Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
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PVR::CPVRRecording Class Referencefinal

#include <PVRRecording.h>

Inheritance diagram for PVR::CPVRRecording:
CVideoInfoTag IArchivable ISerializable ISortable

Public Member Functions

 CPVRRecording ()
 CPVRRecording (const PVR_RECORDING &recording, unsigned int iClientId)
bool operator== (const CPVRRecording &right) const
bool operator!= (const CPVRRecording &right) const
void Serialize (CVariant &value) const override
void ToSortable (SortItem &sortable, Field field) const override
void Reset ()
 Reset this tag to it's initial state.
bool Delete ()
 Delete this recording on the client (if supported).
bool Undelete ()
 Undelete this recording on the client (if supported).
bool Rename (const std::string &strNewName)
 Rename this recording on the client (if supported).
bool SetPlayCount (int count) override
 Set this recording's play count. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side play counts.
bool IncrementPlayCount () override
 Increment this recording's play count. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side play counts.
bool SetLocalPlayCount (int count)
 Set this recording's play count without transferring the value to the backend, even if it supports server-side play counts.
int GetLocalPlayCount () const
 Get this recording's local play count. The value will not be obtained from the backend, even if it supports server-side play counts.
bool SetResumePoint (const CBookmark &resumePoint) override
 Set this recording's resume point. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side resume points.
bool SetResumePoint (double timeInSeconds, double totalTimeInSeconds, const std::string &playerState="") override
 Set this recording's resume point. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side resume points.
CBookmark GetResumePoint () const override
 Get this recording's resume point. The value will be obtained from the backend if it supports server-side resume points.
bool UpdateRecordingSize ()
 Update this recording's size. The value will be obtained from the backend if it supports server-side size retrieval.
CBookmark GetLocalResumePoint () const
 Get this recording's local resume point. The value will not be obtained from the backend even if it supports server-side resume points.
std::vector< EDL::EditGetEdl () const
 Retrieve the edit decision list (EDL) of a recording on the backend.
void UpdateMetadata (CVideoDatabase &db, const CPVRClient &client)
 Get metadata like the resume point and play count from the database if the client doesn't handle it itself.
void DeleteMetadata (CVideoDatabase &db)
 Delete metadata like the resume point and play count from the database.
void Update (const CPVRRecording &tag, const CPVRClient &client)
 Update this tag with the contents of the given tag.
const CDateTimeRecordingTimeAsUTC () const
 Retrieve the recording start as UTC time.
const CDateTimeRecordingTimeAsLocalTime () const
 Retrieve the recording start as local time.
CDateTime EndTimeAsUTC () const
 Retrieve the recording end as UTC time.
CDateTime EndTimeAsLocalTime () const
 Retrieve the recording end as local time.
bool HasExpirationTime () const
 Check whether this recording has an expiration time.
CDateTime ExpirationTimeAsLocalTime () const
 Retrieve the recording expiration time as local time.
bool WillBeExpiredWithNewLifetime (int iLifetime) const
 Check whether this recording will immediately expire if the given lifetime value would be set.
bool IsDeleted () const
 If deleted but can be undeleted it is true.
bool IsRadio () const
 Check whether this is a tv or radio recording.
unsigned int BroadcastUid () const
std::shared_ptr< CPVRChannelChannel () const
int ChannelUid () const
 Get the uid of the channel on which this recording is/was running.
int ClientID () const
 the identifier of the client that serves this recording
const std::string & ClientRecordingID () const
 Get the recording ID as upplied by the client.
unsigned int RecordingID () const
 Get the recording ID as upplied by the client.
void SetRecordingID (unsigned int recordingId)
 Set the recording ID.
const std::string & Directory () const
