►NActiveAE | |
CAudioSettings | |
►CCActiveAE | |
CSoundState | |
CCActiveAEBufferPool | |
CCActiveAEBufferPoolAtempo | |
CCActiveAEBufferPoolResample | |
CCActiveAEControlProtocol | |
CCActiveAEDataProtocol | |
CCActiveAEFilter | |
CCActiveAEResampleFFMPEG | |
CCActiveAESettings | |
CCActiveAESink | |
CCActiveAESound | |
CCActiveAEStream | |
CCActiveAEStreamBuffers | |
CCAEResampleFactory | |
►CCEngineStats | |
CStreamStats | |
CCSampleBuffer | |
CCSinkControlProtocol | |
CCSinkDataProtocol | |
CCSoundPacket | |
CCSyncError | |
CIAEResample | |
CMsgStreamFade | |
CMsgStreamFFmpegInfo | |
CMsgStreamFree | |
CMsgStreamNew | |
CMsgStreamParameter | |
CMsgStreamSample | |
CSinkConfig | |
CSinkReply | |
►NActor | |
CCPayloadWrap | |
CCPayloadWrapBase | |
CMessage | |
CProtocol | |
►NAddonEvents | |
CAutoUpdateStateChanged | |
CDisabled | |
CEnabled | |
CInstanceAdded | |
CInstanceRemoved | |
CLoad | |
CMetadataChanged | |
CReInstalled | |
CUnInstalled | |
CUnload | |
►NGUI | |
CCHelpers | |
CAddonEvent | |
CAddonIdFinder | |
CCAddon | |
CCAddonBuilder | |
►CCAddonDatabase | |
CRepoUpdateData | |
CCAddonDatabaseSerializer | Addon content serializer/deserializer |
CCAddonDll | |
CCAddonDllInformer | Information class for use on addon type managers |
CCAddonExtensions | |
CCAddonGUITranslator | Translates data types from GUI API to the corresponding format in Kodi |
CCAddonInfo | |
CCAddonInfoBuilder | |
CCAddonInfoBuilderFromDB | |
►CCAddonInstaller | |
CCDownloadJob | |
CCAddonMgr | |
CCAddonRepos | |
CCAddonSettings | |
CCAddonStatusHandler | |
CCAddonSystemSettings | |
CCAddonType | |
CCAddonUpdateRules | |
CCAddonVersion | |
CCBinaryAddonBase | |
CCBinaryAddonCache | |
CCBinaryAddonManager | |
CCContextMenuAddon | |
CCExtValues | |
CCFontResource | |
CCGameResource | |
CCGUIAddonRenderingControl | |
CCGUIAddonWindow | |
CCGUIAddonWindowDialog | |
CCImageResource | A collection of images. The collection can have a type |
CCLanguageResource | |
CclosestRes | |
CContentMapping | |
CCPluginSource | |
►CCRepository | |
CResolveResult | |
CCRepositoryUpdateJob | |
►CCRepositoryUpdater | |
CRepositoryUpdated | |
CCResource | |
CCScraper | |
CCScraperError | |
CCService | |
CCServiceAddonManager | |
CCSettingUrlEncodedString | |
►CCSkinInfo | |
CCStartupWindow | |
CCSkinSetting | |
CCSkinSettingBool | |
CCSkinSettingString | |
CCSkinSettingUpdateHandler | |
CCUISoundsResource | |
CCVFSAddonCache | |
►CCVFSEntry | A virtual filesystem entry add-on |
CProtocolInfo | A structure encapsulating properties of supplied protocol |
CCVFSEntryIDirectoryWrapper | Wrapper equpping a CVFSEntry with an IDirectory interface |
CCVFSEntryIFileDirectoryWrapper | Wrapper equpping a CVFSEntry with an IFileDirectory interface |
CCVFSEntryIFileWrapper | Wrapper equipping a CVFSEntry with an IFile interface |
CCVFSURLWrapper | |
CCWebinterface | |
CDependencyInfo | |
CIAddon | |
CIAddonInstanceHandler | |
CIAddonMgrCallback | |
CIAddonProvider | |
CInterface_Android | |
CInterface_AudioEngine | |
CInterface_Base | Global general Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_Filesystem | |
CInterface_General | Global general Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlAddonRendering | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlButton | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlEdit | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlFadeLabel | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlImage | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlLabel | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlProgress | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlRadioButton | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlSettingsSlider | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlSlider | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlSpin | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIControlTextBox | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogContextMenu | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogExtendedProgress | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogFileBrowser | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogKeyboard | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogNumeric | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogOK | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogProgress | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogSelect | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogTextViewer | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIDialogYesNo | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIGeneral | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIListItem | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_GUIWindow | Global gui Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CInterface_Network | Global general Add-on to Kodi callback functions |
CRepoInfo | |
CRepositoryDirInfo | |
CSExtValue | |
CTypeMapping | |
►NAE | |
►NSINK | |
CCAESinkPipewire | |
CAESinkDevice | |
CAESinkInfo | |
CAESinkRegEntry | |
CCAESinkFactory | |
►CCAnnouncementManager | |
CCAnnounceData | |
CIAnnouncer | |
►NCDDB | |
Ctoc | |
CXcddb | |
CCAddonInfo | |
CCAddonSettings | |
CCAddRemoveFavourite | |
CCAlbumInfo | |
CCArtistInfo | |
CCCheckForUpdates | |
CCChooseThumbnailForFavourite | |
CCDisableAddon | |
CCEjectDisk | |
CCEjectDrive | |
CCEnableAddon | |
CCEpisodeInfo | |
CCFavouriteContextMenuAction | |
CCFavouritesTargetBrowse | |
CCFavouritesTargetContextMenu | |
CCFavouritesTargetInfo | |
CCFavouritesTargetPlay | |
CCFavouritesTargetResume | |
CCMoveDownFavourite | |
CCMoveUpFavourite | |
CCMovieInfo | |
CCMovieSetInfo | |
CCMusicBrowse | |
CCMusicInfo | |
CCMusicPlay | |
CCMusicPlayNext | |
CCMusicPlayUsing | |
CCMusicQueue | |
CCMusicVideoInfo | |
CCRemoveFavourite | |
CCRenameFavourite | |
CCSeasonInfo | |
CCSongInfo | |
CCTVShowInfo | |
CCVideoBrowse | |
CCVideoChooseVersion | |
CCVideoInfo | |
CCVideoMarkUnWatched | |
CCVideoMarkWatched | |
CCVideoPlay | |
CCVideoPlayAndQueue | |
CCVideoPlayNext | |
CCVideoPlayUsing | |
CCVideoPlayVersionUsing | |
CCVideoQueue | |
CCVideoRemoveResumePoint | |
CCVideoResume | |
►Ndbiplus | |
CDatabase | |
CDataset | |
CDbErrors | |
Cet_info | |
Cfield | |
Cfield_prop | |
Cfield_value | |
CMysqlDatabase | |
CMysqlDataset | |
Cresult_set | |
CSqliteDatabase | |
CSqliteDataset | |
CStrAccum | |
►Ndetail | |
CCSubscription | |
CISubscription | |
►NDRM | |
CCCryptoSession | |
CCharVecBuffer | |
CCMediaDrmCryptoSession | |
►NDX | |
CDeviceResources | |
CSizeGen | |
►NDXVA | |
CCContext | |
CCDecoder | |
CCEnumeratorHD | |
CCProcessorHD | |
CCVideoBuffer | |
CCVideoBufferCopy | |
CCVideoBufferPool | |
CCVideoBufferPoolTyped | |
CCVideoBufferShared | |
CDXGIColorSpaceArgs | |
CProcAmpFilter | |
CProcAmpInfo | |
CProcColorSpaces | |
CProcessorCapabilities | |
CProcessorConversion | |
CProcessorFormats | |
CSupportedConversionsArgs | |
►NEDL | |
CEdit | |
CCEventAction | |
CCEventButtonState | |
CCEventClient | |
CCEventPacket | |
CCEventServer | |
CFFMpegException | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< EINTERLACEMETHOD > | |
Cformatter< ESCALINGMETHOD > | |
Cformatter< EShaderFormat > | |
Cformatter< ETONEMAPMETHOD > | |
Cformatter< ShaderMethodGL > | |
Cformatter< ShaderMethodGLES > | |
Cformatter< StarfishState > | |
Cformatter< std::thread::id > | |
►Nhelper_Log | |
►CLog | |
Cstyle | |
CResult | |
►NHTML | |
CCHTMLUtil | |
CCImageCacheCleaner | Clean old unused images from the image cache |
CCImageFileURL | A mostly-typed representation of a URL to any image, whether a simple path to an image file, embedded in another file, or generated in some way |
CCleanerResult | |
CCSpecialImageLoaderFactory | |
CISpecialImageFileLoader | An interface to load special image files into a texture for display |
►NINFO | |
CCSkinVariable | |
CCSkinVariableString | |
CInfoBool | Base class, wrapping boolean conditions and expressions |
CInfoExpression | Class to wrap active boolean expressions |
CInfoSingle | Class to wrap active boolean conditions |
►Njni | |
CCJNIMainActivity | |
CCJNIXBMCAudioManagerOnAudioFocusChangeListener | |
CCJNIXBMCBroadcastReceiver | |
CCJNIXBMCConnectivityManagerNetworkCallback | |
CCJNIXBMCDisplayManagerDisplayListener | |
►CCJNIXBMCJsonHandler | |
CCJNIClient | |
CCJNITransportLayer | |
CCJNIXBMCMediaSession | |
CCJNIXBMCNsdManagerDiscoveryListener | |
CCJNIXBMCNsdManagerRegistrationListener | |
CCJNIXBMCNsdManagerResolveListener | |
CCJNIXBMCSpeechRecognitionListener | |
CCJNIXBMCSurfaceTextureOnFrameAvailableListener | |
CCJNIXBMCTextureCache | |
CCJNIXBMCVideoView | |
CCAddonsOperations | |
CCApplicationOperations | |
CCAudioLibrary | |
CCFavouritesOperations | |
CCFileItemHandler | |
CCFileOperations | |
CCGUIOperations | |
CCInputOperations | |
CCJSONServiceDescription | Helper class for json schema service descriptor based service descriptions for the json rpc API |
CCJSONUtils | Helper class containing utility methods to handle json rpc method calls |
CCPlayerOperations | |
CCPlaylistOperations | |
CCProfilesOperations | |
CCPVROperations | |
CCSettingsOperations | |
CCSystemOperations | |
CCTCPServer | |
CCTextureOperations | |
CCVideoLibrary | |
CCXBMCOperations | |
CIClient | |
CIJSONRPCAnnouncer | |
CITransportLayer | |
CJsonRpcMethod | Structure for a published json rpc method |
CJsonRpcMethodMap | Structure mapping a json rpc method definition to an actual method implementation |
►CJSONSchemaTypeDefinition | Class for a parameter of a json rpc method |
CCJsonSchemaPropertiesMap | Maps a properties name to its json schema type definition |
►NKODI | |
CCActionTranslator | |
CIActionListener | Interface defining methods to handle GUI actions |
CAddonSupportEntry | Information structure with which a supported format of an addon can be stored |
CCAudioDecoder | |
►CCExtsMimeSupportList | Class to manage all available and activated add-ons and to release their types to the outside for selection |
CSupportValue | Structure to store information about supported part |
CSupportValues | Structure to store available data for related addon |
CCImageDecoder | |
CCScreenSaver | |
CCVisualization | |
CIAddonSupportCheck | Parent class to ask addons for support |
CIAddonSupportList | Parent class to manage all available mimetypes and file extensions of the respective add-on and its types |
CCCDDARipJob | |
CCCDDARipper | Rip an entire CD or a single track |
CCEncoder | |
CCEncoderAddon | |
CCEncoderFFmpeg | |
CIEncoder | |
►NGAME | |
CCAgentController | Class to represent the controller of a game player (a.k.a. agent) |
CCAgentInput | Class to manage game-playing agents for a running game client |
CCAgentJoystick | Handles game controller events for game agent functionality |
CCAgentKeyboard | Handles keyboard events for game agent functionality |
CCAgentMouse | Handles mouse events for game agent functionality |
CCController | |
CCControllerActivity | Class to hold state about the current activity of a controller |
CCControllerGrid | Class to encapsulate grid operations |
CCControllerHub | A branch in the controller tree |
CCControllerInstaller | |
CCControllerLayout | |
CCControllerManager | |
CCControllerNode | Node in the controller tree |
CCControllerSelect | |
CCControllerTranslator | |
CCDefaultButtonMap | A fallback buttonmap to be used with the default keyboard profile |
CCDefaultController | |
CCDefaultKeyboardTranslator | |
CCDefaultMouseTranslator | |
CCDialogGameAdvancedSettings | |
CCDialogGameOSD | |
CCDialogGameOSDHelp | |
CCDialogGameSaves | |
CCDialogGameStretchMode | |
CCDialogGameVideoFilter | |
CCDialogGameVideoRotation | |
CCDialogGameVideoSelect | |
CCDialogGameVolume | |
CCDialogInGameSaves | |
CCGameClient | Interface between Kodi and Game add-ons |
CCGameClientCheevos | |
CCGameClientController | A container for the layout of a controller connected to a game client input port |
CCGameClientDevice | Represents a device connected to a port |
CCGameClientHardware | Handles events for hardware such as reset buttons |
CCGameClientInGameSaves | This class implements in-game saves |
CCGameClientInput | |
CCGameClientJoystick | Handles game controller events for games |
CCGameClientKeyboard | Handles keyboard events for games |
CCGameClientMouse | Handles mouse events for games |
CCGameClientPort | Represents a port that devices can connect to |
CCGameClientProperties | C++ wrapper for properties to pass to the DLL |
CCGameClientStreamAudio | |
CCGameClientStreamHwFramebuffer | |
CCGameClientStreams | |
CCGameClientStreamSwFramebuffer | |
CCGameClientStreamVideo | |
CCGameClientStruct | Helper class to have "C" struct created before other parts becomes his pointer |
CCGameClientSubsystem | Base class for game client subsystems |
CCGameClientTopology | |
CCGameClientTranslator | Translates data types from Game API to the corresponding format in Kodi |
