString setting implementation
 CCSkinBuiltinsClass providing skin related built-in commands
 CCSkinTimerSkin timers are skin objects that dependent on time and can be fully controlled from skins either using boolean conditions or builtin functions. This class represents the Skin Timer object
 CCSkinTimerManagerCSkinTimerManager is the container and manager for Skin timers. Its role is that of checking if the timer boolean conditions are valid, start or stop timers and execute the respective builtin actions linked to the timer lifecycle
 CCSongClass to store and read song information from CMusicDatabase
 CCSubtitlesJobSimple job to retrieve a directory and store a string (language)
 CCSystemBuiltinsClass providing system related built-in commands
 CCTextureTexture loader class, subclasses of which depend on the render spec (DX, GL etc.)
 CCTextureBaseBase texture class, which holds the state of the texture, as well as all conversion functions
 CCTextureCacheTexture cache class for handling the caching of images
 CCTextureCacheJobJob class for caching textures
 CCTextureDetailsSimple class for passing texture detail around
 CCVideoLibraryCleaningJobVideo library job implementation for cleaning the video library
 CCVideoLibraryJobBasic implementation/interface of a CJob which interacts with the video database
 CCVideoLibraryMarkWatchedJobVideo library job implementation for marking items as watched/unwatched
 CCVideoLibraryProgressJobCombined base implementation of a video library job with a progress bar
 CCVideoLibraryQueueQueue for video library jobs
 CCVideoLibraryRefreshingJobVideo library job implementation for refreshing a single item
 CCVideoLibraryResetResumePointJobVideo library job implementation for resetting a resume point
 CCVideoLibraryScanningJobVideo library job implementation for scanning items
 CCVideoTagLoaderFFmpegVideo tag loader using FFMPEG
 CCVideoTagLoaderNFOVideo tag loader using nfo files
 CCVideoTagLoaderPluginVideo tag loader from plugin source
 CCWeatherBuiltinsClass providing weather related built-in commands
 CCZeroconfBrowserThis class provides support for zeroconf browsing
 CDialogOkMessagePayload sent for message TMSG_GUI_DIALOG_OK
 CDVDStatePod structure which represents the current dvd state with respect to dvdnav properties
 CEPG_TAG"C" PVR add-on channel group member
 Cgame_abs_pointer_eventAn absolute pointer event, such as a touchscreen or tablet motion
 Cgame_accelerometer_eventAn accelerometer event
 Cgame_analog_button_eventAn analog button event, such as a trigger press or release
 Cgame_analog_stick_eventAn analog stick event, such as a joystick's motion
 Cgame_axis_eventAn axis event, such as a joystick or accelerometer
 Cgame_controller_layout"C" Game add-on controller layout
 Cgame_digital_button_eventA digital button event, such as a button press or release
 Cgame_hw_rendering_propertiesHardware rendering properties
 Cgame_input_deviceDevice that can provide input
 Cgame_input_eventAn input event
 Cgame_input_portPort that can provide input
 Cgame_input_topologyThe input topology is the possible ways to connect input devices
 Cgame_key_eventA key event, such as a key press or release
 Cgame_motor_eventA motor vibration event
 Cgame_rel_pointer_eventA relative pointer event, such as a mouse motion
 Cgame_stream_audio_packetAudio stream packet
 Cgame_stream_audio_propertiesGame audio stream properties
 Cgame_stream_bufferStream buffers for hardware rendering and zero-copy support
 Cgame_stream_hw_framebuffer_bufferHardware framebuffer buffer
 Cgame_stream_hw_framebuffer_packetHardware framebuffer packet
 Cgame_stream_hw_framebuffer_propertiesHardware framebuffer properties
 Cgame_stream_packetStream packet and ephemeral metadata
 Cgame_stream_propertiesImmutable stream metadata
 Cgame_stream_sw_framebuffer_bufferSoftware framebuffer type
 Cgame_stream_video_packetVideo stream packet
 Cgame_stream_video_propertiesGame video stream properties
 Cgame_system_timingGame system timing
 CIAEIAE Interface
 CIApplicationComponentBase class for application components
 CIBufferObjectInterface to describe CBufferObjects
 CIDiscDriveHandlerGeneric interface for platform disc drive handling
 CIGenericTouchGestureDetectorInterface defining methods to perform gesture recognition
 CIGUIVolumeBarCallbackInterface to expose properties to the volume bar dialog
 CIJobCallbackCallback interface for asynchronous jobs
 CIListProviderAn interface for providing lists to UI containers
