[docs] Order items alphabetically within subsections for a better search experience
[docs] Use links instead of bold values for infolabels/bools so we can use a link to point users when providing help
Player.HasPerformedSeek(interval) | boolean |
some values are hardcoded in the middle of the code - refactor to make it easier to track
Labels | Type | Description | System.AlarmLessOrEqual(alarmname,seconds) | boolean |
Not currently used
| MusicPartyMode.RandomSongsPicked | string |
So maybe rather than a row each have one entry for Role.XXXXX with composer, arranger etc. as listed values
List of all art types
description might be outdated
| ListItem.Duration | string |
missing reference in GuiInfoManager.cpp making it hard to track.
| ListItem.Property(Addon.Orphaned) | boolean |
missing reference in GuiInfoManager.cpp making it hard to track.
Find a better way of finding the art types instead of manually defining them here.
move to a future window document.
move to a future window document.
Make this annotate an array of infobools/labels to make it easier to track
Labels | Type | Description | Library.IsScanning | boolean | |
Member ISlideShowDelegate::AddFromPath (const std::string &strPath, bool bRecursive, SortBy method=SortByLabel, SortOrder order=SortOrderAscending, SortAttribute sortAttributes=SortAttributeNone, const std::string &strExtensions="")=0
- refactor to use an options struct. Methods with so many arguments are a sign of a bad design...
Member ISlideShowDelegate::RunSlideShow (const std::string &strPath, bool bRecursive=false, bool bRandom=false, bool bNotRandom=false, const std::string &beginSlidePath="", bool startSlideShow=true, SortBy method=SortByLabel, SortOrder order=SortOrderAscending, SortAttribute sortAttributes=SortAttributeNone, const std::string &strExtensions="")=0
- refactor to use an options struct. Methods with so many arguments are a sign of a bad design...
Member JSONRPC::CPlayerOperations::GetItem (const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant ¶meterObject, CVariant &result)
remove this once there is no route to playback that updates
remove this once there is no route to playback that updates
Member JSONRPC::CPlayerOperations::Open (const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant ¶meterObject, CVariant &result)
: This should be a delegator method instead of going via GUI! look into triggering stop from Reset() itself!
Member JSONRPC::CPlaylistOperations::Clear (const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant ¶meterObject, CVariant &result)
: Stop should be a delegator method to void GUI coupling! Same goes for other player controls.
Member JSONRPC::CVideoLibrary::FillFileItemList (const CVariant ¶meterObject, CFileItemList &list)
API support for video version id
Member JSONRPC::CVideoLibrary::GetMovieDetails (const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant ¶meterObject, CVariant &result)
API support for video version id
Member JSONRPC::CVideoLibrary::RefreshMovie (const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant ¶meterObject, CVariant &result)
API support for video version id
Member JSONRPC::CVideoLibrary::SetMovieDetails (const std::string &method, ITransportLayer *transport, IClient *client, const CVariant ¶meterObject, CVariant &result)
API support for video version id)
Namespace KODI
RetroPlayer needs an abstraction for GAME_HW_CONTEXT_TYPE
Member KODI::ADDONS::CAudioDecoder::Init (const CFileItem &file, unsigned int filecache) override
About audio decoder in most cases Kodi's one not work, add fallback to use addon if this fails. Need API change about addons music info tag!
Member KODI::ADDONS::CImageDecoder::LoadInfoTag (const std::string &fileName, CPictureInfoTag *tag)
Rework CPictureInfoTag to not limit on fixed structures ExifInfo & IPTCInfo.
Class KODI::ADDONS::IAddonSupportList
Extend this class with database usage and support to activate / deactivate the respective formats and thus to override add-ons if several support the same.
Member KODI::GAME::CControllerActivity::OnMouseMotion (const MOUSE::PointerName &relpointer, int differenceX, int differenceY)
Fix mouse pointer handling
Handle multiple pointers
Member KODI::GAME::CGameClient::GetInstanceInterface ()
This function becomes removed after old callback library system is removed.
Member KODI::GAME::CGameClientController::CGameClientController (CGameClientInput &input, ControllerPtr controller)
Sort vectors
Member KODI::GAME::CGameClientInput::PortAddress
Member KODI::GAME::CGameClientMouse::OnMotion (const std::string &relpointer, int dx, int dy) override
Allow mouse motion to activate controller This will follow a larger refactoring of the mouse input system
Member KODI::GAME::CGameClientStreams::EnableHardwareRendering (const game_hw_rendering_properties &properties)
Finish OpenGL support
Member KODI::GAME::CGameSettings::SetShowOSDHelp (bool bShow)
Asynchronous save
Member KODI::GAME::CGUIConfigurationWizard::MapPrimitive (JOYSTICK::IButtonMap *buttonMap, KEYMAP::IKeymap *keymap, const JOYSTICK::CDriverPrimitive &primitive) override
This only succeeds for game.controller.default; no actions are
Handle multiple actions mapped to the same key
Check if primitive is a cancel or motion action
Member KODI::GAME::CGUIControllerList::OnFocus (unsigned int controllerIndex) override
Activate controller for all game controller controls
Member KODI::GAME::CGUIControllerList::ResetController () override
Choose peripheral
Member KODI::GAME::CGUIDialogButtonCapture::Process () override
Move to rendering thread when there is a rendering thread
Member KODI::GAME::CGUIWindowGames::OnItemInfo (int itemNumber)
Member KODI::GAME::CGUIWindowGames::OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) override
Class KODI::GAME::IGameInputCallback
Remove this file when Game API is updated for input polling
Member KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CGamesGUIInfo::InitCurrentItem (CFileItem *item) override
Savestates were removed from v18
Member KODI::GUILIB::GUIINFO::CVideoGUIInfo::GetLabel (std::string &value, const CFileItem *item, int contextWindow, const CGUIInfo &info, std::string *fallback) const override
get rid of "videos with versions as folder" hack!
Member KODI::JOYSTICK::CJoystickEasterEgg::OnFinish (void)
Shake screen
Member KODI::KEYBOARD::Modifier
Move CKey enum to this file
Member KODI::KEYMAP::CKeymapHandler::OnAccelerometerMotion (const JOYSTICK::FeatureName &feature, float x, float y, float z) override
Member KODI::MUSIC::IsAudio (const CFileItem &item)
If the file is a zip file, ask the game clients if any support this
Member KODI::PLAYLIST::CPlayListPlayer::Play (int index, const std::string &player, bool replace=false, bool playPreviousOnFail=false, bool forceSelection=false)
- move the above failure logic and the below success logic to callbacks instead so we don't rely on the return value of PlayFile()
Member KODI::PLAYLIST::CSmartPlaylistRule::GetOperator (const std::string &type) const override
SMARTPLAYLISTS do we really need this, or should we just make this field the premiered date and request a date?
Member KODI::RETRO::CGameWindowFullScreen::OnDeinitWindow (int nextWindowID) override
Member KODI::RETRO::CGameWindowFullScreen::OnInitWindow () override
We need to route this check through the GUI bridge. By adding the
Member KODI::RETRO::CGameWindowFullScreen::Process (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregion) override
This isn't quite optimal - ideally we'd only be dirtying up the actual video render rect which is probably the job of the renderer as it can more easily track resizing etc.
Member KODI::RETRO::CGUIGameControl::Process (unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) override
Proper processing which marks when its actually changed
Member KODI::RETRO::CGUIRenderControl::RenderEx () override
Member KODI::RETRO::CGUIRenderFullScreen::RenderEx () override
Member KODI::RETRO::CGUIRenderTarget::IsDirty ()
Member KODI::RETRO::CGUIRenderTarget::m_renderManager
Member KODI::RETRO::CRenderBufferOpenGL::UploadTexture () override
This is subject to change: We want to use PBO's instead of glTexSubImage2D! This code has been borrowed from OpenGL ES in order to remove GL dependencies on GLES.
Member KODI::RETRO::CRetroPlayer::Seek (bool bPlus=true, bool bLargeStep=false, bool bChapterOverride=false) override
Member KODI::RETRO::CRetroPlayerRendering::CloseStream () override
Member KODI::RETRO::CRetroPlayerRendering::OpenStream (const StreamProperties &properties) override
: This must be called from the rendering thread
Member KODI::RETRO::CReversiblePlayback::CreateSavestate (bool autosave, const std::string &savestatePath="") override
Handle savestates for standalone game clients
Member KODI::RETRO::CRPRenderManager::Create (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
These are only examples pulled from the history of the OpenGL effort and the required redesign will probably remove or change these functions.
Member KODI::RETRO::CRPRenderManager::GetVideoBuffer (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, VideoStreamBuffer &buffer)
De-prioritize buffer pools with write-only or unaligned memory
Member KODI::RETRO::CRPRenderManager::RenderFrame ()
Member KODI::RETRO::CRPRenderManager::SaveThumbnail (const std::string &thumbnailPath)
rotate image by rotationCCW
Member KODI::RETRO::CRPRenderManager::SupportsRenderFeature (RENDERFEATURE feature) const override
Move to ProcessInfo
Member KODI::RETRO::CRPRenderManager::SupportsScalingMethod (SCALINGMETHOD method) const override
Move to ProcessInfo
Member KODI::RETRO::CSavestateDatabase::ClearSavestatesOfGame (const std::string &gamePath, const std::string &gameClient="")
Member KODI::RETRO::IRenderBuffer::GetFrameSize () const =0
Remove me
Member KODI::VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::GetDetails (CFileItem *pItem, const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &uniqueIDs, CScraperUrl &url, const ADDON::ScraperPtr &scraper, VIDEO::IVideoInfoTagLoader *nfoFile=nullptr, CGUIDialogProgress *pDialog=nullptr)
sort out some better return codes.
Member KODI::VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::GetRecursiveFastHash (const std::string &directory, const std::vector< std::string > &excludes) const
some filesystems may return the mtime/ctime inline, in which case this is unnecessarily expensive. Consider supporting Stat() in our directory cache?
Member KODI::VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::OnProcessSeriesFolder (EPISODELIST &files, const ADDON::ScraperPtr &scraper, bool useLocal, const CVideoInfoTag &showInfo, CGUIDialogProgress *pDlgProgress=nullptr)
should we just skip to the next episode?
Ideally we would return InfoRet:HAVE_ALREADY if we don't have to update any episodes and we should return InfoRet::NOT_FOUND only if no information is found for any of the episodes. InfoRet::ADDED then indicates we've added one or more episodes.
Member KODI::VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::RetrieveInfoForMovie (CFileItem *pItem, bool bDirNames, ADDON::ScraperPtr &scraper, bool useLocal, CScraperUrl *pURL, CGUIDialogProgress *pDlgProgress)
This is not strictly correct as we could fail to download information here or error, or be cancelled
Member KODI::VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::RetrieveInfoForMusicVideo (CFileItem *pItem, bool bDirNames, ADDON::ScraperPtr &scraper, bool useLocal, CScraperUrl *pURL, CGUIDialogProgress *pDlgProgress)
This is not strictly correct as we could fail to download information here or error, or be cancelled
Member KODI::VIDEO::GUILIB::CVideoPlayActionProcessor::Play (const std::string &player)
get rid of "videos with versions as folder" hack!
Member KODI::VIDEO::GUILIB::CVideoSelectActionProcessor::OnPlayPartSelected (unsigned int part)
implement different (not using builtins function)
Member KODI::VIDEO::IsVideo (const CFileItem &item)
If the file is a zip file, ask the game clients if any support this
Member KODI::WINDOWING::GBM::CDRMAtomic::InitDrm () override
: disabled until upstream kernel changes are merged
Member KODI::WINDOWING::GBM::CWinSystemGbm::UpdateDisplayHardwareScaling (const RESOLUTION_INFO &resInfo) override
The PR that made the res struct constant was abandoned due to drama.
Member KodiToAddonFuncTable_Peripheral
Mouse, light gun, multitouch
Member MEDIA_DETECT::CCdIoSupport::GetCdTextInfo (xbmc_cdtext_t &xcdt, int trackNum)
- remove after Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) is EOL
- remove after Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) is EOL
Member MEDIA_DETECT::CCdIoSupport::IsIt (int num)
check that num < largest sig.
Member MUSIC_GRABBER::CMusicInfoScraper::CheckValidOrFallback (const std::string &fallbackScraper)
Handle fallback mechanism
Member MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::FileItemsToAlbums (CFileItemList &items, VECALBUMS &albums, MAPSONGS *songsMap=NULL)
in future we may wish to union up the genres, for now we assume they're the same
Member MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoScanner::RetrieveLocalArt ()
: title = Checking for local art
Member MUSIC_INFO::CMusicInfoTagLoaderSHN::Load (const std::string &strFileName, CMusicInfoTag &tag, EmbeddedArt *art=NULL) override
Use libavformat to calculate duration.
- move to std::regex (after switching to gcc 4.9 or higher) and get rid of CRegExp
Member PERIPHERALS::CGUIDialogPeripheralSettings::InitializeSettings () override
add more types if needed
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripheral::AddSetting (const std::string &strKey, const std::shared_ptr< const CSetting > &setting, int order)
add more types if needed
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripheralBusApplication::PerformDeviceScan (PeripheralScanResults &results) override
Fix game clients to handle mouse disconnecting For now mouse is always connected
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripheralBusGCController::ProcessEvents () override
Multiple controller event processing
Multiple controller handling
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripheralBusUSB::PerformDeviceScan (PeripheralScanResults &results) override
just assume this is a HID device for now, since the only devices that we're currently interested in are HID devices
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::GetNextKeypress (float frameTime, CKey &key)
CEC only supports toggling the mute status at this time
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::OnDeviceAdded (const CPeripheralBus &bus, const CPeripheral &peripheral)
Improve device notifications in v18
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::OnDeviceDeleted (const CPeripheralBus &bus, const CPeripheral &peripheral)
Improve device notifications in v18
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::ResetButtonMaps (const std::string &controllerId)
Add a device parameter to allow resetting button maps per-device
Member PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::UnMute ()
CEC only supports toggling the mute status at this time
Member process_service_block (cc708_service_decoder *decoder, unsigned char *data, int data_length)
Not sure if a local reset is going to be helpful here.
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
Remove me
eventually the profile should dictate where special://masterprofile/ is but for now it makes sense to leave all the profile settings in a user writeable location like special://masterprofile/
Struct pty_skin_info
Improve and test alarm message
Member PVR::CGUIWindowPVRChannelsBase::GetRootPath () const override
Would it make sense to change GetRootPath() declaration in CGUIMediaWindow to be non-const to get rid of the const_cast's here?
Member PVR::CPVRChannelGroup::SetClientGroupName (const std::string &groupName)
why must we persist immediately?
Member PVR::CPVRChannelGroup::SetClientID (int clientID)
why must we persist immediately?
Member PVR::CPVRChannelGroup::SetPath (const CPVRChannelsPath &path)
why must we persist immediately?
Member PVR::CPVRChannelGroupAllChannels::CheckGroupName ()
major design flaw to fix: channel and group URLs must not contain the group name!
Member PVR::CPVRChannelGroups::Update (const std::shared_ptr< CPVRChannelGroup > &group, bool bUpdateFromClient=false)
If a group was renamed in the backend, no chance to find it here! PVR API should be extended by a uuid for channel groups which never must change, not even after rename.
Member PVR::CPVRDescrambleInfo::Caid () const
add other getters (currently not used).
