Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
▼C++ |
C++ Binary Add-On Development |
CMake addon creation structure | CMake help macros to create addon for Kodi |
►Interface - kodi | General addon interface functions |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | General definition values |
using HardwareContext | Hardware specific device context This defines an independent value which is used for hardware and OS specific values |
enum ADDON_LOG | Log file type definitions These define the types of log entries given with kodi::Log() to Kodi |
►Interface - kodi::addon | Addon type interface functions and classes |
►class CAddonBase | Add-on main instance class This is the addon main class, similar to an int main() in executable and carries out initial work and later management of it |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | General definition values |
►class CSettingValue | Setting value handler Inside addon main instance used helper class to give settings value |
Value Help | |
►class IInstanceInfo | Instance informations Class to get any instance information when creating a new one |
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macro ADDONCREATOR(AddonClass) | Addon creation macro This export the three mandatory "C" functions to have available for Kodi |
enum ADDON_STATUS | Return value of functions in kodi::addon::CAddonBase and associated classes With this Kodi can do any follow-up work or add-on e.g. declare it as defective |
enum ADDON_TYPE | |
►Addon type instances | Group of possible processing instances which can be made available by an add-on Kodi enables numerous different ways in which the necessary documentation is included in this group |
►Audio Decoder | Audio decoder add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Audio decoder add-on instance definition values All audio decoder functions associated data structures |
►class AudioDecoderInfoTag | Info tag data structure Representation of available information of processed audio file |
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enum AUDIODECODER_READ_RETURN | Return value about kodi::addon::CInstanceAudioDecoder::ReadPCM() |
Audio Encoder | Audio encoder add-on instance. |
►Game | Game add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Game add-on instance definition values |
1. Audio stream | The for Audio stream used data system |
2. Video stream | The for Video stream used data system |
3. Hardware framebuffer stream | Hardware framebuffer stream data |
4. Software framebuffer stream | Software framebuffer stream data |
5. Stream types | Stream types data |
6. Game types | Game types data |
►7. Input types | Input types |
class GameControllerLayout | Data of layouts for known controllers |
8. Environment types | Environment types |
1. Basic functions | Functions to manage the addon and get basic information about it |
►2. Game operations | Game operations |
Class: CStream | Game stream handler |
3. Hardware rendering operations | Hardware rendering operations |
4. Input operations | Input operations |
5. Serialization operations | Serialization operations |
6. Cheat operations | Cheat operations |
►Image Decoder | Image decoder add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Image decoder add-on general variables |
►class ImageDecoderInfoTag | Info tag data structure Representation of available information of processed audio file |
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enum ADDON_IMG_FMT | Image format types Used to define wanted target format where image decoder should give to Kodi |
enum ADDON_IMG_ORIENTATION | Image orientation types Used to define how image becomes orientated for show |
enum ADDON_IMG_COLOR | Image color type To set image as colored or black/white |
enum ADDON_IMG_METERING_MODE | Image metering mode |
enum ADDON_IMG_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM | Exposure program The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken |
enum ADDON_IMG_EXPOSURE_MODE | Exposure mode Indicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot |
enum ADDON_IMG_LIGHT_SOURCE | Kind of light source |
enum ADDON_IMG_FLASH_TYPE | Flash Values |
►Inputstream | Inputstream add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Inputstream add-on instance definition values All inputstream functions associated data structures |
►1. Interface | Inputstream add-on general variables Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
►class InputstreamProperty | URL and Data of key/value pairs passed to addon on Open. This is used to have the necessary data of the stream to be opened |
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►class InputstreamCapabilities | InputStream add-on capabilities. All capabilities are set to "false" as default. Asked to addon on GetCapabilities |
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►class InputstreamMasteringMetadata | Mastering metadata. Describes the metadata for HDR10 |
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►class InputstreamContentlightMetadata | Contentlight metadata Describes the metadata for HDR10. See also InputstreamMasteringMetadata |
