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Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
This is the complete list of members for CVideoLibraryQueue, including all inherited members.
AddJob(CVideoLibraryJob *job) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
CJobQueue::AddJob(CJob *job) | CJobQueue | protected |
CancelAllJobs() | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
CancelJob(CVideoLibraryJob *job) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
CJobQueue::CancelJob(const CJob *job) | CJobQueue | protected |
CancelJobs() | CJobQueue | protected |
CJobQueue(bool lifo=false, unsigned int jobsAtOnce=1, CJob::PRIORITY priority=CJob::PRIORITY_LOW) | CJobQueue | protected |
CleanLibrary(const std::set< int > &paths=std::set< int >(), bool asynchronous=true, CGUIDialogProgressBarHandle *progressBar=NULL) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
CleanLibraryModal(const std::set< int > &paths=std::set< int >()) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
GetInstance() | CVideoLibraryQueue | static |
IsProcessing() const | CJobQueue | protected |
IsRunning() const | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
IsScanningLibrary() const | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
MarkAsWatched(const std::shared_ptr< CFileItem > &item, bool watched) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
OnJobAbort(unsigned int jobID, CJob *job) override | CJobQueue | protectedvirtual |
OnJobComplete(unsigned int jobID, bool success, CJob *job) override | CVideoLibraryQueue | protectedvirtual |
OnJobProgress(unsigned int jobID, unsigned int progress, unsigned int total, const CJob *job) | IJobCallback | inlineprotectedvirtual |
QueueEmpty() const | CJobQueue | protected |
Refresh() | CVideoLibraryQueue | protected |
RefreshItem(std::shared_ptr< CFileItem > item, bool ignoreNfo=false, bool forceRefresh=true, bool refreshAll=false, const std::string &searchTitle="") | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
RefreshItemModal(std::shared_ptr< CFileItem > item, bool forceRefresh=true, bool refreshAll=false) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
ResetResumePoint(const std::shared_ptr< CFileItem > &item) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
ScanLibrary(const std::string &directory, bool scanAll=false, bool showProgress=true) | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
StopLibraryScanning() | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
Submit(F &&f) | CJobQueue | inlineprotected |
~CJobQueue() override | CJobQueue | protected |
~CVideoLibraryQueue() override | CVideoLibraryQueue | |
~IJobCallback()=default | IJobCallback | protectedvirtual |