CCGameInfoTag | |
CCGameServices | |
CCGameSettings | |
CCGameUtils | Game related utilities |
CCGUIActivePortList | |
CCGUIAgentControllerList | |
CCGUIAgentWindow | |
CCGUICardinalFeatureButton | |
CCGUIConfigurationWizard | |
CCGUIControllerButton | |
CCGUIControllerList | |
CCGUIControllerWindow | |
CCGUIDialogAxisDetection | |
CCGUIDialogButtonCapture | |
CCGUIDialogIgnoreInput | |
CCGUIDialogSelectGameClient | |
CCGUIDialogSelectSavestate | |
CCGUIFeatureButton | |
CCGUIFeatureFactory | |
CCGUIFeatureGroupTitle | |
CCGUIFeatureList | |
CCGUIFeatureSeparator | |
CCGUIFeatureTranslator | |
CCGUIGameController | |
CCGUIGameControllerList | |
CCGUIGameControllerProvider | Controller list provider for the IAgentList control in the Player Viewer (GameAgents ) window |
CCGUIPortList | |
CCGUIPortWindow | |
CCGUIScalarFeatureButton | |
CCGUISelectKeyButton | |
CCGUIThrottleButton | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowGames | |
CCGUIWheelButton | |
CCGUIWindowGames | |
CCInputSink | |
CControllerColumn | Column of controllers in the grid |
CControllerVertex | Vertex in the grid of controllers |
CCPhysicalFeature | |
CCPhysicalPort | |
CCPhysicalTopology | Represents the physical topology of controller add-ons |
CCPortInput | |
CCPortManager | |
CCPortNode | Collection of nodes that can be connected to this port |
CGameClientSubsystems | |
CIActivePortList | A list populated by input ports on a game console |
CIAgentControllerList | A list populated by the controllers of game-playing agents (CGameAgent) |
CIConfigurationWizard | A wizard to direct user input |
CIControllerList | A list populated by installed controllers for the controller configuration window |
CIFeatureButton | A GUI button in a feature list (IFeatureList) |
CIFeatureList | A list populated by the controller's features |
CIGameClientStream | |
CIGameInputCallback | Input callbacks |
CIHwFramebufferCallback | |
CIPortList | A list populated by controller ports for the port setup window |
CCAddonsGUIInfo | |
CCGamesGUIInfo | |
CCGUIControlsGUIInfo | |
CCGUIInfo | |
CCGUIInfoBool | |
CCGUIInfoColor | |
CCGUIInfoLabel | |
CCGUIInfoProvider | |
CCGUIInfoProviders | |
CCLibraryGUIInfo | |
CCMusicGUIInfo | |
CCPicturesGUIInfo | |
CCPlayerGUIInfo | |
CCSkinGUIInfo | |
CCSystemGUIInfo | |
CCVideoGUIInfo | |
CCVisualisationGUIInfo | |
CCWeatherGUIInfo | |
CIGUIInfoProvider | |
CPlayerShowInfoChangedEvent | |
CIHardwareInput | Handles events for hardware such as reset buttons on a game console |
CCInputTranslator | |
CAxisConfiguration | |
CCAccelerometer | |
CCAnalogStick | |
CCAxisDetector | Detects when an axis should be mapped |
CCAxisFeature | |
CCButtonDetector | Detects when a button should be mapped |
CCButtonMapping | Generic implementation of a class that provides button mapping by translating driver events to button mapping commands |
CCDeadzoneFilter | Analog axis deadzone filtering |
CCDriverPrimitive | Basic driver element associated with input events |
CCDriverReceiving | Class to translate input events from higher-level features to driver primitives |
CCFeatureAxis | Axis of a feature (analog stick, accelerometer, etc) |
CCGUIDialogNewJoystick | |
CCHatDetector | Detects when a D-pad direction should be mapped |
CCInputHandling | Class to translate input from the driver into higher-level features |
CCJoystickEasterEgg | Hush!!! |
CCJoystickFeature | Base class for joystick features |
CCJoystickMonitor | Monitors joystick input and resets screensaver/shutdown timers whenever motion occurs |
CCJoystickTranslator | Joystick translation utilities |
CCJoystickUtils | |
CCKeyDetector | Detects when a keyboard key should be mapped |
CCMouseButtonDetector | Detects when a mouse button should be mapped |
CCPointerDetector | Detects when a mouse button should be mapped |
CCPrimitiveDetector | Detects and dispatches mapping events |
CCRumbleGenerator | |
CCScalarFeature | |
CCThrottle | |
CCWheel | |
CIButtonMap | Button map interface to translate between the driver's raw button/hat/axis elements and physical joystick features |
CIButtonMapCallback | Interface for handling button maps |
CIButtonMapper | Button mapper interface to assign the driver's raw button/hat/axis elements to physical joystick features using a provided button map |
CIButtonSequence | |
CIDriverHandler | Interface defining methods to handle joystick events for raw driver elements (buttons, hats, axes) |
CIDriverReceiver | Interface for sending input events to joystick drivers |
CIInputHandler | Interface for handling input events for game controllers |
CIInputProvider | Interface for classes that can provide input |
CIInputReceiver | Interface for sending input events to game controllers |
CCDefaultKeyboardHandling | |
CCKeyboardEasterEgg | Hush!!! |
CCKeyboardInputHandling | Class to translate input from Kodi keycodes to key names defined by the keyboard's controller profile |
CCKeyboardLayout | |
CCKeyboardLayoutManager | |
CCKeyboardStat | |
CCKeyboardTranslator | Keyboard translation utilities |
CIKeyboardDriverHandler | Interface for handling keyboard events |
CIKeyboardInputHandler | Interface for handling input events for keyboards |
CIKeyboardInputProvider | Interface for classes that can provide keyboard input |
CKeyTable | |
CCAppTranslator | |
CCButtonStat | |
CCButtonTranslator | Singleton class to map from buttons to actions |
CCCustomControllerTranslator | |
CCGamepadTranslator | Gamepad translator, only used by EventClient |
CCIRTranslator | |
CCJoystickMapper | |
CCKeyboardActionMap | |
CCKeyboardTranslator | |
CCKeyHandler | |
CCKeymap | |
CCKeymapEnvironment | |
CCKeymapHandler | |
CCKeymapHandling | |
CCTouchTranslator | |
CCWindowKeymap | |
CIKeyboardActionMap | Interface for translating keyboard keys to action IDs |
CIKeyHandler | Interface for handling keymap keys |
CIKeymap | Interface for mapping buttons to Kodi actions |
CIKeymapEnvironment | Customizes the environment in which keymapping is performed |
CIKeymapHandler | Interface for a class working with a keymap |
CIKeyMapper | Interface for classes that can map buttons to Kodi actions |
CIWindowKeymap | Interface for mapping buttons to Kodi actions for specific windows |
CKeymapAction | Action entry in joystick.xml |
CKeymapActionGroup | Container that sorts action entries by their holdtime |
CMemoryStatus | |
CDialogOKMessage | |
CDialogYesNoMessage | Payload sent for message TMSG_GUI_DIALOG_YESNO |
CCApplicationMessenger | This implements a simple message dispatcher/router for Kodi |
CCDelayedMessage | |
CIMessageTarget | A class wishing to receive messages should implement this and call |
CThreadMessage | |
CThreadMessageCallback | |
CCDefaultMouseHandling | |
CCMouseEvent | Simple class for mouse events |
CCMouseInputHandling | Class to translate input from driver info to higher-level features |
CIMouseDriverHandler | Interface for handling mouse driver events |
CIMouseInputHandler | Interface for handling mouse events |
CIMouseInputProvider | Interface for classes that can provide mouse input |
CCLoopLockGuard | |
CCPipewire | |
CCPipewireContext | |
CCPipewireCore | |
CCPipewireNode | |
►CCPipewireProxy | |
CPipewireProxyDeleter | |
CCPipewireRegistry | |
CCPipewireStream | |
CCPipewireThreadLoop | |
Cspace_info | |
CApp | |
CCPlayList | |
CCPlayListASX | |
CCPlayListB4S | |
CCPlayListFactory | |
CCPlayListM3U | |
CCPlayListPlayer | |
CCPlayListPLS | |
CCPlayListRAM | |
CCPlayListURL | |
CCPlayListWPL | |
CCPlayListXML | |
CCPlayListXSPF | |
CCSmartPlaylist | |
CCSmartPlaylistFileItemListModifier | |
CCSmartPlaylistRule | |
CCSmartPlaylistRuleCombination | |
Cgroup | |
CSSortPlayListItem | |
CtranslateField | |
CAudioStreamPacket | |
CAudioStreamProperties | |
CCAudioTranslator | |
CCBaseRenderBuffer | |
CCBaseRenderBufferPool | |
CCBasicMemoryStream | |
CCCheevos | |
►CCDeltaPairMemoryStream | Implementation of a linear memory stream using XOR deltas |
CDeltaPair | |
CMemoryFrame | |
CCGameLoop | |
CCGameWindowFullScreen | |
CCGameWindowFullScreenText | |
CCGUIGameControl | |
CCGUIGameMessenger | Class to send messages to the GUI, if a GUI is present |
CCGUIGameRenderManager | Class to safely route commands between the GUI and RetroPlayer |
CCGUIGameSettings | |
CCGUIGameSettingsHandle | |
CCGUIGameVideoHandle | |
CCGUIPlaybackControl | Class to control playback by monitoring OSD status |
CCGUIRenderControl | |
CCGUIRenderControlHandle | |
CCGUIRenderFullScreen | |
CCGUIRenderFullScreenHandle | |
CCGUIRenderHandle | |
CCGUIRenderSettings | |
CCGUIRenderTarget | A target of rendering commands |
CCGUIRenderTargetFactory | |
CCLinearMemoryStream | |
CCRealtimePlayback | |
CCRenderBufferDMA | Special IRenderBuffer implementation for use with CBufferObject. This buffer type uses Direct Memory Access (DMA) sharing via file descriptors (fds). The file descriptor is then used to create an EGL image |
CCRenderBufferGuiTexture | |
►CCRenderBufferManager | |
CRenderBufferPools | |
CCRenderBufferOpenGL | |
CCRenderBufferOpenGLES | |
CCRenderBufferPoolDMA | Special IRenderBufferPool implementation that converts AVPixelFormat to DRM_FORMAT_* for use with CRenderBufferDMA |
CCRenderBufferPoolGuiTexture | |
CCRenderBufferPoolOpenGL | |
CCRenderBufferPoolOpenGLES | |
CCRenderBufferSysMem | |
CCRenderContext | |
CCRendererFactoryDMA | |
CCRendererFactoryGuiTexture | |
CCRendererFactoryOpenGL | |
CCRendererFactoryOpenGLES | |
CCRenderSettings | |
CCRenderTranslator | |
CCRenderUtils | |
CCRenderVideoSettings | Video settings provided by the rendering system |
CCRetroPlayer | |
CCRetroPlayerAudio | |
CCRetroPlayerAutoSave | |
CCRetroPlayerInput | |
CCRetroPlayerRendering | |
CCRetroPlayerUtils | |
CCRetroPlayerVideo | Renders video frames provided by the game loop |
CCReversiblePlayback | |
CCRPBaseRenderer | |
CCRPProcessInfo | Player process info |
CCRPProcessInfoAndroid | |
CCRPProcessInfoEGL | |
CCRPProcessInfoGbm | |
CCRPProcessInfoIOS | |
CCRPProcessInfoOSX | |
CCRPProcessInfoWayland | |
CCRPProcessInfoWin | |
CCRPProcessInfoX11 | |
CCRPRendererDMA | Special CRPBaseRenderer implementation to handle Direct Memory Access (DMA) buffer types. For specific use with CRenderBufferPoolDMA and CRenderBufferDMA. A windowing system must register use of this renderer and register at least one CBufferObject types |
CCRPRendererGuiTexture | |
►CCRPRendererOpenGL | |
CPackedVertex | |
CSvertex | |
CCRPRendererOpenGLES | |
CCRPRenderManager | Renders video frames provided by the game loop |
CCRPStreamManager | |
CCRPWinOutputShader | |
CCRPWinRenderer | |
CCSavestateDatabase | |
CCSavestateFlatBuffer | |
CCWinRenderBuffer | |
CCWinRenderBufferPool | |
CCWinRendererFactory | |
CDeleteStream | |
CHwFramebufferBuffer | |
CHwFramebufferPacket | |
CHwFramebufferProperties | |
CIAutoSaveCallback | |
CIGameCallback | |
CIGameLoopCallback | |
CIGUIRenderSettings | Interface to pass render settings from the GUI to the renderer |
CIMemoryStream | Stream of serialized states from game clients |
CIPlayback | |
CIPlaybackCallback | The playback client being controlled |
CIPlaybackControl | Class that can control playback and input |
CIRenderBuffer | |
CIRenderBufferPool | |
CIRenderCallback | |
CIRendererFactory | Rendering factory |
CIRenderManager | Interface to expose rendering functions to GUI components |
CIRetroPlayerStream | |
CISavestate | |
CIStreamManager | |
CStreamBuffer | |
CStreamPacket | |
CStreamProperties | |
CVideoStreamBuffer | |
CVideoStreamPacket | |
CVideoStreamProperties | |
CrenderOpts | |
Cstyle | |
CsubtitleOpts | |
CCSubtitlesSettings | |
►NTIME | |
CFileTime | |
CSystemTime | |
CTimeZoneInformation | |
CCDigest | |
CTypedDigest | |
CColorFloats | |
CColorInfo | |
►NEGL | |
CCEGLFence | |
CCGUIContentUtils | |
CCMovingSpeed | Class to calculate the velocity for a motion effect. To ensure it works, the GetUpdatedDistance method must be called at each input received (e.g. continuous key press of same key on the keyboard). The motion effect will stop at the event ID change (different key pressed) |
CEventCfg | |
CCFileHandle | |
CCMmap | |
CCSharedMemory | |
CCDisplayInfo | |
CCScopeGuard | Generic scopeguard designed to handle any type of handle |
Csortstringbyname | |
CStringUtils | |
CCVideoPlayActionProcessorBase | |
CCVideoSelectActionProcessorBase | |
CCVideoVersionHelper | |
►NTAGS | |
CCVideoTagExtractionHelper | |
CResumeInformation | |
CCVideoEmbeddedImageFileLoader | Generates a texture for an image embedded in a video file |
CCVideoGeneratedImageFileLoader | Generates a texture for a thumbnail of a video file, for a specific chapter or from a frame approx 1/3 into the video |
CCVideoInfoScanner | |
CCVideoInfoTagLoaderFactory | |
CIVideoInfoTagLoader | Base class for video tag loaders |
CIVideoItemArtworkHandler | |
CIVideoItemArtworkHandlerFactory | |
CSScanSettings | |
►NGBM | |
CCDRMAtomic | |
CCDRMConnector | |