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►class InputstreamInfo | Inputstream add-on stream info This is used to give Kodi the associated and necessary data for an open stream |
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►class InputstreamTimes | Inputstream add-on times Used on kodi::addon::CInstanceInputStream::GetTimes() |
Value Help | |
enum INPUTSTREAM_TYPE | Inputstream types To identify type on stream |
enum INPUTSTREAM_CODEC_FEATURES | Inputstream codec features To identify special extra features used for optional codec on inputstream |
enum INPUTSTREAM_FLAGS | Inputstream flags To identify extra stream flags used on inputstream |
enum INPUTSTREAM_COLORSPACE | Inputstream color space flags YUV colorspace type. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23001-8_2013 § 7.3 |
enum INPUTSTREAM_COLORPRIMARIES | Inputstream color primaries flags Chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23001-8_2013 § 7.1 |
enum INPUTSTREAM_COLORRANGE | Inputstream color range flags MPEG vs JPEG YUV range |
enum INPUTSTREAM_COLORTRC | Inputstream color TRC flags Color Transfer Characteristic. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23001-8_2013 § 7.2 |
struct DEMUX_PACKET | Demux packet To processed codec and demux inputstream stream |
2. Stream constants | Used to exchange any additional data between the caller and processor. This includes the standardized values, in addition, an addon can also use its own special uses to be exchanged in the same way |
3. Stream timing | Timebase and timestamp definitions. Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
►4. Stream codec | Inputstream codec control Used to manage stream codec data |
enum STREAMCODEC_PROFILE | The standard defines several sets of capabilities. Which are referred to as profiles, targeting specific classes of applications |
►5. Stream encryption | Inputstream encryption control Used to manage encrypted streams within addon |
►class StreamCryptoSession | Data to manage stream cryptography This class structure manages any encryption values required in order to have them available in their stream processing |
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enum STREAM_CRYPTO_KEY_SYSTEM | Available ways to process stream cryptography For class StreamCryptoSession, this defines the used and required auxiliary modules which are required to process the encryption stream |
enum STREAM_CRYPTO_FLAGS | Cryptography flags to use special conditions To identify special extra conditions |
struct DEMUX_CRYPTO_INFO | C data structure for processing encrypted streams. If required, this structure is used for every DEMUX_PACKET to be processed |
1. Stream read | Functions required to read streams direct and demux inside Kodi. |
2. Stream demuxing (optional) | Read demux streams. |
3. Time (optional) | To get stream position time. |
4. Times (optional) | Another way to get stream position time. |
5. Position time (optional) | Third way get stream position time. |
6. Chapter (optional) | Used to get available chapters. |
►Peripheral | Peripheral add-on instance |
►Peripheral system | System description |
►Controller Input | Controller Input for Emulator Development |
1. Controller profiles | |
2. Joystick drivers | |
3. Button maps | |
4. Joystick driver fuckery | |
►Lifetime of a button press | The lifetime of a button press for peripherals with input |
1. Scanning for peripherals | |
2. Receiving joystick events | |
3. Handling events | |
4. Handling input for the Game API | |
5. Mapping driver elements to the system's controller | |
6. Translating Kodi controller to libretro's "RetroPad" | |
7. Kodi Input | |
8. Button mapping (controller configuration) | |
9. Keyboard input | |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Peripheral add-on general variables |
►1. General | Peripheral add-on general variables Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
class PeripheralCapabilities | Peripheral add-on capabilities This class is needed to tell Kodi which options are supported on the addon |
enum PERIPHERAL_ERROR | Peripheral add-on error codes Used as return values on most peripheral related functions |
►2. Peripheral | Peripheral add-on operation variables Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
class Peripheral | Wrapper class providing peripheral information Classes can extend Peripheral to inherit peripheral properties |
class PeripheralEvent | Wrapper class for peripheral events To handle data of change events between add-on and Kodi |
enum PERIPHERAL_TYPE | Peripheral types Types used to identify wanted peripheral |
►3. Event | Event add-on operation variables Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
enum PERIPHERAL_EVENT_TYPE | Event types Types of events that can be sent and received |
enum JOYSTICK_STATE_BUTTON | State button States a button can have |
enum JOYSTICK_STATE_HAT | State hat States a D-pad (also called a hat) can have |
►4. Joystick | Joystick add-on operation variables Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
