Labels | Type | Description |
Player.HasAudio | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player has an audio file.
Player.HasGame | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player has a game file (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.HasGame
Player.HasMedia | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the player has an audio or video file.
Player.HasVideo | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player has a video file.
Player.Paused | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is paused.
Player.Playing | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is currently playing (i.e. not ffwding, rewinding or paused.)
Player.Rewinding | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is rewinding.
Player.Rewinding2x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is rewinding at 2x.
Player.Rewinding4x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is rewinding at 4x.
Player.Rewinding8x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is rewinding at 8x.
Player.Rewinding16x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is rewinding at 16x.
Player.Rewinding32x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is rewinding at 32x.
Player.Forwarding | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is fast forwarding.
Player.Forwarding2x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is fast forwarding at 2x.
Player.Forwarding4x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is fast forwarding at 4x.
Player.Forwarding8x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is fast forwarding at 8x.
Player.Forwarding16x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is fast forwarding at 16x.
Player.Forwarding32x | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is fast forwarding at 32x.
Player.Caching | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is current re-caching data (internet based video playback).
Player.DisplayAfterSeek | boolean | - Returns
- True for the first 2.5 seconds after a seek.
Player.Seekbar | integer | - Returns
- The percentage of one seek to other position.
Player.Seeking | boolean | - Returns
- True if a seek is in progress.
Player.ShowTime | boolean | - Returns
- True if the user has requested the time to show (occurs in video fullscreen).
Player.ShowInfo | boolean | - Returns
- True if the user has requested the song info to show (occurs in visualisation fullscreen and slideshow).
Player.Title | string | - Returns
- The Musicplayer title for audio and the Videoplayer title for video.
Player.offset(number).Title | string | - Returns
- The title of audio or video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing item.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.offset(number).Title
Player.position(number).Title | string |
- Returns
- The title of the audio or video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.position(number).Title
Player.Muted | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the volume is muted.
Player.HasDuration | boolean | - Returns
- True if Media is not a true stream.
Player.Passthrough | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is using audio passthrough.
Player.CacheLevel | string | - Returns
- The used cache level as a string with an integer number.
Player.Progress | integer / string | - Returns
- The progress position as percentage.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
Player.Progress infolabel also exposed as a string.
Player.ProgressCache | integer / string |
- Returns
- How much of the file is cached above current play percentage
- v19 Skinning engine changes
Player.ProgressCache infolabel also exposed as a string.
Player.Volume | string |
- Returns
- The current player volume with the format
%2.1f dB
Player.SubtitleDelay | string | - Returns
- The used subtitle delay with the format
%2.3f s
Player.AudioDelay | string | - Returns
- The used audio delay with the format
%2.3f s
Player.Chapter | integer | - Returns
- The current chapter of current playing media.
Player.ChapterCount | integer | - Returns
- The total number of chapters of current playing media.
Player.ChapterName | string | - Returns
- The name of currently used chapter if available.
Player.Folderpath | string | - Returns
- The full path of the currently playing song or movie
Player.offset(number).Folderpath | string | - Returns
- The full path of the audio or video file which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing item.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.offset(number).Folderpath
Player.position(number).Folderpath | string |
- Returns
- The full path of the audio or video file which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.position(number).Folderpath
Player.FilenameAndPath | string |
- Returns
- The full path with filename of the currently playing song or movie
Player.offset(number).FilenameAndPath | string | - Returns
- The full path with filename of audio or video file which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing item.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.offset(number).FilenameAndPath
Player.position(number).FilenameAndPath | string |
- Returns
- The full path with filename of the audio or video file which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.position(number).FilenameAndPath
Player.Filename | string |
- Returns
- The filename of the currently playing media.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Filename
Player.offset(number).Filename | string |
- Returns
- The filename of audio or video file which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing item.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.offset(number).Filename
Player.position(number).Filename | string |
- Returns
- The filename of the audio or video file which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.position(number).Filename
Player.IsInternetStream | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the player is playing an internet stream.
Player.PauseEnabled | boolean | - Returns
- True if played stream is paused.
Player.SeekEnabled | boolean | - Returns
- True if seek on playing is enabled.
Player.ChannelPreviewActive | boolean | - Returns
- True if PVR channel preview is active (used channel tag different from played tag)
Player.TempoEnabled | boolean | - Returns
- True if player supports tempo (i.e. speed up/down normal playback speed)
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.TempoEnabled
Player.IsTempo | boolean |
- Returns
- True if player has tempo (i.e. is playing with a playback speed higher or lower than normal playback speed)
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.IsTempo
Player.PlaySpeed | string |
- Returns
- The player playback speed with the format
%1.2f (1.00 means normal playback speed).
- Note
- For Tempo, the default range is 0.80 - 1.50 (it can be changed in advanced settings). If Player.PlaySpeed returns a value different from 1.00 and Player.IsTempo is false it means the player is in ff/rw mode.
Player.HasResolutions | boolean | - Returns
- True if the player is allowed to switch resolution and refresh rate (i.e. if whitelist modes are configured in Kodi's System/Display settings)
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.HasResolutions
Player.HasPrograms | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the media file being played has programs, i.e. groups of streams.
- Note
- Ex: if a media file has multiple streams (quality, channels, etc) a program represents a particular stream combo.
