| CRetroPlayer (IPlayerCallback &callback) |
| ~CRetroPlayer () override |
bool | OpenFile (const CFileItem &file, const CPlayerOptions &options) override |
bool | CloseFile (bool reopen=false) override |
bool | IsPlaying () const override |
bool | CanPause () const override |
void | Pause () override |
bool | HasVideo () const override |
bool | HasAudio () const override |
bool | HasGame () const override |
bool | CanSeek () const override |
void | Seek (bool bPlus=true, bool bLargeStep=false, bool bChapterOverride=false) override |
void | SeekPercentage (float fPercent=0) override |
float | GetCachePercentage () const override |
void | SetMute (bool bOnOff) override |
void | SeekTime (int64_t iTime=0) override |
bool | SeekTimeRelative (int64_t iTime) override |
void | SetSpeed (float speed) override |
bool | OnAction (const CAction &action) override |
std::string | GetPlayerState () override |
bool | SetPlayerState (const std::string &state) override |
void | FrameMove () override |
void | Render (bool clear, uint32_t alpha=255, bool gui=true) override |
| hook into render loop of render thread
bool | IsRenderingVideo () const override |
bool | HasGameAgent () const override |
| Check if any players are playing a game.
std::string | GameClientID () const override |
| Get the game client being used to play the game.
std::string | GetPlayingGame () const override |
| Get the game that is being played.
std::string | CreateSavestate (bool autosave) override |
| Creates a savestate.
bool | UpdateSavestate (const std::string &savestatePath) override |
| Updates a savestate with the current game being played.
bool | LoadSavestate (const std::string &savestatePath) override |
| Loads a savestate.
void | FreeSavestateResources (const std::string &savestatePath) override |
| Frees resources allocated to the savestate, such as its video thumbnail.
void | CloseOSDCallback () override |
| Closes the OSD.
void | SetPlaybackSpeed (double speed) override |
| Set the playback speed.
void | EnableInput (bool bEnable) override |
| Enable/disable game input.
bool | IsAutoSaveEnabled () const override |
std::string | CreateAutosave () override |
| IPlayer (IPlayerCallback &callback) |
virtual | ~IPlayer ()=default |
virtual bool | Initialize (TiXmlElement *pConfig) |
virtual bool | QueueNextFile (const CFileItem &file) |
virtual void | OnNothingToQueueNotify () |
virtual bool | HasRDS () const |
virtual bool | HasID3 () const |
virtual bool | IsPassthrough () const |
virtual bool | SeekScene (Direction seekDirection) |
virtual void | SetVolume (float volume) |
virtual void | SetDynamicRangeCompression (long drc) |
virtual void | SetAVDelay (float fValue=0.0f) |
virtual float | GetAVDelay () |
virtual void | SetSubTitleDelay (float fValue=0.0f) |
virtual float | GetSubTitleDelay () |
virtual int | GetSubtitleCount () const |
virtual int | GetSubtitle () |
virtual void | GetSubtitleStreamInfo (int index, SubtitleStreamInfo &info) const |
virtual void | SetSubtitle (int iStream) |
virtual bool | GetSubtitleVisible () const |
virtual void | SetSubtitleVisible (bool bVisible) |
virtual void | SetSubtitleVerticalPosition (int value, bool save) |
| Set the subtitle vertical position, it depends on current screen resolution.
virtual void | AddSubtitle (const std::string &strSubPath) |
| Adds the subtitle(s) provided by the given file to the available player streams and actives the first of the added stream(s). E.g., vob subs can contain multiple streams.
virtual int | GetAudioStreamCount () const |
virtual int | GetAudioStream () |
virtual void | SetAudioStream (int iStream) |
virtual void | GetAudioStreamInfo (int index, AudioStreamInfo &info) const |
virtual int | GetVideoStream () const |
virtual int | GetVideoStreamCount () const |
virtual void | GetVideoStreamInfo (int streamId, VideoStreamInfo &info) const |
virtual void | SetVideoStream (int iStream) |
virtual int | GetPrograms (std::vector< ProgramInfo > &programs) |
virtual void | SetProgram (int progId) |
virtual int | GetProgramsCount () const |
virtual bool | HasTeletextCache () const |
virtual std::shared_ptr< TextCacheStruct_t > | GetTeletextCache () |
virtual void | LoadPage (int p, int sp, unsigned char *buffer) |
virtual int | GetChapterCount () const |
virtual int | GetChapter () const |
virtual void | GetChapterName (std::string &strChapterName, int chapterIdx=-1) const |
virtual int64_t | GetChapterPos (int chapterIdx=-1) const |
virtual int | SeekChapter (int iChapter) |
virtual void | SetTime (int64_t time) |
| Sets the current time. This can be used for injecting the current time. This is not to be confused with a seek. It just can be used if endless streams contain multiple tracks in reality (like with airtunes)
virtual void | SetTotalTime (int64_t time) |
| Set the total time in milliseconds this can be used for injecting the duration in case it's not available in the underlying decoder (airtunes for example)
virtual void | SetTempo (float tempo) |
virtual bool | SupportsTempo () const |
virtual void | FrameAdvance (int frames) |
virtual bool | IsCaching () const |
virtual int | GetCacheLevel () const |
virtual bool | IsInMenu () const |
virtual MenuType | GetSupportedMenuType () const |
| Get the supported menu type.
virtual void | GetAudioCapabilities (std::vector< IPlayerAudioCaps > &caps) const |
| Define the audio capabilities of the player.
virtual void | GetSubtitleCapabilities (std::vector< IPlayerSubtitleCaps > &caps) const |
| Define the subtitle capabilities of the player.
virtual void | FlushRenderer () |
virtual void | SetRenderViewMode (int mode, float zoom, float par, float shift, bool stretch) |
virtual float | GetRenderAspectRatio () const |
virtual void | TriggerUpdateResolution () |
virtual void | GetRects (CRect &source, CRect &dest, CRect &view) const |
virtual unsigned int | GetOrientation () const |
virtual bool | Supports (EINTERLACEMETHOD method) const |
virtual EINTERLACEMETHOD | GetDeinterlacingMethodDefault () const |
virtual bool | Supports (ESCALINGMETHOD method) const |
virtual bool | Supports (ERENDERFEATURE feature) const |
virtual unsigned int | RenderCaptureAlloc () |
virtual void | RenderCaptureRelease (unsigned int captureId) |
virtual void | RenderCapture (unsigned int captureId, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int flags) |
virtual bool | RenderCaptureGetPixels (unsigned int captureId, unsigned int millis, uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int size) |
virtual CVideoSettings | GetVideoSettings () const |
virtual void | SetVideoSettings (CVideoSettings &settings) |
virtual | ~IRenderLoop ()=default |
virtual | ~IGameCallback ()=default |
virtual | ~IPlaybackCallback ()=default |
virtual | ~IAutoSaveCallback ()=default |