| CGUIWindowPVRGuideBase (bool bRadio, int id, const std::string &xmlFile) |
| ~CGUIWindowPVRGuideBase () override |
void | OnInitWindow () override |
| Called on window open.
void | OnDeinitWindow (int nextWindowID) override |
bool | OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) override |
bool | OnAction (const CAction &action) override |
void | GetContextButtons (int itemNumber, CContextButtons &buttons) override |
bool | OnContextButton (int itemNumber, CONTEXT_BUTTON button) override |
void | UpdateButtons () override |
| Updates the states.
void | SetInvalid () override |
bool | Update (const std::string &strDirectory, bool updateFilterPath=true) override |
| Retrieves the items from the given path and updates the list.
void | NotifyEvent (const PVREvent &event) override |
bool | RefreshTimelineItems () |
void | GetChannelNumbers (std::vector< std::string > &channelNumbers) override |
| Get the currently available channel numbers.
void | OnInputDone () override |
| This method gets called after the channel number input timer has expired.
bool | GotoBegin () |
bool | GotoEnd () |
bool | GotoCurrentProgramme () |
bool | GotoDate (int deltaHours) |
bool | OpenDateSelectionDialog () |
bool | Go12HoursBack () |
bool | Go12HoursForward () |
bool | GotoFirstChannel () |
bool | GotoLastChannel () |
bool | GotoPlayingChannel () |
| ~CGUIWindowPVRBase () override |
bool | CanBeActivated () const override |
bool | UseFileDirectories () override |
void | Notify (const PVREvent &event) |
| CEventStream callback for PVR events.
bool | ActivatePreviousChannelGroup () |
bool | ActivateNextChannelGroup () |
bool | OpenChannelGroupSelectionDialog () |
| CGUIMediaWindow (int id, const char *xmlFile) |
| ~CGUIMediaWindow (void) override |
bool | OnBack (int actionID) override |
void | OnWindowLoaded () override |
void | OnWindowUnload () override |
bool | IsMediaWindow () const override |
int | GetViewContainerID () const override |
int | GetViewCount () const override |
bool | HasListItems () const override |
virtual bool | CanFilterAdvanced () |
virtual bool | IsFiltered () |
virtual bool | IsSameStartFolder (const std::string &dir) |
virtual std::string | GetRootPath () const |
const CFileItemList & | CurrentDirectory () const |
const CGUIViewState * | GetViewState () const |
| CGUIWindow (int id, const std::string &xmlFile) |
| ~CGUIWindow (void) override |
bool | Initialize () |
bool | Load (const std::string &strFileName, bool bContainsPath=false) |
void | CenterWindow () |
void | DoProcess (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override |
void | DoRender () override |
| Main render function, called every frame. Window classes should override this only if they need to alter how something is rendered. General updating on a per-frame basis should be handled in FrameMove instead, as DoRender is not necessarily re-entrant.
void | AfterRender () |
| Do any post render activities. Check if window closing animation is finished and finalize window closing.
virtual void | FrameMove () |
| Main update function, called every frame prior to rendering Any window that requires updating on a frame by frame basis (such as to maintain timers and the like) should override this function.
void | Close (bool forceClose=false, int nextWindowID=0, bool enableSound=true, bool bWait=true) |
virtual bool | OnInfo (int actionID) |
virtual void | ClearBackground () |
| Clear the background (if necessary) prior to rendering the window.
bool | OnMove (int fromControl, int moveAction) |
bool | ControlGroupHasFocus (int groupID, int controlID) |
void | SetID (int id) override |
virtual bool | HasID (int controlID) const |
const std::vector< int > & | GetIDRange () const |
int | GetPreviousWindow () |
CRect | GetScaledBounds () const |
void | ClearAll () override |
virtual void | AllocResources (bool forceLoad=false) |
void | FreeResources (bool forceUnLoad=false) override |
void | DynamicResourceAlloc (bool bOnOff) override |
virtual bool | IsDialog () const |
virtual bool | IsDialogRunning () const |
virtual bool | IsModalDialog () const |
virtual bool | IsSoundEnabled () const |
virtual bool | IsActive () const |
void | SetCoordsRes (const RESOLUTION_INFO &res) |
const RESOLUTION_INFO & | GetCoordsRes () const |
void | SetLoadType (LOAD_TYPE loadType) |
LOAD_TYPE | GetLoadType () |
int | GetRenderOrder () |
void | SetInitialVisibility () override |
bool | IsVisible () const override |
virtual bool | HasVisibleControls () |
bool | IsAnimating (ANIMATION_TYPE animType) override |
bool | IsCustom () const |
| Return if the window is a custom window.
void | SetCustom (bool custom) |
| Mark this window as custom window.
void | DisableAnimations () |
virtual void | ResetControlStates () |
void | UpdateControlStats () override |
void | SetRunActionsManually () |
void | RunLoadActions () const |
void | RunUnloadActions () const |
void | SetProperty (const std::string &key, const CVariant &value) |
| Set a property Sets the value of a property referenced by a key.
