| CPVRRecording () |
| CPVRRecording (const PVR_RECORDING &recording, unsigned int iClientId) |
bool | operator== (const CPVRRecording &right) const |
bool | operator!= (const CPVRRecording &right) const |
void | Serialize (CVariant &value) const override |
void | ToSortable (SortItem &sortable, Field field) const override |
void | Reset () |
| Reset this tag to it's initial state.
bool | Delete () |
| Delete this recording on the client (if supported).
bool | Undelete () |
| Undelete this recording on the client (if supported).
bool | Rename (const std::string &strNewName) |
| Rename this recording on the client (if supported).
bool | SetPlayCount (int count) override |
| Set this recording's play count. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side play counts.
bool | IncrementPlayCount () override |
| Increment this recording's play count. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side play counts.
bool | SetLocalPlayCount (int count) |
| Set this recording's play count without transferring the value to the backend, even if it supports server-side play counts.
int | GetLocalPlayCount () const |
| Get this recording's local play count. The value will not be obtained from the backend, even if it supports server-side play counts.
bool | SetResumePoint (const CBookmark &resumePoint) override |
| Set this recording's resume point. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side resume points.
bool | SetResumePoint (double timeInSeconds, double totalTimeInSeconds, const std::string &playerState="") override |
| Set this recording's resume point. The value will be transferred to the backend if it supports server-side resume points.
CBookmark | GetResumePoint () const override |
| Get this recording's resume point. The value will be obtained from the backend if it supports server-side resume points.
bool | UpdateRecordingSize () |
| Update this recording's size. The value will be obtained from the backend if it supports server-side size retrieval.
CBookmark | GetLocalResumePoint () const |
| Get this recording's local resume point. The value will not be obtained from the backend even if it supports server-side resume points.
std::vector< EDL::Edit > | GetEdl () const |
| Retrieve the edit decision list (EDL) of a recording on the backend.
void | UpdateMetadata (CVideoDatabase &db, const CPVRClient &client) |
| Get metadata like the resume point and play count from the database if the client doesn't handle it itself.
void | DeleteMetadata (CVideoDatabase &db) |
| Delete metadata like the resume point and play count from the database.
void | Update (const CPVRRecording &tag, const CPVRClient &client) |
| Update this tag with the contents of the given tag.
const CDateTime & | RecordingTimeAsUTC () const |
| Retrieve the recording start as UTC time.
const CDateTime & | RecordingTimeAsLocalTime () const |
| Retrieve the recording start as local time.
CDateTime | EndTimeAsUTC () const |
| Retrieve the recording end as UTC time.
CDateTime | EndTimeAsLocalTime () const |
| Retrieve the recording end as local time.
bool | HasExpirationTime () const |
| Check whether this recording has an expiration time.
CDateTime | ExpirationTimeAsLocalTime () const |
| Retrieve the recording expiration time as local time.
bool | WillBeExpiredWithNewLifetime (int iLifetime) const |
| Check whether this recording will immediately expire if the given lifetime value would be set.
bool | IsDeleted () const |
| If deleted but can be undeleted it is true.
bool | IsRadio () const |
| Check whether this is a tv or radio recording.
unsigned int | BroadcastUid () const |
std::shared_ptr< CPVRChannel > | Channel () const |
int | ChannelUid () const |
| Get the uid of the channel on which this recording is/was running.
int | ClientID () const |
| the identifier of the client that serves this recording
const std::string & | ClientRecordingID () const |
| Get the recording ID as upplied by the client.
unsigned int | RecordingID () const |
| Get the recording ID as upplied by the client.
void | SetRecordingID (unsigned int recordingId) |
| Set the recording ID.
const std::string & | Directory () const |
| Get the directory for this recording.
int | Priority () const |
| Get the priority for this recording.
int | LifeTime () const |
| Get the lifetime for this recording.
void | SetLifeTime (int lifeTime) |
| Set the lifetime for this recording.
const std::string & | ChannelName () const |
| Get the channel name for this recording.
const std::string & | ClientIconPath () const |
| Return the icon path as given by the client.