CCDRMCrtc | |
CCDRMEncoder | |
CCDRMLegacy | |
►CCDRMObject | |
CDrmModeObjectPropertiesDeleter | |
CDrmModePropertyResDeleter | |
CCDRMPlane | |
CCDRMUtils | |
►CCGBMUtils | A wrapper for gbm c classes to allow OOP and RAII |
►CCGBMDevice | A wrapper for gbm_device to allow OOP and RAII |
►CCGBMSurface | A wrapper for gbm_surface to allow OOP and RAII |
CCGBMSurfaceBuffer | A wrapper for gbm_bo to allow OOP and RAII |
CCOffScreenModeSetting | |
CCVaapiProxy | |
CCVideoLayerBridge | |
CCWinSystemGbm | |
►CCWinSystemGbmEGLContext | |
Cdelete_CVaapiProxy | |
CCWinSystemGbmGLContext | |
CCWinSystemGbmGLESContext | |
Cdrm_fb | |
CCOSScreenSaverFreedesktop | |
CCWinSystemEGL | |
CCConnection | |
CCCursorUtil | |
CCInputProcessorKeyboard | |
CCInputProcessorPointer | |
CCInputProcessorTouch | |
CCOSScreenSaverIdleInhibitUnstableV1 | |
CCOSScreenSaverWebOS | |
►CCOutput | |
CMode | |
CCRegistry | |
CCSeat | |
CCSeatInputProcessing | |
CCSeatSelection | |
CCSeatWebOS | |
CCShellSurfaceWebOSShell | |
CCShellSurfaceWlShell | |
CCShellSurfaceXdgShell | |
CCShellSurfaceXdgShellUnstableV6 | |
CCVaapiProxy | |
CCVideoSyncWpPresentation | |
►CCWindowDecorator | |
CBuffer | |
CSurface | |
CCWinEventsWayland | |
CCWinSystemWayland | |
CCWinSystemWaylandEGLContext | |
►CCWinSystemWaylandEGLContextGL | |
Cdelete_CVaapiProxy | |
►CCWinSystemWaylandEGLContextGLES | |
Cdelete_CVaapiProxy | |
CCWinSystemWaylandWebOS | |
CCXkbcommonContext | |
►CCXkbcommonKeymap | |
CXkbComposeTableDeleter | |
CXkbKeymapDeleter | |
CIInputHandler | |
CIInputHandlerKeyboard | |
CIInputHandlerPointer | |
CIRawInputHandlerKeyboard | |
CIRawInputHandlerPointer | |
CIRawInputHandlerTouch | |
CIShellSurface | |
CIShellSurfaceHandler | |
CIWindowDecorationHandler | |
CKeyComposerStatus | |
CWaylandCPtrCompare | |
►NX11 | |
CCGLContextGLX | |
CCVaapiProxy | |
CCVideoSyncGLX | |
CCVideoSyncOML | |
CCWinEventsX11 | |
CCWinSystemX11 | |
►CCWinSystemX11GLContext | |
Cdelete_CVaapiProxy | |
CCWinSystemX11GLESContext | |
CCDummyOSScreenSaver | |
CCOSScreenSaverInhibitor | |
CCOSScreenSaverManager | |
CCWindowSystemFactory | |
CIOSScreenSaver | |
CCSignalHandlerList | |
CCSignalRegistration | |
CISignalHandlerData | |
►Nkodi | |
►Naddon | |
CAudioDecoderInfoTag | |
CAudioEncoderInfoTag | |
CCAddonBase | |
CCInstanceAudioDecoder | |
CCInstanceAudioEncoder | |
►CCInstanceGame | |
CCStream | |
CCInstanceImageDecoder | |
CCInstanceInputStream | |
CCInstancePeripheral | |
CCInstancePVRClient | |
CCInstanceScreensaver | |
►CCInstanceVFS | |
CCVFSCallbacks | |
CCInstanceVideoCodec | |
CCInstanceVisualization | |
CCPrivateBase | Internal used structure to have stored C API data above and available for everything below |
CCSettingValue | |
CCStructHdl | |
CDriverPrimitive | |
CDynamicCStructHdl | |
CGameControllerLayout | |
CIAddonInstance | |
CIInstanceInfo | |
CImageDecoderInfoTag | |
CInputstreamCapabilities | |
CInputstreamContentlightMetadata | |
CInputstreamInfo | |
CInputstreamMasteringMetadata | |
CInputstreamProperty | |
CInputstreamTimes | |
CJoystick | |
CJoystickFeature | |
CPeripheral | |
CPeripheralCapabilities | |
CPeripheralEvent | |
CPeripheralVector | |
CPVRCapabilities | |
CPVRChannel | |
CPVRChannelGroup | |
CPVRChannelGroupMember | |
CPVRChannelGroupMembersResultSet | |
CPVRChannelGroupsResultSet | |
CPVRChannelsResultSet | |
CPVRCodec | |
CPVRDescrambleInfo | |
CPVREDLEntry | |
CPVREPGTagsResultSet | |
CPVRIntSettingDefinition | |
CPVRMenuhook | |
CPVRProvider | |
CPVRProvidersResultSet | |
CPVRRecording | |
CPVRRecordingsResultSet | |
CPVRSettingDefinition | |
CPVRSettingKeyValuePair | |
CPVRSignalStatus | |
CPVRStreamProperties | |
CPVRStreamProperty | |
CPVRStreamTimes | |
CPVRStringSettingDefinition | |
CPVRTimer | |
CPVRTimersResultSet | |
CPVRTimerType | |
CPVRTypeIntValue | |
CPVRTypeStringValue | |
CStreamCryptoSession | |
CVFSUrl | |
CVideoCodecInitdata | |
CVisualizationTrack | |
►Naudioengine | |
CAudioEngineFormat | |
CCAEStream | |
►Ngui | |
►Ncontrols | |
CCButton | |
CCEdit | |
CCFadeLabel | |
CCImage | |
CCLabel | |
CCProgress | |
CCRadioButton | |
CCRendering | |
CCSettingsSlider | |
CCSlider | |
CCSpin | |
CCTextBox | |
►Ndialogs | |
CCExtendedProgress | |
CCProgress | |
CSSelectionEntry | Selection entry structure
Used to provide the necessary data for the selection dialog and to declare the selected position in it |
►Ngl | |
CCPixelShader | CPixelShader |
CCShader | CShader - base class |
CCShaderProgram | |
CCVertexShader | CVertexShader |
CCAddonGUIControlBase | |
CCListItem | |
CCRenderHelperStub | |
CCWindow | |
CIRenderHelper | |
►Nplatform | |
CCInterfaceAndroidSystem | |
►Ntools | |
CCDllHelper | |
CCEndTime | |
CCThread | |
►CCTimer | |
CITimerCallback | |
CStringUtils | |
►Nvfs | |
CCacheStatus | |
CCDirEntry | |
CCFile | |
CFileStatus | |
CHttpHeader | |
CStorageDevice | Abstracts a generic storage device |
CCCdInfo | |
CCCdIoSupport | |
CCLibcdio | |
Csignature | |
CCMusicAlbumInfo | |
CCMusicArtistInfo | |
CCMusicInfoScraper | |
CCMusicEmbeddedImageFileLoader | Generates a texture for an image embedded in a music file |
CCMusicInfoLoader | |
CCMusicInfoScanner | |
CCMusicInfoTag | |
CCMusicInfoTagLoaderCDDA | |
CCMusicInfoTagLoaderDatabase | |
CCMusicInfoTagLoaderFactory | |
CCMusicInfoTagLoaderFFmpeg | |
CCMusicInfoTagLoaderSHN | |
CIMusicInfoTagLoader | |
CTagLibVFSStream | |
CCSetArtJob | |
CCSetSongRatingJob | |
CCLircContainer | |
Cdelete_CLircContainer | |
CCOverlay | |
►CCOverlayGlyphGL | |
►CCOverlayGlyphGLES | |
CCOverlayImageDX | |
CCOverlayQuadsDX | |
CCOverlayTextureGL | |
CCOverlayTextureGLES | |
►CCRenderer | |
CSElement | |
CSQuad | |
CSQuads | |
CSRenderState | |
CCAddonButtonMap | |
CCAddonButtonMapping | |
CCAddonInputHandling | |
CCAndroidJoystickState | |
CCAndroidJoystickTranslator | |
CCEventLockHandle | Handle returned by the event scanner to disable event processing |
CCEventPollHandle | Handle returned by the event scanner to control scan timing |
CCEventScanner | Class to scan for peripheral events |
CCGUIDialogPeripherals | |
CCGUIDialogPeripheralSettings | |
CCPeripheral | |
CCPeripheralAddon | |
CCPeripheralAddonTranslator | |
CCPeripheralBluetooth | |
CCPeripheralBus | |
CCPeripheralBusAddon | |
CCPeripheralBusAndroid | |
CCPeripheralBusApplication | |
CCPeripheralBusCEC | |
CCPeripheralBusGCController | |
CCPeripheralBusUSB | |
CCPeripheralCecAdapter | |
CCPeripheralCecAdapterReopenJob | |
CCPeripheralDisk | |
CCPeripheralHID | |
CCPeripheralImon | |
►CCPeripheralJoystick | |
CDriverHandler | |
CCPeripheralKeyboard | |
CCPeripheralMouse | |
CCPeripheralNIC | |
CCPeripheralNyxboard | |
CCPeripherals | |
CCPeripheralTuner | |
CIEventLockCallback | Callback implemented by event scanner |
CIEventPollCallback | Callback implemented by event scanner |
CIEventScannerCallback | |
CPeripheralDeviceMapping | |
CPeripheralDeviceSetting | |
CPeripheralID | |
CPeripheralScanResult | |
CPeripheralScanResults | |
CPeripheralTypeTranslator | |
►NPVR | |
CPVRClientMenuHook | |
CCCodecIds | |
CCEpgTagStateChange | |
CCEpgUpdateRequest | |
CCGUIDialogPVRChannelGuide | |
CCGUIDialogPVRChannelManager | |
CCGUIDialogPVRChannelsOSD | |
CCGUIDialogPVRClientPriorities | |
CCGUIDialogPVRGroupManager | |
CCGUIDialogPVRGuideControls | |
CCGUIDialogPVRGuideInfo | |
CCGUIDialogPVRGuideSearch | |
CCGUIDialogPVRItemsViewBase | |
CCGUIDialogPVRRadioRDSInfo | |
CCGUIDialogPVRRecordingInfo | |
CCGUIDialogPVRRecordingSettings | |
CCGUIDialogPVRTimerSettings | |
CCGUIEPGGridContainer | |
CCGUIEPGGridContainerModel | |
CCGUIPVRChannelGroupsSelector | |
CCGUIPVRRecordingsPlayActionProcessor | |
CCGUIViewStatePVR | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPVRChannels | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPVRGuide | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPVRProviders | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPVRRecordings | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPVRSearch | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPVRTimers | |
CCGUIWindowPVRBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRChannelsBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRGuideBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRProvidersBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioChannels | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioGuide | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioProviders | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioRecordings | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioSearch | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioTimerRules | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRadioTimers | |
CCGUIWindowPVRRecordingsBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRSearchBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTimersBase | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVChannels | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVGuide | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVProviders | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVRecordings | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVSearch | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVTimerRules | |
CCGUIWindowPVRTVTimers | |
CCPVRCachedImage | |
CCPVRCachedImages | |
CCPVRChannel | |
CCPVRChannelGroup | |
CCPVRChannelGroupAllChannels | |
CCPVRChannelGroupAllChannelsSingleClient | |
CCPVRChannelGroupFactory | |
CCPVRChannelGroupFromClient | |
CCPVRChannelGroupFromUser | |
CCPVRChannelGroupImageFileLoader | Generates a thumbnail for a PVR channel group; tile up to 9 channel icons in the group |
CCPVRChannelGroupMember | |
CCPVRChannelGroupMergedByName | |
CCPVRChannelGroups | |
CCPVRChannelGroupsContainer | |
CCPVRChannelGroupSettings | |
CCPVRChannelNumber | |
CCPVRChannelNumberInputHandler | |
CCPVRChannelsPath | |
CCPVRChannelSwitchingInputHandler | |
CCPVRClient | |
CCPVRClientCapabilities | |
CCPVRClientMenuHook | |
CCPVRClientMenuHooks | |
CCPVRClients | |
CCPVRClientUID | |
CCPVRComponentRegistration | |
CCPVRContextMenuManager | |
CCPVRCustomTimerSettings | |
CCPVRDatabase | |
CCPVRDescrambleInfo | |
CCPVREdl | |
CCPVREpg | |
CCPVREpgChannelData | |
CCPVREpgContainer | |
CCPVREpgDatabase | |
CCPVREpgInfoTag | |
CCPVREpgSearch | |
CCPVREpgSearchFilter | |
CCPVREpgSearchPath | |
CCPVREpgTagsCache | |
CCPVREpgTagsContainer | |
CCPVREventLogJob | |
CCPVRGUIActionListener | |
CCPVRGUIActionsChannels | |
CCPVRGUIActionsClients | |
CCPVRGUIActionsDatabase | |
CCPVRGUIActionsParentalControl | |
CCPVRGUIActionsPlayback | |
CCPVRGUIActionsPowerManagement | |
CCPVRGUIActionsRecordings | |
CCPVRGUIActionsTimers | |
CCPVRGUIActionsUtils | |
CCPVRGUIAnyTimerInfo | |
CCPVRGUIChannelIconUpdater | |
CCPVRGUIChannelNavigator | |
CCPVRGUIDirectory | |
CCPVRGUIProgressHandler | |
CCPVRGUIRadioTimerInfo | |
CCPVRGUITimerInfo | |
CCPVRGUITimesInfo | |
CCPVRIntSettingDefinition | |
CCPVRIntSettingValues | |
CCPVRItem | |
CCPVRManager | |
CCPVRManagerJobQueue | |
►CCPVRPlaybackState | |
CCLastWatchedUpdateTimer | |
CCPVRProvider | |
CCPVRProviders | |
CCPVRProvidersContainer | |
CCPVRProvidersPath | |
CCPVRRadioRDSInfoTag | |
CCPVRRecording | |
CCPVRRecordings | |
CCPVRRecordingsPath | |
CCPVRRecordingUid | Representation of a CPVRRecording unique ID |
CCPVRRefreshTimelineItemsThread | |
CCPVRSettings | |
CCPVRSignalStatus | |
CCPVRStreamProperties | |
CCPVRStringSettingDefinition | |
CCPVRStringSettingValues | |
CCPVRThumbLoader | |
►CCPVRTimerInfoTag | |
CCustomPropDetails | Custom property detail: type, value |
CCPVRTimerRuleMatcher | |
CCPVRTimers | |
CCPVRTimersContainer | |
CCPVRTimerSettingDefinition | |
CCPVRTimersPath | |
CCPVRTimerType | |
CGridItem | |
CIChannelGroupSettingsCallback | |
CIPVRComponent | |
CIPVRSettingsContainer | |
CPVRChannelNumberInputChangedEvent | |
CPVRContextMenuEvent | |
CPVREpgSearchData | |
CPVRImagePattern | |
CPVRPreviewAndPlayerShowInfoChangedEvent | |
CSBackend | |
►NPythonBindings | |
CDirector | |
CPyHolder | |
CPyObjectDecrementor | |
CPythonCompare | |
CPythonToCppException | |
CTypeInfo | |
►NShaders | |
►NGL | |
CBaseVideoFilterShader | |
CBaseYUV2RGBGLSLShader | |
CConvolutionFilterShader | |
CDefaultFilterShader | |
CStretchFilterShader | |
CYUV2RGBFilterShader4 | |
CYUV2RGBProgressiveShader | |
►NGLES | |
CBaseVideoFilterShader | |
CBaseYUV2RGBGLSLShader | |
CConvolutionFilterShader | |
CDefaultFilterShader | |
CYUV2RGBBobShader | |
CYUV2RGBFilterShader | |
CYUV2RGBProgressiveShader | |
CCGLSLPixelShader | |
CCGLSLShaderProgram | |
CCGLSLVertexShader | |
CCPixelShader | |
CCShader | |
CCShaderProgram | |
CCVertexShader | |
CGLSLOutput | |
CCAddress | |
CCBaseSocket | |
CCPosixUDPSocket | |
CCSocketFactory | |
CCSocketListener | |
CCUDPSocket | |
►Nspdlog | |
►Nsinks | |
Cdist_sink | |
►Nspeech | |
CISpeechRecognition | |
CISpeechRecognitionListener | |
►NUPNP | |
CCCtrlPointReferenceHolder | |
CCDeviceHostReferenceHolder | |
CCMediaBrowser | |
CCMediaController | |
CCRendererReferenceHolder | |
CCResourceFinder | |
CCUPnP | |
CCUPnPCleaner | |
CCUPnPPlayer | |
CCUPnPPlayerController | |
CCUPnPRenderer | |
CCUPnPServer | |
CResourcePrioritySort | |
CDiscInfo | Abstracts the info the app knows about a disc (type, name, serial) |
CCDecoder | |
CCFFmpegPostproc | |
CCOutput | |
CCOutputControlProtocol | |
CCOutputDataProtocol | |
CCPostproc | |
CCSkipPostproc | |
►CCVaapi1Texture | |
CGLSurface | |
CCVaapi2Texture | |
CCVaapiBufferPool | |
CCVaapiBufferStats | |
CCVaapiConfig | |
CCVAAPIContext | |
CCVaapiDecodedPicture | |
CCVaapiProcessedPicture | |
CCVaapiRenderPicture | |
CCVaapiTexture | |
CCVideoSurfaces | |
CCVppPostproc | |
CInteropInfo | |
CIVaapiWinSystem | |
CSDiMethods | |
►CCDecoder | |
CDesc | |
CCInteropState | |
CCMixer | |
CCMixerControlProtocol | |
CCMixerDataProtocol | |
CCOutput | |
CCOutputControlProtocol | |
CCOutputDataProtocol | |
CCVdpauBufferPool | |
CCVdpauBufferStats | |
CCVdpauConfig | |
CCVDPAUContext | |
CCVdpauDecodedPicture | |
CCVdpauProcessedPicture | |
CCVdpauRenderPicture | |
►CCVdpauTexture | |
CGLSurface | |
CCVideoSurfaces | |
CInteropInfo | |
CVDPAU_procs | |
CCProcessInfoAndroid | |
CCProcessInfoGBM | |
CCProcessInfoIOS | |
CCProcessInfoOSX | |
CCProcessInfoWayland | |
CCProcessInfoWin | |
CCProcessInfoWin10 | |
CCProcessInfoX11 | |
CCRendererFactory | |
►NVTB | |
CCDecoder | |
CCVideoBufferPoolVTB | |
CCVideoBufferVTB | |
►NWSDiscovery | |
CCClientNotificationSink | |
CCWSDiscoveryListenerUDP | |
CCWSDiscoveryPosix | |
CCWSDiscoveryWindows | |
CIWSDiscovery | |
Cwsd_req_info | |
►NXBMCAddon | |
►NPython | |
CPyContext | |
CPyContextState | |
CPyGILLock | |
CPythonCallbackHandler | |
CPythonLanguageHook | |
►Nxbmc | |
CActor | |
CAudioStreamDetail | |
CInfoTagGame | |
CInfoTagMusic | |
CInfoTagPicture | |
CInfoTagRadioRDS | |
CInfoTagVideo | |
CKeyboard | |
CMonitor | |
CPlayer | |
CPlayList | |
CRenderCapture | |
CSubtitleStreamDetail | |
CVideoStreamDetail | |
►Nxbmcaddon | |
CAddon | |
CSettings | |
►Nxbmcdrm | |
CCryptoSession | Kodi's DRM class. |
►Nxbmcgui | |
CAction | Action class. |
CControl | |
CControlButton | |
CControlEdit | |
CControlFadeLabel | |
CControlGroup | |
CControlImage | |
CControlLabel | |
CControlList | |
CControlProgress | |
CControlRadioButton | |
CControlSlider | |
CControlSpin | |
CControlTextBox | |
CDialog | |
CDialogProgress | |
CDialogProgressBG | |
CInterceptor | |
CInterceptorBase | |
CInterceptorDialog | |
CListItem | |
CMaybeLock | |
CProxyExistingWindowInterceptor | |
Cref | |
CSingleLockWithDelayGuard | |
CWindow | |
CWindowDialog | |
CWindowDialogMixin | |
CWindowXML | |
CWindowXMLDialog | |
CWindowXMLInterceptor | |
►Nxbmcvfs | |
CFile | |
CStat | |
►Nxbmcwsgi | |
CWsgiErrorStream | |
CWsgiInputStream | |
CWsgiInputStreamIterator | |
CWsgiResponse | |
CWsgiResponseBody | |
CAddonCallback | |
►CAddonClass | |
CRef | |
CAlternative | |
CAsyncCallbackMessage | |
CCallback | |
CCallbackFunction | |
CCallbackFunction< M, AddonClass::Ref< P1 >, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type > | |
CCallbackFunction< M, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type > | |
CCallbackFunction< M, P1, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type > | |
CCallbackFunction< M, P1, P2, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type > | |
CCallbackFunction< M, P1, P2, P3, cb_null_type, cb_null_type > | |
CCallbackHandler | |
Ccb_null_type | |
CDelayedCallGuard | |
CDictionary | |
CLanguageHook | |
CList | |
CRetardedAsyncCallbackHandler | |
CSetLanguageHookGuard | |
CTuple | |
CTuple< T1, T2, T3, T4, tuple_null_type > | |
CTuple< T1, T2, T3, tuple_null_type, tuple_null_type > | |
CTuple< T1, T2, tuple_null_type, tuple_null_type, tuple_null_type > | |
CTuple< T1, tuple_null_type, tuple_null_type, tuple_null_type, tuple_null_type > | |
Ctuple_null_type | |
CTupleBase | |
CUnhandledException | |
CUnimplementedException | |
►NXBMCAddonUtils | |
CGuiLock | |
CInvertSingleLockGuard | |
►NXbmcCommons | |
CBuffer | |
CBufferException | |
CException | |
►NXbmcThreads | |
CCEventGroup | CEventGroup is a means of grouping CEvents to wait on them together. It is equivalent to WaitOnMultipleObject that returns when "any" Event in the group signaled |
CConditionVariable | |
CCountingLockable | |
CCRecursiveMutex | This class exists purely for the ability to set mutex attribute PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT. Currently there is no way to set this using std::recursive_mutex |
CEndTime | |
CEndTime< T, true > | |
Cis_chrono_duration | |
Cis_chrono_duration< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > | |
►Nxbmcutil | |
►Ntest | |
CTestGlobalPattern1 | |
CGlobalsSingleton | |
CInitFlag | |
CDllLibCurl | |
►CDllLibCurlGlobal | |
CSSession | |
CCDirectoryNode | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbum | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbumRecentlyAdded | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbumRecentlyAddedSong | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbumRecentlyPlayed | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbumRecentlyPlayedSong | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbumTop100 | |
CCDirectoryNodeAlbumTop100Song | |
CCDirectoryNodeArtist | |
CCDirectoryNodeDiscs | |
CCDirectoryNodeGrouped | |
CCDirectoryNodeOverview | |
CCDirectoryNodeRoot | |
CCDirectoryNodeSingles | |
CCDirectoryNodeSong | |
CCDirectoryNodeSongTop100 | |
CCDirectoryNodeTop100 | |
CCQueryParams | |
CNode | |
CCDirectoryNode | |
CCDirectoryNodeEpisodes | |
CCDirectoryNodeGrouped | |
CCDirectoryNodeInProgressTvShows | |
CCDirectoryNodeMoviesOverview | |
CCDirectoryNodeMusicVideosOverview | |
CCDirectoryNodeOverview | |
CCDirectoryNodeRecentlyAddedEpisodes | |
CCDirectoryNodeRecentlyAddedMovies | |
CCDirectoryNodeRecentlyAddedMusicVideos | |
CCDirectoryNodeRoot | |
CCDirectoryNodeSeasons | |
CCDirectoryNodeTitleMovies | |
CCDirectoryNodeTitleMusicVideos | |
CCDirectoryNodeTitleTvShows | |
CCDirectoryNodeTvShowsOverview | |
CCQueryParams | |
CNode | |
CCAddonsDirectory | Get access to shares and it's directories |
CCAndroidAppDirectory | |
CCAPKDirectory | |
CCAPKFile | |
CCAudioBookFileDirectory | |
CCBlurayDirectory | |
CCBlurayFile | |
CCCacheStrategy | |
CCCDDADirectory | |
CCCircularCache | |
►CCCurlFile | |
CCReadState | |
CCDAVCommon | |
CCDAVDirectory | |
CCDAVFile | |
►CCDirectory | Wrappers for IDirectory |
CCHints | |
CCDirectoryCache | |
CCDirectoryFactory | Get access to a directory of a file system |
CCDoubleCache | |
CCDVDDirectory | Abstracts a DVD virtual directory (dvd://) which in turn points to the actual physical drive |
CCEventsDirectory | |
CCFavouritesDirectory | |
►CCFile | |
CReadLineResult | |
CCFileAndroidApp | |
CCFileCache | |
CCFileCDDA | |
CCFileDirectoryFactory | |
CCFileFactory | |
CCFileStream | |
CCFileStreamBuffer | |
CCFTPDirectory | |
CCHTTPDirectory | |
CCImageFile | |
CCISO9660Directory | |
CCISO9660File | |
CCLibraryDirectory | |
CCMultiPathDirectory | |
CCMultiPathFile | |
CCMusicDatabaseDirectory | |
CCMusicDatabaseFile | |
CCMusicFileDirectory | |
CCMusicSearchDirectory | |
CCNFSDirectory | |
CCNFSFile | |
CCOverrideDirectory | |
CCOverrideFile | |
CCPipeFile | |
CCPlaylistDirectory | |
CCPlaylistFileDirectory | |
CCPluginDirectory | |
CCPluginFile | |
CCPosixDirectory | |
CCPosixFile | |
CCPVRDirectory | |
CCRedirectException | |
CCResourceDirectory | |
CCResourceFile | |
CCRSSDirectory | |
CCShoutcastFile | |
CCSimpleFileCache | |
CCSmartPlaylistDirectory | |
CCSMBDirectory | |
CCSMBFile | |
CCSourcesDirectory | |
CCSpecialProtocolDirectory | |
CCSpecialProtocolFile | |
CCStackDirectory | |
CCTVOSDirectory | |
CCTVOSFile | |
CCUDFDirectory | |
CCUDFFile | |
CCUPnPDirectory | |
CCUPnPFile | |
CCVideoDatabaseDirectory | |
CCVideoDatabaseFile | |
CCVirtualDirectory | Get access to shares and it's directories |
CCWin32Directory | |
CCWin32File | |
CCWin32SMBDirectory | |
CCWin32SMBFile | |
CCWinLibraryDirectory | |
CCWinLibraryFile | |
CCXbtDirectory | |
CCXbtFile | |
CCXbtManager | |
CCZeroconfDirectory | |
CCZipDirectory | |
CCZipFile | |
CIDirectory | Interface to the directory on a file system |
►CIFile | |
CReadLineResult | |
CIFileCallback | |
CIFileDirectory | |
CIPipeListener | |
CPipe | |
CPipesManager | |
CSCacheStatus | |
CSNativeIoControl | |
C__attribute__ | |
C_stati64 | |
C_WDIR | |
C_wdirent | |
CAddonDatabaseTest | |
CAddonGlobalInterface | Main structure passed from kodi to addon with basic information needed to create add-on |
CAddonInstance_AudioDecoder | |
CAddonInstance_AudioEncoder | |
CAddonInstance_Game | Game instance |
CAddonInstance_ImageDecoder | |
CAddonInstance_InputStream | |
CAddonInstance_Peripheral | |
CAddonInstance_PVR | |
CAddonInstance_Screensaver | |
CAddonInstance_VFSEntry | |
CAddonInstance_VideoCodec | |
CAddonInstance_Visualization | |
CAddonKeyboardKeyTable | |
CAddonProperties_PVR | Structure to define typical standard values |
CAddonProps_Game | Game properties |
CAddonProps_InputStream | "C" ABI Structures to transfer the methods from this to Kodi |
CAddonProps_Peripheral | |
CAddonProps_VFSEntry | |
CAddonProps_VideoCodec | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_Addon | Callback function tables from addon to Kodi Set complete from Kodi! |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_android_system | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_AudioDecoder | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_AudioEncoder | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_Game | Game callbacks |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_ImageDecoder | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_InputStream | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_addon | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_audioengine | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_filesystem | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_button | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_edit | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_fade_label | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_image | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_label | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_progress | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_radio_button | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_rendering | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_settings_slider | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_slider | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_spin | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_control_text_box | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogContextMenu | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogExtendedProgress | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogFileBrowser | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogKeyboard | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogNumeric | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogOK | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogProgress | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogSelect | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogTextViewer | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogYesNo | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_general | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_listItem | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_window | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_network | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_Peripheral | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_PVR | Structure to transfer the methods from Kodi to addon |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_Screensaver | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_VFSEntry | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_VideoCodec | |
CAddonToKodiFuncTable_Visualization | |
CAdvancedSettingsResetBase | |
CAEAudioFormat | |
CAEDelayStatus | |
CAEDeviceEnumerationOSX | |
CAERingBuffer | |
CAEWASAPIDeviceWin10 | |
CAEWASAPIDeviceWin32 | |
Camc_demux | |
CandroidIcon | |
CandroidPackage | |
CArtForThumbLoader | A structure used for fetching music art data |
CArtistVideoLinks | |
CAtomicGuard | |
CAUDIO_ENGINE_FORMAT | Internal API structure which are used for data exchange between Kodi and addon |
CAudioBookTest | |
CAudioClassifyTest | |
CAudioStreamInfo | |
CAudioTest | |
CAVDisplayCriteria() | |
CBackTweener | |
CBase64 | |
CBaseTestType | |
CBitstreamStats | |
CBlurayState | Pod structure which represents the current Bluray state |
CBounceTweener | |
CBufferReader | |
CButtonStateFinder | |
CCAAudioUnitSink | |
CCAbstractPowerSyscall | |
