| CFileItem (void) |
| CFileItem (const CFileItem &item) |
| CFileItem (const CGUIListItem &item) |
| CFileItem (const std::string &strLabel) |
| CFileItem (const char *strLabel) |
| CFileItem (const CURL &path, bool bIsFolder) |
| CFileItem (const std::string &strPath, bool bIsFolder) |
| CFileItem (const CSong &song) |
| CFileItem (const CSong &song, const MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoTag &music) |
| CFileItem (const CURL &path, const CAlbum &album) |
| CFileItem (const std::string &path, const CAlbum &album) |
| CFileItem (const CArtist &artist) |
| CFileItem (const CGenre &genre) |
| CFileItem (const MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoTag &music) |
| CFileItem (const CVideoInfoTag &movie) |
| CFileItem (const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVREpgInfoTag > &tag) |
| CFileItem (const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVREpgSearchFilter > &filter) |
| CFileItem (const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRChannelGroupMember > &channelGroupMember) |
| CFileItem (const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRRecording > &record) |
| CFileItem (const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRTimerInfoTag > &timer) |
| CFileItem (const std::string &path, const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRProvider > &provider) |
| CFileItem (const CMediaSource &share) |
| CFileItem (std::shared_ptr< const ADDON::IAddon > addonInfo) |
| CFileItem (const EventPtr &eventLogEntry) |
| ~CFileItem (void) override |
CGUIListItem * | Clone () const override |
const CURL | GetURL () const |
void | SetURL (const CURL &url) |
bool | IsURL (const CURL &url) const |
const std::string & | GetPath () const |
void | SetPath (const std::string &path) |
bool | IsPath (const std::string &path, bool ignoreURLOptions=false) const |
const CURL | GetDynURL () const |
void | SetDynURL (const CURL &url) |
const std::string & | GetDynPath () const |
void | SetDynPath (const std::string &path) |
void | Reset () |
| reset class to it's default values as per construction. Free's all allocated memory.
CFileItem & | operator= (const CFileItem &item) |
void | Archive (CArchive &ar) override |
void | Serialize (CVariant &value) const override |
void | ToSortable (SortItem &sortable, Field field) const override |
void | ToSortable (SortItem &sortable, const Fields &fields) const |
bool | IsFileItem () const override |
bool | Exists (bool bUseCache=true) const |
bool | IsPicture () const |
| Check whether an item is a picture item. Note that this returns true for anything with a picture info tag, so that may include eg. folders.
bool | IsDeleted () const |
| Check whether an item is 'deleted' (for example, a trashed pvr recording).
bool | IsGame () const |
bool | IsLibraryFolder () const |
bool | IsPythonScript () const |
bool | IsPlugin () const |
bool | IsScript () const |
bool | IsAddonsPath () const |
bool | IsSourcesPath () const |
bool | IsNFO () const |
bool | IsDiscImage () const |
bool | IsOpticalMediaFile () const |
bool | IsBluray () const |
bool | IsRAR () const |
bool | IsAPK () const |
bool | IsZIP () const |
bool | IsCBZ () const |
bool | IsCBR () const |
bool | IsISO9660 () const |
bool | IsDVD () const |
bool | IsOnDVD () const |
bool | IsHD () const |
bool | IsNfs () const |
bool | IsSmb () const |
bool | IsURL () const |
bool | IsStack () const |
bool | IsFavourite () const |
bool | IsMultiPath () const |
bool | IsEPG () const |
bool | IsPVRChannel () const |
bool | IsPVRChannelGroup () const |
bool | IsPVRRecording () const |
bool | IsUsablePVRRecording () const |
bool | IsDeletedPVRRecording () const |
bool | IsInProgressPVRRecording () const |
bool | IsPVRTimer () const |
bool | IsPVRProvider () const |
bool | IsType (const char *ext) const |
bool | IsVirtualDirectoryRoot () const |
bool | IsReadOnly () const |
bool | CanQueue () const |
void | SetCanQueue (bool bYesNo) |
bool | IsParentFolder () const |
bool | IsFileFolder (FileFolderType types=FileFolderType::MASK_ALL) const |
bool | IsRemovable () const |
bool | IsPVR () const |
bool | IsLiveTV () const |
bool | IsRSS () const |
bool | IsAndroidApp () const |
bool | HasVideoVersions () const |
bool | HasVideoExtras () const |
void | RemoveExtension () |
void | CleanString () |
void | SetFileSizeLabel () |
void | SetLabel (const std::string &strLabel) override |
VideoDbContentType | GetVideoContentType () const |
bool | IsLabelPreformatted () const |
void | SetLabelPreformatted (bool bYesNo) |
bool | SortsOnTop () const |
bool | SortsOnBottom () const |
void | SetSpecialSort (SortSpecial sort) |
bool | HasMusicInfoTag () const |
MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoTag * | GetMusicInfoTag () |
const MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoTag * | GetMusicInfoTag () const |
bool | HasVideoInfoTag () const |
CVideoInfoTag * | GetVideoInfoTag () |
const CVideoInfoTag * | GetVideoInfoTag () const |
bool | HasEPGInfoTag () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVREpgInfoTag > | GetEPGInfoTag () const |
bool | HasEPGSearchFilter () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVREpgSearchFilter > | GetEPGSearchFilter () const |
bool | HasPVRChannelGroupMemberInfoTag () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRChannelGroupMember > | GetPVRChannelGroupMemberInfoTag () const |
bool | HasPVRChannelInfoTag () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRChannel > | GetPVRChannelInfoTag () const |
bool | HasPVRRecordingInfoTag () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRRecording > | GetPVRRecordingInfoTag () const |
bool | HasPVRTimerInfoTag () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRTimerInfoTag > | GetPVRTimerInfoTag () const |
bool | HasPVRProviderInfoTag () const |
const std::shared_ptr< PVR::CPVRProvider > | GetPVRProviderInfoTag () const |
CFileItem | GetItemToPlay () const |
| return the item to play. will be almost 'this', but can be different (e.g. "Play recording" from PVR EPG grid window)
bool | IsResumePointSet () const |
| Test if this item has a valid resume point set.
double | GetCurrentResumeTime () const |
| Return the current resume time.
bool | GetCurrentResumeTimeAndPartNumber (int64_t &startOffset, int &partNumber) const |
| Return the current resume time and part.
bool | IsResumable () const |
| Test if this item type can be resumed.
int64_t | GetStartOffset () const |
| Get the offset where start the playback.
void | SetStartOffset (const int64_t offset) |
| Set the offset where start the playback.
int64_t | GetEndOffset () const |
| Get the end offset.
void | SetEndOffset (const int64_t offset) |
| Set the end offset.
bool | HasPictureInfoTag () const |
const CPictureInfoTag * | GetPictureInfoTag () const |
bool | HasAddonInfo () const |
const std::shared_ptr< const ADDON::IAddon > | GetAddonInfo () const |
bool | HasGameInfoTag () const |
KODI::GAME::CGameInfoTag * | GetGameInfoTag () |
const KODI::GAME::CGameInfoTag * | GetGameInfoTag () const |
CPictureInfoTag * | GetPictureInfoTag () |
std::string | FindLocalArt (const std::string &artFile, bool useFolder) const |
| Assemble the filename of a particular piece of local artwork for an item, and check for file existence.
bool | SkipLocalArt () const |
| Whether or not to skip searching for local art.
std::string | GetThumbHideIfUnwatched (const CFileItem *item) const |
| Get the thumb for the item, but hide it to prevent spoilers if the user has set 'Show information for unwatched items' appropriately.
std::string | GetMovieName (bool bUseFolderNames=false) const |
std::string | GetBaseMoviePath (bool useFolderNames) const |
| Find the base movie path (i.e. the item the user expects us to use to lookup the movie) For folder items, with "use foldernames for lookups" it returns the folder. Regardless of settings, for VIDEO_TS/BDMV it returns the parent of the VIDEO_TS/BDMV folder (if present)
std::string | GetUserMusicThumb (bool alwaysCheckRemote=false, bool fallbackToFolder=false) const |
std::string | GetLocalMetadataPath () const |
| Get the path where we expect local metadata to reside. For a folder, this is just the existing path (eg tvshow folder) For a file, this is the parent path, with exceptions made for VIDEO_TS and BDMV files.
bool | LoadMusicTag () |
bool | LoadGameTag () |
bool | LoadDetails () |
| Load detailed data for an item constructed with only a path and a folder flag Fills item's video info tag, sets item properties.
const std::string & | GetMimeType () const |
void | SetMimeType (const std::string &mimetype) |
void | FillInMimeType (bool lookup=true) |
| Resolve the MIME type based on file extension or a web lookup If m_mimetype is already set (non-empty), this function has no effect. For http:// and shout:// streams, this will query the stream (blocking operation). Set lookup=false to skip any internet lookups and always return immediately.
bool | ContentLookup () |
| Some sources do not support HTTP HEAD request to determine i.e. mime type.
void | SetMimeTypeForInternetFile () |
| (Re)set the mime-type for internet files if allowed (m_doContentLookup) Some sources do not support HTTP HEAD request to determine i.e. mime type
void | SetContentLookup (bool enable) |
| Lookup via HTTP HEAD request might not be needed, use this setter to disable ContentLookup.