const std::string & | ClientThumbnailPath () const |
| Return the thumbnail path as given by the client.
const std::string & | ClientFanartPath () const |
| Return the fanart path as given by the client.
const std::string & | ClientParentalRatingIconPath () const |
| Return the parental rating icon path as given by the client.
const std::string & | IconPath () const |
| Return the icon path used by Kodi.
const std::string & | ThumbnailPath () const |
| Return the thumbnail path used by Kodi.
const std::string & | FanartPath () const |
| Return the fanart path used by Kodi.
const std::string & | EpisodeName () const |
| Retrieve the recording Episode Name.
bool | IsInProgress () const |
| check whether this recording is currently in progress
std::shared_ptr< CPVRTimerInfoTag > | GetRecordingTimer () const |
| return the timer for an in-progress recording, if any
void | SetGenre (int iGenreType, int iGenreSubType, const std::string &strGenre) |
| set the genre for this recording.
int | GenreType () const |
| Get the genre type ID of this recording.
int | GenreSubType () const |
| Get the genre subtype ID of this recording.
const std::vector< std::string > & | Genre () const |
| Get the genre as human readable string.
const std::string | GetGenresLabel () const |
| Get the genre(s) of this recording as formatted string.
CDateTime | FirstAired () const |
| Get the first air date of this recording.
int | GetYear () const override |
| Get the premiere year of this recording.
void | SetYear (int year) override |
| Set the premiere year of this recording.
bool | HasYear () const override |
| Check if the premiere year of this recording is valid.
bool | IsNew () const |
| Check whether this recording will be flagged as new.
bool | IsPremiere () const |
| Check whether this recording will be flagged as a premiere.
bool | IsFinale () const |
| Check whether this recording will be flagged as a finale.
bool | IsLive () const |
| Check whether this recording will be flagged as live.
unsigned int | Flags () const |
| Return the flags (PVR_RECORDING_FLAG_*) of this recording as a bitfield.
int64_t | GetSizeInBytes () const |
| Return the size of this recording in bytes.
void | SetDirty (bool bDirty) |
| Mark a recording as dirty/clean.
bool | IsDirty () const |
| Return whether the recording is marked dirty.
int | ClientProviderUid () const |
| Get the uid of the provider on the client which this recording is from.
std::string | ProviderName () const |
| Get the client provider name for this recording.
std::shared_ptr< CPVRProvider > | GetDefaultProvider () const |
| Get the default provider of this recording. The default provider represents the PVR add-on itself.
bool | HasClientProvider () const |
| Whether or not this recording has a provider set by the client.
std::shared_ptr< CPVRProvider > | GetProvider () const |
| Get the provider of this recording. This may be the default provider or a custom provider set by the client. If HasClientProvider() returns true the provider will be custom from the client, otherwise the default provider.
unsigned int | GetParentalRating () const |
| Get the parental rating of this recording.
const std::string & | GetParentalRatingCode () const |
| Get the parental rating code of this recording.
const std::string & | GetParentalRatingIcon () const |
| Get the parental rating icon path of this recording.
const std::string & | GetParentalRatingSource () const |
| Get the parental rating source of this recording.
int | EpisodePart () const |
| Get the episode part number of this recording.
const std::string & | TitleExtraInfo () const |
| Get the title extra information of this recording.
| CVideoInfoTag () |
virtual | ~CVideoInfoTag ()=default |
void | Reset () |
bool | Load (const TiXmlElement *element, bool append=false, bool prioritise=false) |
bool | Save (TiXmlNode *node, const std::string &tag, bool savePathInfo=true, const TiXmlElement *additionalNode=NULL) |
void | Merge (CVideoInfoTag &other) |
void | Archive (CArchive &ar) override |
void | Serialize (CVariant &value) const override |
void | ToSortable (SortItem &sortable, Field field) const override |
const CRating | GetRating (std::string type="") const |
const std::string & | GetDefaultRating () const |
const std::string | GetUniqueID (std::string type="") const |
const std::map< std::string, std::string > & | GetUniqueIDs () const |
const std::string & | GetDefaultUniqueID () const |
bool | HasUniqueID () const |
bool | HasPremiered () const |
const CDateTime & | GetPremiered () const |
const CDateTime & | GetFirstAired () const |
const std::string | GetCast (const std::string &separator, bool bIncludeRole=false) const |
bool | HasStreamDetails () const |
bool | IsEmpty () const |
const std::string & | GetPath () const |
void | SetDuration (int duration) |
| set the duration in seconds
unsigned int | GetDuration () const |
| retrieve the duration in seconds. Prefers the duration from stream details if available.