CCachedDirEntry | |
CCacheInfo | |
CCachingCodec | |
CCAction | Class encapsulating information regarding a particular user action to be sent to windows and controls |
CCAddonBuiltins | Class providing add-on related built-in commands |
CCAddonEvent | |
CCAddonManagementEvent | |
CCAddonPythonInvoker | |
►CCAddOnTransport | |
CCAddOnClient | |
CCAddonVideoCodec | |
CCADeviceInstance | |
CCADisplayLinkWrapper | |
CCAdvancedSettings | |
CCAEBitstreamPacker | |
CCAEChannelInfo | |
CCAEDeviceInfo | |
CCAEELDParser | |
CCAEEncoderFFmpeg | |
CCAELimiter | |
CCAEPackIEC61937 | |
CCAESinkDirectSound | |
CCAESinkFactoryWin | |
CCAESinkStarfish | |
CCAESinkXAudio | |
CCAESpinLock | |
CCAESpinSection | Lockless consistency guaranteeer |
CCAEStreamInfo | |
CCAEStreamParser | |
CCAESyncInfo | |
CCAEUtil | |
CCAirPlayServer | |
CCAirTunesServer | |
CCAlarmClock | |
CCAlbum | |
CCALSADeviceMonitor | |
CCALSAHControlMonitor | |
CCAndroidBuiltins | Class providing CEC related built-in commands |
CCAndroidInterfaceForCLog | |
CCAndroidJoyStick | |
CCAndroidKey | |
CCAndroidMouse | |
CCAndroidPowerSyscall | |
CCAndroidStorageProvider | |
CCAndroidTouch | |
CCAndroidUtils | |
CCAnimation | |
CCAnimEffect | |
CCAnnounceReceiver | |
CCAppEnvironment | |
CCAppInboundProtocol | |
CCApplication | |
CCApplicationActionListeners | Class handling application support for action listeners |
CCApplicationBuiltins | Class providing application related built-in commands |
CCApplicationPlayer | |
CCApplicationPlayerCallback | |
CCApplicationPowerHandling | Class handling application support for screensavers, dpms and shutdown timers |
CCApplicationSettingsHandling | Class handling application support for settings |
CCApplicationSkinHandling | Class handling application support for skin management |
►CCApplicationStackHelper | |
CStackPartInformation | |
►CCApplicationVolumeHandling | Class handling application support for audio volume management |
CReplayGainSettings | |
CCAppParamParser | |
CCAppParamParserLinux | |
CCAppParamParserWebOS | |
CCAppParams | |
CCArchive | |
CCArtist | |
CCArtistCredit | |
CCArtItem | |
CCAspectRatio | |
CCAudioBuffer | |
CCAudioDecoder | |
CCAudioInterfaceActivator | |
CCAudioSinkAE | |
CCAutorunMediaJob | |
CCAutoSwitch | |
CCBackgroundInfoLoader | |
CCBackgroundPicLoader | |
CCBaseEvent | |
CCBaseRenderer | |
CCBitstream | |
►CCBitstreamConverter | |
Comx_bitstream_ctx | |
CCBitstreamParser | |
CCBitstreamReader | |
CCBlockingEventSource | |
CCBlurayCallback | |
CCBlurayStateSerializer | Auxiliar class to serialize/deserialize the Bluray state (into/from XML) |
CCBookmark | |
CCBooleanLogic | |
CCBooleanLogicOperation | |
CCBooleanLogicValue | |
CCBPeripheralBusGCControllerManager | |
CCBufferObject | Base class for using the IBufferObject interface. Derived classes should be based on this class |
CCBufferObjectFactory | Factory that provides CBufferObject registration and creation |
►CCBuiltins | |
CBUILT_IN | Struct representing a command from handler classes |
CCBusyWaiter | |
Ccc708_service_decoder | |
Ccc_attribute_s | |
Ccc_buffer_s | |
Ccc_char_cell_s | |
Ccc_decoder_s | |
Ccc_memory_s | |
Ccc_row_s | |
CCCaptionBlock | |
CCCECBuiltins | Class providing CEC related built-in commands |
CCCharArrayParser | Wraps a char array, providing a set of methods for parsing data from it |
►CCCharsetConverter | |
CCInnerConverter | |
CCCharsetDetection | |
CCCocoaDPMSSupport | |
CCCocoaPowerSyscall | |
CCColorManager | |
CCCompileInfo | |
CCComponentContainer | A generic container for components |
CCConsoleUPowerSyscall | |
CCContextButtons | |
CCContextItemAddonInvoker | |
CCContextMenuItem | |
CCContextMenuManager | |
CCControlState | |
CCConverterType | |
CCConvertMatrix | Helper class used for YUV to RGB conversions. This class can take into account different source/destination primaries and various other parameters |
CCConvolutionKernel | |
►CCConvolutionShader | |
CVertex | |
CCConvolutionShader1Pass | |
CCConvolutionShaderSeparable | |
CCCoreAudioChannelLayout | |
CCCoreAudioDevice | |
CCCoreAudioHardware | |
CCCoreAudioStream | |
CCCPUInfo | |
CCCPUInfoAndroid | |
CCCPUInfoDarwinEmbed | |
CCCPUInfoFreebsd | |
CCCPUInfoLinux | |
CCCPUInfoOsx | |
CCCPUInfoPosix | |
CCCPUInfoWin10 | |
CCCPUInfoWin32 | |
CCCueDocument | |
CCCurrentStream | |
CCD3DBuffer | |
CCD3DEffect | |
CCD3DHelper | |
CCD3DPixelShader | |
CCD3DTexture | |
CCD3DVertexShader | |
CCDarwinEmbedKeyboard | |
CCDarwinEmbedKeyboardImpl | |
CCDarwinEmbedUtils | |
CCDarwinInterfaceForCLog | |
CCDarwinUtils | |
►CCDatabase | |
CDatasetFieldInfo | |
CDatasetLayout | |
CExistsSubQuery | |
CFilter | |
CCDatabaseManager | Database manager class for handling database updating |
CCDatabaseQueryRule | |
CCDatabaseQueryRuleCombination | |
►CCDataCacheCore | |
CSContentInfo | |
CSPlayerAudioInfo | |
CSPlayerVideoInfo | |
CSRenderInfo | |
CSStateInfo | |
CSTimeInfo | |
CCDateTime | DateTime class, which uses FileTime as it's base |
CCDateTimeSpan | |
CCDbUrl | |
CCDBusConnection | |
CCDBusError | |
CCDBusMessage | |
CCDBusUtil | |
CCDDATest | |
CCDDSImage | |
►CCDebugRenderer | |
CCRenderer | |
CCDecoderCC708 | |
CCDecoderFilter | Declaration of CDecoderFilter |
CCDecoderFilterManager | Class which handles multiple CDecoderFilter elements |
CCDemuxMultiSource | |
CCDemuxParserFFmpeg | |
CCDemuxStream | |
CCDemuxStreamAudio | |
CCDemuxStreamAudioBXA | |
CCDemuxStreamAudioCDDA | |
CCDemuxStreamAudioFFmpeg | |
CCDemuxStreamAudioID3 | |
CCDemuxStreamClientInternal | |
CCDemuxStreamClientInternalTpl | |
CCDemuxStreamRadioRDS | |
CCDemuxStreamSubtitle | |
CCDemuxStreamSubtitleFFmpeg | |
CCDemuxStreamTeletext | |
CCDemuxStreamVideo | |
CCDemuxStreamVideoFFmpeg | |
CCDetectDisc | |
►CCDirectoryHistory | |
CCHistoryItem | |
CCPathHistoryItem | |
CCDirectoryJob | |
CCDirectoryProvider | |
CCDirtyRegion | |
CCDirtyRegionTracker | |
CCDiscDriveHandlerPosix | |
CCDiscoAlbum | |
CCDiscSettings | |
CCDisplaySettings | |
CCDMAHeapBufferObject | |
►CCDNSNameCache | |
CCDNSName | |
CCDPMSSupport | |
CCDriverMonitor | |
►CCDroppingStats | |
CCGain | |
CCDumbBufferObject | |
CCDVDAudioCodec | |
CCDVDAudioCodecAndroidMediaCodec | |
CCDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg | |
CCDVDAudioCodecPassthrough | |
CCDVDClock | |
CCDVDCodecOption | |
CCDVDCodecOptions | |
CCDVDCodecUtils | |
CCDVDDemux | |
►CCDVDDemuxCC | |
Cstreamdata | |
CCDVDDemuxClient | |
CCDVDDemuxFFmpeg | |
CCDVDDemuxUtils | |
CCDVDDemuxVobsub | |
CCDVDFactoryCodec | |
CCDVDFactoryDemuxer | |
CCDVDFactoryInputStream | |
CCDVDFactorySubtitle | |
CCDVDFileInfo | |
►CCDVDInputStream | |
CIChapter | |
CIDemux | |
CIDisplayTime | |
CIMenus | |
CIPosTime | |
►CITimes | |
CTimes | |
►CCDVDInputStreamBluray | |
CSPlane | |
CCDVDInputStreamFFmpeg | |
CCDVDInputStreamFile | |
CCDVDInputStreamMemory | |
CCDVDInputStreamNavigator | |
►CCDVDInputStreamStack | |
CTSeg | |
CCDVDMediaCodecOnFrameAvailable | |
CCDVDMessageQueue | |
CCDVDMsg | |
CCDVDMsgAudioCodecChange | |
CCDVDMsgDemuxerPacket | |
CCDVDMsgDemuxerReset | |
CCDVDMsgGeneralSynchronize | |
CCDVDMsgGeneralSynchronizePriv | |
►CCDVDMsgOpenFile | |
CFileParams | |
►CCDVDMsgPlayerSeek | |
CCMode | |
CCDVDMsgPlayerSeekChapter | |
CCDVDMsgPlayerSetAudioStream | |
►CCDVDMsgPlayerSetSpeed | |
CSpeedParams | |
CCDVDMsgPlayerSetState | |
CCDVDMsgPlayerSetSubtitleStream | |
CCDVDMsgPlayerSetVideoStream | |
CCDVDMsgSubtitleClutChange | |
CCDVDMsgType | |
CCDVDMsgVideoCodecChange | |
CCDVDOverlay | |
►CCDVDOverlayCodec | |
CSubtitlePacketExtraData | |
CCDVDOverlayCodecCCText | |
CCDVDOverlayCodecFFmpeg | |
CCDVDOverlayCodecSSA | |
CCDVDOverlayCodecText | |
CCDVDOverlayCodecTX3G | |
CCDVDOverlayContainer | |
CCDVDOverlayGroup | |
CCDVDOverlayImage | |
CCDVDOverlayLibass | |
CCDVDOverlaySpu | |
CCDVDOverlaySSA | |
CCDVDOverlayText | |
CCDVDRadioRDSData | |
CCDVDStateSerializer | Auxiliar class to serialize/deserialize the dvd state (into/from XML) |
CCDVDStreamInfo | |
CCDVDSubtitleLineCollection | |
CCDVDSubtitleParser | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserCollection | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserMicroDVD | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserMPL2 | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserSami | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserSSA | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserSubrip | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserText | |
CCDVDSubtitleParserVplayer | |
CCDVDSubtitlesLibass | |
CCDVDSubtitleStream | |
CCDVDSubtitleTagMicroDVD | |
►CCDVDSubtitleTagSami | |
CSLangclass | |
CCDVDTeletextData | |
CCDVDTeletextTools | |
CCDVDVideoCodec | |
CCDVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec | |
►CCDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg | |
CCDropControl | |
CCDVDVideoCodecStarfish | |
CCDVDVideoPPFFmpeg | |
CCDXTexture | |
CCEdl | |
►CCEGLAttributes | |
CEGLAttribute | |
►CCEGLAttributesVec | |
CEGLAttribute | |
CCEGLContextUtils | |
►CCEGLImage | |
CEglAttrs | |
CEglPlane | |
CCEGLUtils | |
CCEmuFileWrapper | |
CCEnvironment | Platform-independent environment variables manipulations |
CCEvent | This is an Event class built from a ConditionVariable. The Event adds the state that the condition is gating as well as the mutex/lock |
CCEventLog | |
CCEventLogManager | |
CCEventLoop | |
CCEventSource | |
CCEventStream | |
CCExecString | |
CCExternalPlayer | |
CCFadeEffect | |
CCFallbackPowerSyscall | |
CCFanart | |
►CCFavouritesService | |
CFavouritesUpdated | |
CCFavouritesURL | |
►CCFDEventMonitor | |
CMonitoredFD | |
CCFFmpegImage | |
CCFFmpegLog | |
CCFileExtensionProvider | |
CCFileItem | Represents a file on a share |
CCFileItemList | Represents a list of files |
CCFileItemListModification | |
CCFileOperationJob | |
CCFilesystemInstaller | |
CCFileUtils | |
CCFillViewportAlwaysRegionSolver | |
CCFillViewportOnChangeRegionSolver | |
CCFrameBufferObject | |
CCFreeTypeLibrary | |
CCFTPParse | |
CCGameSettings | |
CCGBMBufferObject | |
CCGBMDPMSSupport | |
CCGenericTouchActionHandler | Generic implementation of ITouchActionHandler to translate touch actions into XBMC specific and mappable actions |
CCGenericTouchInputHandler | Generic implementation of ITouchInputHandler to handle low level (raw) touch events and translate them into touch actions which are passed on to the registered ITouchActionHandler implementation |
CCGenericTouchPinchDetector | Implementation of IGenericTouchGestureDetector to detect pinch/zoom gestures with at least two active touch pointers |
CCGenericTouchRotateDetector | Implementation of IGenericTouchGestureDetector to detect rotation gestures with at least two active touch pointers |
CCGenericTouchSwipeDetector | Implementation of IGenericTouchGestureDetector to detect swipe gestures in any direction |
CCGenre | Class to store and read album information from CMusicDatabase |
CCGetDirectory | |
CCGetInfoJob | |
CCGetSongInfoJob | |
CCGFTestable | |
CCGLContext | |
►CCGLContextEGL | |
CSync | |
CCGLESShader | |
CCGLESTexture | |
CCGlMatrix | |
CCGLShader | |
CCGLTexture | |
CCGPUInfo | Class to concentrate all methods related to GPU information |
CCGPUInfoAndroid | |
CCGPUInfoDarwinEmbed | |
CCGPUInfoFreebsd | |
CCGPUInfoLinux | |
CCGPUInfoMacOS | |
CCGPUInfoPosix | |
CCGPUInfoWin10 | |
CCGPUInfoWin32 | |
►CCGraphicContext | |
CUITransform | |
CCGreedyDirtyRegionSolver | |
►CCGUIAction | |
CCExecutableAction | |
CCGUIAnnouncementHandlerContainer | This class is a container of announcement handlers per application component. It allows the GUI Layer to execute GUI Actions upon receiving announcements from other components effectively decoupling GUI from other components |
CCGUIAudioManager | |
►CCGUIBaseContainer | |
CCGUIBorderedImage | |
CCGUIBuiltins | Class providing GUI related built-in commands |
CCGUIButtonControl | |
CCGUIColorButtonControl | |
CCGUIColorManager | |
CCGUIComponent | |
CCGUIContainerBuiltins | Class providing GUI container related built-in commands |
CCGUIControl | Base class for controls |
CCGUIControlBaseSetting | |
CCGUIControlBuiltins | Class providing GUI control related built-in commands |
CCGUIControlButtonSetting | |
CCGUIControlColorButtonSetting | |
CCGUIControlEditSetting | |
CCGUIControlFactory | |
CCGUIControlGroup | Group of controls, useful for remembering last control + animating/hiding together |
CCGUIControlGroupList | List of controls that is scrollable |
CCGUIControlGroupTitleSetting | |
CCGUIControlLabelSetting | |
CCGUIControlListColorSetting | |
CCGUIControlListSetting | |
CCGUIControlLookup | |
CCGUIControlProfiler | |
CCGUIControlProfilerItem | |
CCGUIControlRadioButtonSetting | |
CCGUIControlRangeSetting | |
CCGUIControlSeparatorSetting | |
CCGUIControlSliderSetting | |
CCGUIControlSpinExSetting | |
CCGUIDialog | |
CCGUIDialogAddonInfo | |
CCGUIDialogAddonSettings | |
CCGUIDialogAudioSettings | |