Player.FrameAdvance | boolean | - Returns
- True if player is in frame advance mode.
- Note
- Skins should hide seek bar in this mode
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.FrameAdvance
Player.Icon | string |
- Returns
- The thumbnail of the currently playing item. If no thumbnail image exists, the icon will be returned, if available.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Icon
Player.Editlist | string |
- Returns
- The editlist of the currently playing item as csv in the format start1,end1,start2,end2,... Tokens must have values in the range from 0.0 to 100.0. end token must be less or equal than start token.
- Note
- This infolabel does not contain EDL cuts. Edits start and end times are ajusted according to cuts defined for the media item.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Editlist
Player.Cuts | string |
- Returns
- The EDL cut markers of the currently playing item as csv in the format start1,end1,start2,end2,... Tokens must have values in the range from 0.0 to 100.0. end token must be less or equal than start token.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Cuts
Player.SceneMarkers | string |
- Returns
- The EDL scene markers of the currently playing item as csv in the format start1,end1,start2,end2,... Tokens must have values in the range from 0.0 to 100.0. end token must be less or equal than start token.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.SceneMarkers
Player.HasSceneMarkers | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item being played has scene markers, False otherwise
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.HasSceneMarkers
Player.Chapters | string |
- Returns
- The chapters of the currently playing item as csv in the format start1,end1,start2,end2,... Tokens must have values in the range from 0.0 to 100.0. end token must be less or equal than start token.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Chapters
Player.IsExternal | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the playing player is an external player, False otherwise
- v21 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.IsExternal
Player.IsRemote | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the playing player is a remote player (e.g. UPnP), False otherwise
- v21 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.IsRemote
Player.Art(type) | string | - Returns
- The Image for the defined art type for the current playing ListItem.
- Parameters
type | - The art type. The type is defined by scripts and scrappers and can have any value. Common example values for type are:
- fanart
- thumb
- poster
- banner
- clearlogo
- tvshow.poster
- tvshow.banner
- etc
- Todo
get a way of centralize all random art strings used in core so we can point users to them while still making it clear they can have any value.
Player.HasPerformedSeek(interval) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the Player has performed a seek operation in the last provided second
interval , False otherwise.
- Parameters
interval | - the time interval (in seconds) |
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.HasPerformedSeek(interval)
Player.SeekTime | string | - Returns
- The time to which the user is seeking.
Player.SeekOffset([format]) | string | - Returns
- The seek offset after a seek press in a given format.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
- Note
- Example: user presses BigStepForward, player.seekoffset returns +10:00
Player.SeekStepSize | string | - Returns
- The seek step size.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.SeekStepSize
Player.TimeRemaining([format]) | string |
- Returns
- The remaining time of current playing media in a given format.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
Player.TimeSpeed | string | - Returns
- The time and the playspeed formatted: "1:23 (2x)".
Player.Time([format]) | string | - Returns
- The elapsed time of current playing media in a given format.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
Player.Duration([format]) | string | - Returns
- The total duration of the current playing media in a given format.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
Player.FinishTime([format]) | string | - Returns
- The time at which the playing media will end (in a specified format).
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
Player.StartTime([format]) | string | - Returns
- The time at which the playing media began (in a specified format).
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
Player.SeekNumeric([format]) | string | - Returns
- The time at which the playing media began (in a specified format).
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
Player.Process(videohwdecoder) | boolean | - Returns
- True if the currently playing video is decoded in hardware.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] Player.Process(videohwdecoder)
Player.Process(videodecoder) | string |
- Returns
- The videodecoder name of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(videodecoder)
Player.Process(deintmethod) | string |
- Returns
- The deinterlace method of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(deintmethod)
Player.Process(pixformat) | string |
- Returns
- The pixel format of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(pixformat)
Player.Process(videowidth) | string |
- Returns
- The width of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(videowidth)
Player.Process(videoheight) | string |
- Returns
- The width of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(videoheight)
Player.Process(videoscantype) | string |
- Returns
- The scan type identifier of the currently playing video p (for progressive) or i (for interlaced).
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(videoscantype)
Player.Process(videofps) | string |
- Returns
- The video framerate of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(videofps)
Player.Process(videodar) | string |
- Returns
- The display aspect ratio of the currently playing video.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(videodar)
Player.Process(audiodecoder) | string |
- Returns
- The audiodecoder name of the currently playing item.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(audiodecoder)
Player.Process(audiochannels) | string |
- Returns
- The audiodecoder name of the currently playing item.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(audiochannels)
Player.Process(audiosamplerate) | string |
- Returns
- The samplerate of the currently playing item.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(audiosamplerate)
Player.Process(audiobitspersample) | string |
- Returns
- The bits per sample of the currently playing item.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] Player.Process(audiobitspersample)
Labels | Type | Description |
MusicPlayer.Offset(number).Exists | boolean | - Returns
- True if the music players playlist has a song queued in position (number).
- Parameters
MusicPlayer.Title | string | - Returns
- The title of the currently playing song.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Title | string | - Returns
- The title of the song which has an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number with respect to the current playing song |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Title | string | - Returns
- The title of the song which as an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number with respect to the start of the playlist |
MusicPlayer.Album | string | - Returns
- The album from which the current song is from.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Album | string | - Returns
- The album from which the song with offset
number with respect to the current song is from.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number with respect to the current playing song |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Album | string | - Returns
- The album from which the song with offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist is from.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number with respect to the start of the playlist |
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Mood) | string | - Returns
- The moods of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Composer) | string | - Returns
- The name of the person who composed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Composer)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Conductor) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who conducted the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Conductor)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Orchestra) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the orchestra performing the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Orchestra)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Lyricist) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who wrote the lyrics of the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Lyricist)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Remixer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who remixed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Remixer)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Arranger) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who arranged the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Arranger)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Engineer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who was the engineer of the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Engineer)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Producer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who produced the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Producer)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.DJMixer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the dj who remixed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.DJMixer)
MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Mixer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the dj who remixed the selected song.
- Todo
- So maybe rather than a row each have one entry for Role.XXXXX with composer, arranger etc. as listed values
- Note
- MusicPlayer.Property(Role.any_custom_role) also works, where any_custom_role could be an instrument violin or some other production activity e.g. sound engineer. The roles listed (composer, arranger etc.) are standard ones but there are many possible. Music file tagging allows for the musicians and all other people involved in the recording to be added, Kodi will gathers and stores that data, and it is available to GUI.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Role.Mixer)
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Mood) | string |
- Returns
- the moods of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Style) | string | - Returns
- the styles of the currently playing Album.
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Theme) | string | - Returns
- The themes of the currently playing Album
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Type) | string | - Returns
- The album type (e.g. compilation, enhanced, explicit lyrics) of the currently playing album.
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Label) | string | - Returns
- The record label of the currently playing album.
MusicPlayer.Property(Album_Description) | string | - Returns
- A review of the currently playing album
MusicPlayer.Artist | string | - Returns
- Artist(s) of current song.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Artist | string | - Returns
- Artist(s) of the song which has an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - the offset of the song with respect to the current playing song |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Artist | string | - Returns
- Artist(s) of the song which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset of the song with respect to the start of the playlist |
MusicPlayer.AlbumArtist | string | - Returns
- The album artist of the currently playing song.
MusicPlayer.Cover | string | - Returns
- The album cover of currently playing song.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Sortname) | string | - Returns
- The sortname of the currently playing Artist.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Sortname)
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Type) | string |
- Returns
- The type of the currently playing Artist - person, group, orchestra, choir etc.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Type)
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Gender) | string |
- Returns
- The gender of the currently playing Artist - male, female, other.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Gender)
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Disambiguation) | string |
- Returns
- A brief description of the currently playing Artist that differentiates them from others with the same name.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Disambiguation)
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Born) | string |
- Returns
- The date of Birth of the currently playing Artist.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Died) | string | - Returns
- The date of Death of the currently playing Artist.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Formed) | string | - Returns
- The Formation date of the currently playing Artist/Band.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Disbanded) | string | - Returns
- The disbanding date of the currently playing Artist/Band.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_YearsActive) | string | - Returns
- The years the currently Playing artist has been active.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Instrument) | string | - Returns
- The instruments played by the currently playing artist.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Description) | string | - Returns
- A biography of the currently playing artist.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Mood) | string | - Returns
- The moods of the currently playing artist.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Style) | string | - Returns
- The styles of the currently playing artist.
MusicPlayer.Property(Artist_Genre) | string | - Returns
- The genre of the currently playing artist.
MusicPlayer.Genre | string | - Returns
- The genre(s) of current song.
MusicPlayer.Genre(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of genres of current song, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for music. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Genre(separator)
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Genre | string |
- Returns
- The genre(s) of the song with an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - the offset song number with respect to the current playing song. |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Genre | string | - Returns
- The genre(s) of the song with an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset song number with respect to the start of the playlist song. |
MusicPlayer.Lyrics | string | - Returns
- The lyrics of current song stored in ID tag info.
MusicPlayer.Year | string | - Returns
- The year of release of current song.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Year | string | - Returns
- The year of release of the song with an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number with respect to the current song. |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Year | string | - Returns
- The year of release of the song with an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number with respect to the start of the playlist. |
MusicPlayer.Rating | string | - Returns
- The numeric Rating of current song (1-10).
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Rating | string | - Returns
- The numeric Rating of song with an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - the offset with respect to the current playing song |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Rating | string | - Returns
- The numeric Rating of song with an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset with respect to the start of the playlist |
MusicPlayer.RatingAndVotes | string | - Returns
- The scraped rating and votes of currently playing song, if it's in the database.
MusicPlayer.UserRating | string | - Returns
- The scraped rating of the currently playing song (1-10).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.UserRating
MusicPlayer.Votes | string |
- Returns
- The scraped votes of currently playing song, if it's in the database.
MusicPlayer.DiscNumber | string | - Returns
- The Disc Number of current song stored in ID tag info.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).DiscNumber | string | - Returns
- The Disc Number of current song stored in ID tag info for the song with an offset
number with respect to the playing song.
- Parameters
number | - The offset value for the song with respect to the playing song. |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).DiscNumber | string | - Returns
- The Disc Number of current song stored in ID tag info for the song with an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - The offset value for the song with respect to the start of the playlist. |
MusicPlayer.Comment | string | - Returns
- The Comment of current song stored in ID tag info.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Comment | string | - Returns
- The Comment of current song stored in ID tag info for the song with an offset
number with respect to the playing song.