 Get the directory for this recording.
int Priority () const
 Get the priority for this recording.
int LifeTime () const
 Get the lifetime for this recording.
void SetLifeTime (int lifeTime)
 Set the lifetime for this recording.
const std::string & ChannelName () const
 Get the channel name for this recording.
const std::string & ClientIconPath () const
 Return the icon path as given by the client.
const std::string & ClientThumbnailPath () const
 Return the thumbnail path as given by the client.
const std::string & ClientFanartPath () const
 Return the fanart path as given by the client.
const std::string & ClientParentalRatingIconPath () const
 Return the parental rating icon path as given by the client.
const std::string & IconPath () const
 Return the icon path used by Kodi.
const std::string & ThumbnailPath () const
 Return the thumbnail path used by Kodi.
const std::string & FanartPath () const
 Return the fanart path used by Kodi.
const std::string & EpisodeName () const
 Retrieve the recording Episode Name.
bool IsInProgress () const
 check whether this recording is currently in progress
std::shared_ptr< CPVRTimerInfoTagGetRecordingTimer () const
 return the timer for an in-progress recording, if any
void SetGenre (int iGenreType, int iGenreSubType, const std::string &strGenre)
 set the genre for this recording.
int GenreType () const
 Get the genre type ID of this recording.
int GenreSubType () const
 Get the genre subtype ID of this recording.
const std::vector< std::string > & Genre () const
 Get the genre as human readable string.
const std::string GetGenresLabel () const
 Get the genre(s) of this recording as formatted string.
CDateTime FirstAired () const
 Get the first air date of this recording.
int GetYear () const override
 Get the premiere year of this recording.
void SetYear (int year) override
 Set the premiere year of this recording.
bool HasYear () const override
 Check if the premiere year of this recording is valid.
bool IsNew () const
 Check whether this recording will be flagged as new.
bool IsPremiere () const
 Check whether this recording will be flagged as a premiere.
bool IsFinale () const
 Check whether this recording will be flagged as a finale.
bool IsLive () const
 Check whether this recording will be flagged as live.
unsigned int Flags () const
 Return the flags (PVR_RECORDING_FLAG_*) of this recording as a bitfield.
int64_t GetSizeInBytes () const
 Return the size of this recording in bytes.
void SetDirty (bool bDirty)
 Mark a recording as dirty/clean.
bool IsDirty () const
 Return whether the recording is marked dirty.
int ClientProviderUid () const
 Get the uid of the provider on the client which this recording is from.
std::string ProviderName () const
 Get the client provider name for this recording.
std::shared_ptr< CPVRProviderGetDefaultProvider () const
 Get the default provider of this recording. The default provider represents the PVR add-on itself.
bool HasClientProvider () const
 Whether or not this recording has a provider set by the client.
std::shared_ptr< CPVRProviderGetProvider () const
 Get the provider of this recording. This may be the default provider or a custom provider set by the client. If HasClientProvider() returns true the provider will be custom from the client, otherwise the default provider.
unsigned int GetParentalRating () const
 Get the parental rating of this recording.
const std::string & GetParentalRatingCode () const
 Get the parental rating code of this recording.
const std::string & GetParentalRatingIcon () const
 Get the parental rating icon path of this recording.
const std::string & GetParentalRatingSource () const
 Get the parental rating source of this recording.
int EpisodePart () const
 Get the episode part number of this recording.
const std::string & TitleExtraInfo () const
 Get the title extra information of this recording.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CVideoInfoTag
 CVideoInfoTag ()
virtual ~CVideoInfoTag ()=default
void Reset ()
bool Load (const TiXmlElement *element, bool append=false, bool prioritise=false)
bool Save (TiXmlNode *node, const std::string &tag, bool savePathInfo=true, const TiXmlElement *additionalNode=NULL)
void Merge (CVideoInfoTag &other)