CVariant | GetProperty (const std::string &key) const |
| Retrieve a property.
void | ClearProperties () |
| Clear a all the window's properties.
bool | HasSaveLastControl () const |
void | AllocResources () override |
| CGUIControlGroup () |
| CGUIControlGroup (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControlGroup (const CGUIControlGroup &from) |
| ~CGUIControlGroup (void) override |
CGUIControlGroup * | Clone () const override |
void | Process (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override |
void | Render () override |
void | RenderEx () override |
virtual bool | SendControlMessage (CGUIMessage &message) |
bool | HasFocus () const override |
bool | CanFocus () const override |
void | AssignDepth () override |
EVENT_RESULT | SendMouseEvent (const CPoint &point, const KODI::MOUSE::CMouseEvent &event) override |
| React to a mouse event.
void | UnfocusFromPoint (const CPoint &point) override |
| Unfocus the control if the given point on screen is not within it's boundary.
bool | HasAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) override |
void | QueueAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) override |
void | ResetAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE anim) override |
void | ResetAnimations () override |
int | GetFocusedControlID () const |
CGUIControl * | GetFocusedControl () const |
virtual void | AddControl (CGUIControl *control, int position=-1) |
bool | InsertControl (CGUIControl *control, const CGUIControl *insertPoint) |
virtual bool | RemoveControl (const CGUIControl *control) |
void | SetDefaultControl (int id, bool always) |
void | SetRenderFocusedLast (bool renderLast) |
void | SaveStates (std::vector< CControlState > &states) override |
bool | IsGroup () const override |
| CGUIControlLookup ()=default |
| CGUIControlLookup (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControlLookup (const CGUIControlLookup &from) |
| ~CGUIControlLookup (void) override=default |
CGUIControl * | GetControl (int id, std::vector< CGUIControl * > *idCollector=nullptr) override |
| CGUIControl () |
| CGUIControl (int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height) |
| CGUIControl (const CGUIControl &) |
virtual | ~CGUIControl (void) |
bool | HasProcessed () const |
| Returns whether or not we have processed.
virtual void | OnUp () |
virtual void | OnDown () |
virtual void | OnLeft () |
virtual void | OnRight () |
virtual bool | OnBack () |
virtual bool | OnInfo () |
virtual void | OnNextControl () |
virtual void | OnPrevControl () |
virtual void | OnFocus () |
virtual void | OnUnFocus () |
virtual bool | HitTest (const CPoint &point) const |
| Used to test whether the point is inside a control.
virtual int | GetID (void) const |
int | GetParentID () const |
virtual bool | IsDynamicallyAllocated () |
bool | IsVisibleFromSkin () const |
virtual bool | IsDisabled () const |
virtual void | SetPosition (float posX, float posY) |
virtual void | SetHitRect (const CRect &rect, const KODI::UTILS::COLOR::Color &color) |
virtual void | SetCamera (const CPoint &camera) |
virtual void | SetStereoFactor (const float &factor) |
bool | SetColorDiffuse (const KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CGUIInfoColor &color) |
CPoint | GetRenderPosition () const |
virtual float | GetXPosition () const |
virtual float | GetYPosition () const |
virtual float | GetWidth () const |
virtual float | GetHeight () const |
void | MarkDirtyRegion (const unsigned int dirtyState=DIRTY_STATE_CONTROL) |
bool | IsControlDirty () const |
const CRect & | GetRenderRegion () const |
| return the render region in screen coordinates of this control
virtual CRect | CalcRenderRegion () const |
| calculate the render region in parentcontrol coordinates of this control Called during process to update m_renderRegion
void | SetActions (const ActionMap &actions) |
void | SetAction (int actionID, const CGUIAction &action, bool replace=true) |
| Set actions to perform on navigation Navigations are set if replace is true or if there is no previously set action.
