Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
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PERIPHERALS::CPeripheralCecAdapter Class Reference

#include <PeripheralCecAdapter.h>

Inheritance diagram for PERIPHERALS::CPeripheralCecAdapter:
PERIPHERALS::CPeripheral KODI::JOYSTICK::IInputProvider KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardInputProvider KODI::MOUSE::IMouseInputProvider

Public Member Functions

bool HasAudioControl (void)
void VolumeUp (void)
void VolumeDown (void)
bool IsMuted (void)
void ToggleMute (void)
bool ToggleDeviceState (CecStateChange mode=STATE_SWITCH_TOGGLE, bool forceType=false)
int GetButton (void)
unsigned int GetHoldTime (void)
void ResetButton (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from PERIPHERALS::CPeripheral
 CPeripheral (CPeripherals &manager, const PeripheralScanResult &scanResult, CPeripheralBus *bus)
 ~CPeripheral (void) override
bool operator== (const CPeripheral &right) const
bool operator!= (const CPeripheral &right) const
bool operator== (const PeripheralScanResult &right) const
bool operator!= (const PeripheralScanResult &right) const
const std::string & FileLocation (void) const
const std::string & Location (void) const
int VendorId (void) const
const char * VendorIdAsString (void) const
int ProductId (void) const
const char * ProductIdAsString (void) const
PeripheralType Type (void) const
PeripheralBusType GetBusType (void) const
const std::string & DeviceName (void) const
bool IsHidden (void) const
void SetHidden (bool bSetTo=true)
const std::string & GetVersionInfo (void) const
virtual std::string GetIcon () const
 Get an icon for this peripheral.
bool HasFeature (const PeripheralFeature feature) const
 Check whether this device has the given feature.
void GetFeatures (std::vector< PeripheralFeature > &features) const
 Get all features that are supported by this device.
bool Initialise (void)
 Initialises the peripheral.
virtual bool InitialiseFeature (const PeripheralFeature feature)
 Initialise one of the features of this peripheral.
virtual void OnUserNotification ()
 Briefly activate a feature to notify the user.
virtual bool TestFeature (PeripheralFeature feature)
 Briefly test one of the features of this peripheral.
virtual void OnSettingChanged (const std::string &strChangedSetting)
 Called when a setting changed.
virtual void OnDeviceRemoved (void)
 Called when this device is removed, before calling the destructor.
virtual void GetSubdevices (PeripheralVector &subDevices) const
 Get all subdevices if this device is multifunctional.
virtual bool IsMultiFunctional (void) const
virtual void AddSetting (const std::string &strKey, const std::shared_ptr< const CSetting > &setting, int order)
 Add a setting to this peripheral. This will overwrite a previous setting with the same key.
virtual bool HasSetting (const std::string &strKey) const
 Check whether a setting is known with the given key.
virtual bool HasSettings (void) const
virtual bool HasConfigurableSettings (void) const
virtual const std::string GetSettingString (const std::string &strKey) const
 Get the value of a setting.
virtual bool SetSetting (const std::string &strKey, const std::string &strValue)
virtual void SetSettingVisible (const std::string &strKey, bool bSetTo)
virtual bool IsSettingVisible (const std::string &strKey) const
virtual int GetSettingInt (const std::string &strKey) const
virtual bool SetSetting (const std::string &strKey, int iValue)
virtual bool GetSettingBool (const std::string &strKey) const
virtual bool SetSetting (const std::string &strKey, bool bValue)
virtual float GetSettingFloat (const std::string &strKey) const
virtual bool SetSetting (const std::string &strKey, float fValue)
virtual void SetAddonSetting (const std::string &strKey, const std::string &addonId)
virtual void PersistSettings (bool bExiting=false)
virtual void LoadPersistedSettings (void)
virtual void ResetDefaultSettings (void)
virtual std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CSetting > > GetSettings (void) const
virtual bool ErrorOccured (void) const
virtual void RegisterJoystickDriverHandler (KODI::JOYSTICK::IDriverHandler *handler, bool bPromiscuous)
virtual void UnregisterJoystickDriverHandler (KODI::JOYSTICK::IDriverHandler *handler)
virtual void RegisterKeyboardDriverHandler (KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardDriverHandler *handler, bool bPromiscuous)
virtual void UnregisterKeyboardDriverHandler (KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardDriverHandler *handler)
virtual void RegisterMouseDriverHandler (KODI::MOUSE::IMouseDriverHandler *handler, bool bPromiscuous)
virtual void UnregisterMouseDriverHandler (KODI::MOUSE::IMouseDriverHandler *handler)
void RegisterInputHandler (KODI::JOYSTICK::IInputHandler *handler, bool bPromiscuous) override
 Register a handler for the provided input.
void UnregisterInputHandler (KODI::JOYSTICK::IInputHandler *handler) override
 Unregister a handler.
void RegisterKeyboardHandler (KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardInputHandler *handler, bool bPromiscuous, bool forceDefaultMap) override
 Registers a handler to be called on keyboard input.
void UnregisterKeyboardHandler (KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardInputHandler *handler) override
 Unregisters handler from keyboard input.
void RegisterMouseHandler (KODI::MOUSE::IMouseInputHandler *handler, bool bPromiscuous, bool forceDefaultMap) override
 Registers a handler to be called on mouse input.
void UnregisterMouseHandler (KODI::MOUSE::IMouseInputHandler *handler) override
 Unregisters handler from mouse input.
virtual void RegisterJoystickButtonMapper (KODI::JOYSTICK::IButtonMapper *mapper)
virtual void UnregisterJoystickButtonMapper (KODI::JOYSTICK::IButtonMapper *mapper)
virtual KODI::JOYSTICK::IDriverReceiverGetDriverReceiver ()
virtual KODI::KEYMAP::IKeymapGetKeymap (const std::string &controllerId)
virtual CDateTime LastActive () const
 Return the last time this peripheral was active.
virtual void SetLastActive (const CDateTime &lastActive)
 Set the last time this peripheral was active.
virtual float GetActivation () const
 Return the current activity level of the peripheral.
virtual KODI::GAME::ControllerPtr ControllerProfile () const
 Get the controller profile that best represents this peripheral.
virtual void SetControllerProfile (const KODI::GAME::ControllerPtr &controller)
 Set the controller profile for this peripheral.
- Public Member Functions inherited from KODI::JOYSTICK::IInputProvider
virtual ~IInputProvider ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardInputProvider
virtual ~IKeyboardInputProvider ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from KODI::MOUSE::IMouseInputProvider
virtual ~IMouseInputProvider ()=default

