Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
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XFILE::CDAVFile Class Reference

#include <DAVFile.h>

Inheritance diagram for XFILE::CDAVFile:

Public Member Functions

 CDAVFile (void)
 ~CDAVFile (void) override
virtual bool Execute (const CURL &url)
bool Delete (const CURL &url) override
bool Rename (const CURL &url, const CURL &urlnew) override
virtual int GetLastResponseCode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from XFILE::CCurlFile
 CCurlFile ()
 ~CCurlFile () override
bool Open (const CURL &url) override
bool OpenForWrite (const CURL &url, bool bOverWrite=false) override
bool ReOpen (const CURL &url) override
bool Exists (const CURL &url) override
int64_t Seek (int64_t iFilePosition, int iWhence=SEEK_SET) override
int64_t GetPosition () override
int64_t GetLength () override
int Stat (const CURL &url, struct __stat64 *buffer) override
 Fills struct __stat64 with information about file specified by url.
void Close () override
ReadLineResult ReadLine (char *buffer, std::size_t bufferSize) override
ssize_t Read (void *lpBuf, size_t uiBufSize) override
ssize_t Write (const void *lpBuf, size_t uiBufSize) override
const std::string GetProperty (XFILE::FileProperty type, const std::string &name="") const override
const std::vector< std::string > GetPropertyValues (XFILE::FileProperty type, const std::string &name="") const override
int IoControl (IOControl request, void *param) override
double GetDownloadSpeed () override
bool Post (const std::string &strURL, const std::string &strPostData, std::string &strHTML)
bool Get (const std::string &strURL, std::string &strHTML)
bool ReadData (std::string &strHTML)
bool Download (const std::string &strURL, const std::string &strFileName, unsigned int *pdwSize=NULL)
bool IsInternet ()
void Cancel ()
void Reset ()
void SetUserAgent (const std::string &sUserAgent)
void SetProxy (const std::string &type, const std::string &host, uint16_t port, const std::string &user, const std::string &password)
void SetCustomRequest (const std::string &request)
void SetAcceptEncoding (const std::string &encoding)
void SetAcceptCharset (const std::string &charset)
void SetTimeout (int connecttimeout)
void SetLowSpeedTime (int lowspeedtime)
void SetPostData (const std::string &postdata)
void SetReferer (const std::string &referer)
void SetCookie (const std::string &cookie)
void SetMimeType (const std::string &mimetype)
void SetRequestHeader (const std::string &header, const std::string &value)
void SetRequestHeader (const std::string &header, long value)
void ClearRequestHeaders ()
void SetBufferSize (unsigned int size)
const CHttpHeaderGetHttpHeader () const
const std::string & GetURL () const
std::string GetRedirectURL ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from XFILE::IFile
 IFile ()
virtual ~IFile ()
virtual int Stat (struct __stat64 *buffer)
virtual void Flush ()
virtual int Truncate (int64_t size)
virtual int GetChunkSize ()
virtual bool SetHidden (const CURL &url, bool hidden)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from XFILE::CCurlFile
enum class  ProxyType {
  HTTP = 0 , SOCKS4 , SOCKS4A , SOCKS5 ,
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from XFILE::CCurlFile
static bool GetHttpHeader (const CURL &url, CHttpHeader &headers)
static bool GetMimeType (const CURL &url, std::string &content, const std::string &useragent="")
static bool GetContentType (const CURL &url, std::string &content, const std::string &useragent="")
static bool GetCookies (const CURL &url, std::string &cookies)
- Protected Types inherited from XFILE::CCurlFile
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > MAPHTTPHEADERS
- Protected Member Functions inherited from XFILE::CCurlFile
void ParseAndCorrectUrl (CURL &url)
void SetCommonOptions (CReadState *state, bool failOnError=true)
void SetRequestHeaders (CReadState *state)
void SetCorrectHeaders (CReadState *state)
bool Service (const std::string &strURL, std::string &strHTML)
std::string GetInfoString (int infoType)
- Protected Attributes inherited from XFILE::CCurlFile
unsigned int m_bufferSize
int64_t m_writeOffset = 0
std::string m_url
std::string m_userAgent
ProxyType m_proxytype = ProxyType::HTTP
std::string m_proxyhost
uint16_t m_proxyport = 3128
std::string m_proxyuser
std::string m_proxypassword
std::string m_customrequest
std::string m_acceptencoding
std::string m_acceptCharset
std::string m_ftpauth
std::string m_ftpport
std::string m_binary
std::string m_postdata
std::string m_referer
std::string m_cookie
std::string m_username
std::string m_password
std::string m_httpauth
std::string m_cipherlist
bool m_ftppasvip
int m_connecttimeout
int m_redirectlimit
int m_lowspeedtime
bool m_opened
bool m_forWrite
bool m_inError
bool m_seekable
bool m_multisession
bool m_skipshout
bool m_postdataset
bool m_allowRetry
bool m_verifyPeer = true
bool m_failOnError = true
curl_slist * m_dnsCacheList = nullptr
CRingBuffer m_buffer
char * m_overflowBuffer
unsigned int m_overflowSize = 0
int m_stillRunning
MAPHTTPHEADERS m_requestheaders
long m_httpresponse

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CDAVFile()

CDAVFile::CDAVFile ( void )

◆ ~CDAVFile()

CDAVFile::~CDAVFile ( void )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Delete()

bool CDAVFile::Delete ( const CURL & url)

Reimplemented from XFILE::IFile.

◆ Execute()

bool CDAVFile::Execute ( const CURL & url)

◆ GetLastResponseCode()

virtual int XFILE::CDAVFile::GetLastResponseCode ( )

◆ Rename()

bool CDAVFile::Rename ( const CURL & url,
const CURL & urlnew )

Reimplemented from XFILE::IFile.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: