Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- o : CDVDInputStreamBluray::SPlane
- obj : XBMCAddon::CallbackFunction< M, AddonClass::Ref< P1 >, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type >, XBMCAddon::CallbackFunction< M, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type >, XBMCAddon::CallbackFunction< M, P1, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type >, XBMCAddon::CallbackFunction< M, P1, P2, cb_null_type, cb_null_type, cb_null_type >, XBMCAddon::CallbackFunction< M, P1, P2, P3, cb_null_type, cb_null_type >
- object_value : dbiplus::field_value
- ObjectName : IPTCInfo
- obtainedlock : locker< L >
- off_buf : cc_decoder_s
- offset : CacheInfo, CEGLImage::EglPlane, e708Pen_attribs, MEDIA_DETECT::signature, SDbTableOffsets, SGUIControlAndOffset, SZipEntry
- OffsetMarker : KODI::PLAYLIST::CPlayListM3U
- offsetX : CLabelInfo
- offsetY : CLabelInfo
- OK : helper_Log.Result
- old : sort_map
- old_domain : dvdnav_vts_change_event_t
- old_name : ADDON::TypeMapping
- old_vtsN : dvdnav_vts_change_event_t
- on_buf : cc_decoder_s
- op : operatorField
- opaque_pointer : CRenderInfo
- open : AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogContextMenu, AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogProgress, AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogSelect, AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogTextViewer
- open_file : AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_filesystem
- open_file_for_write : AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_filesystem
- open_multi_select : AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_gui_dialogSelect
- open_settings_dialog : AddonToKodiFuncTable_kodi_addon
- OpenStream : AddonToKodiFuncTable_Game
- optional : ADDON::DependencyInfo, JSONRPC::JSONSchemaTypeDefinition
- Options : icmp_echo_reply
- options : ActiveAE::MsgStreamNew, VFSURL
- OptionsSize : ip_option_information
- opWeight : DataHolder
- order : CDatabase::Filter, SActorInfo
- ordinal : Export
- Orientation : ExifInfo
- orientation : CDVDStreamInfo, CTextureInfo, KODI_ADDON_IMAGEDECODER_INFO_TAG, XBMCController
- origin : Actor::Message
- originWidth : PVR::GridItem
- osVersionInfo : CSysData
- outDefered : Actor::Protocol
- outHeight : VAAPI::CVaapiConfig, VDPAU::CVdpauConfig
- outMessages : Actor::Protocol
- output : CDatabase::DatasetFieldInfo
- outputBitDepth : H3DLUT
- outputColorEncoding : H3DLUT
- outputColorSpace : DXVA::ProcColorSpaces
- outputSurface : VDPAU::CVdpauProcessedPicture
- outputSurfaces : VDPAU::CVdpauBufferPool
- outWidth : VAAPI::CVaapiConfig, VDPAU::CVdpauConfig
- overlay_dvd : OVERLAY::CRenderer::SElement
- override : CD3DEffect
- overview : CVideoInfoTag::SetInfo
- overwrite : KodiToAddonFuncTable_VFSEntry
- owner : PVR::PVRImagePattern