void | SetExtraInfo (const std::string &info) |
const std::string & | GetExtraInfo () const |
void | UpdateInfo (const CFileItem &item, bool replaceLabels=true) |
| Update an item with information from another item We take metadata information from the given item and supplement the current item with that info. If tags exist in the new item we use the entire tag information. Properties are appended, and labels, thumbnail and icon are updated if non-empty in the given item.
void | MergeInfo (const CFileItem &item) |
| Merge an item with information from another item We take metadata/art information from the given item and supplement the current item with that info. If tags exist in the new item we only merge the missing tag information. Properties are appended, and labels are updated if non-empty in the given item.
bool | IsSamePath (const CFileItem *item) const |
bool | IsAlbum () const |
void | SetFromVideoInfoTag (const CVideoInfoTag &video) |
| Sets details using the information from the CVideoInfoTag object Sets the videoinfotag and uses its information to set the label and path.
void | SetFromMusicInfoTag (const MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoTag &music) |
| Sets details using the information from the CMusicInfoTag object Sets the musicinfotag and uses its information to set the label and path.
void | SetFromAlbum (const CAlbum &album) |
| Sets details using the information from the CAlbum object Sets the album in the music info tag and uses its information to set the label and album-specific properties.
void | SetFromSong (const CSong &song) |
| Sets details using the information from the CSong object Sets the song in the music info tag and uses its information to set the label, path, song-specific properties and artwork.
void | SetCueDocument (const CCueDocumentPtr &cuePtr) |
void | LoadEmbeddedCue () |
bool | HasCueDocument () const |
bool | LoadTracksFromCueDocument (CFileItemList &scannedItems) |
| CGUIListItem (void) |
| CGUIListItem (const CGUIListItem &item) |
| CGUIListItem (const std::string &strLabel) |
virtual | ~CGUIListItem (void) |
CGUIListItem & | operator= (const CGUIListItem &item) |
const std::string & | GetLabel () const |
void | SetLabel2 (const std::string &strLabel) |
const std::string & | GetLabel2 () const |
void | SetOverlayImage (GUIIconOverlay icon) |
std::string | GetOverlayImage () const |
void | SetArt (const std::string &type, const std::string &url) |
| Set a particular art type for an item.
void | SetArt (const ArtMap &art) |
| set artwork for an item
void | AppendArt (const ArtMap &art, const std::string &prefix="") |
| append artwork to an item
void | SetArtFallback (const std::string &from, const std::string &to) |
| set a fallback image for art
void | ClearArt () |
| clear art on an item
std::string | GetArt (const std::string &type) const |
| Get a particular art type for an item.
const ArtMap & | GetArt () const |
| get artwork for an item Retrieves artwork in a type:url map
bool | HasArt (const std::string &type) const |
| Check whether an item has a particular piece of art Equivalent to !GetArt(type).empty()
void | SetSortLabel (const std::string &label) |
void | SetSortLabel (const std::wstring &label) |
const std::wstring & | GetSortLabel () const |
void | Select (bool bOnOff) |
bool | IsSelected () const |
bool | HasOverlay () const |
void | SetLayout (std::unique_ptr< CGUIListItemLayout > layout) |
CGUIListItemLayout * | GetLayout () |
void | SetFocusedLayout (std::unique_ptr< CGUIListItemLayout > layout) |
CGUIListItemLayout * | GetFocusedLayout () |
void | FreeIcons () |
void | FreeMemory (bool immediately=false) |
void | SetInvalid () |
void | SetProperty (const std::string &strKey, const CVariant &value) |
void | IncrementProperty (const std::string &strKey, int nVal) |
void | IncrementProperty (const std::string &strKey, int64_t nVal) |
void | IncrementProperty (const std::string &strKey, double dVal) |
void | ClearProperties () |
void | AppendProperties (const CGUIListItem &item) |
| Append the properties of one CGUIListItem to another. Any existing properties in the current item will be overridden if they are set in the passed in item.
void | Archive (CArchive &ar) |
void | Serialize (CVariant &value) |
bool | HasProperty (const std::string &strKey) const |
bool | HasProperties () const |
void | ClearProperty (const std::string &strKey) |
const CVariant & | GetProperty (const std::string &strKey) const |
void | SetCurrentItem (unsigned int position) |
| Set the current item number within it's container Our container classes will set this member with the items position in the container starting at 1.
unsigned int | GetCurrentItem () const |
| Get the current item number within it's container Retrieve the items position in a container, this is useful to show for example numbering in front of entities in an arbitrary list of entities, like songs of a playlist.