| CGUIWindowFileManager (void) |
| ~CGUIWindowFileManager (void) override |
bool | OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) override |
bool | OnAction (const CAction &action) override |
bool | OnBack (int actionID) override |
const CFileItem & | CurrentDirectory (int indx) const |
void | OnJobComplete (unsigned int jobID, bool success, CJob *job) override |
| The callback used when a job completes.
| CGUIWindow (int id, const std::string &xmlFile) |
| ~CGUIWindow (void) override |
bool | Initialize () |
bool | Load (const std::string &strFileName, bool bContainsPath=false) |
void | CenterWindow () |
void | DoProcess (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override |
void | DoRender () override |
| Main render function, called every frame. Window classes should override this only if they need to alter how something is rendered. General updating on a per-frame basis should be handled in FrameMove instead, as DoRender is not necessarily re-entrant.
void | AfterRender () |
| Do any post render activities. Check if window closing animation is finished and finalize window closing.
virtual void | FrameMove () |
| Main update function, called every frame prior to rendering Any window that requires updating on a frame by frame basis (such as to maintain timers and the like) should override this function.
void | Close (bool forceClose=false, int nextWindowID=0, bool enableSound=true, bool bWait=true) |
virtual bool | OnInfo (int actionID) |
virtual void | ClearBackground () |
| Clear the background (if necessary) prior to rendering the window.
bool | OnMove (int fromControl, int moveAction) |
bool | ControlGroupHasFocus (int groupID, int controlID) |
void | SetID (int id) override |
virtual bool | HasID (int controlID) const |
const std::vector< int > & | GetIDRange () const |
int | GetPreviousWindow () |
CRect | GetScaledBounds () const |
void | ClearAll () override |
virtual void | AllocResources (bool forceLoad=false) |
void | FreeResources (bool forceUnLoad=false) override |
void | DynamicResourceAlloc (bool bOnOff) override |
virtual bool | IsDialog () const |
virtual bool | IsDialogRunning () const |
virtual bool | IsModalDialog () const |
virtual bool | IsMediaWindow () const |
virtual bool | HasListItems () const |
virtual bool | IsSoundEnabled () const |
virtual CFileItemPtr | GetCurrentListItem (int offset=0) |
virtual int | GetViewContainerID () const |
virtual int | GetViewCount () const |
virtual bool | CanBeActivated () const |
virtual bool | IsActive () const |
void | SetCoordsRes (const RESOLUTION_INFO &res) |
const RESOLUTION_INFO & | GetCoordsRes () const |
void | SetLoadType (LOAD_TYPE loadType) |
LOAD_TYPE | GetLoadType () |
int | GetRenderOrder () |
void | SetInitialVisibility () override |
bool | IsVisible () const override |
virtual bool | HasVisibleControls () |
bool | IsAnimating (ANIMATION_TYPE animType) override |
bool | IsCustom () const |
| Return if the window is a custom window.
void | SetCustom (bool custom) |
| Mark this window as custom window.
void | DisableAnimations () |
virtual void | ResetControlStates () |
void | UpdateControlStats () override |
void | SetRunActionsManually () |
void | RunLoadActions () const |
void | RunUnloadActions () const |
void | SetProperty (const std::string &key, const CVariant &value) |
| Set a property Sets the value of a property referenced by a key.
CVariant | GetProperty (const std::string &key) const |
| Retrieve a property.
void | ClearProperties () |
| Clear a all the window's properties.
bool | HasSaveLastControl () const |
virtual void | OnDeinitWindow (int nextWindowID) |
void | AllocResources () override |
| CGUIControlGroup () |
| CGUIControlGroup (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControlGroup (const CGUIControlGroup &from) |
| ~CGUIControlGroup (void) override |
CGUIControlGroup * | Clone () const override |
void | Process (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override |
void | Render () override |
void | RenderEx () override |
virtual bool | SendControlMessage (CGUIMessage &message) |
bool | HasFocus () const override |
bool | CanFocus () const override |
void | AssignDepth () override |
EVENT_RESULT | SendMouseEvent (const CPoint &point, const KODI::MOUSE::CMouseEvent &event) override |
| React to a mouse event.
void | UnfocusFromPoint (const CPoint &point) override |
| Unfocus the control if the given point on screen is not within it's boundary.