CGUIAction | GetAction (int actionID) const |
| Get an action the control can be perform.
bool | Navigate (int direction) const |
| Start navigating in given direction.
virtual void | SetFocus (bool focus) |
virtual void | SetWidth (float width) |
virtual void | SetHeight (float height) |
virtual void | SetVisible (bool bVisible, bool setVisState=false) |
void | SetVisibleCondition (const std::string &expression, const std::string &allowHiddenFocus="") |
bool | HasVisibleCondition () const |
void | SetEnableCondition (const std::string &expression) |
virtual void | UpdateVisibility (const CGUIListItem *item) |
virtual void | SetEnabled (bool bEnable) |
virtual void | SetPulseOnSelect (bool pulse) |
virtual std::string | GetDescription () const |
virtual std::string | GetDescriptionByIndex (int index) const |
void | SetAnimations (const std::vector< CAnimation > &animations) |
const std::vector< CAnimation > & | GetAnimations () const |
CAnimation * | GetAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE type, bool checkConditions=true) |
virtual void | UpdateInfo (const CGUIListItem *item=NULL) |
virtual void | SetPushUpdates (bool pushUpdates) |
virtual bool | IsContainer () const |
virtual bool | GetCondition (int condition, int data) const |
void | SetParentControl (CGUIControl *control) |
CGUIControl * | GetParentControl (void) const |
void | SetControlStats (GUICONTROLSTATS *controlStats) |
GUICONTROLTYPES | GetControlType () const |
bool | IsControlRenderable () |
| Test whether the control is "drawable" (not a group or similar)
Public Member Functions inherited from PVR::CPVRChannelNumberInputHandler |
| CPVRChannelNumberInputHandler () |
| ~CPVRChannelNumberInputHandler () override=default |
CEventStream< PVRChannelNumberInputChangedEvent > & | Events () |
| Get the events available for CEventStream.
void | OnTimeout () override |
virtual void | AppendChannelNumberCharacter (char cCharacter) |
| Appends a channel number character.
bool | HasChannelNumber () const |
| Check whether a channel number was entered.
std::string | GetChannelNumberLabel () const |
| Get the currently entered channel number as a formatted string.
bool | CheckInputAndExecuteAction () |
| If a number was entered, execute the associated action.
void | UpdateSelectedItemPath () override |
std::string | GetDirectoryPath () override |
bool | GetDirectory (const std::string &strDirectory, CFileItemList &items) override |
| Overwrite to fill fileitems from a source.
void | FormatAndSort (CFileItemList &items) override |
| Format and sort file items.
CFileItemPtr | GetCurrentListItem (int offset=0) override |
void | ClearData () override |
| CGUIWindowPVRBase (bool bRadio, int id, const std::string &xmlFile) |
bool | InitChannelGroup () |
| Init this window's channel group with the currently active (the "playing") channel group.
std::shared_ptr< CPVRChannelGroup > | GetChannelGroup () |
| Get the channel group for this window.
void | SetChannelGroup (std::shared_ptr< CPVRChannelGroup > &&group, bool bUpdate=true) |
| Set a new channel group, start listening to this group, optionally update window content.
void | SetChannelGroupPath (const std::string &path) |
CGUIControl * | GetFirstFocusableControl (int id) override |
bool | Load (TiXmlElement *pRootElement) override |
| Loads the window from the given XML element.
virtual void | SetupShares () |
virtual bool | GoParentFolder () |
| Go one directory up on list items.
virtual bool | OnClick (int iItem, const std::string &player="") |
| On click.
virtual bool | OnSelect (int item) |
virtual bool | OnPopupMenu (int iItem) |
virtual bool | OnAddMediaSource () |
virtual void | FormatItemLabels (CFileItemList &items, const LABEL_MASKS &labelMasks) |
| Formats item labels.
void | SaveControlStates () override |
void | RestoreControlStates () override |
virtual bool | Refresh (bool clearCache=false) |
| Refreshes the current list by retrieving the lists's path.
virtual void | OnPrepareFileItems (CFileItemList &items) |
| On prepare file items.
virtual void | OnCacheFileItems (CFileItemList &items) |
| On cache file items.
virtual void | GetGroupedItems (CFileItemList &items) |
void | ClearFileItems () |
virtual void | SortItems (CFileItemList &items) |
| Sort file items.
virtual bool | CheckFilterAdvanced (CFileItemList &items) const |
| Check if the given list can be advance filtered or not.