class Joystick | Wrapper class providing additional joystick information This is a child class to expand another class with necessary joystick data |
class DriverPrimitive | Base class for joystick driver primitives |
class JoystickFeature | Base class for joystick feature primitives |
enum JOYSTICK_DRIVER_PRIMITIVE_TYPE | Driver primitive type Driver input primitives |
enum JOYSTICK_DRIVER_HAT_DIRECTION | Driver direction Hat direction |
enum JOYSTICK_DRIVER_SEMIAXIS_DIRECTION | Driver direction Semiaxis direction |
enum JOYSTICK_DRIVER_MOUSE_INDEX | Buttons Mouse buttons |
enum JOYSTICK_DRIVER_RELPOINTER_DIRECTION | Pointer direction Relative pointer direction |
enum JOYSTICK_FEATURE_TYPE | Feature type Controller feature |
enum JOYSTICK_FEATURE_PRIMITIVE | Feature primitives Indices used to access a feature's driver primitives |
1. Peripheral operations | Peripheral operations to handle control about |
2. Joystick operations | Joystick operations to handle control about |
3. Callback functions | Callback to Kodi functions |
►PVR | PVR client add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | PVR client add-on instance definition values All PVR functions associated data structures |
►1. General | PVR add-on general variables Used to exchange the available options between Kodi and addon |
►class PVRStreamProperty & definition PVR_STREAM_PROPERTY | Inputstream variables This includes values related to the outside of PVR available inputstream system |
►class PVRStreamProperty | PVR stream property value handler To set for Kodi wanted stream properties |
Value Help | |
definition PVR_STREAM_PROPERTY | PVR related stream property values This is used to pass additional data to Kodi on a given PVR stream |
►class PVRTypeIntValue | PVR add-on int type value Representation of a <int, std::string> value |
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►class PVRTypeStringValue | PVR add-on string type value Representation of a <std::string, std::string> value |
Value Help | |
class PVRIntSettingDefinition | PVR add-on integer setting definition Representation of an integer setting definition |
class PVRStringSettingDefinition | PVR add-on string setting definition Representation of a string setting definition |
class PVRSettingDefinition | PVR add-on setting definition Representation of a setting definition |
►class PVRSettingKeyValuePair | Key-value pair of two ints To hold a pair of two ints |
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class PVRCapabilities | PVR add-on capabilities This class is needed to tell Kodi which options are supported on the addon |
enum PVR_ERROR | PVR add-on error codes Used as return values on most PVR related functions |
enum PVR_CONNECTION_STATE | PVR backend connection states Used with kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::ConnectionStateChange() callback |
enum PVR_SOURCE | PVR add-on playback source Used in call to GetChannelStreamProperties() to indicate where the playback call initiated |
enum PVR_SETTING_READONLY_CONDITION | Read-only conditions for settings To define read-only conditions for settings |
enum PVR_SETTING_TYPE | PVR setting type |
►2. Channel | PVR add-on channel Used to exchange the available channel options between Kodi and addon |
►class PVRChannel | Channel data structure Representation of a TV or radio channel |
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class PVRChannelsResultSet | PVR add-on channel transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetChannels() |
►class PVRSignalStatus | PVR Signal status information This class gives current status information from stream to Kodi |
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►class PVRDescrambleInfo | Data structure for descrample info Information data to give via this to Kodi |
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enum PVR_PROVIDER_TYPE | PVR provider types Used on kodi::addon::PVRProvider:SetProviderType() value to set related type |
►3. Channel Group | PVR add-on channel group This group contains data classes and values which are used in PVR on channel groups |
►class PVRChannelGroup | PVR add-on channel group To define a group for channels, this becomes be asked from kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetChannelGroups() and used on kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetChannelGroupMembers() to get his content with PVRChannelGroupMember |
Value Help | |
class PVRChannelGroupsResultSet | PVR add-on channel group member transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetChannelGroups() |
►class PVRChannelGroupMember | PVR add-on channel group member To define the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetChannelGroups() given groups |
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class PVRChannelGroupMembersResultSet | PVR add-on channel group member transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetChannelGroupMembers() |
►4. EPG Tag | PVR add-on EPG data Used on EPG methods in PVR instance class |
►class PVREPGTag | PVR add-on EPG data tag Representation of an EPG event |
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class PVREPGTagsResultSet | PVR add-on EPG entry transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetEPGForChannel() |
enum EPG_EVENT_CONTENTMASK (and sub types) | EPG entry content event types. These ID's come from the DVB-SI EIT table "content descriptor" Also known under the name "E-book genre assignments" |
enum EPG_TAG_FLAG | Bit field of independent flags associated with the EPG entry. Values used by kodi::addon::PVREPGTag::SetFlags() |
enum EPG_EVENT_STATE | EPG event states. Used with kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::EpgEventStateChange() callback |
►5. Recording | Representation of a recording Used to exchange the available recording data between Kodi and addon on Recordings methods in PVR instance class |
►class PVRRecording | Data structure with available recordings data With this, recordings related data are transferred between addon and Kodi and can also be used by the addon itself |
Value Help | |
class PVRRecordingsResultSet | PVR add-on recording transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetRecordings() |
enum PVR_RECORDING_FLAG | Bit field of independent flags associated with the EPG entry. Values used by kodi::addon::PVRRecording::SetFlags() |
enum PVR_RECORDING_CHANNEL_TYPE | PVR recording channel types Used on kodi::addon::PVRRecording::SetChannelType() value to set related type |
►6. Timer | PVR add-on timer data Used to exchange the available timer data between Kodi and addon on Timers methods in PVR instance class |
►class PVRTimer | PVR add-on timer type Representation of a timer event |
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class PVRTimersResultSet | PVR add-on timer transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetTimers() |
class PVRTimerType | PVR add-on timer type To define the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetTimerTypes() given groups |
definition PVR_TIMER (various) | PVR timer various different definitions This mostly used on kodi::addon::PVRTimer to define default or not available |
enum PVR_TIMER_TYPES | PVR timer type attributes (kodi::addon::PVRTimerType::SetAttributes() values). To defines the attributes for a type. These values are bit fields that can be used together |
enum PVR_WEEKDAY | PVR timer weekdays (kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetWeekdays() values) Used to select the days of a week you want |
enum PVR_TIMER_STATE | PVR timer states To set within kodi::addon::PVRTimer the needed state about |
►7. Provider | Representation of a provider For list of all providers from the backend |
►class PVRProvider | Provider data structure Representation of a provider |
Value Help | |
class PVRProvidersResultSet | PVR add-on provider transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetProviders() |
►8. Menuhook | PVR Context menu data Define data for the context menus available to the user |
►class PVRMenuhook | Context menu hook Menu hooks that are available in the context menus while playing a stream via this add-on. And in the Live TV settings dialog |
Value Help | |
enum PVR_MENUHOOK_CAT | PVR context menu hook categories Possible menu types given to Kodi with kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::AddMenuHook() |
►9. Edit decision list (EDL) | An edit decision list or EDL is used in the post-production process of film editing and video editing Used on kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetEPGTagEdl and kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetRecordingEdl |
►class PVREDLEntry | Edit definition list (EDL) entry Time places and type of related fields |
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enum PVR_EDL_TYPE | Edit definition list types Possible type values for class PVREDLEntry |
►10. Inputstream | Inputstream This includes classes and values that are used in the PVR inputstream |
►class PVRCodec | PVR codec identifier Used to exchange the desired codec type between Kodi and addon |
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class PVRStreamProperties | PVR stream properties All information about a respective stream is stored in this, so that Kodi can process the data given by the addon after demux |
class PVRStreamTimes | Times of playing stream (Live TV and recordings) This class is used to transfer the necessary data when kodi::addon::PVRStreamProperties::GetStreamTimes is called |
enum PVR_CODEC_TYPE | Inputstream types To identify type on stream |
struct PVR_CODEC | Codec identification structure Identifier about stream between Kodi and addon |
1. Basic functions | Functions to manage the addon and get basic information about it These are e.g. GetCapabilities to know supported groups at this addon or the others to get information about the source of the PVR stream |
2. Channels (required) | Functions to get available TV or Radio channels These are mandatory functions for using this addon to get the available channels |