void Archive (CArchive &ar) override
void Serialize (CVariant &value) const override
void ToSortable (SortItem &sortable, Field field) const override
const CRating GetRating (std::string type="") const
const std::string & GetDefaultRating () const
const std::string GetUniqueID (std::string type="") const
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & GetUniqueIDs () const
const std::string & GetDefaultUniqueID () const
bool HasUniqueID () const
bool HasPremiered () const
const CDateTimeGetPremiered () const
const CDateTimeGetFirstAired () const
const std::string GetCast (const std::string &separator, bool bIncludeRole=false) const
bool HasStreamDetails () const
bool IsEmpty () const
const std::string & GetPath () const
void SetDuration (int duration)
 set the duration in seconds
unsigned int GetDuration () const
 retrieve the duration in seconds. Prefers the duration from stream details if available.
unsigned int GetStaticDuration () const
 retrieve the duration in seconds. Ignores the duration from stream details even if available.
void SetBasePath (std::string basePath)
void SetDirector (std::vector< std::string > director)
void SetWritingCredits (std::vector< std::string > writingCredits)
void SetGenre (std::vector< std::string > genre)
void SetCountry (std::vector< std::string > country)
void SetTagLine (std::string tagLine)
void SetPlotOutline (std::string plotOutline)
void SetTrailer (std::string trailer)
void SetPlot (std::string plot)
std::string const & GetTitle () const
void SetTitle (std::string title)
void SetSortTitle (std::string sortTitle)
void SetPictureURL (CScraperUrl &pictureURL)
void SetRating (float rating, int votes, const std::string &type="", bool def=false)
void SetRating (CRating rating, const std::string &type="", bool def=false)
void SetRating (float rating, const std::string &type="", bool def=false)
void RemoveRating (const std::string &type)
void SetRatings (RatingMap ratings, const std::string &defaultRating="")
void SetVotes (int votes, const std::string &type="")
void SetUniqueIDs (std::map< std::string, std::string > uniqueIDs)
void SetPremiered (const CDateTime &premiered)
void SetPremieredFromDBDate (const std::string &premieredString)
void SetArtist (std::vector< std::string > artist)
void SetSet (std::string set)
void SetSetOverview (std::string setOverview)
void SetTags (std::vector< std::string > tags)
void SetFile (std::string file)
void SetPath (std::string path)
void SetMPAARating (std::string mpaaRating)
void SetFileNameAndPath (std::string fileNameAndPath)
void SetOriginalTitle (std::string originalTitle)
void SetEpisodeGuide (std::string episodeGuide)
void SetStatus (std::string status)
void SetProductionCode (std::string productionCode)
void SetShowTitle (std::string showTitle)
void SetStudio (std::vector< std::string > studio)
void SetAlbum (std::string album)
void SetShowLink (std::vector< std::string > showLink)
void SetUniqueID (const std::string &uniqueid, const std::string &type="", bool def=false)
void RemoveUniqueID (const std::string &type)
void SetNamedSeasons (std::map< int, std::string > namedSeasons)
void SetUserrating (int userrating)
virtual int GetPlayCount () const
 Get this videos's play count.
virtual void ResetPlayCount ()
 Reset playcount.
virtual bool IsPlayCountSet () const
 Check if the playcount is set.
const CAssetInfoGetAssetInfo () const
 Get the video's asset info.
CAssetInfoGetAssetInfo ()
bool HasVideoVersions () const
 Whether the item has multiple video versions.
void SetHasVideoVersions (bool hasVersions)
 Set whether this video has video versions.
bool HasVideoExtras () const
 Whether the item has video extras.
void SetHasVideoExtras (bool hasExtras)
 Set whether this video has video extras.
bool IsDefaultVideoVersion () const
 Whether the item is the default video version.
void SetIsDefaultVideoVersion (bool isDefaultVideoVersion)
 Set whether the item is the default version.
bool GetUpdateSetOverview () const
 Get whether the Set Overview should be updated. If an NFO contains a <name> but no <overview> then this allows the current Overview to be kept. Otherwise it is overwritten. Default is true - so if updated by a scraper the Overview will be overwritten.

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string GetTitleFromURL (const std::string &url)
 Retrieve the recording title from the URL path.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CVideoInfoTag
static unsigned int GetDurationFromMinuteString (const std::string &runtime)
 get the duration in seconds from a minute string

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string IMAGE_OWNER_PATTERN = "pvrrecording"

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CVideoInfoTag
typedef std::vector< SActorInfo >::const_iterator iCast
- Public Attributes inherited from CVideoInfoTag
std::string m_basePath
int m_parentPathID
std::vector< std::string > m_director
std::vector< std::string > m_writingCredits
std::vector< std::string > m_genre
std::vector< std::string > m_country
std::string m_strTagLine
std::string m_strPlotOutline
std::string m_strTrailer
std::string m_strPlot
CScraperUrl m_strPictureURL
std::string m_strTitle
std::string m_strSortTitle
std::vector< std::string > m_artist
std::vector< SActorInfom_cast
SetInfo m_set
 Assigned movie set.
std::vector< std::string > m_tags
std::string m_strFile
std::string m_strPath
std::string m_strMPAARating
std::string m_strFileNameAndPath
std::string m_strOriginalTitle
std::string m_strEpisodeGuide
CDateTime m_premiered
bool m_bHasPremiered
std::string m_strStatus
std::string m_strProductionCode
CDateTime m_firstAired
std::string m_strShowTitle
std::vector< std::string > m_studio
std::string m_strAlbum
CDateTime m_lastPlayed
std::vector< std::string > m_showLink
std::map< int, std::string > m_namedSeasons
int m_iTop250
int m_year
int m_iSeason
int m_iEpisode
int m_iIdUniqueID
int m_iDbId
int m_iFileId
int m_iSpecialSortSeason
int m_iSpecialSortEpisode
int m_iTrack
RatingMap m_ratings
int m_iIdRating
int m_iUserRating
CBookmark m_EpBookmark
int m_iBookmarkId
int m_iIdShow
int m_iIdSeason
CFanart m_fanart
CStreamDetails m_streamDetails
CDateTime m_dateAdded
MediaType m_type
int m_relevance
int m_parsedDetails
std::vector< EmbeddedArtInfom_coverArt
 art information
unsigned int m_duration
 duration in seconds
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IArchivable
virtual ~IArchivable ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ISerializable
 ~ISerializable ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ISortable
 ~ISortable ()=default

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CPVRRecording() [1/2]

CPVRRecording::CPVRRecording ( )

◆ CPVRRecording() [2/2]

CPVRRecording::CPVRRecording ( const PVR_RECORDING & recording,
unsigned int iClientId )

Member Function Documentation

◆ BroadcastUid()

unsigned int PVR::CPVRRecording::BroadcastUid ( ) const
Broadcast id of the EPG event associated with this recording or EPG_TAG_INVALID_UID

◆ Channel()

std::shared_ptr< CPVRChannel > CPVRRecording::Channel ( ) const
Get the channel on which this recording is/was running
Only works if the recording has a channel uid provided by the add-on

◆ ChannelName()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ChannelName ( ) const

Get the channel name for this recording.

the channel name

◆ ChannelUid()

int CPVRRecording::ChannelUid ( ) const

Get the uid of the channel on which this recording is/was running.

the uid of the channel or PVR_CHANNEL_INVALID_UID

◆ ClientFanartPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ClientFanartPath ( ) const

Return the fanart path as given by the client.

The path.

◆ ClientIconPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ClientIconPath ( ) const

Return the icon path as given by the client.

The path.

◆ ClientID()

int CPVRRecording::ClientID ( ) const

the identifier of the client that serves this recording

the client identifier

◆ ClientParentalRatingIconPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ClientParentalRatingIconPath ( ) const

Return the parental rating icon path as given by the client.

The path.

◆ ClientProviderUid()

int CPVRRecording::ClientProviderUid ( ) const

Get the uid of the provider on the client which this recording is from.

the client uid of the provider or PVR_PROVIDER_INVALID_UID

◆ ClientRecordingID()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ClientRecordingID ( ) const

Get the recording ID as upplied by the client.

the recording identifier

◆ ClientThumbnailPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ClientThumbnailPath ( ) const

Return the thumbnail path as given by the client.

The path.

◆ Delete()

bool CPVRRecording::Delete ( )

Delete this recording on the client (if supported).

True if it was deleted successfully, false otherwise.

◆ DeleteMetadata()

void CPVRRecording::DeleteMetadata ( CVideoDatabase & db)

Delete metadata like the resume point and play count from the database.

dbThe database to delete the data from.

