| CAddonDatabase () |
| ~CAddonDatabase () override |
bool | Open () override |
bool | GetAddon (const std::string &addonID, const ADDON::CAddonVersion &version, const std::string &repoId, ADDON::AddonPtr &addon) |
| Get an addon with a specific version and repository.
bool | GetDisabled (std::map< std::string, ADDON::AddonDisabledReason > &addons) |
bool | FindByAddonId (const std::string &addonId, ADDON::VECADDONS &addons) const |
bool | UpdateRepositoryContent (const std::string &repositoryId, const ADDON::CAddonVersion &version, const std::string &checksum, const std::vector< AddonInfoPtr > &addons) |
int | GetRepoChecksum (const std::string &id, std::string &checksum) |
bool | GetRepositoryContent (const std::string &id, ADDON::VECADDONS &addons) const |
| Get addons in repository id
bool | GetRepositoryContent (ADDON::VECADDONS &addons) const |
int | SetRepoUpdateData (const std::string &id, const RepoUpdateData &updateData) |
| Set data concerning repository update (last/next date etc.), and create the repo if needed.
RepoUpdateData | GetRepoUpdateData (const std::string &id) |
| Retrieve repository update data (last/next date etc.)
bool | Search (const std::string &search, ADDON::VECADDONS &items) |
bool | DisableAddon (const std::string &addonID, ADDON::AddonDisabledReason disabledReason) |
| Disable an addon. Sets a flag that this addon has been disabled. If disabled, it is usually still available on disk.
bool | EnableAddon (const std::string &addonID) |
| Enable an addon. Enables an addon that has previously been disabled.
bool | AddUpdateRuleForAddon (const std::string &addonID, ADDON::AddonUpdateRule updateRule) |
| Write dataset with addon-id and rule to the db.
bool | RemoveAllUpdateRulesForAddon (const std::string &addonID) |
| Remove all rule datasets for an addon-id from the db.
bool | RemoveUpdateRuleForAddon (const std::string &addonID, AddonUpdateRule updateRule) |
| Remove a single rule dataset for an addon-id from the db.
bool | GetAddonUpdateRules (std::map< std::string, std::vector< AddonUpdateRule > > &rulesMap) const |
| Retrieve all rule datasets from db and store them into map.
bool | AddPackage (const std::string &addonID, const std::string &packageFileName, const std::string &hash) |
| Store an addon's package filename and that file's hash for future verification.
bool | GetPackageHash (const std::string &addonID, const std::string &packageFileName, std::string &hash) |
| Query the MD5 checksum of the given given addon's given package.
bool | RemovePackage (const std::string &packageFileName) |
| Remove a package's info from the database.
void | OnPostUnInstall (const std::string &addonId) |
void | SyncInstalled (const std::set< std::string > &ids, const std::set< std::string > &system, const std::set< std::string > &optional) |
bool | SetLastUpdated (const std::string &addonId, const CDateTime &dateTime) |
bool | SetOrigin (const std::string &addonId, const std::string &origin) |
bool | SetLastUsed (const std::string &addonId, const CDateTime &dateTime) |
void | GetInstallData (const ADDON::AddonInfoPtr &addon) |
bool | AddInstalledAddon (const std::shared_ptr< CAddonInfo > &addon, const std::string &origin) |
| Add dataset for a new installed addon to the database.
std::vector< std::string > | GetUsedImages (const std::vector< std::string > &imagesToCheck) const |
| Check the passed in list of images if used in this database. Used to clean the image cache.
| CDatabase () |
virtual | ~CDatabase (void) |
bool | IsOpen () |
virtual void | Close () |
bool | Compress (bool bForce=true) |
void | Interrupt () |
bool | Open (const DatabaseSettings &db) |
void | BeginTransaction () |
virtual bool | CommitTransaction () |
void | RollbackTransaction () |
void | CopyDB (const std::string &latestDb) |
void | DropAnalytics () |
std::string | PrepareSQL (std::string strStmt,...) const |
std::string | GetSingleValue (const std::string &strTable, const std::string &strColumn, const std::string &strWhereClause=std::string(), const std::string &strOrderBy=std::string()) const |
| Get a single value from a table.
std::string | GetSingleValue (const std::string &query) const |
std::string | GetSingleValue (const std::string &query, const std::unique_ptr< dbiplus::Dataset > &ds) const |
| Get a single value from a query on a dataset.
int | GetSingleValueInt (const std::string &strTable, const std::string &strColumn, const std::string &strWhereClause=std::string(), const std::string &strOrderBy=std::string()) const |
| Get a single integer value from a table.
int | GetSingleValueInt (const std::string &query) const |
int | GetSingleValueInt (const std::string &query, const std::unique_ptr< dbiplus::Dataset > &ds) const |
| Get a single integer value from a query on a dataset.
bool | DeleteValues (const std::string &strTable, const Filter &filter=Filter()) |
| Delete values from a table.
bool | ExecuteQuery (const std::string &strQuery) |
| Execute a query that does not return any result. Note that if BeginMultipleExecute() has been called, the query will be queued until CommitMultipleExecute() is called.
bool | ResultQuery (const std::string &strQuery) const |
| Execute a query that returns a result.
bool | BeginMultipleExecute () |
| Start a multiple execution queue. Any ExecuteQuery() function following this call will be queued rather than executed until CommitMultipleExecute() is performed. NOTE: Queries that rely on any queued execute query will not function as expected during this period!
bool | CommitMultipleExecute () |
| Commit the multiple execution queue to the database. Queries are performed within a transaction, and the transaction is rolled back should any one query fail.
bool | QueueInsertQuery (const std::string &strQuery) |
| Put an INSERT or REPLACE query in the queue.
bool | CommitInsertQueries () |
| Commit all queries in the queue.
size_t | GetInsertQueriesCount () |
| Get the number of INSERT queries in the queue.
bool | QueueDeleteQuery (const std::string &strQuery) |
| Put a DELETE query in the queue.
bool | CommitDeleteQueries () |
| Commit all queued DELETE queries.
size_t | GetDeleteQueriesCount () |
| Get the number of DELETE queries in the queue.
virtual bool | GetFilter (CDbUrl &dbUrl, Filter &filter, SortDescription &sorting) |
virtual bool | BuildSQL (const std::string &strBaseDir, const std::string &strQuery, Filter &filter, std::string &strSQL, CDbUrl &dbUrl) |
virtual bool | BuildSQL (const std::string &strBaseDir, const std::string &strQuery, Filter &filter, std::string &strSQL, CDbUrl &dbUrl, SortDescription &sorting) |
bool | Connect (const std::string &dbName, const DatabaseSettings &db, bool create) |