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from PERIPHERALS::CPeripheral
virtual void ClearSettings (void)
void InstallController (const std::string &controllerId, std::function< void(const KODI::GAME::ControllerPtr &installedController)> callback)
KODI::GAME::ControllerPtr InstallAsync (const std::string &controllerId)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from PERIPHERALS::CPeripheral
static bool InstallSync (const std::string &controllerId)
- Protected Attributes inherited from PERIPHERALS::CPeripheral
PeripheralType m_type
PeripheralBusType m_busType
PeripheralBusType m_mappedBusType
std::string m_strLocation
std::string m_strDeviceName
std::string m_strSettingsFile
std::string m_strFileLocation
int m_iVendorId
std::string m_strVendorId
int m_iProductId
std::string m_strProductId
std::string m_strVersionInfo
bool m_bInitialised = false
bool m_bHidden = false
bool m_bError = false
std::vector< PeripheralFeaturem_features
PeripheralVector m_subDevices
std::map< std::string, PeripheralDeviceSettingm_settings
std::set< std::string > m_changedSettings
std::map< KODI::JOYSTICK::IInputHandler *, std::unique_ptr< KODI::JOYSTICK::IDriverHandler > > m_inputHandlers
std::map< KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardInputHandler *, std::unique_ptr< KODI::KEYBOARD::IKeyboardDriverHandler > > m_keyboardHandlers
std::map< KODI::MOUSE::IMouseInputHandler *, std::unique_ptr< KODI::MOUSE::IMouseDriverHandler > > m_mouseHandlers
std::map< KODI::JOYSTICK::IButtonMapper *, std::unique_ptr< CAddonButtonMapping > > m_buttonMappers
KODI::GAME::ControllerPtr m_controllerProfile
std::unique_ptr< KODI::GAME::CAgentControllerm_controllerInput
std::queue< std::string > m_controllersToInstall
std::vector< std::future< void > > m_installTasks
std::mutex m_controllerInstallMutex

Detailed Description

An empty implementation, so CPeripherals can be compiled without a bunch of #ifdef's when libCEC is not available.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetButton()

int CPeripheralCecAdapter::GetButton ( void )

◆ GetHoldTime()

unsigned int CPeripheralCecAdapter::GetHoldTime ( void )

◆ HasAudioControl()

bool CPeripheralCecAdapter::HasAudioControl ( void )

◆ IsMuted()

bool CPeripheralCecAdapter::IsMuted ( void )

◆ ResetButton()

void CPeripheralCecAdapter::ResetButton ( void )

◆ ToggleDeviceState()

bool CPeripheralCecAdapter::ToggleDeviceState ( CecStateChange mode = STATE_SWITCH_TOGGLE,
bool forceType = false )

◆ ToggleMute()

void CPeripheralCecAdapter::ToggleMute ( void )

◆ VolumeDown()

void CPeripheralCecAdapter::VolumeDown ( void )

◆ VolumeUp()

void CPeripheralCecAdapter::VolumeUp ( void )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: