| CGUIGameControllerList (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, ORIENTATION orientation, uint32_t alignment, const CScroller &scroller) |
| CGUIGameControllerList (const CGUIGameControllerList &other) |
| ~CGUIGameControllerList () override=default |
CGUIGameControllerList * | Clone () const override |
void | UpdateInfo (const CGUIListItem *item) override |
void | SetGameClient (GameClientPtr gameClient) |
void | ClearGameClient () |
uint32_t | GetAlignment () const |
| CGUIListContainer (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, ORIENTATION orientation, const CScroller &scroller, int preloadItems) |
| CGUIListContainer (const CGUIListContainer &other) |
| CGUIListContainer (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, const CLabelInfo &labelInfo, const CLabelInfo &labelInfo2, const CTextureInfo &textureButton, const CTextureInfo &textureButtonFocus, float textureHeight, float itemWidth, float itemHeight, float spaceBetweenItems) |
| ~CGUIListContainer (void) override |
CGUIListContainer * | Clone () const override |
bool | OnAction (const CAction &action) override |
bool | OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) override |
bool | HasNextPage () const override |
bool | HasPreviousPage () const override |
| CGUIBaseContainer (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, ORIENTATION orientation, const CScroller &scroller, int preloadItems) |
| CGUIBaseContainer (const CGUIBaseContainer &other) |
| ~CGUIBaseContainer (void) override |
void | OnDown () override |
void | OnUp () override |
void | OnLeft () override |
void | OnRight () override |
bool | OnMouseOver (const CPoint &point) override |
| Called when the mouse is over the control. Default implementation selects the control.
bool | CanFocus () const override |
void | SetFocus (bool bOnOff) override |
void | AllocResources () override |
void | FreeResources (bool immediately=false) override |
void | UpdateVisibility (const CGUIListItem *item=NULL) override |
void | AssignDepth () override |
virtual unsigned int | GetRows () const |
void | SetPageControl (int id) |
std::string | GetDescription () const override |
void | SaveStates (std::vector< CControlState > &states) override |
virtual int | GetSelectedItem () const |
void | DoProcess (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override |
void | Process (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override |
void | LoadLayout (TiXmlElement *layout) |
void | LoadListProvider (TiXmlElement *content, int defaultItem, bool defaultAlways) |
std::shared_ptr< CGUIListItem > | GetListItem (int offset, unsigned int flag=0) const override |
bool | GetCondition (int condition, int data) const override |
std::string | GetLabel (int info) const override |
void | SetListProvider (std::unique_ptr< IListProvider > provider) |
| Set the list provider for this container (for python).
void | SetRenderOffset (const CPoint &offset) |
| Set the offset of the first item in the container from the container's position Useful for lists/panels where the focused item may be larger than the non-focused items and thus normally cut off from the clipping window defined by the container's position + size.
void | SetClickActions (const CGUIAction &clickActions) |
void | SetFocusActions (const CGUIAction &focusActions) |
void | SetUnFocusActions (const CGUIAction &unfocusActions) |
void | SetAutoScrolling (const TiXmlNode *node) |
void | ResetAutoScrolling () |
void | UpdateAutoScrolling (unsigned int currentTime) |
| IGUIContainer (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
bool | IsContainer () const override |
VIEW_TYPE | GetType () const |
const std::string & | GetLabel () const |
void | SetType (VIEW_TYPE type, const std::string &label) |
| CGUIControl () |
| CGUIControl (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControl (const CGUIControl &) |
virtual | ~CGUIControl (void) |
virtual void | DoRender () |
virtual void | RenderEx () |
bool | HasProcessed () const |
| Returns whether or not we have processed.
virtual bool | OnBack () |
virtual bool | OnInfo () |
virtual void | OnNextControl () |
virtual void | OnPrevControl () |
virtual EVENT_RESULT | SendMouseEvent (const CPoint &point, const KODI::MOUSE::CMouseEvent &event) |
| React to a mouse event.
virtual void | UnfocusFromPoint (const CPoint &point) |
| Unfocus the control if the given point on screen is not within it's boundary.
virtual bool | HitTest (const CPoint &point) const |
| Used to test whether the point is inside a control.