- Parameters
number | - The offset value for the song with respect to the playing song. |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Comment | string | - Returns
- The Comment of current song stored in ID tag info for the song with an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - The offset value for the song with respect to the start of the playlist. |
MusicPlayer.Contributors | string | - Returns
- The list of all people who've contributed to the currently playing song
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Contributors
MusicPlayer.ContributorAndRole | string |
- Returns
- The list of all people and their role who've contributed to the currently playing song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.ContributorAndRole
MusicPlayer.Mood | string |
- Returns
- The mood of the currently playing song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Mood
MusicPlayer.PlaylistPlaying | boolean |
- Returns
- True if a playlist is currently playing.
MusicPlayer.Exists(relative,position) | boolean | - Returns
- True if the currently playing playlist has a song queued at the given position.
- Parameters
relative | - bool - If the position is relative |
position | - int - The position of the song |
- Note
- It is possible to define whether the position is relative or not, default is false.
MusicPlayer.HasPrevious | boolean | - Returns
- True if the music player has a a Previous Song in the Playlist.
MusicPlayer.HasNext | boolean | - Returns
- True if the music player has a next song queued in the Playlist.
MusicPlayer.PlayCount | integer | - Returns
- The play count of currently playing song, if it's in the database.
MusicPlayer.LastPlayed | string | - Returns
- The last play date of currently playing song, if it's in the database.
MusicPlayer.TrackNumber | string | - Returns
- The track number of current song.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).TrackNumber | string | - Returns
- The track number of the song with an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - The offset number of the song with respect to the playing song |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).TrackNumber | string | - Returns
- The track number of the song with an offset
number with respect to start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - The offset number of the song with respect to start of the playlist |
MusicPlayer.Duration | string | - Returns
- The duration of the current song.
MusicPlayer.offset(number).Duration | string | - Returns
- The duration of the song with an offset
number with respect to the current playing song.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number of the song with respect to the current playing song |
MusicPlayer.Position(number).Duration | string | - Returns
- The duration of the song with an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset number of the song with respect to the start of the playlist |
MusicPlayer.BitRate | string | - Returns
- The bitrate of current song.
MusicPlayer.Channels | string | - Returns
- The number of channels of current song.
MusicPlayer.BitsPerSample | string | - Returns
- The number of bits per sample of current song.
MusicPlayer.SampleRate | string | - Returns
- The samplerate of current playing song.
MusicPlayer.Codec | string | - Returns
- The codec of current playing song.
MusicPlayer.PlaylistPosition | string | - Returns
- The position of the current song in the current music playlist.
MusicPlayer.PlaylistLength | string | - Returns
- The total size of the current music playlist.
MusicPlayer.ChannelName | string | - Returns
- The channel name of the radio programme that's currently playing (PVR).
MusicPlayer.ChannelLogo | string | - Returns
- The path for the logo of the currently playing radio channel, if available (PVR).
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.ChannelLogo
MusicPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel | string |
- Returns
- The channel and subchannel number of the radio channel that's currently playing (PVR).
- v14 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel
MusicPlayer.ChannelGroup | string |
- Returns
- The channel group of the radio programme that's currently playing (PVR).
MusicPlayer.Property(propname) | string | - Returns
- The requested property value of the currently playing item.
- Parameters
propname | - The requested property |
MusicPlayer.DBID | string | - Returns
- The database id of the currently playing song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.DBID
MusicPlayer.DiscTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the disc currently playing.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.DiscTitle
MusicPlayer.ReleaseDate | string |
- Returns
- The release date of the song currently playing.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.ReleaseDate
MusicPlayer.OriginalDate | string |
- Returns
- The original release date of the song currently playing.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.OriginalDate
MusicPlayer.BPM | string |
- Returns
- The bpm of the track currently playing.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.BPM
MusicPlayer.IsMultiDisc | boolean |
- Returns
- Returns true if the album currently playing has more than one disc.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.IsMultiDisc
MusicPlayer.TotalDiscs | string |
- Returns
- The number of discs associated with the currently playing album.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.TotalDiscs
MusicPlayer.Station | string |
- Returns
- The name of the radio station currently playing (if available).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.Station
MusicPlayer.MediaProviders | string |
- Returns
- string containing the names of the providers of the currently playing media, separated by commas if muliple are present.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] MusicPlayer.MediaProviders
Labels | Type | Description |
VideoPlayer.UsingOverlays | boolean | - Returns
- True if the video player is using the hardware overlays render method.
- Note
- This is useful, as with hardware overlays you have no alpha blending to the video image, so shadows etc. need redoing, or disabling.
VideoPlayer.IsFullscreen | boolean | - Returns
- True if the video player is in fullscreen mode.
VideoPlayer.HasMenu | boolean | - Returns
- True if the video player has a menu (ie is playing a DVD).
VideoPlayer.HasInfo | boolean | - Returns
- True if the current playing video has information from the library or from a plugin (eg director/plot etc.)
VideoPlayer.HasVideoVersions | boolean | - Returns
- True when the played item has multiple video versions.