◆ Directory()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::Directory ( ) const

Get the directory for this recording.

the directory

◆ EndTimeAsLocalTime()

CDateTime CPVRRecording::EndTimeAsLocalTime ( ) const

Retrieve the recording end as local time.

the recording end time

◆ EndTimeAsUTC()

CDateTime CPVRRecording::EndTimeAsUTC ( ) const

Retrieve the recording end as UTC time.

the recording end time

◆ EpisodeName()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::EpisodeName ( ) const

Retrieve the recording Episode Name.

Returns an empty string if no Episode Name was provided by the PVR client

◆ EpisodePart()

int CPVRRecording::EpisodePart ( ) const

Get the episode part number of this recording.

The episode part number.

◆ ExpirationTimeAsLocalTime()

CDateTime CPVRRecording::ExpirationTimeAsLocalTime ( ) const

Retrieve the recording expiration time as local time.

the recording expiration time

◆ FanartPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::FanartPath ( ) const

Return the fanart path used by Kodi.

The path.

◆ FirstAired()

CDateTime CPVRRecording::FirstAired ( ) const

Get the first air date of this recording.

The first air date.

◆ Flags()

unsigned int PVR::CPVRRecording::Flags ( ) const

Return the flags (PVR_RECORDING_FLAG_*) of this recording as a bitfield.

the flags.

◆ Genre()

const std::vector< std::string > & PVR::CPVRRecording::Genre ( ) const

Get the genre as human readable string.

The genre.

◆ GenreSubType()

int PVR::CPVRRecording::GenreSubType ( ) const

Get the genre subtype ID of this recording.

The genre subtype ID.

◆ GenreType()

int PVR::CPVRRecording::GenreType ( ) const

Get the genre type ID of this recording.

The genre type ID.

◆ GetDefaultProvider()

std::shared_ptr< CPVRProvider > CPVRRecording::GetDefaultProvider ( ) const

Get the default provider of this recording. The default provider represents the PVR add-on itself.

The default provider of this recording

◆ GetEdl()

std::vector< EDL::Edit > CPVRRecording::GetEdl ( ) const

Retrieve the edit decision list (EDL) of a recording on the backend.

The edit decision list (empty on error)

◆ GetGenresLabel()

const std::string CPVRRecording::GetGenresLabel ( ) const

Get the genre(s) of this recording as formatted string.

The genres label.

◆ GetLocalPlayCount()

int PVR::CPVRRecording::GetLocalPlayCount ( ) const

Get this recording's local play count. The value will not be obtained from the backend, even if it supports server-side play counts.

the play count.

◆ GetLocalResumePoint()

CBookmark PVR::CPVRRecording::GetLocalResumePoint ( ) const

Get this recording's local resume point. The value will not be obtained from the backend even if it supports server-side resume points.

the resume point.

◆ GetParentalRating()

unsigned int CPVRRecording::GetParentalRating ( ) const

Get the parental rating of this recording.

The parental rating.

◆ GetParentalRatingCode()

const std::string & CPVRRecording::GetParentalRatingCode ( ) const

Get the parental rating code of this recording.

The parental rating code.

◆ GetParentalRatingIcon()

const std::string & CPVRRecording::GetParentalRatingIcon ( ) const

Get the parental rating icon path of this recording.

The parental rating icon path.

◆ GetParentalRatingSource()

const std::string & CPVRRecording::GetParentalRatingSource ( ) const

Get the parental rating source of this recording.

The parental rating source.

◆ GetProvider()

std::shared_ptr< CPVRProvider > CPVRRecording::GetProvider ( ) const

Get the provider of this recording. This may be the default provider or a custom provider set by the client. If HasClientProvider() returns true the provider will be custom from the client, otherwise the default provider.

The provider of this recording

◆ GetRecordingTimer()

std::shared_ptr< CPVRTimerInfoTag > CPVRRecording::GetRecordingTimer ( ) const

return the timer for an in-progress recording, if any

the timer if the recording is in progress, nullptr otherwise

◆ GetResumePoint()

CBookmark CPVRRecording::GetResumePoint ( ) const

Get this recording's resume point. The value will be obtained from the backend if it supports server-side resume points.

the resume point.