unsigned int | GetStaticDuration () const |
| retrieve the duration in seconds. Ignores the duration from stream details even if available.
void | SetBasePath (std::string basePath) |
void | SetDirector (std::vector< std::string > director) |
void | SetWritingCredits (std::vector< std::string > writingCredits) |
void | SetGenre (std::vector< std::string > genre) |
void | SetCountry (std::vector< std::string > country) |
void | SetTagLine (std::string tagLine) |
void | SetPlotOutline (std::string plotOutline) |
void | SetTrailer (std::string trailer) |
void | SetPlot (std::string plot) |
std::string const & | GetTitle () const |
void | SetTitle (std::string title) |
void | SetSortTitle (std::string sortTitle) |
void | SetPictureURL (CScraperUrl &pictureURL) |
void | SetRating (float rating, int votes, const std::string &type="", bool def=false) |
void | SetRating (CRating rating, const std::string &type="", bool def=false) |
void | SetRating (float rating, const std::string &type="", bool def=false) |
void | RemoveRating (const std::string &type) |
void | SetRatings (RatingMap ratings, const std::string &defaultRating="") |
void | SetVotes (int votes, const std::string &type="") |
void | SetUniqueIDs (std::map< std::string, std::string > uniqueIDs) |
void | SetPremiered (const CDateTime &premiered) |
void | SetPremieredFromDBDate (const std::string &premieredString) |
void | SetArtist (std::vector< std::string > artist) |
void | SetSet (std::string set) |
void | SetSetOverview (std::string setOverview) |
void | SetTags (std::vector< std::string > tags) |
void | SetFile (std::string file) |
void | SetPath (std::string path) |
void | SetMPAARating (std::string mpaaRating) |
void | SetFileNameAndPath (std::string fileNameAndPath) |
void | SetOriginalTitle (std::string originalTitle) |
void | SetEpisodeGuide (std::string episodeGuide) |
void | SetStatus (std::string status) |
void | SetProductionCode (std::string productionCode) |
void | SetShowTitle (std::string showTitle) |
void | SetStudio (std::vector< std::string > studio) |
void | SetAlbum (std::string album) |
void | SetShowLink (std::vector< std::string > showLink) |
void | SetUniqueID (const std::string &uniqueid, const std::string &type="", bool def=false) |
void | RemoveUniqueID (const std::string &type) |
void | SetNamedSeasons (std::map< int, std::string > namedSeasons) |
void | SetUserrating (int userrating) |
virtual int | GetPlayCount () const |
| Get this videos's play count.
virtual void | ResetPlayCount () |
| Reset playcount.
virtual bool | IsPlayCountSet () const |
| Check if the playcount is set.
const CAssetInfo & | GetAssetInfo () const |
| Get the video's asset info.
CAssetInfo & | GetAssetInfo () |
bool | HasVideoVersions () const |
| Whether the item has multiple video versions.
void | SetHasVideoVersions (bool hasVersions) |
| Set whether this video has video versions.
bool | HasVideoExtras () const |
| Whether the item has video extras.
void | SetHasVideoExtras (bool hasExtras) |
| Set whether this video has video extras.
bool | IsDefaultVideoVersion () const |
| Whether the item is the default video version.
void | SetIsDefaultVideoVersion (bool isDefaultVideoVersion) |
| Set whether the item is the default version.
bool | GetUpdateSetOverview () const |
| Get whether the Set Overview should be updated. If an NFO contains a <name> but no <overview> then this allows the current Overview to be kept. Otherwise it is overwritten. Default is true - so if updated by a scraper the Overview will be overwritten.