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
VideoPlayer.Content(parameter) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the current Video you are playing is contained in corresponding Video Library sections. The following values are accepted:
- files
- movies
- episodes
- musicvideos
- livetv
VideoPlayer.HasSubtitles | boolean | - Returns
- True if there are subtitles available for video.
VideoPlayer.HasTeletext | boolean | - Returns
- True if teletext is usable on played TV channel.
VideoPlayer.IsStereoscopic | boolean | - Returns
- True when the currently playing video is a 3D (stereoscopic) video.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] VideoPlayer.IsStereoscopic
VideoPlayer.SubtitlesEnabled | boolean |
- Returns
- True if subtitles are turned on for video.
VideoPlayer.HasEpg | boolean | - Returns
- True if epg information is available for the currently playing programme (PVR).
VideoPlayer.CanResumeLiveTV | boolean | - Returns
- True if a in-progress PVR recording is playing an the respective live TV channel is available.
VideoPlayer.Title | string | - Returns
- The title of currently playing video.
- Note
- If it's in the database it will return the database title, else the filename.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Title | string | - Returns
- The title of video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- Note
- If it's in the database it will return the database title, else the filename.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Title
VideoPlayer.position(number).Title | string |
- Returns
- The title of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Note
- If it's in the database it will return the database title, else the filename.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Title
VideoPlayer.OriginalTitle | string |
- Returns
- The original title of currently playing video. If it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).OriginalTitle | string | - Returns
- The original title of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).OriginalTitle
VideoPlayer.position(number).OriginalTitle | string |
- Returns
- The original title of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).OriginalTitle
VideoPlayer.TVShowTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of currently playing episode's tvshow name.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).TVShowTitle | string | - Returns
- The title of the episode's tvshow name which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).TVShowTitle
VideoPlayer.position(number).TVShowTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the episode's tvshow name which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).TVShowTitle
VideoPlayer.Season | string |
- Returns
- The season number of the currently playing episode, if it's in the database.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.Season also supports EPG.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Season | string |
- Returns
- The season number of the episode which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Season
VideoPlayer.position(number).Season | string |
- Returns
- The season number of the episode which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Season
VideoPlayer.Episode | string |
- Returns
- The episode number of the currently playing episode.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.Episode also supports EPG.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Episode | string |
- Returns
- The episode number of the episode which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Episode
VideoPlayer.position(number).Episode | string |
- Returns
- The episode number of the episode which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Episode
VideoPlayer.Genre | string |
- Returns
- The genre(s) of current movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.Genre(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of genres of current movie, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for videos. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.Genre(separator)
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Genre | string |
- Returns
- The genre(s) of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Genre
VideoPlayer.position(number).Genre | string |
- Returns
- The genre(s) of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Genre
VideoPlayer.Director | string |
- Returns
- The director of current movie, if it's in the database.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.Director also supports EPG.
VideoPlayer.Director(separator) | string |
- Returns
- A list of directors of the currently playing video, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for video items. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.Director(separator)
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Director | string |
- Returns
- The director of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).VideoPlayer_Offset_Director
VideoPlayer.position(number).Director | string |
- Returns
- The director of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Director
VideoPlayer.Country | string |
- Returns
- The production country of current movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Country | string | - Returns
- The production country of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Country
VideoPlayer.position(number).Country | string |
- Returns
- The production country of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Country
VideoPlayer.Year | string |
- Returns
- The year of release of current movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Year | string | - Returns
- The year of release of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Year
VideoPlayer.position(number).Year | string |
- Returns
- The year of release of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Year
VideoPlayer.Cover | string |
- Returns
- The cover of currently playing movie.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Cover | string | - Returns
- The cover of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Cover
VideoPlayer.position(number).Cover | string |
- Returns
- The cover of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Cover
VideoPlayer.Rating | string |
- Returns
- The scraped rating of current movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Rating | string | - Returns
- The scraped rating of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Rating
VideoPlayer.position(number).Rating | string |
- Returns
- The scraped rating of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Rating
VideoPlayer.UserRating | string |
- Returns
- The user rating of the currently playing item.
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.UserRating
VideoPlayer.offset(number).UserRating | string |
- Returns
- The user rating of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).UserRating
VideoPlayer.position(number).UserRating | string |
- Returns
- The user rating of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).UserRating
VideoPlayer.Votes | string |
- Returns
- The scraped votes of current movie, if it's in the database.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.Votes
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Votes | string |
- Returns
- The scraped votes of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Votes
VideoPlayer.position(number).Votes | string |
- Returns
- The scraped votes of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Votes
VideoPlayer.RatingAndVotes | string |
- Returns
- The scraped rating and votes of current movie, if it's in the database
VideoPlayer.offset(number).RatingAndVotes | string | - Returns
- The scraped rating and votes of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).RatingAndVotes
VideoPlayer.position(number).RatingAndVotes | string |
- Returns
- The scraped rating and votes of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).RatingAndVotes
VideoPlayer.mpaa | string |
- Returns
- The MPAA rating of current movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).mpaa | string | - Returns
- The MPAA rating of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).mpaa
VideoPlayer.position(number).mpaa | string |
- Returns
- The MPAA rating of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).mpaa
VideoPlayer.Art(type) | string |
- Returns
- The art path for the requested arttype and for the currently playing video.