virtual int | GetID (void) const |
virtual void | SetID (int id) |
int | GetParentID () const |
virtual bool | HasFocus () const |
virtual void | DynamicResourceAlloc (bool bOnOff) |
virtual bool | IsDynamicallyAllocated () |
virtual bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsVisibleFromSkin () const |
virtual bool | IsDisabled () const |
virtual void | SetPosition (float posX, float posY) |
virtual void | SetHitRect (const CRect &rect, const KODI::UTILS::COLOR::Color &color) |
virtual void | SetCamera (const CPoint &camera) |
virtual void | SetStereoFactor (const float &factor) |
bool | SetColorDiffuse (const KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CGUIInfoColor &color) |
CPoint | GetRenderPosition () const |
virtual float | GetXPosition () const |
virtual float | GetYPosition () const |
virtual float | GetWidth () const |
virtual float | GetHeight () const |
void | MarkDirtyRegion (const unsigned int dirtyState=DIRTY_STATE_CONTROL) |
bool | IsControlDirty () const |
const CRect & | GetRenderRegion () const |
| return the render region in screen coordinates of this control
virtual CRect | CalcRenderRegion () const |
| calculate the render region in parentcontrol coordinates of this control Called during process to update m_renderRegion
void | SetActions (const ActionMap &actions) |
void | SetAction (int actionID, const CGUIAction &action, bool replace=true) |
| Set actions to perform on navigation Navigations are set if replace is true or if there is no previously set action.
CGUIAction | GetAction (int actionID) const |
| Get an action the control can be perform.
bool | Navigate (int direction) const |
| Start navigating in given direction.
virtual void | SetWidth (float width) |
virtual void | SetHeight (float height) |
virtual void | SetVisible (bool bVisible, bool setVisState=false) |
void | SetVisibleCondition (const std::string &expression, const std::string &allowHiddenFocus="") |
bool | HasVisibleCondition () const |
void | SetEnableCondition (const std::string &expression) |
virtual void | SetInitialVisibility () |
virtual void | SetEnabled (bool bEnable) |
virtual void | SetInvalid () |
virtual void | SetPulseOnSelect (bool pulse) |
virtual std::string | GetDescriptionByIndex (int index) const |
void | SetAnimations (const std::vector< CAnimation > &animations) |
const std::vector< CAnimation > & | GetAnimations () const |
virtual void | QueueAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) |
virtual bool | IsAnimating (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) |
virtual bool | HasAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) |
CAnimation * | GetAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE type, bool checkConditions=true) |
virtual void | ResetAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE type) |
virtual void | ResetAnimations () |
virtual void | SetPushUpdates (bool pushUpdates) |
virtual bool | IsGroup () const |
void | SetParentControl (CGUIControl *control) |
CGUIControl * | GetParentControl (void) const |
virtual CGUIControl * | GetControl (int id, std::vector< CGUIControl * > *idCollector=nullptr) |
void | SetControlStats (GUICONTROLSTATS *controlStats) |
virtual void | UpdateControlStats () |
GUICONTROLTYPES | GetControlType () const |
bool | IsControlRenderable () |
| Test whether the control is "drawable" (not a group or similar)
} |
} |
} |
typedef std::map< int, CGUIAction > | ActionMap |
| Set actions to perform on navigation.
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CGUIListItem > >::iterator | iItems |
void | Scroll (int amount) override |
void | SetCursor (int cursor) override |
| Set the cursor position Should be used by all base classes rather than directly setting it, as this also marks the control as dirty (if needed)
bool | MoveDown (bool wrapAround) override |
bool | MoveUp (bool wrapAround) override |
void | ValidateOffset () override |
void | SelectItem (int item) override |
bool | SelectItemFromPoint (const CPoint &point) override |
int | GetCursorFromPoint (const CPoint &point, CPoint *itemPoint=NULL) const override |
EVENT_RESULT | OnMouseEvent (const CPoint &point, const KODI::MOUSE::CMouseEvent &event) override |
| Perform a mouse action.