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ GetSizeInBytes()

int64_t CPVRRecording::GetSizeInBytes ( ) const

Return the size of this recording in bytes.

the size in bytes.

◆ GetTitleFromURL()

std::string CPVRRecording::GetTitleFromURL ( const std::string & url)

Retrieve the recording title from the URL path.

urlthe URL for the recording
Title of the recording

◆ GetYear()

int CPVRRecording::GetYear ( ) const

Get the premiere year of this recording.

The premiere year

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ HasClientProvider()

bool CPVRRecording::HasClientProvider ( ) const

Whether or not this recording has a provider set by the client.

True if a provider was set by the client, false otherwise.

◆ HasExpirationTime()

bool PVR::CPVRRecording::HasExpirationTime ( ) const

Check whether this recording has an expiration time.

True if the recording has an expiration time, false otherwise

◆ HasYear()

bool CPVRRecording::HasYear ( ) const

Check if the premiere year of this recording is valid.

True if the recording has as valid premiere date, false otherwise

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ IconPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::IconPath ( ) const

Return the icon path used by Kodi.

The path.

◆ IncrementPlayCount()

bool CPVRRecording::IncrementPlayCount ( )

Increment this recording's play count. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side play counts.

True if play count was increased successfully, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ IsDeleted()

bool PVR::CPVRRecording::IsDeleted ( ) const

If deleted but can be undeleted it is true.

◆ IsDirty()

bool PVR::CPVRRecording::IsDirty ( ) const

Return whether the recording is marked dirty.

true if dirty, false otherwise.

◆ IsFinale()

bool CPVRRecording::IsFinale ( ) const

Check whether this recording will be flagged as a finale.

True if this recording will be flagged as a finale, false otherwise

◆ IsInProgress()

bool CPVRRecording::IsInProgress ( ) const

check whether this recording is currently in progress

true if the recording is in progress, false otherwise

◆ IsLive()

bool CPVRRecording::IsLive ( ) const

Check whether this recording will be flagged as live.

True if this recording will be flagged as live, false otherwise

◆ IsNew()

bool CPVRRecording::IsNew ( ) const

Check whether this recording will be flagged as new.

True if this recording will be flagged as new, false otherwise

◆ IsPremiere()

bool CPVRRecording::IsPremiere ( ) const

Check whether this recording will be flagged as a premiere.

True if this recording will be flagged as a premiere, false otherwise

◆ IsRadio()

bool PVR::CPVRRecording::IsRadio ( ) const

Check whether this is a tv or radio recording.

true if this is a radio recording, false if this is a tv recording

◆ LifeTime()

int PVR::CPVRRecording::LifeTime ( ) const

Get the lifetime for this recording.

the lifetime

◆ operator!=()

bool CPVRRecording::operator!= ( const CPVRRecording & right) const

◆ operator==()

bool CPVRRecording::operator== ( const CPVRRecording & right) const

◆ Priority()

int PVR::CPVRRecording::Priority ( ) const

Get the priority for this recording.

the priority

◆ ProviderName()

std::string CPVRRecording::ProviderName ( ) const

Get the client provider name for this recording.

m_strProviderName The name for this recording provider

◆ RecordingID()

unsigned int PVR::CPVRRecording::RecordingID ( ) const

Get the recording ID as upplied by the client.

the recording identifier

◆ RecordingTimeAsLocalTime()

const CDateTime & CPVRRecording::RecordingTimeAsLocalTime ( ) const

Retrieve the recording start as local time.

the recording start time

◆ RecordingTimeAsUTC()

const CDateTime & PVR::CPVRRecording::RecordingTimeAsUTC ( ) const

Retrieve the recording start as UTC time.

the recording start time

◆ Rename()

bool CPVRRecording::Rename ( const std::string & strNewName)

Rename this recording on the client (if supported).

strNewNameThe new name.
True if it was renamed successfully, false otherwise.

◆ Reset()

void CPVRRecording::Reset ( )

Reset this tag to it's initial state.

◆ Serialize()

void CPVRRecording::Serialize ( CVariant & value) const

Implements ISerializable.

◆ SetDirty()

void PVR::CPVRRecording::SetDirty ( bool bDirty)

Mark a recording as dirty/clean.

bDirtytrue to mark as dirty, false to mark as clean.

◆ SetGenre()

void CPVRRecording::SetGenre ( int iGenreType,
int iGenreSubType,
const std::string & strGenre )

set the genre for this recording.

iGenreTypeThe genre type ID. If set to EPG_GENRE_USE_STRING, set genre to the value provided with strGenre. Otherwise, compile the genre string from the values given by iGenreType and iGenreSubType
iGenreSubTypeThe genre subtype ID
strGenreThe genre

◆ SetLifeTime()

void PVR::CPVRRecording::SetLifeTime ( int lifeTime)

Set the lifetime for this recording.

lifeTimeThe lifetime

◆ SetLocalPlayCount()

bool PVR::CPVRRecording::SetLocalPlayCount ( int count)

Set this recording's play count without transferring the value to the backend, even if it supports server-side play counts.

countplay count.
True if play count was set successfully, false otherwise.

◆ SetPlayCount()

bool CPVRRecording::SetPlayCount ( int count)

Set this recording's play count. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side play counts.

countplay count.
True if play count was set successfully, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ SetRecordingID()

void PVR::CPVRRecording::SetRecordingID ( unsigned int recordingId)

Set the recording ID.

recordingIdThe new identifier

◆ SetResumePoint() [1/2]

bool CPVRRecording::SetResumePoint ( const CBookmark & resumePoint)

Set this recording's resume point. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side resume points.

resumePointresume point.
True if resume point was set successfully, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ SetResumePoint() [2/2]

bool CPVRRecording::SetResumePoint ( double timeInSeconds,
double totalTimeInSeconds,
const std::string & playerState = "" )

Set this recording's resume point. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side resume points.

timeInSecondsthe time of the resume point
totalTimeInSecondsthe total time of the video
playerStatethe player state
True if resume point was set successfully, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ SetYear()

void CPVRRecording::SetYear ( int year)

Set the premiere year of this recording.

yearThe premiere year

Reimplemented from CVideoInfoTag.

◆ ThumbnailPath()

const std::string & PVR::CPVRRecording::ThumbnailPath ( ) const

Return the thumbnail path used by Kodi.

The path.

◆ TitleExtraInfo()

const std::string & CPVRRecording::TitleExtraInfo ( ) const

Get the title extra information of this recording.

The title extra info.

◆ ToSortable()

void CPVRRecording::ToSortable ( SortItem & sortable,
Field field ) const

Implements ISortable.

◆ Undelete()

bool CPVRRecording::Undelete ( )

Undelete this recording on the client (if supported).

True if it was undeleted successfully, false otherwise.

◆ Update()

void CPVRRecording::Update ( const CPVRRecording & tag,
const CPVRClient & client )

Update this tag with the contents of the given tag.

tagThe new tag info.
clientThe client this recording belongs to.

◆ UpdateMetadata()

void CPVRRecording::UpdateMetadata ( CVideoDatabase & db,
const CPVRClient & client )

Get metadata like the resume point and play count from the database if the client doesn't handle it itself.

dbThe database to read the data from.
clientThe client this recording belongs to.

◆ UpdateRecordingSize()

bool CPVRRecording::UpdateRecordingSize ( )

Update this recording's size. The value will be obtained from the backend if it supports server-side size retrieval.

true if the the updated value is different, false otherwise.

◆ WillBeExpiredWithNewLifetime()

bool CPVRRecording::WillBeExpiredWithNewLifetime ( int iLifetime) const

Check whether this recording will immediately expire if the given lifetime value would be set.

iLifetimeThe lifetime value to check
True if the recording would immediately expire, false otherwiese

Member Data Documentation


const std::string CPVRRecording::IMAGE_OWNER_PATTERN = "pvrrecording"

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