Member PVR::CPVREpg::Update (time_t start, time_t end, int iUpdateTime, int iPastDays, const std::shared_ptr< CPVREpgDatabase > &database, bool bForceUpdate=false)
why the channelid check?
Member PVR::CPVRGUIActionsEPG::FindSimilar (const CFileItem &item) const
If we want dialogs to spawn program search in a clean way - without having to force-close any
Member PVR::CPVRProviders::GetProviders () const
optimize; get rid of iteration.
Member PythonBindings::PyXBMCGetUnicodeString (std::string &buf, PyObject *pObject, bool coerceToString, const char *argumentName, const char *methodname)
UTF-8: Does python use UTF-16? Do we need to convert from the string charset to UTF-8 for non-unicode data?
Member Shaders::GLSLOutput::OnCompiledAndLinked (GLuint programHandle)
create a dither pattern
Member SOCKETS::CPosixUDPSocket::Broadcast (const CAddress &addr, const int datasize, const void *data) override
Member TEST (TestDatabaseUtils, GetFieldIndex_MediaTypeAlbum)
Should enums in CMusicDatabase be made public instead?
Member TEST (TestDatabaseUtils, BuildLimitClause)
Need some way to test this function
Member TEST (TestRegExp, RegFind)
gtest/gtest.h needs to come in before utils/RegExp.h. Investigate why.
Member TEST_F (TestCharsetConverter, wToUTF8)
Resolve correct input/output for this function
Member TEST_F (TestCharsetConverter, getCharsetLabels)
Resolve correct input/output for this function
Member TestBasicEnvironment::SetUp () override
Something should be done about all the asserts in GUISettings so that the initialization of these components won't be needed.
Make the initialization of the VFS here optional so it can be testable in a test case.
Member UPNP::BuildObject (CFileItem &item, NPT_String &file_path, bool with_count, NPT_Reference< CThumbLoader > &thumb_loader, const PLT_HttpRequestContext *context, CUPnPServer *upnp_server, UPnPService upnp_service)
- get file count of this directory
Member UPNP::BuildObject (PLT_MediaObject *entry, UPnPService upnp_service)
fill pictureinfotag?
Member UPNP::CUPnPRenderer::OnSetNextAVTransportURI (PLT_ActionReference &action) override
get rid of window checks (go via SlideshowDelegator)
Member UPNP::CUPnPRenderer::UpdateState ()
: Remove dependency on GUI, go via slideshowdelegator
Member UPNP::CUPnPServer::OnBrowseMetadata (PLT_ActionReference &action, const char *object_id, const char *filter, NPT_UInt32 starting_index, NPT_UInt32 requested_count, const char *sort_criteria, const PLT_HttpRequestContext &context) override
We need to keep track of the overall SystemUpdateID of the CDS
Member UPNP::CUPnPServer::OnUpdateObject (PLT_ActionReference &action, const char *object_id, NPT_Map< NPT_String, NPT_String > ¤t_vals, NPT_Map< NPT_String, NPT_String > &new_vals, const PLT_HttpRequestContext &context) override
implement this
Member UPNP::DecodeObjectId (const std::string &id)
all other items except upnproot and -1 (the parent of upnproot) seem to only be enabled
Member UPNP::EncodeObjectId (const std::string &id)
all other items except upnproot and -1 (the parent of upnproot) seem to only be enabled
Member UPNP::GetProtocolInfo (const CFileItem &item, const char *protocol, const PLT_HttpRequestContext *context)
fixup the protocol just in case nothing was passed
add rtsp ?
Member URIUtils::GetParentPath (const std::string &strPath, std::string &strParent)
Make a new python call to get the plugin content type and remove this temporary hack
Member URIUtils::IsStreamedFilesystem (const std::string &strPath)
sftp/ssh special case has to be handled by vfs addon
Member UTILS::DISCS::GetDiscInfo (DiscInfo &info, const std::string &mediaPath)
it's wrong to include videoplayer scoped files, refactor
Member VAAPI::CFFmpegPostproc::UpdateDeintMethod (EINTERLACEMETHOD method) override
switching between certain methods could be done without deinit/init
is this comment valid for seasons? There is no offset structure or am I wrong?
Member VideoPlayerCodec::Init (const CFileItem &file, unsigned int filecache) override
convey CFileItem::ContentLookup() into Open()
Numbers given here must match the ids given in strings.po for a translatable string for the window. 12009 to 12014 are already taken for something else in strings.po (accidentally). So, do not define windows with ids 12009 to 12014, unless strings.po got fixed.
Member XBMCAddon::Python::PythonCallbackHandler::shouldRemoveCallback (AddonClass *obj, void *threadState) override
This is a stupid way to get this information back to the handler. there should be a more language neutral means.
Class XBMCAddon::RetardedAsyncCallbackHandler
Allow a cross thread synchronous execution. Fix the stupid means of calling the clearPendingCalls by passing userData which is specific to the handler/language type.
Member XBMCAddon::xbmc::getSupportedMedia (const char *mediaType)
Add a mediaType enum
Member XBMCAddon::xbmc::PlayList::PlayList (int playList)
need a means to check for a valid construction either by throwing an exception or by an "isValid" check
Member XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ListItem::setInfo (...)
add the rest of the infolabels
Member XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::Window::dispose ()
rework locking
Member XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::Window::GetControlById (int iControlId, CCriticalSection *gc)
Yuck! Should probably be done with a Factory pattern
Member XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::WindowDialogMixin::OnAction (const CAction &action)
Figure out how to clean up the CAction
Member XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::WindowXML::OnMessage (CGUIMessage &message) override
We shouldn't be dropping down to CGUIWindow in any of this ideally. We have to make up our minds about what python should be doing and what this side of things should be doing
Class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::WindowXMLInterceptor
This should be done with template specialization
Member XFILE::CAddonsDirectory::FileItemFromAddon (const std::shared_ptr< ADDON::IAddon > &addon, const std::string &path, bool folder=false)
fix hacks that depends on these
Member XFILE::CAPKDirectory::ContainsFiles (const CURL &url) override
why might we need this ?
Member XFILE::CCurlFile::CReadState::WriteCallback (char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems)
Limit max. amount of the overflowbuffer
Member XFILE::CCurlFile::ParseAndCorrectUrl (CURL &url)
create a tokenizer that doesn't skip empty's
Member XFILE::CCurlFile::Seek (int64_t iFilePosition, int iWhence=SEEK_SET) override
daap is gone. is this needed for something else?
Member XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory (const CURL &url, const std::shared_ptr< IDirectory > &pDirectory, CFileItemList &items, const CHints &hints)
we shouldn't be checking the gui setting here, callers should use getHidden instead
Member XFILE::CPluginDirectory::AddSortMethod (int handle, SortMethod sortMethod, const std::string &labelMask, const std::string &label2Mask)
Add all sort methods and fix which labels go on the right or left
Member XFILE::CVirtualDirectory::IsInSource (const std::string &strPath) const
May need to handle other special cases that GetMatchingSource() fails on
Member XFILE::CWin32Directory::GetDirectory (const CURL &url, CFileItemList &items) override
support m_strFileMask, require rewrite of internal caching
Member XFILE::CWin32File::Rename (const CURL &urlCurrentName, const CURL &urlNewName)
check whether it's file or directory
Member XFILE::CWin32SMBDirectory::GetDirectory (const CURL &url, CFileItemList &items)
support m_strFileMask, require rewrite of internal caching
Member XFILE::CWin32SMBDirectory::RealExists (const CURL &url, bool tryToConnect)
use real caseless string comparison everywhere in this function
Member XFILE::CZeroconfDirectory::GetDirectory (const CURL &url, CFileItemList &items) override
try automatic conversion -> remove leading '_' and '._tcp'?