3. Channel Groups (optional) | Bring in this functions if you have set supportsChannelGroups to true This is used to divide available addon channels into groups, which can then be selected by the user |
4. Channel edit (optional) | Bring in this functions if you have set supportsChannelSettings to true or for OpenDialogChannelScan() set supportsChannelScan to true The support of this is a pure option and not mandatory |
4. EPG methods (optional) | PVR EPG methods These C ++ class functions of are intended for processing EPG information and for giving it to Kodi |
5. Recordings (optional) | PVR recording methods To transfer available recordings of the PVR backend and to allow possible playback |
6. Timers (optional) | PVR timer methods For editing and displaying timed work, such as video recording |
7. Power management events (optional) | Used to notify the pvr addon for power management events Used to allow any energy savings |
►8. Inputstream | PVR Inputstream This includes functions that are used in the PVR inputstream |
►8.1. TV stream | PVR TV stream Stream processing regarding live TV |
8.1.1. Stream demuxing | PVR stream demuxing Read TV streams with own demux within addon |
8.2. Recording stream | PVR Recording stream Stream processing regarding recordings |
8.3. Various functions | Various other PVR stream related functions These apply to all other groups in inputstream and are therefore declared as several |
►Screensaver | Screensaver add-on instance |
Information functions | To get info about the device, display and several other parts |
►VFS | Virtual Filesystem (VFS) add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | VFS add-on general variables |
►class VFSUrl | VFS add-on URL data This class is used to inform the addon of the desired wanted connection |
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►1. General access functions | General access functions |
Callbacks GetDirectory() | Callback functions on GetDirectory() |
2. File editing functions | File editing functions. |
►Video Codec | Video codec add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Video codec add-on general variables |
►class VideoCodecInitdata | Initialization data to open a video codec stream |
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struct VIDEOCODEC_PICTURE | Data structure which is given to the addon when a decoding call is made |
►Visualization | Visualization add-on instance |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Visualization add-on instance definition values All visualization functions associated data structures |
►class VisualizationTrack | Info tag data structure Representation of available information of processed audio file |
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Information functions | To get info about the device, display and several other parts These are functions to query any values or to transfer them to Kodi |
1. Setting control | Functions to handle settings access This can be used to get and set the addon related values inside his settings.xml |
►Interface - kodi::gui | Graphical functions for Windows and Dialogs to show Offers classes and functions that manipulate the Graphical User Interface through windows, dialogs, and various control widgets |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | GUI add-on interface definition values All GUI functions associated data structures |
enum ADDON_ACTION | Action Id's Actions that we have defined |
1. General | General GUI related functions This includes independent functions which can be used by different locations and called up independently |
►2. Dialogs | Different GUI dialog for user queries This is where the individual dialogs possible for addons are carried out, with which any user access can be given, e.g. Yes/No dialog |
Dialog Context Menu | Context menu dialog |
Dialog Extended Progress | Progress dialog shown for background work |
Dialog File Browser | File browser dialog |
Dialog Keyboard | Keyboard dialogs |
Dialog Numeric | Numeric dialogs |
Dialog OK | OK dialog |
Dialog Progress | Progress dialog shown in center |
►Dialog Select | Selection dialog |
Definitions, structures and enumerators | Dialog Select definition values Data structures associated with this dialog |
Dialog Text Viewer | Text viewer dialog |
Dialog Yes/No | Yes / No dialog |
►3. Windows | Classes and data for displaying a window in Kodi This group contains the primary class kodi::gui::CWindow and also various subclasses belonging to it (various controls, list item) |
►1. GUI window (kodi::gui::CWindow) | Main window control class |
Definitions, structures and enumerators | Library definition values Additional values, structures and things that are used in the Window class |
Callback functions from Kodi to add-on | GUI window callback functions. Functions to handle control callbacks from Kodi |
2. GUI list item (kodi::gui::CListItem) | Selectable window list item |
►3. GUI controls (kodi::gui::controls::C...) | GUI control elements |
Control Button | Standard push button control for window |
►Control Edit | Editable window text control used as an input control for the osd keyboard and other input fields |