bool | HasAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) override |
void | QueueAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) override |
void | ResetAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) override |
void | ResetAnimations () override |
int | GetFocusedControlID () const |
CGUIControl * | GetFocusedControl () const |
virtual CGUIControl * | GetFirstFocusableControl (int id) |
virtual void | AddControl (CGUIControl *control, int position=-1) |
bool | InsertControl (CGUIControl *control, const CGUIControl *insertPoint) |
virtual bool | RemoveControl (const CGUIControl *control) |
void | SetDefaultControl (int id, bool always) |
void | SetRenderFocusedLast (bool renderLast) |
void | SaveStates (std::vector< CControlState > &states) override |
bool | IsGroup () const override |
| CGUIControlLookup ()=default |
| CGUIControlLookup (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControlLookup (const CGUIControlLookup &from) |
| ~CGUIControlLookup (void) override=default |
CGUIControl * | GetControl (int id, std::vector< CGUIControl * > *idCollector=nullptr) override |
| CGUIControl () |
| CGUIControl (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControl (const CGUIControl &) |
virtual | ~CGUIControl (void) |
bool | HasProcessed () const |
| Returns whether or not we have processed.
virtual void | OnUp () |
virtual void | OnDown () |
virtual void | OnLeft () |
virtual void | OnRight () |
virtual bool | OnBack () |
virtual bool | OnInfo () |
virtual void | OnNextControl () |
virtual void | OnPrevControl () |
virtual void | OnFocus () |
virtual void | OnUnFocus () |
virtual bool | HitTest (const CPoint &point) const |
| Used to test whether the point is inside a control.
virtual int | GetID (void) const |
int | GetParentID () const |
virtual bool | IsDynamicallyAllocated () |
bool | IsVisibleFromSkin () const |
virtual bool | IsDisabled () const |
virtual void | SetPosition (float posX, float posY) |
virtual void | SetHitRect (const CRect &rect, const KODI::UTILS::COLOR::Color &color) |
virtual void | SetCamera (const CPoint &camera) |
virtual void | SetStereoFactor (const float &factor) |
bool | SetColorDiffuse (const KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CGUIInfoColor &color) |
CPoint | GetRenderPosition () const |
virtual float | GetXPosition () const |
virtual float | GetYPosition () const |
virtual float | GetWidth () const |
virtual float | GetHeight () const |
void | MarkDirtyRegion (const unsigned int dirtyState=DIRTY_STATE_CONTROL) |
bool | IsControlDirty () const |
const CRect & | GetRenderRegion () const |
| return the render region in screen coordinates of this control
virtual CRect | CalcRenderRegion () const |
| calculate the render region in parentcontrol coordinates of this control Called during process to update m_renderRegion
void | SetActions (const ActionMap &actions) |
void | SetAction (int actionID, const CGUIAction &action, bool replace=true) |
| Set actions to perform on navigation Navigations are set if replace is true or if there is no previously set action.
CGUIAction | GetAction (int actionID) const |
| Get an action the control can be perform.
bool | Navigate (int direction) const |
| Start navigating in given direction.
virtual void | SetFocus (bool focus) |
virtual void | SetWidth (float width) |
virtual void | SetHeight (float height) |
virtual void | SetVisible (bool bVisible, bool setVisState=false) |
void | SetVisibleCondition (const std::string &expression, const std::string &allowHiddenFocus="") |
bool | HasVisibleCondition () const |
void | SetEnableCondition (const std::string &expression) |
virtual void | UpdateVisibility (const CGUIListItem *item) |
virtual void | SetEnabled (bool bEnable) |
virtual void | SetInvalid () |
virtual void | SetPulseOnSelect (bool pulse) |
virtual std::string | GetDescription () const |
virtual std::string | GetDescriptionByIndex (int index) const |
void | SetAnimations (const std::vector< CAnimation > &animations) |
const std::vector< CAnimation > & | GetAnimations () const |
CAnimation * | GetAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE type, bool checkConditions=true) |
virtual void | UpdateInfo (const CGUIListItem *item=NULL) |
virtual void | SetPushUpdates (bool pushUpdates) |
virtual bool | IsContainer () const |
virtual bool | GetCondition (int condition, int data) const |
void | SetParentControl (CGUIControl *control) |
CGUIControl * | GetParentControl (void) const |
void | SetControlStats (GUICONTROLSTATS *controlStats) |
GUICONTROLTYPES | GetControlType () const |
bool | IsControlRenderable () |
| Test whether the control is "drawable" (not a group or similar)
| CJobQueue (bool lifo=false, unsigned int jobsAtOnce=1, CJob::PRIORITY priority=CJob::PRIORITY_LOW) |
| CJobQueue constructor.
| ~CJobQueue () override |
| CJobQueue destructor Cancels any in-process jobs, and destroys the job queue.
bool | AddJob (CJob *job) |
| Add a job to the queue On completion of the job, destruction of the job queue or in case the job could not be added successfully, the CJob object will be destroyed.
template<typename F> |
void | Submit (F &&f) |
| Add a function f to this job queue.
void | CancelJob (const CJob *job) |
| Cancel a job in the queue Cancels a job in the queue. Any job currently being processed may complete after this call has completed, but OnJobComplete will not be performed. If the job is only queued then it will be removed from the queue and deleted.
void | CancelJobs () |
| Cancel all jobs in the queue Removes all jobs from the queue. Any job currently being processed may complete after this call has completed, but OnJobComplete will not be performed.
bool | IsProcessing () const |
| Check whether the queue is processing a job.
void | OnJobComplete (unsigned int jobID, bool success, CJob *job) override |
| The callback used when a job completes.
void | OnJobAbort (unsigned int jobID, CJob *job) override |
| The callback used when a job will be aborted.
virtual | ~IJobCallback ()=default |
| Destructor for job call back objects.
virtual void | OnJobProgress (unsigned int jobID, unsigned int progress, unsigned int total, const CJob *job) |
| An optional callback function that a job may call while processing.
void | OnInitWindow () override |
| Called on window open.
void | SetInitialPath (const std::string &path) |
void | GoParentFolder (int iList) |
void | UpdateControl (int iList, int item) |
bool | Update (int iList, const std::string &strDirectory) |
void | OnStart (CFileItem *pItem, const std::string &player) |
bool | SelectItem (int iList, int &item) |
void | ClearFileItems (int iList) |
void | OnClick (int iList, int iItem) |
void | OnMark (int iList, int iItem) |
void | OnSort (int iList) |
void | UpdateButtons () |
void | OnCopy (int iList) |
void | OnMove (int iList) |
void | OnDelete (int iList) |
void | OnRename (int iList) |
void | OnSelectAll (int iList) |
void | OnNewFolder (int iList) |
void | Refresh () |
void | Refresh (int iList) |
int | GetSelectedItem (int iList) |
bool | HaveDiscOrConnection (std::string &strPath, SourceType iDriveType) |
void | GetDirectoryHistoryString (const CFileItem *pItem, std::string &strHistoryString) |
| Build a directory history string.
bool | GetDirectory (int iList, const std::string &strDirectory, CFileItemList &items) |
int | NumSelected (int iList) |
int | GetFocusedList () const |
bool | CanRename (int iList) |
bool | CanCopy (int iList) |
bool | CanMove (int iList) |
bool | CanDelete (int iList) |
bool | CanNewFolder (int iList) |
void | OnPopupMenu (int iList, int iItem, bool bContextDriven=true) |
void | ShowShareErrorMessage (CFileItem *pItem) |
void | UpdateItemCounts () |
EVENT_RESULT | OnMouseEvent (const CPoint &point, const KODI::MOUSE::CMouseEvent &event) override |
| Perform a mouse action.
virtual bool | LoadXML (const std::string &strPath, const std::string &strLowerPath) |
| Load the window XML from the given path.
virtual bool | Load (TiXmlElement *pRootElement) |
| Loads the window from the given XML element.
virtual std::unique_ptr< TiXmlElement > | Prepare (const std::unique_ptr< TiXmlElement > &rootElement) |
| Prepare the XML for load.
bool | NeedLoad () const |
| Check if window needs a (re)load. The window need to be (re)loaded when window is not loaded or include conditions values were changed.
virtual void | SetDefaults () |
virtual void | OnWindowUnload () |
virtual void | OnWindowLoaded () |
void | Close_Internal (bool forceClose=false, int nextWindowID=0, bool enableSound=true) |
EVENT_RESULT | OnMouseAction (const CAction &action) |
bool | Animate (unsigned int currentTime) override |
bool | CheckAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE animType) override |
virtual void | SaveControlStates () |
virtual void | RestoreControlStates () |
void | OnEditChanged (int id, std::string &text) |
bool | SendMessage (int message, int id, int param1=0, int param2=0) |
void | LoadControl (TiXmlElement *pControl, CGUIControlGroup *pGroup, const CRect &rect) |
CPoint | GetPosition () const override |
| Grabs the window's top,left position in skin coordinates The window origin may change based on <origin> tag conditions in the skin.
bool | IsValidControl (const CGUIControl *control) const |
| Check whether a given control is valid Runs through controls and returns whether this control is valid. Only functional for controls with non-zero id.
std::pair< LookupMap::const_iterator, LookupMap::const_iterator > | GetLookupControls (int controlId) const |
void | AddLookup (CGUIControl *control) |
void | RemoveLookup (CGUIControl *control) |
void | RemoveLookup () |
const LookupMap & | GetLookup () const |
void | ClearLookup () |
virtual bool | OnMouseOver (const CPoint &point) |
| Called when the mouse is over the control. Default implementation selects the control.
virtual bool | CanFocusFromPoint (const CPoint &point) const |
| Test whether we can focus a control from a point on screen.
virtual bool | UpdateColors (const CGUIListItem *item) |
void | UpdateStates (ANIMATION_TYPE type, ANIMATION_PROCESS currentProcess, ANIMATION_STATE currentState) |
bool | SendWindowMessage (CGUIMessage &message) const |
bool | QueueEmpty () const |
| Returns if we still have jobs waiting to be processed NOTE: This function does not take into account the jobs that are currently processing.