- Parameters
type | - can virtually be anything, refers to the art type keyword in the art map (poster, fanart, banner, thumb, etc) |
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.Art(type)
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Art(type) | string |
- Returns
- The art path for the requested arttype and for the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- Parameters
number | - the offset with respect to the start of the playlist |
type | - can virtually be anything, refers to the art type keyword in the art map (poster, fanart, banner, thumb, etc) |
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Art(type)
VideoPlayer.position(number).Art(type) | string |
- Returns
- The art path for the requested arttype and for the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- Parameters
number | - the offset with respect to the start of the playlist |
type | - can virtually be anything, refers to the art type keyword in the art map (poster, fanart, banner, thumb, etc) |
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Art(type)
VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber | string |
- Returns
- The IMDb ID of the current movie, if it's in the database.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.IMDBNumber
VideoPlayer.offset(number).IMDBNumber | string |
- Returns
- The IMDb ID of the the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).IMDBNumber
VideoPlayer.position(number).IMDBNumber | string |
- Returns
- The IMDb ID of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).IMDBNumber
VideoPlayer.Top250 | string |
- Returns
- The IMDb Top250 position of the currently playing movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Top250 | string | - Returns
- The IMDb Top250 position of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Top250
VideoPlayer.position(number).Top250 | string |
- Returns
- The IMDb Top250 position of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Top250
VideoPlayer.EpisodeName | string |
- Returns
- The name of the episode if the playing video is a TV Show, if it's in the database (PVR).
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.EpisodeName
VideoPlayer.PlaylistPosition | string |
- Returns
- The position of the current song in the current video playlist.
VideoPlayer.PlaylistLength | string | - Returns
- The total size of the current video playlist.
VideoPlayer.Cast | string | - Returns
- A list of cast members, separated by carriage returns.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.Cast also supports EPG.
VideoPlayer.Cast(separator) | string |
- Returns
- A list of cast members of the currently playing video, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by carriage returns. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.Cast(separator)
VideoPlayer.CastAndRole | string |
- Returns
- A list of cast members and roles, separated by carriage returns. Every cast/role combination is formatted 'cast' as 'role' where 'as' is localised.
VideoPlayer.CastAndRole(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of cast members and roles of the currently playing video, pairs separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by carriage returns. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.CastAndRole(separator)
VideoPlayer.Album | string |
- Returns
- The album from which the current Music Video is from, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Album | string | - Returns
- The album from which the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Album
VideoPlayer.position(number).Album | string |
- Returns
- The album from which the music video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Album
VideoPlayer.Artist | string |
- Returns
- The artist(s) of current Music Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Artist | string | - Returns
- The artist(s) of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Artist
VideoPlayer.position(number).Artist | string |
- Returns
- The artist(s) of the music video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Artist
VideoPlayer.Studio | string |
- Returns
- The studio of current Music Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Studio | string | - Returns
- The studio of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Studio
VideoPlayer.position(number).Studio | string |
- Returns
- The studio of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Studio
VideoPlayer.Writer | string |
- Returns
- The name of Writer of current playing Video, if it's in the database.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.Writer also supports EPG.
VideoPlayer.Writer(separator) | string |
- Returns
- A list of writers of the currently playing video, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for video items. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.Writer(separator)
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Writer | string |
- Returns
- The name of Writer of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Writer
VideoPlayer.position(number).Writer | string |
- Returns
- The name of Writer of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Writer
VideoPlayer.Tagline | string |
- Returns
- The small Summary of current playing Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Tagline | string | - Returns
- The small Summary of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Tagline
VideoPlayer.position(number).Tagline | string |
- Returns
- The small Summary of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Tagline
VideoPlayer.PlotOutline | string |
- Returns
- The small Summary of current playing Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).PlotOutline | string | - Returns
- The small Summary of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).PlotOutline
VideoPlayer.position(number).PlotOutline | string |
- Returns
- The small Summary of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).PlotOutline
VideoPlayer.Plot | string |
- Returns
- The complete Text Summary of current playing Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Plot | string | - Returns
- The complete Text Summary of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Plot
VideoPlayer.position(number).Plot | string |
- Returns
- The complete Text Summary of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Plot
VideoPlayer.Premiered | string |
- Returns
- The release or aired date of the currently playing episode, show, movie or EPG item, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Premiered | string | - Returns
- The release or aired date of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Premiered
VideoPlayer.position(number).Premiered | string |
- Returns
- The release or aired date of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist. if it's in the database.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Premiered
VideoPlayer.Trailer | string |
- Returns
- The path to the trailer of the currently playing movie, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).Trailer | string | - Returns
- The path to the trailer of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).Title
VideoPlayer.position(number).Trailer | string |
- Returns
- The path to the trailer of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).Trailer
VideoPlayer.LastPlayed | string |
- Returns
- The last play date of current playing Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).LastPlayed | string | - Returns
- The last play date of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).LastPlayed
VideoPlayer.position(number).LastPlayed | string |
- Returns
- The last play date of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).LastPlayed
VideoPlayer.PlayCount | string |
- Returns
- The playcount of current playing Video, if it's in the database.
VideoPlayer.offset(number).PlayCount | string | - Returns
- The playcount of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).PlayCount
VideoPlayer.position(number).PlayCount | string |
- Returns
- The playcount of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).PlayCount
VideoPlayer.VideoCodec | string |
- Returns
- The video codec of the currently playing video (common values: see ListItem.VideoCodec).