CCGUIDialogBoxBase | |
CCGUIDialogBusy | |
CCGUIDialogBusyNoCancel | |
CCGUIDialogButtonMenu | |
CCGUIDialogCache | |
CCGUIDialogCMSSettings | |
CCGUIDialogColorPicker | |
CCGUIDialogContentSettings | |
CCGUIDialogContextMenu | |
CCGUIDialogExtendedProgressBar | |
CCGUIDialogFileBrowser | |
CCGUIDialogFullScreenInfo | |
CCGUIDialogGamepad | |
CCGUIDialogInfoProviderSettings | |
►CCGUIDialogKaiToast | |
CNotification | |
CCGUIDialogKeyboardGeneric | |
CCGUIDialogKeyboardTouch | |
CCGUIDialogLibExportSettings | |
CCGUIDialogLockSettings | |
►CCGUIDialogMediaFilter | |
CFilter | |
CCGUIDialogMediaSource | |
CCGUIDialogMusicInfo | |
CCGUIDialogMusicOSD | |
►CCGUIDialogNetworkSetup | |
CProtocol | A structure encapsulating properties of a supported protocol |
CCGUIDialogNumeric | |
CCGUIDialogOK | |
CCGUIDialogPictureInfo | |
CCGUIDialogPlayEject | |
CCGUIDialogPlayerControls | |
CCGUIDialogPlayerProcessInfo | |
CCGUIDialogProfileSettings | |
CCGUIDialogProgress | |
CCGUIDialogProgressBarHandle | |
CCGUIDialogSeekBar | |
CCGUIDialogSelect | |
CCGUIDialogSettingsBase | |
CCGUIDialogSettingsManagerBase | |
CCGUIDialogSettingsManualBase | |
CCGUIDialogSimpleMenu | |
CCGUIDialogSlider | |
CCGUIDialogSmartPlaylistEditor | |
CCGUIDialogSmartPlaylistRule | |
CCGUIDialogSongInfo | |
CCGUIDialogSubMenu | |
CCGUIDialogSubtitles | |
CCGUIDialogSubtitleSettings | |
CCGUIDialogTeletext | |
CCGUIDialogTextViewer | |
CCGUIDialogVideoBookmarks | |
CCGUIDialogVideoInfo | |
CCGUIDialogVideoManager | |
CCGUIDialogVideoManagerExtras | |
CCGUIDialogVideoManagerVersions | |
CCGUIDialogVideoOSD | |
CCGUIDialogVideoSettings | |
CCGUIDialogVisualisationPresetList | |
CCGUIDialogVolumeBar | |
CCGUIDialogYesNo | |
CCGUIEditControl | |
CCGUIFadeLabelControl | |
CCGUIFixedListContainer | |
CCGUIFont | |
CCGUIFontCache | |
CCGUIFontCacheDynamicPosition | |
CCGUIFontCacheEntry | |
CCGUIFontCacheHash | |
CCGUIFontCacheImpl | |
CCGUIFontCacheKey | |
CCGUIFontCacheKeysMatch | |
CCGUIFontCacheStaticPosition | |
CCGUIFontCacheStaticValue | |
CCharacter | |
CCTranslatedVertices | |
CGlyph | |
CRunInfo | |
►CCGUIImage | |
CCFadingTexture | |
CCGUIIncludes | |
CCGUIInfoManager | |
CCGUIKeyboard | |
CCGUIKeyboardFactory | |
CCGUILabel | Class for rendering text labels. Handles alignment and rendering of text within a control |
CCGUILabelControl | |
CCGUILargeTextureManager | Background texture loading manager |
CCGUIListContainer | |
CCGUIListGroup | Group of controls within a list/panel container |
►CCGUIListItem | |
Cicompare | |
CCGUIListItemLayout | |
CCGUIListLabel | |
►CCGUIMediaWindow | |
CCUpdateGuard | |
CCGUIMessage | |
CCGUIMoverControl | |
►CCGUIMultiImage | |
CCMultiImageJob | |
CCGUIPanelContainer | |
CCGUIPassword | |
CCGUIPlayerAnnouncementHandler | Handler for announcements of type player |
CCGUIProgressControl | |
CCGUIRadioButtonControl | |
CCGUIRangesControl | |
CCGUIRenderingControl | |
CCGUIResizeControl | |
CCGUIRSSControl | |
CCGUISettingsSliderControl | |
CCGUIShaderDX | |
CCGUISliderControl | |
CCGUISourcesAnnouncementHandler | Handler for announcements of type sources |
CCGUISpinControl | |
CCGUISpinControlEx | |
CCGUIStaticItem | Wrapper class for a static item in a list container |
CCGUIString | |
CCGUITextBox | |
CCGUITextLayout | |
CCGUITexture | |
CCGUITextureCallbackManager | |
CCGUITextureD3D | |
CCGUITextureGL | |
CCGUITextureGLES | |
CCGUITextureManager | |
CCGUIToggleButtonControl | |
CCGUIVideoControl | |
CCGUIViewControl | |
CCGUIViewState | |
CCGUIViewStateAddonBrowser | |
CCGUIViewStateEventLog | |
CCGUIViewStateFavourites | |
CCGUIViewStateFromItems | |
CCGUIViewStateGeneral | |
CCGUIViewStateLibrary | |
CCGUIViewStateMusicDatabase | |
CCGUIViewStateMusicPlaylist | |
CCGUIViewStateMusicSearch | |
CCGUIViewStateMusicSmartPlaylist | |
CCGUIViewStateVideoEpisodes | |
CCGUIViewStateVideoMovies | |
CCGUIViewStateVideoMusicVideos | |
CCGUIViewStateVideoPlaylist | |
CCGUIViewStateVideoTVShows | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowMusic | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowMusicNav | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowMusicPlaylist | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPictures | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowPrograms | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowVideo | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowVideoNav | |
CCGUIViewStateWindowVideoPlaylist | |
CCGUIVisualisationControl | |
►CCGUIWindow | |
Cicompare | |
CCGUIWindowAddonBrowser | |
CCGUIWindowDebugInfo | |
CCGUIWindowEventLog | |
CCGUIWindowFavourites | |
CCGUIWindowFileManager | |
CCGUIWindowFullScreen | |
CCGUIWindowHome | |
CCGUIWindowLoginScreen | |
CCGUIWindowManager | |
CCGUIWindowMusicBase | The base class for music windows |
CCGUIWindowMusicNav | |
CCGUIWindowMusicPlayList | |
CCGUIWindowMusicPlaylistEditor | |
CCGUIWindowPictures | |
CCGUIWindowPointer | |
CCGUIWindowPrograms | |
CCGUIWindowScreensaver | |
CCGUIWindowScreensaverDim | |
CCGUIWindowSettings | |
CCGUIWindowSettingsCategory | |
CCGUIWindowSettingsProfile | |
CCGUIWindowSettingsScreenCalibration | |
CCGUIWindowSlideShow | |
CCGUIWindowSplash | |
CCGUIWindowStartup | |
CCGUIWindowSystemInfo | |
CCGUIWindowVideoBase | |
CCGUIWindowVideoNav | |
CCGUIWindowVideoPlaylist | |
CCGUIWindowVisualisation | |
CCGUIWindowWeather | |
CCGUIWrappingListContainer | |
CcharPtrPtrAdapter | |
CCharVecBuffer | |
CCHDRCapabilities | |
CCHevcSei | Parses HEVC SEI messages for supplemental video information |
CCHotKeyController | |
CCHTTPFileHandler | |
CCHttpHeader | |
CCHTTPImageHandler | |
CCHTTPImageTransformationHandler | |
CCHTTPJsonRpcHandler | |
CCHTTPPythonHandler | |
CCHTTPPythonInvoker | |
CCHTTPPythonWsgiInvoker | |
CCHttpRange | |
CCHttpRanges | |
CCHttpResponse | |
CCHttpResponseRange | |
CCHTTPVfsHandler | |
CCHTTPWebinterfaceAddonsHandler | |
CCHTTPWebinterfaceHandler | |
CCImageLoader | Image loader job class |
CCImageMetadataParser | |
CCInertialScrollingHandler | |
CCInfoLoader | |
CCInfoScanner | |
CCInputCodingTableBasePY | |
CCInputCodingTableFactory | |
CCInputCodingTableKorean | |
CCInputManager | Main input processing class |
CCInputStreamAddon | Input stream class |
CCInputStreamMultiSource | |
CCInputStreamProvider | |
CCInputStreamPVRBase | |
CCInputStreamPVRChannel | |
CCInputStreamPVRRecording | |
CCInstalledWithAvailable | |
CCIOSStorageProvider | |
CCircleTweener | |
CCIRServerSuite | |
CCIrssMessage | |
CCJob | Base class for jobs that are executed asynchronously |
CCJobManager | Job Manager class for scheduling asynchronous jobs |
CCJobQueue | Job Queue class to handle a queue of unique jobs to be processed sequentially |
CCJobWorker | |
CCJSONVariantParser | |
CCJSONVariantParserHandler | |
CCJSONVariantWriter | |
CCKey | |
CCLabelFormatter | |
CCLabelInfo | |
CCLambdaJob | |
CCLangCodeExpander | |
►CCLangInfo | |
►CCRegion | |
Ccustom_numpunct | |
CCLanguageInvokerThread | |
CCLegacyPathTranslation | Translates old internal paths into new ones |
CCLibExportSettings | |
CCLibInputHandler | |
CCLibInputKeyboard | |
CCLibInputPointer | |
CCLibInputSettings | |
CCLibInputTouch | |
CCLibraryBuiltins | Class providing library related built-in commands |
CCLinuxPowerSyscall | |
►CCLinuxRendererGL | |
CCPictureBuffer | |
CCYuvPlane | |
►CCLinuxRendererGLES | |
CCPictureBuffer | |
CCYuvPlane | |
CCLinuxStorageProvider | |
CCLirc | |
CCLocale | Class representing a full locale of the form [language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]] |
CCLocalizeStrings | |
CCLog | |
CCLogindUPowerSyscall | |
CCLunaPowerManagement | |
CCMACDiscoveryJob | |
CCMap | This class is designed to implement a constexpr version of std::map. The standard library std::map doesn't allow constexpr (and it doesn't look like it will be implemented in the future). This class utilizes std::array and std::pair as they allow constexpr |
CCMatrix | |
CCMatrixGL | |
CCMatrixGLStack | |
CCMediaCodecDecoderFilterManager | |
CCMediaCodecVideoBuffer | |
CCMediaCodecVideoBufferPool | |
CCMediaKeyTap | |
CCMediaLibraryEvent | |
CCMediaManager | |
CCMediaSettings | |
CCMediaSource | Represents a share |
CCMediaSourceSettings | |
►CCMediaTypes | |
CMediaTypeInfo | |
CCMessagePrinter | |
CCMime | |
CCMMNotificationClient | |
CCMouseStat | |
CCMouseTranslator | |
CCMultiProvider | A listprovider that handles multiple individual providers |
CCMusicDatabase | Class to store and read tag information |
CCMusicDbUrl | |
CCMusicFileItemListModifier | |
CCMusicLibraryCleaningJob | Music library job implementation for cleaning the video library |
CCMusicLibraryExportJob | Music library job implementation for exporting the music library |
CCMusicLibraryImportJob | Music library job implementation for importing data to the music library |
CCMusicLibraryJob | Basic implementation/interface of a CJob which interacts with the music database |
CCMusicLibraryProgressJob | Combined base implementation of a music library job with a progress bar |
CCMusicLibraryQueue | Queue for music library jobs |
CCMusicLibraryScanningJob | Music library job implementation for scanning items. Uses CMusicInfoScanner for scanning and can be run with or without a visible progress bar |
CCMusicRole | |
CCMusicThumbLoader | |
CCNativeWindow | |
CCNetworkAndroid | |
CCNetworkBase | |
CCNetworkFreebsd | |
CCNetworkInterface | |
CCNetworkInterfaceAndroid | |
CCNetworkInterfaceFreebsd | |
CCNetworkInterfaceIOS | |
CCNetworkInterfaceLinux | |
CCNetworkInterfaceMacOS | |
CCNetworkInterfacePosix | |
CCNetworkInterfaceWin10 | |
CCNetworkInterfaceWin32 | |
CCNetworkIOS | |
CCNetworkLinux | |
CCNetworkLocation | |
CCNetworkMacOS | |
CCNetworkPosix | |
CCNetworkServices | |
CCNetworkWin10 | |
CCNetworkWin32 | |
CCNfoFile | |
►CCNfsConnection | |
CcontextTimeout | |
CkeepAliveStruct | |
CCNotificationEvent | |
CCodecFactory | |
Ccomparator | |
CContentUtils | |
CControlMapping | |
CConversionToRGB | |
CCOpticalBuiltins | Class providing optical media related built-in commands |
CCoreInfo | |
CCOrigin | |
CCOSScreenSaverAndroid | |
CCOSScreenSaverOSX | |
CCOSScreenSaverTVOS | |
CCOSScreenSaverX11 | |
CCOSXStorageProvider | |
CCOutputShader | |
CCOverlayCodecWebVTT | |
CCPackerMAT | |
CCPartyModeManager | |
CCPasswordManager | Password Manager class for saving authentication details |
CCPicture | |
CCPictureBuiltins | Class providing picture related built-in commands |
CCPictureFolderImageFileLoader | Generates a thumbnail for a folder in the picture browser, tile 4 images inside the folder |
CCPictureInfoLoader | |
CCPictureInfoTag | |
CCPictureScalingAlgorithm | |
CCPictureThumbLoader | |
CCPlatform | Class for the Platform object |
CCPlatformAndroid | |
CCPlatformDarwin | |
CCPlatformDarwinEmbedded | |
CCPlatformDarwinOSX | |
CCPlatformFreebsd | |
CCPlatformLinux | |
CCPlatformPosix | |
CCPlatformWebOS | |
CCPlatformWin10 | |
CCPlatformWin32 | |
CCPlayerBuiltins | Class providing player related built-in commands |
CCPlayerController | Player controller class to handle user actions |
CCPlayerCoreConfig | |
CCPlayerCoreFactory | |
CCPlayerOptions | |
CCPlayerSelectionRule | |
CCPlayerSettings | |
CCPlayerUtils | |
CCPODocument | |
CCPOEntry | |
CCPointGen | |
CCPosixInterfaceForCLog | |
CCPosixMountProvider | |
CCPosixResourceCounter | |
CCPowerManager | |
CCPowerSyscall | |
CCPowerSyscallWithoutEvents | |
CCPreflightHandler | |
CCProcessInfo | |
►CCProfile | |
CCLock | Class for handling lock status |
CCProfileBuiltins | Class providing profile related built-in commands |
CCProfileManager | |
CCProgramThumbLoader | |
CCProgressJob | Basic implementation of a CJob with a progress bar to indicate the progress of the job being processed |
CCPtsTracker | |
CCPVRBuiltins | Class providing PVR related built-in commands |
CCPythonInvoker | |
CCPyThreadState | |
CCRating | |
CCrc32 | |
CCRecentlyAddedJob | |
CCRectGen | |
CCRefreshInfoJob | |
CCRegExp | |
CCRemoteControlXbox | |
CCRenderBuffer | |
CCRenderCapture | |
CCRenderCaptureDX | |
CCRenderCaptureGL | |
CCRenderCaptureGLES | |
CCRendererBase | |
CCRendererDRMPRIME | |
►CCRendererDXVA | |
CCRenderBufferImpl | |
CCRendererHQ | |
CCRendererMediaCodec | |
CCRendererMediaCodecSurface | |
►CCRendererShaders | |
CCRenderBufferImpl | |
►CCRendererSoftware | |
CCRenderBufferImpl | |
CCRendererStarfish | |
CCRendererVAAPIGL | |
CCRendererVDPAU | |
►CCRendererVTB | |
CCRenderBuffer | |
CCRenderInfo | |
►CCRenderManager | |
CCClockSync | |
CSPresent | |
CCRenderSystemBase | |
CCRenderSystemDX | |
CCRenderSystemGL | |
CCRenderSystemGLES | |
CCResolutionUtils | |
CCRingBuffer | |
CCRotateEffect | |
CCRssManager | |
CCRssReader | |
CCRunningScriptObserver | |
CCRunningScriptsHandler | |
CCSaveFileState | |
CCScale | |
CCScraperParser | |
►CCScraperUrl | |
CSUrlEntry | |
CCScreenShot | |
CCScreenshotSurfaceGL | |
CCScreenshotSurfaceGLES | |
CCScreenshotSurfaceWindows | |
