| WindowXML (const String &xmlFilename, const String &scriptPath, const String &defaultSkin="Default", const String &defaultRes="720p", bool isMedia=false) |
| ~WindowXML () override |
| addItem (...) |
| Function: addItem(item[, position])
Add a new item to this Window List.
| addItems (...) |
| Function: addItems(items)
Add a list of items to to the window list.
| removeItem (...) |
| Function: removeItem(position)
Removes a specified item based on position, from the Window List.
| getCurrentListPosition () |
| Function: getCurrentListPosition()
Gets the current position in the Window List.
| setCurrentListPosition (...) |
| Function: setCurrentListPosition(position)
Set the current position in the Window List.
| getListItem (...) |
| Function: getListItem(position)
Returns a given ListItem in this Window List.
| getListSize () |
| Function: getListSize()
Returns the number of items in this Window List.
| clearList () |
| Function: clearList()
Clear the Window List.
| setContainerProperty (...) |
| Function: setContainerProperty(key, value)
Sets a container property, similar to an infolabel.
| setContent (...) |
| Function: setContent(value)
Sets the content type of the container.
| getCurrentContainerId (...) |
| Function: getCurrentContainerId()
Get the id of the currently visible container.
bool | OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) override |
bool | OnAction (const CAction &action) override |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void | AllocResources (bool forceLoad=false) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void | FreeResources (bool forceUnLoad=false) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | OnClick (int iItem) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | OnDoubleClick (int iItem) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void | Process (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) |
bool | IsMediaWindow () const override |
| Window (int existingWindowId=-1) |
| ~Window () override |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | OnAction (const CAction &action) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | OnBack (int actionId) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void | OnDeinitWindow (int nextWindowID) |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | IsDialogRunning () const |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | IsDialog () const |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | IsModalDialog () const |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL bool | IsMediaWindow () const |
SWIGHIDDENVIRTUAL void | dispose () |
void | interceptorClear () |
| onAction (...) |
| Function: onAction(self, Action action)
onAction method.
void | onControl (...) |
| Function: onControl(self, Control)
onControl method.
| onClick (...) |
| Function: onClick(self, int controlId)
onClick method.
| onDoubleClick (...) |
| Function: onDoubleClick(self, int controlId)
onDoubleClick method.
| onFocus (...) |
| Function: onFocus(self, int controlId)
onFocus method.
| onInit (...) |
| Function: onInit(self)
onInit method.
| show () |
| Function: show()
Show this window.
| setFocus (...) |
| Function: setFocus(Control)
Give the supplied control focus.
| setFocusId (...) |
| Function: setFocusId(ControlId)
Gives the control with the supplied focus.
| getFocus () |
| Function: getFocus(Control)
Returns the control which is focused.
| getFocusId () |
| Function: getFocusId(int)
Returns the id of the control which is focused.
| removeControl (...) |
| Function: removeControl(Control)
Removes the control from this window.
| removeControls (...) |
| Function: removeControls(List)
Removes a list of controls from this window.
| getHeight () |
| Function: getHeight()
Returns the height of this Window instance.
| getWidth () |
| Function: getWidth()
Returns the width of this Window instance.
| setProperty (...) |
| Function: setProperty(key, value)
Sets a window property, similar to an infolabel.
| getProperty (...) |
| Function: getProperty(key)
Returns a window property as a string, similar to an infolabel.
| clearProperty (...) |
| Function: clearProperty(key)
Clears the specific window property.
| clearProperties () |
| Function: clearProperties()
Clears all window properties.
| close () |
| Function: close()
Closes this window.
| doModal () |
| Function: doModal()
Display this window until close() is called.
| addControl (...) |
| Function: addControl(Control)
Add a Control to this window.
| addControls (...) |
| Function: addControls(List)
Add a list of Controls to this window.
| getControl (...) |
| Function: getControl(controlId)
Gets the control from this window.
| ~AddonCallback () override |
void | setHandler (CallbackHandler *_handler) |
void | invokeCallback (Callback *callback) |
| AddonClass () |
virtual | ~AddonClass () |
const char * | GetClassname () const |
LanguageHook * | GetLanguageHook () |
bool | isDeallocating () |
void | Release () const |
void | Acquire () const |