Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
This is the complete list of members for URIUtils, including all inherited members.
AddFileToFolder(const std::string &strFolder, const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
AddFileToFolder(const std::string &strFolder, const std::string &strFile, T... args) | URIUtils | inlinestatic |
AddSlashAtEnd(std::string &strFolder) | URIUtils | static |
AppendSlash(std::string strFolder) | URIUtils | static |
CanonicalizePath(const std::string &path, const char slashCharacter='\\') | URIUtils | static |
ChangeBasePath(const std::string &fromPath, const std::string &fromFile, const std::string &toPath, const bool &bAddPath=true) | URIUtils | static |
CompareWithoutSlashAtEnd(const std::string &strPath1, const std::string &strPath2) | URIUtils | static |
CreateArchivePath(const std::string &type, const CURL &archiveUrl, const std::string &pathInArchive="", const std::string &password="") | URIUtils | static |
FixSlashesAndDups(const std::string &path, const char slashCharacter='/', const size_t startFrom=0) | URIUtils | static |
GetBasePath(const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
GetBlurayFile(const std::string &path) | URIUtils | static |
GetCommonPath(std::string &strParent, const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
GetDirectory(const std::string &strFilePath) | URIUtils | static |
GetDiscBase(const std::string &file) | URIUtils | static |
GetDiscBasePath(const std::string &file) | URIUtils | static |
GetExtension(const CURL &url) | URIUtils | static |
GetExtension(const std::string &strFileName) | URIUtils | static |
GetFileName(const CURL &url) | URIUtils | static |
GetFileName(const std::string &strFileNameAndPath) | URIUtils | static |
GetFileOrFolderName(const std::string &path) | URIUtils | static |
GetParentPath(const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
GetParentPath(const std::string &strPath, std::string &strParent) | URIUtils | static |
GetRealPath(const std::string &path) | URIUtils | static |
HasEncodedFilename(const CURL &url) | URIUtils | static |
HasEncodedHostname(const CURL &url) | URIUtils | static |
HasExtension(const std::string &strFileName) | URIUtils | static |
HasExtension(const std::string &strFileName, const std::string &strExtensions) | URIUtils | static |
HasExtension(const CURL &url, const std::string &strExtensions) | URIUtils | static |
HasParentInHostname(const CURL &url) | URIUtils | static |
HasPluginPath(const CFileItem &item) | URIUtils | static |
HasSlashAtEnd(const std::string &strFile, bool checkURL=false) | URIUtils | static |
IsAddonsPath(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsAndroidApp(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsAPK(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsArchive(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsBlurayPath(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsCDDA(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsDAV(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsDiscImage(const std::string &file) | URIUtils | static |
IsDiscImageStack(const std::string &file) | URIUtils | static |
IsDOSPath(const std::string &path) | URIUtils | static |
IsDVD(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsFavourite(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsFTP(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsHD(const std::string &strFileName) | URIUtils | static |
IsHostOnLAN(const std::string &hostName, LanCheckMode lanCheckMode=LanCheckMode::ONLY_LOCAL_SUBNET) | URIUtils | static |
IsHTTP(const std::string &strFile, bool bTranslate=false) | URIUtils | static |
IsInAPK(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsInArchive(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsInRAR(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsInternetStream(const std::string &path, bool bStrictCheck=false) | URIUtils | static |
IsInternetStream(const CURL &url, bool bStrictCheck=false) | URIUtils | static |
IsInZIP(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsISO9660(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsLibraryContent(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsLibraryFolder(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsLiveTV(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsMultiPath(const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
IsMusicDb(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsNetworkFilesystem(const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
IsNfs(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsOnDVD(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsOnLAN(const std::string &strFile, LanCheckMode lanCheckMode=LanCheckMode::ONLY_LOCAL_SUBNET) | URIUtils | static |
IsPlugin(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsProtocol(const std::string &url, const std::string &type) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVR(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRChannel(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRChannelGroup(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRGuideItem(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRRadioChannel(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRRadioRecordingFileOrFolder(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRRecording(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRRecordingFileOrFolder(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsPVRTVRecordingFileOrFolder(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsRAR(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsRemote(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsScript(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsSmb(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsSourcesPath(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsSpecial(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsStack(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsStreamedFilesystem(const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
IsTCP(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsUDP(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsUPnP(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsURL(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsVideoDb(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
IsZIP(const std::string &strFile) | URIUtils | static |
PathEquals(std::string path1, std::string path2, bool ignoreTrailingSlash=false, bool ignoreURLOptions=false) | URIUtils | static |
PathHasParent(std::string path, std::string parent, bool translate=false) | URIUtils | static |
RegisterAdvancedSettings(const CAdvancedSettings &advancedSettings) | URIUtils | static |
RemoveExtension(std::string &strFileName) | URIUtils | static |
RemoveSlashAtEnd(std::string &strFolder) | URIUtils | static |
ReplaceExtension(const std::string &strFile, const std::string &strNewExtension) | URIUtils | static |
Split(const std::string &strFileNameAndPath, std::string &strPath, std::string &strFileName) | URIUtils | static |
SplitPath(const std::string &strPath) | URIUtils | static |
SubstitutePath(const CURL &url, bool reverse=false) | URIUtils | static |
SubstitutePath(const std::string &strPath, bool reverse=false) | URIUtils | static |
UnregisterAdvancedSettings() | URIUtils | static |
UpdateUrlEncoding(std::string &strFilename) | URIUtils | static |