 CINPUTSTREAM_CAPABILITIESInputStream add-on capabilities. All capabilities are set to "false" as default
 CINPUTSTREAM_IDSArray of stream IDs
 CINPUTSTREAM_INFOStream properties
 CINPUTSTREAM_PROPERTYStructure of key/value pairs passed to addon on Open()
 CIPlatformServiceBase class for services
 CISettingInterface defining the base of all setting objects
 CISettingControlCreatorInterface for creating a new setting control of a custom setting control type
 CISettingCreatorInterface for creating a new setting of a custom setting type
 CISettingsHandlerInterface defining methods being called by the settings system if an action is performed on multiple/all settings
 CISliderCallbackInterface class for callback from the slider dialog
 CISubSettingsInterface defining methods to load additional setting values from an XML file being loaded by the settings system
 CITouchActionHandlerInterface defining all supported touch action events
 CITouchInputHandlerInterface (implements ITouchInputHandling) defining methods to handle raw touch input events (down, up, move)
 CITouchInputHandlingConvenience interface implementing ITouchActionHandler with an implementation that forwards any ITouchActionHandler-related calls to a previously registered ITouchActionHandler
 CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_HATHat direction primitive
 CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_KEYKeyboard key primitive
 CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_PRIMITIVEDriver primitive struct
 CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_RELPOINTERRelative pointer direction primitive
 CJOYSTICK_FEATUREMapping between higher-level controller feature and its driver primitives
 CJOYSTICK_INFOInfo specific to joystick peripherals
 Ckodi_version_tFor kodi::Version used structure
 CKodiToAddonFuncTable_AddonFunction tables from Kodi to addon
 CKodiToAddonFuncTable_GameGame function hooks
 CKodiToAddonFuncTable_PVRStructure to transfer the methods from addon to Kodi
 CMouseStateHolds everything we know about the current state of the mouse
 CPERIPHERAL_CAPABILITIESPeripheral add-on capabilities
 CPERIPHERAL_EVENTEvent information
 CPERIPHERAL_INFOInformation shared between peripherals
 CPointerA class representing a touch pointer interaction consisting of an down touch, the last touch and the current touch
 CPredicateSubtitlePriorityThe class' operator() decides if the given (subtitle) SelectionStream lh is 'better than' the given (subtitle) SelectionStream rh. If lh is 'better than' rh the return value is true, false otherwise
 CPVR_ADDON_CAPABILITIES"C" PVR add-on capabilities
 CPVR_ATTRIBUTE_INT_VALUE"C" Representation of an integer value, including a description
 CPVR_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_VALUE"C" Representation of a string value, including a description
 CPVR_CHANNEL"C" PVR add-on channel
 CPVR_CHANNEL_GROUP"C" PVR add-on channel group
 CPVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER"C" PVR add-on channel group member
 CPVR_DESCRAMBLE_INFO"C" PVR add-on descramble information
 CPVR_EDL_ENTRY"C" Edit definition list entry
 CPVR_HANDLE_STRUCTHandle used to return data from the PVR add-on to CPVRClient
 CPVR_INT_SETTING_DEFINITION"C" Representation of an integer setting definition
 CPVR_MENUHOOK"C" PVR add-on menu hook
 CPVR_NAMED_VALUE"C" Representation of a named value
 CPVR_PROVIDER"C" PVR add-on provider
 CPVR_RECORDING"C" PVR add-on recording
 CPVR_SETTING_DEFINITION"C" Representation of a setting definition
 CPVR_SETTING_KEY_VALUE_PAIR"C" Representation of a key-value pair, either {int,int} or {int,string}, depending on the type set
 CPVR_SIGNAL_STATUS"C" PVR add-on signal status information
 CPVR_STREAM_PROPERTIES"C" Stream properties
 CPVR_STREAM_TIMES"C" Times of playing stream (Live TV and recordings)
 CPVR_STRING_SETTING_DEFINITION"C" Representation of a string setting definition
 CPVR_TIMER"C" PVR add-on timer event
 CPVR_TIMER_TYPE"C" PVR add-on timer type
 CRESOLUTION_INFOProvide info of a resolution
 CScopedEventLoopBlockHelper RAII-struct to block event loop for modifications
 CToDBusType< bool >
 CToDBusType< char * >
 CToDBusType< const char * >
 CToDBusType< double >
 CToDBusType< std::int16_t >
 CToDBusType< std::int32_t >
 CToDBusType< std::int64_t >
 CToDBusType< std::uint16_t >
 CToDBusType< std::uint32_t >
 CToDBusType< std::uint64_t >
 CToDBusType< std::uint8_t >
 CTouchA class representing a touch consisting of an x and y coordinate and a time