VideoPlayer.VideoResolution | string | - Returns
- The video resolution of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.VideoResolution).
VideoPlayer.VideoAspect | string | - Returns
- The aspect ratio of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.VideoAspect).
VideoPlayer.AudioCodec | string | - Returns
- The audio codec of the currently playing video, optionally 'n' defines the number of the audiostream (common values: see ListItem.AudioCodec).
VideoPlayer.AudioChannels | string | - Returns
- The number of audio channels of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.AudioChannels).
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.AudioChannels if a video contains no audio, these infolabels will now return empty. (they used to return 0)
VideoPlayer.AudioLanguage | string |
- Returns
- The language of the audio of the currently playing video(possible values: see ListItem.AudioLanguage).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.AudioLanguage
VideoPlayer.SubtitlesLanguage | string |
- Returns
- The language of the subtitle of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.SubtitleLanguage).
- Note
VideoPlayer.SubtitlesLanguage holds the language of the next available subtitle stream if subtitles are disabled in the player
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.SubtitlesLanguage
VideoPlayer.StereoscopicMode | string |
- Returns
- The stereoscopic mode of the currently playing video (possible values: see ListItem.StereoscopicMode).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.StereoscopicMode
VideoPlayer.StartTime | string |
- Returns
- The start date and time of the currently playing epg event or recording (PVR).
VideoPlayer.EndTime | string | - Returns
- The end date and time of the currently playing epg event or recording (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextTitle | string | - Returns
- The title of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextGenre | string | - Returns
- The genre of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextGenre(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of genres of the programme that will be played next (PVR), separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for videos. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.NextGenre(separator)
VideoPlayer.NextPlot | string |
- Returns
- The plot of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextPlotOutline | string | - Returns
- The plot outline of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextStartTime | string | - Returns
- The start time of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextEndTime | string | - Returns
- The end time of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.NextDuration | string | - Returns
- The duration of the programme that will be played next (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ChannelName | string | - Returns
- The name of the currently tuned channel (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ChannelLogo | string | - Returns
- The path for the logo of the currently playing TV channel, if available (PVR).
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.ChannelLogo
VideoPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel | string |
- Returns
- The channel and subchannel number of the tv channel that's currently playing (PVR).
- v14 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.ChannelNumberLabel
VideoPlayer.ChannelGroup | string |
- Returns
- The group of the currently tuned channel (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ParentalRating | string | - Returns
- The parental rating of the currently playing programme (PVR).
VideoPlayer.ParentalRatingCode | string | - Returns
- The parental rating code (eg: 'PG', etc) of the currently playing programme (PVR).
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.ParentalRatingCode
VideoPlayer.ParentalRatingIcon | string |
- Returns
- The parental rating icon path of the currently playing programme (PVR).
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.ParentalRatingIcon
VideoPlayer.ParentalRatingSource | string |
- Returns
- The source used to determine the parental rating of the currently playing programme (PVR). Values could include the Country alpha-3 code or the name/abbreviation of the authority issuing the rating code. Can be used with the
ParentalRatingCode for skin-derived icons if required.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.ParentalRatingSource
VideoPlayer.DBID | string |
- Returns
- The database id of the currently playing video
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.DBID
VideoPlayer.offset(number).DBID | string |
- Returns
- The database id of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the currently playing video.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.offset(number).DBID
VideoPlayer.position(number).DBID | string |
- Returns
- The database id of the video which has an offset
number with respect to the start of the playlist.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.position(number).DBID
VideoPlayer.UniqueID(name) | string |
- Returns
- The scraped metadata id of current movie, if it's in the database.
- Parameters
name | - the name of the metadata provider. |
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.UniqueID(name)
VideoPlayer.TvShowDBID | string |
- Returns
- The database id of the TvShow for the currently playing Episode
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.TvShowDBID
VideoPlayer.AudioStreamCount | integer |
- Returns
- The number of audio streams of the currently playing video.
- Note
- If the video contains no audio streams it returns 0.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.AudioStreamCount
VideoPlayer.VideoStreamCount | integer |
- Returns
- The number of video streams of the currently playing video.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.VideoStreamCount
VideoPlayer.HdrType | string |
- Returns
- String containing the name of the detected HDR type or empty if not HDR. See StreamHdrType for the list of possible values.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.HdrType
VideoPlayer.VideoVersionName | string |
- Returns
- String containing the version name of the currently playing video (movie) - empty if not a movie, version name is not set or not a version
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
VideoPlayer.EpisodePart | string |
- Returns
- string containing the number of parts of a single episode - empty if no data provided
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] VideoPlayer.EpisodePart also supports EPG.
VideoPlayer.MediaProviders | string |
- Returns
- string containing the names of the providers of the currently playing media, separated by commas if muliple are present.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.MediaProviders
VideoPlayer.TitleExtraInfo | string |
- Returns
- string containing extra information, enriching the title of the currently playing media, if any.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] VideoPlayer.TitleExtraInfo
Labels | Type | Description |
ListItem.Thumb | string | - Returns
- The thumbnail (if it exists) of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control.
- Deprecated
but still available, returns the same as ListItem.Art(thumb)
ListItem.Icon | string |
- Returns
- The thumbnail (if it exists) of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control.