Definitions, structures and enumerators | Library definition values |
Control Fade Label | Window control used to show multiple pieces of text in the same position, by fading from one to the other |
Control Image | Window control used to show an image. |
Control Label | Window control used to show some lines of text |
Control Progress | Window control to show the progress of a particular operation |
Control Radio Button | Window control for a radio button (as used for on/off settings) |
Control Rendering | Window control for rendering own parts |
Control Settings Slider | Window control for moveable slider with text name |
Control Slider | Window control for moveable slider |
Control Spin | Window control used for cycling up/down controls |
Control Text Box | Used to show a multi-page piece of text |
►4. Helpers | Auxiliary classes for processing the GUI within the addon The auxiliary functions and classes stored here only work indirectly with Kodi and are mostly only intended to simplify an add-on development |
►OpenGL helpers | Auxiliary functions for Open GL This group includes help for definitions, functions, and classes for OpenGL |
►GL Shader Program | Class to manage an OpenGL shader program |
Child Functions | |
►Interface - kodi::platform | Platform specific functions This group contains OS platform specific functions with which Kodi is accessed |
class CInterfaceAndroidSystem | Android platform specific functions C++ class to query Android specific things in Kodi |
►Interface - kodi::tools | Helper tools and functions This group includes things that only work indirectly with Kodi |
class CDllHelper | Class to help with load of shared library functions You can add them as parent to your class and to help with load of shared library functions |
class CEndTime | Timeout check Class which makes it easy to check if a specified amount of time has passed |
►class StringUtils | C++ class for processing strings This class brings many different functions to edit, check or search texts |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Parts used within string util functions All to string functions associated data structures |
enum TIME_FORMAT | TIME_FORMAT enum/bitmask used for formatting time strings |
String format | Formatting functions Used to output the given values in newly formatted text using functions |
String edit | Edits given texts This is used to revise the respective strings and to get them in the desired format |
String compare | Check strings for the desired state With this, texts can be checked to see that they correspond to a required format |
String search | To search a string Various functions are defined in here which allow you to search through a text in different ways |
String list | Creating lists using a string With this, either simple vectors or lists defined by templates can be given for the respective divided text |
Time value processing | String time formats This is used to process the respective time formats in text fields |
class CThread | Helper class to represent threads of execution An execution thread is a sequence of instructions that can run concurrently with other such sequences in multithreaded environments while sharing the same address space |
►class CTimer | Time interval management Class which enables a time interval to be called up by a given function or class by means of a thread |
class ITimerCallback | Callback class of timer To give on constructor by CTimer(kodi::tools::CTimer::ITimerCallback* callback) |
►Interface - kodi::audioengine | Audio engine functions This interface contains auxiliary functions and classes which allow an addon to play their own individual audio stream in Kodi |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Library definition values All audio engine functions associated data structures |
►class AudioEngineFormat | Audio format structure The audio format structure that fully defines a stream's audio information |
<em>Value Help</em> | |
enum AudioEngineStreamOptions | Bit options to pass to CAEStream A bit field of stream options |
enum AudioEngineChannel | The possible channels Used to set available or used channels on stream |
enum AudioEngineDataFormat | Audio sample formats The bit layout of the audio data |
class CAEStream | Audio Engine Stream Class Class that can be created by the addon in order to be able to transfer audiostream data processed on the addon to Kodi and output it audibly |
►Interface - kodi::vfs | Virtual filesystem functions Offers classes and functions for access to the Virtual File Server (VFS) which you can use to manipulate files and folders |
►Definitions, structures and enumerators | Virtual file Server definition values All to VFS system functions associated data structures |
enum OpenFileFlags | Flags to define way how file becomes opened The values can be used together, e.g. file.Open("myfile", ADDON_READ_TRUNCATED | ADDON_READ_CHUNKED); |
enum CURLOptiontype | CURL message types Used on kodi::vfs::CFile::CURLAddOption() |
enum FilePropertyTypes | File property types Mostly to read internet sources |