bool | OnClick (int actionID) |
virtual void | ProcessItem (float posX, float posY, std::shared_ptr< CGUIListItem > &item, bool focused, unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) |
void | Render () override |
virtual void | RenderItem (float posX, float posY, CGUIListItem *item, bool focused) |
virtual bool | GetOffsetRange (int &minOffset, int &maxOffset) const |
virtual int | CorrectOffset (int offset, int cursor) const |
virtual void | UpdateLayout (bool refreshAllItems=false) |
virtual void | SetPageControlRange () |
virtual void | UpdatePageControl (int offset) |
virtual void | CalculateLayout () |
virtual void | Reset () |
virtual size_t | GetNumItems () const |
virtual int | GetCurrentPage () const |
bool | InsideLayout (const CGUIListItemLayout *layout, const CPoint &point) const |
void | OnFocus () override |
void | OnUnFocus () override |
void | UpdateListProvider (bool forceRefresh=false) |
int | ScrollCorrectionRange () const |
float | Size () const |
void | FreeMemory (int keepStart, int keepEnd) |
void | GetCurrentLayouts () |
CGUIListItemLayout * | GetFocusedLayout () const |
virtual void | ScrollToOffset (int offset) |
void | SetContainerMoving (int direction) |
void | UpdateScrollOffset (unsigned int currentTime) |
void | UpdateScrollByLetter () |
void | GetCacheOffsets (int &cacheBefore, int &cacheAfter) const |
int | GetCacheCount () const |
bool | ScrollingDown () const |
bool | ScrollingUp () const |
void | OnNextLetter () |
void | OnPrevLetter () |
void | OnJumpLetter (const std::string &letter, bool skip=false) |
void | OnJumpSMS (int letter) |
int | GetCursor () const |
void | SetOffset (int offset) |
| Set the container offset Should be used by all base classes rather than directly setting it, as this also marks the control as dirty (if needed)
int | GetOffset () const |
| Returns the index of the first visible row returns the first row. This may be outside of the range of available items. Use GetItemOffset() to retrieve the first visible item in the list.
int | GetItemOffset () const |
| Returns the index of the first visible item returns the first visible item. This will always be in the range of available items. Use GetOffset() to retrieve the first visible row in the list.
virtual CPoint | GetPosition () const |
| Return the coordinates of the top left of the control, in the control's parent coordinates.
virtual bool | CanFocusFromPoint (const CPoint &point) const |
| Test whether we can focus a control from a point on screen.
virtual bool | UpdateColors (const CGUIListItem *item) |
virtual bool | Animate (unsigned int currentTime) |
virtual bool | CheckAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE animType) |
void | UpdateStates (ANIMATION_TYPE type, ANIMATION_PROCESS currentProcess, ANIMATION_STATE currentState) |
bool | SendWindowMessage (CGUIMessage &message) const |
CPoint | m_renderOffset |
| render offset of the first item in the list
float | m_analogScrollCount |
unsigned int | m_lastHoldTime |
ORIENTATION | m_orientation |
int | m_itemsPerPage |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CGUIListItem > > | m_items |
std::shared_ptr< CGUIListItem > | m_lastItem |
int | m_pageControl |
std::list< CGUIListItemLayout > | m_layouts |
std::list< CGUIListItemLayout > | m_focusedLayouts |
CGUIListItemLayout * | m_layout {nullptr} |
CGUIListItemLayout * | m_focusedLayout {nullptr} |
bool | m_layoutCondition = false |
bool | m_focusedLayoutCondition = false |
CScroller | m_scroller |
std::unique_ptr< IListProvider > | m_listProvider |
bool | m_wasReset |
std::vector< std::pair< int, std::string > > | m_letterOffsets |
INFO::InfoPtr | m_autoScrollCondition |
int | m_autoScrollMoveTime |
unsigned int | m_autoScrollDelayTime |
bool | m_autoScrollIsReversed |
unsigned int | m_lastRenderTime |
std::string | m_label |
ActionMap | m_actions |
float | m_posX |
float | m_posY |
float | m_height |
float | m_width |
CRect | m_hitRect |
KODI::UTILS::COLOR::Color | m_hitColor = 0xffffffff |
KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CGUIInfoColor | m_diffuseColor |
int | m_controlID |
int | m_parentID |
bool | m_bHasFocus |
bool | m_bInvalidated |
bool | m_bAllocated |
bool | m_pulseOnSelect |
GUICONTROLSTATS * | m_controlStats |
CGUIControl * | m_parentControl |
INFO::InfoPtr | m_visibleCondition |
GUIVISIBLE | m_visible |
bool | m_visibleFromSkinCondition |
bool | m_forceHidden |
KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CGUIInfoBool | m_allowHiddenFocus |
bool | m_hasProcessed |
INFO::InfoPtr | m_enableCondition |
bool | m_enabled |
bool | m_pushedUpdates |
std::vector< CAnimation > | m_animations |
CPoint | m_camera |
bool | m_hasCamera |
float | m_stereo |
TransformMatrix | m_transform |
TransformMatrix | m_cachedTransform |
bool | m_isCulled {true} |
unsigned int | m_controlDirtyState |
CRect | m_renderRegion |
static const unsigned int | DIRTY_STATE_CONTROL = 1 |
static const unsigned int | DIRTY_STATE_CHILD = 2 |