CCScriptInvocationManager | |
CCScriptRunner | |
CCScroller | |
CCScrollInfo | |
►CCSectionLoader | |
CCDll | |
CCSeekHandler | |
CCSelectionStreams | |
CCServiceBroker | |
CCServiceManager | |
CCServicesSettings | |
CCSetting | Setting base class containing all the properties which are common to all settings independent of the setting type |
CCSettingAction | Action setting implementation |
CCSettingAddon | |
CCSettingBool | Boolean setting implementation |
CCSettingCategory | Category of groups of settings being part of a section |
CCSettingCategoryAccess | |
CCSettingCategoryAccessCondition | |
CCSettingCategoryAccessConditionCombination | |
CCSettingCondition | |
CCSettingConditionCombination | |
CCSettingConditionItem | |
CCSettingConditions | |
CCSettingConditionsManager | |
CCSettingControlButton | |
CCSettingControlCheckmark | |
CCSettingControlColorButton | |
CCSettingControlCreator | |
CCSettingControlEdit | |
CCSettingControlFormattedRange | |
CCSettingControlLabel | |
CCSettingControlList | |
CCSettingControlRange | |
CCSettingControlSlider | |
CCSettingControlSpinner | |
CCSettingControlTitle | |
CCSettingCreator | |
CCSettingDate | |
CCSettingDependency | |
CCSettingDependencyCondition | |
CCSettingDependencyConditionCombination | |
CCSettingGroup | Group of settings being part of a category |
CCSettingInt | Integer setting implementation |
CCSettingList | List setting implementation |
CCSettingNumber | Real number setting implementation |
CCSettingPath | |
CCSettingRequirement | |
CCSettingRequirementCondition | |
CCSettingRequirementConditionCombination | |
CCSettings | Wrapper around CSettingsManager responsible for properly setting up the settings manager and registering all the callbacks, handlers and custom setting types |
CCSettingsBase | Basic wrapper around CSettingsManager providing the framework for properly setting up the settings manager and registering all the callbacks, handlers and custom setting types |
CCSettingsComponent | |
CCSettingSection | Section of setting categories |
CCSettingsManager | Settings manager responsible for initializing, loading and handling all settings |
CCSettingString | String setting implementation |
CCSettingsValueFlatJsonSerializer | |
CCSettingsValueXmlSerializer | |
CCSettingTime | |
CCSettingUpdate | |
CCSettingUtils | |
CCSetUserratingJob | |
CCSharedSection | |
CCShowItem | |
CCShowLink | |
CCSingleExit | |
CCSizeGen | |
CCSkinBuiltins | Class providing skin related built-in commands |
CCSkinSettings | |
CCSkinTimer | Skin timers are skin objects that dependent on time and can be fully controlled from skins either using boolean conditions or builtin functions. This class represents the Skin Timer object |
CCSkinTimerManager | CSkinTimerManager is the container and manager for Skin timers. Its role is that of checking if the timer boolean conditions are valid, start or stop timers and execute the respective builtin actions linked to the timer lifecycle |
CCSlideEffect | |
CCSlideShowDelegator | |
►CCSlideShowPic | |
CCSlideShowPicDX | |
CCSlideShowPicGL | |
CCSlideShowPicGLES | |
CCSong | Class to store and read song information from CMusicDatabase |
CCSpecialProtocol | |
CCSpeechRecognitionAndroid | |
CCSpeechRecognitionDarwin | |
CCSpeechRecognitionListener | |
CCSpeechRecognitionListenerAndroid | |
CCSpeechRecognitionStub | |
CCSpeed | |
CCStarfishVideoBuffer | |
CCStaticContextMenuAction | |
CCStaticListProvider | |
CCStereoscopicsManager | |
CCStopWatch | |
CCStorageProvider | |
CCStreamDetail | |
CCStreamDetailAudio | |
CCStreamDetails | |
CCStreamDetailSubtitle | |
CCStreamDetailVideo | |
CCStrEntry | |
CCSubtitleParserWebVTT | |
CCSubtitlesAdapter | |
CCSubtitlesJob | Simple job to retrieve a directory and store a string (language) |
CCSysData | |
CCSysfsPath | |
CCSysInfo | |
CCSysInfoJob | |
CCSystemBuiltins | Class providing system related built-in commands |
CCTagLoaderTagLib | |
CCTeletextDecoder | |
CCTemperature | |
CCTempFile | |
CCTestBitstreamStatsThread | |
CCTestShader | |
CCTestStopWatchThread | |
CCTextSearch | |
CCTexture | Texture loader class, subclasses of which depend on the render spec (DX, GL etc.) |
CCTextureArray | |
CCTextureBase | Base texture class, which holds the state of the texture, as well as all conversion functions |
CCTextureBundle | |
►CCTextureBundleXBT | |
CAnimation | |
CTexture | |
CCTextureCache | Texture cache class for handling the caching of images |
CCTextureCacheJob | Job class for caching textures |
CCTextureDatabase | |
CCTextureDetails | Simple class for passing texture detail around |
CCTextureInfo | |
CCTextureMap | |
CCTextureRule | |
CCTextureUseCountJob | |
CCThread | |
CCThreadImplLinux | |
CCThreadImplPosix | |
CCThreadImplWin | |
CCThumbLoader | |
CCThumbnailWriter | |
CCTimer | |
CCTimeUtils | |
CCToneMappers | |
CCTraitedSetting | |
CCTranslate | |
CCTVOSFileUtils | |
CCTVOSInputSettings | |
CCTVOSNSUserDefaults | |
CCTVOSPowerSyscall | |
CCTVOSTopShelf | |
CCubicTweener | |
CCUDevProvider | |
CCUDFBlockInput | |
CCUDiskDevice | |
CCUDisks2Provider | |
CCUDisksProvider | |
CCUDMABufferObject | |
►CCUdpClient | |
CUdpCommand | |
CCueReader | |
CCuesheetTest | |
CCUnionDirtyRegionSolver | |
CCUniqueEvent | |
CCUPnPSettings | |
CCUPowerSource | |
CCUPowerSyscall | |
CCUrlOptions | |
CCustomBuffer | |
CCUtf8Utils | |
CCUtil | |
CCVariant | |
CCVC1BitstreamParser | |
CCVector | |
CCVertexBuffer | |
CCVideoBuffer | |
CCVideoBufferDMA | |
CCVideoBufferDRMPRIME | |
CCVideoBufferDRMPRIMEFFmpeg | |
CCVideoBufferFFmpeg | |
CCVideoBufferManager | |
CCVideoBufferPoolDMA | |
CCVideoBufferPoolDRMPRIMEFFmpeg | |
CCVideoBufferPoolFFmpeg | |
CCVideoBufferPoolSysMem | |
CCVideoBufferSysMem | |
►CCVideoDatabase | |
CCActor | |
CCSeason | |
CCSetInfo | |
CCVideoDbUrl | |
CCVideoFileItemListModifier | |
CCVideoInfoDownloader | |
►CCVideoInfoTag | |
CCAssetInfo | |
CSetInfo | < Struct holding information about a movie set |
CCVideoLayerBridgeDRMPRIME | |
CCVideoLibraryCleaningJob | Video library job implementation for cleaning the video library |
CCVideoLibraryJob | Basic implementation/interface of a CJob which interacts with the video database |
CCVideoLibraryMarkWatchedJob | Video library job implementation for marking items as watched/unwatched |
CCVideoLibraryProgressJob | Combined base implementation of a video library job with a progress bar |
CCVideoLibraryQueue | Queue for video library jobs |
CCVideoLibraryRefreshingJob | Video library job implementation for refreshing a single item |
CCVideoLibraryResetResumePointJob | Video library job implementation for resetting a resume point |
CCVideoLibraryScanningJob | Video library job implementation for scanning items |
►CCVideoPlayer | |
CSContent | |
CSDVDInfo | |
CSSpeedState | |
►CCVideoPlayerAudio | |
CSInfo | |
CCVideoPlayerAudioID3 | |
CCVideoPlayerSubtitle | |
CCVideoPlayerVideo | |
CCVideoReferenceClock | |
CCVideoSettings | |
CCVideoSettingsLocked | |
CCVideoSync | |
CCVideoSyncAndroid | |
CCVideoSyncD3D | |
CCVideoSyncGbm | |
CCVideoSyncIos | |
CCVideoSyncOsx | |
CCVideoSyncTVos | |
CCVideoTagLoaderFFmpeg | Video tag loader using FFMPEG |
CCVideoTagLoaderNFO | Video tag loader using nfo files |
CCVideoTagLoaderPlugin | Video tag loader from plugin source |
CCVideoThumbLoader | |
CCViewDatabase | |
CCViewModeSettings | |
CCViewState | |
CCViewStateSettings | |
►CCWakeOnAccess | |
CWakeUpEntry | |
CCWeatherBuiltins | Class providing weather related built-in commands |
CCWeatherInfo | |
CCWeatherJob | |
CCWeatherManager | |
►CCWebServer | |
CConnectionHandler | |
CCWebSocket | |
CCWebSocketFrame | |
CCWebSocketManager | |
CCWebSocketMessage | |
CCWebSocketV13 | |
CCWebSocketV8 | |
CCWebVTTHandler | |
CCWebVTTISOHandler | |
CCWHelper | |
CCWin32DiscDriveHandler | |
CCWin32DPMSSupport | |
CCWin32InterfaceForCLog | |
CCWin32PowerStateWorker | |
CCWin32PowerSyscall | |
CCWin32StorageProvider | |
CCWIN32Util | |
CCWindowTranslator | |
CCWinEventsAndroid | |
CCWinEventsIOS | |
CCWinEventsOSX | |
CCWinEventsOSXImpl | |
CCWinEventsOSXImplWrapper | |
CCWinEventsTVOS | |
CCWinEventsWin10 | |
CCWinEventsWin32 | |
CCWinIdleTimer | |
CCWinRenderer | |
CCWinShader | |
CCWinSystemAndroid | |
CCWinSystemAndroidGLESContext | |
CCWinSystemBase | |
CCWinSystemIOS | |
►CCWinSystemOSX | |
CScreenResolution | |
CCWinSystemOSXGL | |
CCWinSystemTVOS | |
CCWinSystemWin10 | |
CCWinSystemWin10DX | |
CCWinSystemWin32 | |
CCWinSystemWin32DX | |
CCWriteRate | |
CCX11DPMSSupport | |
CCXBMCTestUtils | |
CCXBTFBase | |
CCXBTFFile | |
CCXBTFFrame | |
CCXBTFReader | |
CCXHandle | |
CCXRandR | |
CCYUV2RGBShader | |
CCZeroconf | |
CCZeroconfAndroid | |
►CCZeroconfAvahi | |
CServiceInfo | Helper to store information on howto create an avahi-group to publish |
►CCZeroconfBrowser | This class provides support for zeroconf browsing |
CZeroconfService | |
CCZeroconfBrowserAndroid | |
CCZeroconfBrowserAndroidDiscover | |
CCZeroconfBrowserAndroidResolve | |
CCZeroconfBrowserAvahi | |
CCZeroconfBrowserDarwin | |
CCZeroconfBrowserDummy | |
CCZeroconfBrowserMDNS | |
CCZeroconfDarwin | |
CCZeroconfDummy | |
CCZeroconfMDNS | |
CCZipManager | |
CCZoomEffect | |
CD3DPalette | |
CD3DTexture | |
CDarwinEmbedNowPlayingInfoManager | |
CDatabaseSettings | |
CDatabaseUtils | |
CDataHolder | |
CDBusMessageDeleter | |
CDebugLogSharingPresenter | |
CDemuxCryptoInfo | |
CDemuxCryptoSession | |
CDemuxPacket | |
CDerivedType1 | |
CDerivedType2 | |
CDerivedType3 | |
CDialogOkMessage | Payload sent for message TMSG_GUI_DIALOG_OK |
CDIR | |
Cdirent | |
CDiscStubTest | |
CDllAddon | |
CDllAddonInterface | |
CDllDvdNav | |
CDllDvdNavInterface | |
CDllDynamic | |
CDllLibSSE4 | |
CDllLibSSE4Interface | |
CDllLoaderContainer | |
CDSDevice | |
CDummyJob | |
Cdvd_logger_cb | |
Cdvd_reader_stream_cb | |
Cdvd_stat_t | |
CDVDMessageListItem | |
Cdvdnav_audio_stream_change_event_t | |
Cdvdnav_cell_change_event_t | |
Cdvdnav_highlight_area_t | |
Cdvdnav_highlight_event_t | |
Cdvdnav_logger_cb | |
Cdvdnav_spu_stream_change_event_t | |
Cdvdnav_still_event_t | |
Cdvdnav_vts_change_event_t | |
CDVDState | Pod structure which represents the current dvd state with respect to dvdnav properties |
Cdxva2_mode_t | |
Ce708Pen_attribs | |
Ce708Pen_color | |
Ce708Window | |
Ce708Window_attribs | |
CEdgeInsets | |
CElasticTweener | |
CELDHeader | |
CEmbeddedArt | |
CEmbeddedArtInfo | |
CEmptyTagParser | |
CEPG_TAG | "C" PVR add-on channel group member |
CExifInfo | |
CExport | |
CExportList | |
CExternalStreamInfo | |
CFeatureTypeEqual | |
CFFmpegExtraData | |
CFileReader | |
CFlags | |
CFontMetadata | |
CForecastDay | |
CFrame | |
Cgame_abs_pointer_event | An absolute pointer event, such as a touchscreen or tablet motion |
Cgame_accelerometer_event | An accelerometer event |
Cgame_analog_button_event | An analog button event, such as a trigger press or release |
Cgame_analog_stick_event | An analog stick event, such as a joystick's motion |
Cgame_axis_event | An axis event, such as a joystick or accelerometer |
Cgame_controller_layout | "C" Game add-on controller layout |
Cgame_digital_button_event | A digital button event, such as a button press or release |
Cgame_hw_rendering_properties | Hardware rendering properties |
Cgame_input_device | Device that can provide input |
Cgame_input_event | An input event |
Cgame_input_port | Port that can provide input |
Cgame_input_topology | The input topology is the possible ways to connect input devices |
Cgame_key_event | A key event, such as a key press or release |
Cgame_motor_event | A motor vibration event |
Cgame_rel_pointer_event | A relative pointer event, such as a mouse motion |
Cgame_stream_audio_packet | Audio stream packet |
Cgame_stream_audio_properties | Game audio stream properties |
Cgame_stream_buffer | Stream buffers for hardware rendering and zero-copy support |
Cgame_stream_hw_framebuffer_buffer | Hardware framebuffer buffer |
Cgame_stream_hw_framebuffer_packet | Hardware framebuffer packet |
Cgame_stream_hw_framebuffer_properties | Hardware framebuffer properties |
Cgame_stream_packet | Stream packet and ephemeral metadata |
Cgame_stream_properties | Immutable stream metadata |
Cgame_stream_sw_framebuffer_buffer | Software framebuffer type |
Cgame_stream_video_packet | Video stream packet |
Cgame_stream_video_properties | Game video stream properties |
Cgame_system_timing | Game system timing |
CGilSafeSingleLock | |
Cgroup_wait | |
CGroupUtils | |
Cgui_context_menu_pair | |
CGUIFontManager | |
CGUIScrollBarControl | |
CGUIViewSortDetails | |
Chdr_metadata_infoframe | |
Chdr_output_metadata | |
CHTMLMapping | |
CHttpFileDownloadContext | |
CHttpParser | |
CHTTPPythonRequest | |
CHttpRangeUtils | |
CHTTPRequest | |
CHTTPRequestHandlerUtils | |
CHTTPResponseDetails | |
CIActivityHandler | |
CIAE | IAE Interface |
CIAEClockCallback | |
CIAEEncoder | |
CIAESink | |
CIAESound | |
CIAESoundDeleter | |
►CIAEStream | |
CExtData | |
CIAEStreamDeleter | |
CIApplicationComponent | Base class for application components |
CIArchivable | |
CIAudioCallback | |
CIAudioDeviceChangedCallback | |
CIBackgroundLoaderObserver | |
CIBufferObject | Interface to describe CBufferObjects |
CICallbackHWAccel | |
Cicmp_echo_reply | |
CICodec | |
CIContextMenuItem | |
CID3DResource | |
CIDatabaseQueryRuleFactory | |
CIDirtyRegionSolver | |
CIDiscDriveHandler | Generic interface for platform disc drive handling |
CIDispResource | |
CIDVDResourceCounted | |
CIDVDStreamPlayer | |
CIDVDStreamPlayerAudio | |
CIDVDStreamPlayerVideo | |
CIEvent | |
CIFileItemListModifier | |
Cifo_handle_t | |
CIGenericTouchGestureDetector | Interface defining methods to perform gesture recognition |
CIGUIContainer | |
CIGUIVolumeBarCallback | Interface to expose properties to the volume bar dialog |
CIHardwareDecoder | |
CIHTTPRequestHandler | |
CIImage | |
CIInputCodingTable | |
CIInputDeviceCallbacks | |
CIInputDeviceEventHandler | |
CIInputHandler | |
CIJobCallback | Callback interface for asynchronous jobs |
CILanguageInvocationHandler | |
CILanguageInvoker | |
CIListProvider | An interface for providing lists to UI containers |
CILocalizer | |
CImageFactory | |
CImageMetadata | |
CIMsgTargetCallback | |
Cinfoformat | |
Cinfomap | |
CInput_GCController | |
CINPUTSTREAM_CAPABILITIES | InputStream add-on capabilities. All capabilities are set to "false" as default |
CINPUTSTREAM_IDS | Array of stream IDs |
CINPUTSTREAM_INFO | Stream properties |
►CINPUTSTREAM_PROPERTY | Structure of key/value pairs passed to addon on Open() |
CInputStreamMultiStreams | |
CInputValueInfo | |
CIntegerSettingOption | |
CInternetStreamTest | |
CIOSDisplayLinkCallback | |
CIOSEAGLView(PrivateMethods) | |
CIOSExternalTouchController | |
CIOSKeyboardView | |
CIOSKeyboardView() | |
CIOSScreenManager | |
Cip_option_information | |
CIPlatformLog | |
CIPlatformService | Base class for services |
CIPlayer | |
CIPlayerCallback | |
CIPowerEventsCallback | |
CIPowerSyscall | |
CIProgressCallback | |
CIPTCInfo | |
CIRenderingCallback | |
CIRenderLoop | |
CIRenderMsg | |
CIRssObserver | |
CIRunnable | |
CIScreenshotSurface | |
CISerializable | |
CISetting | Interface defining the base of all setting objects |
CISettingCallback | |
CISettingCondition | |
CISettingControl | |
CISettingControlCreator | Interface for creating a new setting control of a custom setting control type |
CISettingCreator | Interface for creating a new setting of a custom setting type |
CISettingsHandler | Interface defining methods being called by the settings system if an action is performed on multiple/all settings |
CISettingsValueSerializer | |
CISliderCallback | Interface class for callback from the slider dialog |
CISlideShowDelegate | |
CISO3166_1 | |
CISO639 | |
CISortable | |
CISpeechRecognitionCallback | |
CIStorageEventsCallback | |
CIStorageProvider | |
CISubSettings | Interface defining methods to load additional setting values from an XML file being loaded by the settings system |
CIThreadedAE | |
CIThreadImpl | |
CITimerCallback | |
CITouchActionHandler | Interface defining all supported touch action events |
CITouchInputHandler | Interface (implements ITouchInputHandling) defining methods to handle raw touch input events (down, up, move) |
CITouchInputHandling | Convenience interface implementing ITouchActionHandler with an implementation that forwards any ITouchActionHandler-related calls to a previously registered ITouchActionHandler |
CIVideoBufferPool | |
CIVideoPlayer | |
CIWindowManagerCallback | |
CIWinEvents | |
CIXmlDeserializable | |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_BUTTON | Button primitive |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_HAT | Hat direction primitive |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_KEY | Keyboard key primitive |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_MOTOR | Motor primitive |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_MOUSE_BUTTON | Mouse button primitive |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_PRIMITIVE | Driver primitive struct |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_RELPOINTER | Relative pointer direction primitive |
CJOYSTICK_DRIVER_SEMIAXIS | Semiaxis primitive |
CJOYSTICK_FEATURE | Mapping between higher-level controller feature and its driver primitives |
CJOYSTICK_INFO | Info specific to joystick peripherals |
CKeyboardView | |
CKeyMap | |
Ckodi_version_t | For kodi::Version used structure |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_Addon | Function tables from Kodi to addon |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_AudioDecoder | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_AudioEncoder | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_Game | Game function hooks |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_ImageDecoder | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_InputStream | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_Peripheral | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_PVR | Structure to transfer the methods from addon to Kodi |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_Screensaver | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_VFSEntry | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_VideoCodec | |
CKodiToAddonFuncTable_Visualization | |
CLibraryLoader | |
CLinearTweener | |
CLockableType | |
Clocker | |
CLocStr | |
CLyricsTest | |
Cmass_waiter | |
CMemBuffer | |
CModuleInfoStruct | |
CMousePosition | |
CMouseState | Holds everything we know about the current state of the mouse |
Cmpeg2_sequence | |
CMusicDbTest | |
Cnal_bitstream | |
CNestDetect | |
CNetworkStartWaiter | |
CNPT_XbmcFile | |
CNPT_XbmcFileInputStream | |
CNPT_XbmcFileOutputStream | |
CNPT_XbmcFileStream | |
CNSData(GZIP) | |
CObservable | |
CObserver | |
CoperatorField | |
COrigFontInfo | |
COSXGLView | |
Coverloaded | |
CPackedVertex | |
CPAPlayer | |
CParamReplacer | |
CPERIPHERAL_CAPABILITIES | Peripheral add-on capabilities |
CPERIPHERAL_EVENT | Event information |
CPERIPHERAL_INFO | Information shared between peripherals |
CPeripheralBusGCControllerWrapper | |
CPingResponseWaiter | |
CPlayerControllerState | |
CPlayListClassifyTest | |
CPlayListTest | |
CPointer | A class representing a touch pointer interaction consisting of an down touch, the last touch and the current touch |
Cpoll_mass_waiter | |
Cpos | |
CPredicateAudioFilter | |
CPredicateSubtitleFilter | |
CPredicateSubtitlePriority | The class' operator() decides if the given (subtitle) SelectionStream lh is 'better than' the given (subtitle) SelectionStream rh. If lh is 'better than' rh the return value is true, false otherwise |
CPredicateVideoFilter | |
CPrimaryToRGB | |
CPrimaryToXYZ | |
CProgramInfo | |
CProgressDialogHelper | |
Cpts_union | |
Cpty_skin_info | |
CPVR_ADDON_CAPABILITIES | "C" PVR add-on capabilities |
CPVR_ATTRIBUTE_INT_VALUE | "C" Representation of an integer value, including a description |
CPVR_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_VALUE | "C" Representation of a string value, including a description |
CPVR_CHANNEL | "C" PVR add-on channel |
CPVR_CHANNEL_GROUP | "C" PVR add-on channel group |
CPVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER | "C" PVR add-on channel group member |
CPVR_DESCRAMBLE_INFO | "C" PVR add-on descramble information |
CPVR_EDL_ENTRY | "C" Edit definition list entry |
CPVR_HANDLE_STRUCT | Handle used to return data from the PVR add-on to CPVRClient |
CPVR_INT_SETTING_DEFINITION | "C" Representation of an integer setting definition |
CPVR_MENUHOOK | "C" PVR add-on menu hook |
CPVR_NAMED_VALUE | "C" Representation of a named value |
CPVR_PROVIDER | "C" PVR add-on provider |
CPVR_RECORDING | "C" PVR add-on recording |
CPVR_SETTING_DEFINITION | "C" Representation of a setting definition |
CPVR_SETTING_KEY_VALUE_PAIR | "C" Representation of a key-value pair, either {int,int} or {int,string}, depending on the type set |
CPVR_SIGNAL_STATUS | "C" PVR add-on signal status information |
►CPVR_STREAM_PROPERTIES | "C" Stream properties |
CPVR_STREAM_TIMES | "C" Times of playing stream (Live TV and recordings) |
CPVR_STRING_SETTING_DEFINITION | "C" Representation of a string setting definition |
CPVR_TIMER | "C" PVR add-on timer event |
CPVR_TIMER_TYPE | "C" PVR add-on timer type |
CPyElem | |
CQuadTweener | |
CReallyDumbJob | |
CRefreshOverride | |
CRefreshVideoLatency | |
CReleaseTypeInfo | |
CRemoteTest | |
Crender_details | |
CRendererDetail | |
►CReplayGain | |
CInfo | |
CRESOLUTION_INFO | Provide info of a resolution |
CRssSet | |
Crt_addrinfo | |
Crt_metrics | |
Crt_msghdr | |
Crt_msghdr2 | |
Crtstat | |
CSActorInfo | |
CSAlarmClockEvent | |
CSampleConfig | |
CsampleFormat | |
CScopedEventLoopBlock | Helper RAII-struct to block event loop for modifications |
CSDbTableOffsets | |
CSDirData | |
CSDirState | |
CSelectionStream | |
CServerInfoStruct | |
CServiceProvider | |
CSettingGroup | |
CSGUIControlAndOffset | |
CSimpleDefinition | |
CSineTweener | |
CSinkInfoStruct | |
CSliderAction | |
Csndio_formats | |
CSoLoader | |
Csort_map | |
CsortByChannelNumber | |
CsortByClientChannelNumber | |
CSortBySettingsOrder | |
CSortDescription | |
CSortLanguage | |
CSortUtils | |
CSpeechRecognitionImpl | |
CSpeedInfo | |
CSPlayerState | |
CSplitPath | |
Csps_info_struct | |
CSPUData | |
CSStartMsg | |
CSStateMsg | |
CstDVDAudioFrame | |
CstEmuFileObject | |
CStereoModeConversionMap | |
CStereoModeMap | |
CstListElement | |
CStreamedFilesystemTest | |
CStreamInfo | |
CStreamUtils | |
CStringSettingOption | |
CStringValidation | |
CStubDefinition | |
CsubtitleData | |
CSubtitleStreamInfo | |
CSVertex | |
CSZipEntry | |
CtagToken | |
CTemperatureInfo | |
CTestAddonBuilder | |
CTestAddonInfoBuilder | |
CTestAddonVersion | |
CTestArchive | |
CTestBasicEnvironment | |
CTestCharsetConverter | |
CTestContainer | |
CTestCPUInfo | |
CTestDatabaseUtilsHelper | |
CTestDateTime | |
CTestDateTimeSpan | |
CTestEdl | |
CTestEntry | |
CTestFileData | |
CTestFileFactory | |
CTestFileItemBasePath | |
CTestGPUInfo | |
CTestHTTPDirectory | |
CTestJobManager | |
CTestLabelFormatter | |
CTestlog | |
CTestMetadataExtraction | |
CTestNetwork | |
CTestNfs | |
CTestRegExpLog | |
CTestRssReader | |
CTestSkinTimers | |
CTestStacks | |
CTestSysfsPath | |
CTestSystemInfo | |
CTestTagLoaderTagLib | |
CTestTagParser | |
CTestURIUtils | |
CTestURLGetWithoutUserDetails | |
CTestURLGetWithoutUserDetailsData | |
CTestUtilCleanString | |
CTestUtilCleanStringData | |
CTestUtilSplitParams | |
CTestUtilSplitParamsData | |
CTestVideoInfoScanner | |
CTestWebServer | |
CTestXBMCTinyXML2 | |
CTestZipFile | |
CTextCachedPage_t | |
CTextCacheStruct_t | |
CTextExtData_t | |
CTextp27_t | |
CTextPageAttr_t | |
CTextPageinfo_t | |
CTextRenderInfo_t | |
CTextSubtitle_t | |
CTextSubtitleCache_t | |
CTextureFormat | |
CTextureSwizzle | |
CTextureswizzle | |
Cthread | |
CThumbDataManagement | |
Ctimed_waiter | |
CToDBusType | |
CToDBusType< bool > | |
CToDBusType< char * > | |
CToDBusType< const char * > | |
CToDBusType< double > | |
CToDBusType< std::int16_t > | |
CToDBusType< std::int32_t > | |
CToDBusType< std::int64_t > | |
CToDBusType< std::uint16_t > | |
CToDBusType< std::uint32_t > | |
CToDBusType< std::uint64_t > | |
CToDBusType< std::uint8_t > | |
CTouch | A class representing a touch consisting of an x and y coordinate and a time |
CTransformMatrix | |
CTranslatableIntegerSettingOption | |
CtranslateField | |
CtranslateJSONField | |
CtranslateType | |
CTranslator | |
CTVOSDisplayLinkCallback | |
CTVOSDisplayManager | |
CTVOSKeyboardView | |
CTVOSLibInputHandler | |
CTVOSLibInputRemote | |
CTVOSLibInputSettings | |
CTVOSLibInputTouch | |
CtvosShared | |
Ctvscreen | |
CTVShowRegexp | |
CTweener | |
CUIApplication(extended) | |
CUpdateAddons | |
CUpdateAllowedAddons | |
CUPnPServer | |
CURIUtils | |
CUSBDevicePrivateData | |
CVertex | |
CVFSDirEntry | |
CVFSGetDirectoryCallbacks | |
CVFSProperty | |
CVideoAssetInfo | |
CVideoClassifyTest | |
CVideoDriverInfo | |
CVideoPicture | |
CVideoPlayerCodec | |
CVideoStreamInfo | |
CVideoTest | |
CViewModeProperties | |
CWaitCondition | |
Cwaiter | |
CwebvttAutoValue | |
CwebvttCssStyle | |
CwebvttCueSettings | |
Cwin32_exception | |
►CWin32DllLoader | |
CImport | |
CwinEndpointsToAEDeviceType | |
CXBMC_AppCommandEvent | |
CXBMC_ButtonEvent | |
CXBMC_Event | |
CXBMC_KeyboardEvent | |
CXBMC_keysym | |
CXBMC_ModeChangeEvent | |
CXBMC_MouseButtonEvent | |
CXBMC_MouseMotionEvent | |
CXBMC_MoveEvent | |
CXBMC_QuitEvent | |
CXBMC_ResizeEvent | |
CXBMC_ScreenChangeEvent | |
CXBMC_SetFocusEvent | |
CXBMC_TouchEvent | |
CXBMC_UserEvent | |
CXBMCApplicationDelegate | |
CXBMCController | |
CXBMCController() | |
CXBMCDelegate | |
CXBMCHelper | |
CXBMCWindowControllerMacOS | |
CXBPython | |
CXMLUtils | |
CXMode | |
CXOutput | |
CXSLTUtils | |
CYuvImage | |