class FileStatus | File information status Used on kodi::vfs::StatFile() to get detailed information about a file |
class CacheStatus | Cache information status Used on kodi::vfs::CFile::IoControlGetCacheStatus() to get running cache status of processed stream |
►class HttpHeader | HTTP header information The class used to access HTTP header information and get his information |
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class CDirEntry | Virtual file server directory entry This class is used as an entry for files and folders in kodi::vfs::GetDirectory() |
1. Directory functions | Globally available directories related functions Used to perform typical operations with it |
2. File functions | Globally available file related functions Used to perform typical operations with it |
3. General functions | Other globally available functions Used to perform typical operations with it |
4. class CFile | Creatable class for virtual file server control To perform file read/write with Kodi's filesystem parts |
Interface - kodi::network | Network functions The network module offers functions that allow you to control it |
▼Python |
Python Add-On Development |
►Library - xbmc | General functions on Kodi. |
InfoTagGame | Kodi's game info tag class. |
InfoTagMusic | Kodi's music info tag class. |
InfoTagPicture | Kodi's picture info tag class. |
InfoTagRadioRDS | Kodi's radio RDS info tag class. |
Actor | Actor class used in combination with InfoTagVideo. |
VideoStreamDetail | Video stream details class used in combination with InfoTagVideo. |
AudioStreamDetail | Audio stream details class used in combination with InfoTagVideo. |
SubtitleStreamDetail | Subtitle stream details class used in combination with InfoTagVideo. |
InfoTagVideo | Kodi's video info tag class. |
Keyboard | Kodi's keyboard class. |
Monitor | Kodi's monitor class. |
►Player | Kodi's player. |
Callback functions from Kodi to Add-On | Callback functions. |
PlayList | Kodi's Play List class. |
RenderCapture | Kodi's render capture. |
►Library - xbmcgui | GUI functions on Kodi. |
►Control | Code based skin access. |
Subclass - ControlSpin | Used for cycling up/down controls. |
Subclass - ControlLabel | Used to show some lines of text. |
Subclass - ControlEdit | |
Subclass - ControlList | Used for a scrolling lists of items. Replaces the list control. |
Subclass - ControlFadeLabel | Used to show multiple pieces of text in the same position, by fading from one to the other. |
Subclass - ControlTextBox | Used to show a multi-page piece of text. |
Subclass - ControlImage | Used to show an image. |
Subclass - ControlProgress | Used to show the progress of a particular operation. |
Subclass - ControlButton | A standard push button control. |
Subclass - ControlGroup | Used to group controls together.. |
►Subclass - ControlRadioButton | A radio button control (as used for on/off settings). |
Font alignment flags | Flags for alignment |
Subclass - ControlSlider | Used for a volume slider. |
►Dialog | Kodi's dialog class |
►DialogProgress | Kodi's progress dialog class (Duh!) |
DialogProgressBG | Kodi's background progress dialog class |
►ListItem | Selectable window list item. |
Overlay icon types | Overlay icon types used on list item |
►Action | |
Action Id's | Actions that we have defined |
►Window | GUI window class for Add-Ons. |
►Callback functions from Kodi to add-on | GUI window callback functions. |
Action Id's | Actions that we have defined |
Subclass - WindowDialog | GUI window dialog class for Add-Ons. |
►Subclass - WindowXML | GUI xml window class. |
Subclass - WindowDialogXML | GUI xml window dialog |
Library - xbmcplugin | Plugin functions on Kodi. |
►Library - xbmcaddon | Kodi's addon class. |
Settings | Add-on settings |
►Library - xbmcvfs | Virtual file system functions on Kodi. |
File | Kodi's file class. |
Stat | Get file or file system status. |
►Library - xbmcwsgi | Web Server Gateway Interface |
WsgiErrorStream | Represents the wsgi.errors stream to write error messages. |
WsgiInputStream | Represents the wsgi.input stream to access data from a HTTP request. |
WsgiResponse | Represents the start_response callable passed to a WSGI handler. |
WsgiResponseBody | Represents the write callable returned by the start_response callable passed to a WSGI handler. |
Library - xbmcdrm | |
▼class AudioEncoderInfoTag | Info tag data structure Representation of available information of processed audio file |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Value Help | |
Asynchronous jobs | |
▼Guilib classes | |
►Graphics and Screen | |
Thumbs | |
Textures and Fonts | |
Items | |
Labels | |
Lists | |
►Strings and Localization | |
XML Parser | |
►Window Reference | |
Windows and Messages | |
►Controls | |
Overlay icon types | Overlay icon types used on list item |
Window Manager and Callbacks | |
Actions and Keys | |
Database | |
Filesystem | |
▼Input | |
Keyboard | |
Mouse | |
Joystick | |
►Touch | |
Touch | |
Games | |
▼Interfaces | |
Info | |
Listproviders | |
Music info | |
Settings | |
Windows | |
List of sort methods | These ID's can be used with the Container.SetSortMethod(id) function |