virtual bool | CanContainFilter (const std::string &strDirectory) const |
| Check if the given path can contain a "filter" parameter.
virtual void | UpdateFilterPath (const std::string &strDirector, const CFileItemList &items, bool updateFilterPath) |
virtual bool | Filter (bool advanced=true) |
void | OnFilterItems (const std::string &filter) |
virtual bool | GetFilteredItems (const std::string &filter, CFileItemList &items) |
virtual bool | GetAdvanceFilteredItems (CFileItemList &items) |
virtual bool | HaveDiscOrConnection (const std::string &strPath, SourceType iDriveType) |
| Check disc or connection present.
void | ShowShareErrorMessage (CFileItem *pItem) const |
| Shows a standard error message for a given pItem.
void | SaveSelectedItemInHistory () |
void | RestoreSelectedItemFromHistory () |
void | GetDirectoryHistoryString (const CFileItem *pItem, std::string &strHistoryString) const |
| Get history string for given file item.
void | SetHistoryForPath (const std::string &strDirectory) |
| Set history for path.
virtual void | LoadPlayList (const std::string &strFileName) |
virtual bool | OnPlayMedia (int iItem, const std::string &player="") |
| On media play.
virtual bool | OnPlayAndQueueMedia (const CFileItemPtr &item, const std::string &player="") |
| On play and media queue.
void | UpdateFileList () |
| Update file list.
virtual void | OnDeleteItem (int iItem) |
void | OnRenameItem (int iItem) |
bool | WaitForNetwork () const |
bool | GetDirectoryItems (CURL &url, CFileItemList &items, bool useDir) |
bool | WaitGetDirectoryItems (CGetDirectoryItems &items) |
void | CancelUpdateItems () |
virtual std::string | GetStartFolder (const std::string &url) |
| Translate the folder to start in from the given quick path.
bool | ProcessRenderLoop (bool renderOnly) |
EVENT_RESULT | OnMouseEvent (const CPoint &point, const KODI::MOUSE::CMouseEvent &event) override |
| Perform a mouse action.
virtual bool | LoadXML (const std::string &strPath, const std::string &strLowerPath) |
| Load the window XML from the given path.
virtual std::unique_ptr< TiXmlElement > | Prepare (const std::unique_ptr< TiXmlElement > &rootElement) |
| Prepare the XML for load.
bool | NeedLoad () const |
| Check if window needs a (re)load. The window need to be (re)loaded when window is not loaded or include conditions values were changed.
virtual void | SetDefaults () |
void | Close_Internal (bool forceClose=false, int nextWindowID=0, bool enableSound=true) |
EVENT_RESULT | OnMouseAction (const CAction &action) |
bool | Animate (unsigned int currentTime) override |
bool | CheckAnimation (ANIMATION_TYPE animType) override |
void | OnEditChanged (int id, std::string &text) |
bool | SendMessage (int message, int id, int param1=0, int param2=0) |
void | LoadControl (TiXmlElement *pControl, CGUIControlGroup *pGroup, const CRect &rect) |
CPoint | GetPosition () const override |
| Grabs the window's top,left position in skin coordinates The window origin may change based on <origin> tag conditions in the skin.
bool | IsValidControl (const CGUIControl *control) const |
| Check whether a given control is valid Runs through controls and returns whether this control is valid. Only functional for controls with non-zero id.
std::pair< LookupMap::const_iterator, LookupMap::const_iterator > | GetLookupControls (int controlId) const |
void | AddLookup (CGUIControl *control) |
void | RemoveLookup (CGUIControl *control) |
void | RemoveLookup () |
const LookupMap & | GetLookup () const |
void | ClearLookup () |
virtual bool | OnMouseOver (const CPoint &point) |
| Called when the mouse is over the control. Default implementation selects the control.
virtual bool | CanFocusFromPoint (const CPoint &point) const |
| Test whether we can focus a control from a point on screen.
virtual bool | UpdateColors (const CGUIListItem *item) |
void | UpdateStates (ANIMATION_TYPE type, ANIMATION_PROCESS currentProcess, ANIMATION_STATE currentState) |
bool | SendWindowMessage (CGUIMessage &message) const |
Protected Member Functions inherited from PVR::CPVRChannelNumberInputHandler |
CPVRChannelNumber | GetChannelNumber () const |
| Get the currently entered channel number.
size_t | GetCurrentDigitCount () const |
| Get the currently entered number of digits.