- Note
- If no thumbnail image exists, it will show the icon.
ListItem.ActualIcon | string | - Returns
- The icon of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control.
ListItem.Overlay | string | - Returns
- The overlay icon status of the currently selected item in a list or thumb control.
- compressed file – OverlayRAR.png
- watched – OverlayWatched.png
- unwatched – OverlayUnwatched.png
- locked – OverlayLocked.png
ListItem.IsFolder | boolean | - Returns
- True if the current ListItem is a folder.
ListItem.IsPlaying | boolean | - Returns
- True if the current ListItem.* info labels and images are currently Playing media.
ListItem.IsResumable | boolean | - Returns
- True when the current ListItem has been partially played.
ListItem.IsCollection | boolean | - Returns
- True when the current ListItem is a movie set.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.IsCollection
ListItem.IsSelected | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the current ListItem is selected (f.e. currently playing in playlist window).
ListItem.HasEpg | boolean | - Returns
- True when the selected programme has epg info (PVR).
ListItem.HasTimer | boolean | - Returns
- True when a recording timer has been set for the selected programme (PVR).
ListItem.IsRecording | boolean | - Returns
- True when the selected programme is being recorded (PVR).
ListItem.IsPlayable | boolean | - Returns
- True when the selected programme can be played (PVR)
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.IsPlayable
ListItem.HasArchive | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the selected channel has a server-side back buffer (PVR)
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.HasArchive
ListItem.IsEncrypted | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the selected programme is encrypted (PVR).
ListItem.IsStereoscopic | boolean | - Returns
- True when the selected video is a 3D (stereoscopic) video.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.IsStereoscopic
ListItem.Property(IsSpecial) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the current Season/Episode is a Special.
ListItem.Property(DateLabel) | boolean | - Returns
- True if the item is a date label, returns false if the item is a time label.
- Note
- Can be used in the rulerlayout of the epggrid control.
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsEnabled) | boolean | - Returns
- True when the selected addon is enabled (for use in the addon info dialog only).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Boolean Condition Updated] ListItem.Property(Addon.IsEnabled) replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Enabled) .
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsInstalled) | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the selected addon is installed (for use in the addon info dialog only).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Boolean Condition Updated] ListItem.Property(Addon.IsInstalled) replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Installed) .
ListItem.Property(Addon.HasUpdate) | boolean |
- Returns
- True when there's an update available for the selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Boolean Condition Updated] ListItem.Property(Addon.HasUpdate) replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.UpdateAvail) .
ListItem.IsAutoUpdateable | boolean |
- Returns
- True if this add-on can be updated automatically.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.IsAutoUpdateable
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsFromOfficialRepo) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if this add-on is from an official repository.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.Property(Addon.IsFromOfficialRepo)
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsBinary) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if this add-on is a binary addon.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.Property(Addon.IsBinary)
ListItem.Property(Addon.IsUpdate) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if this add-on is a valid update of an installed outdated add-on.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.Property(Addon.IsUpdate)
ListItem.Property(Addon.ValidUpdateOrigin) | string |
- Returns
- The origin string of a valid update for the addon. Empty string if there is no valid update available.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Addon.ValidUpdateOrigin)
ListItem.Property(Addon.ValidUpdateVersion) | string |
- Returns
- The version string of a valid update for the addon. Empty string if there is no valid update available.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Addon.ValidUpdateVersion)
ListItem.Label | string |
- Returns
- The left label of the currently selected item in a container.
ListItem.Label2 | string | - Returns
- The right label of the currently selected item in a container.
ListItem.Title | string | - Returns
- The title of the currently selected song, movie, game in a container.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Title extended to support games
ListItem.OriginalTitle | string |
- Returns
- The original title of the currently selected movie in a container.
ListItem.SortLetter | string | - Returns
- The first letter of the current file in a container.
ListItem.TrackNumber | string | - Returns
- The track number of the currently selected song in a container.
ListItem.Artist | string | - Returns
- The artist of the currently selected song in a container.
ListItem.AlbumArtist | string | - Returns
- The artist of the currently selected album in a list.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Sortname) | string | - Returns
- The sortname of the currently selected Artist.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Artist_Sortname)
ListItem.Property(Artist_Type) | string |
- Returns
- The type of the currently selected Artist - person, group, orchestra, choir etc.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Artist_Type)
ListItem.Property(Artist_Gender) | string |
- Returns
- The Gender of the currently selected Artist - male, female, other.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Artist_Gender)
ListItem.Property(Artist_Disambiguation) | string |
- Returns
- A Brief description of the currently selected Artist that differentiates them from others with the same name.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Artist_Disambiguation)
ListItem.Property(Artist_Born) | string |
- Returns
- The date of Birth of the currently selected Artist.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Died) | string | - Returns
- The date of Death of the currently selected Artist.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Formed) | string | - Returns
- The formation date of the currently selected Band.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Disbanded) | string | - Returns
- The disbanding date of the currently selected Band.
ListItem.Property(Artist_YearsActive) | string | - Returns
- The years the currently selected artist has been active.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Instrument) | string | - Returns
- The instruments played by the currently selected artist.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Description) | string | - Returns
- A biography of the currently selected artist.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Mood) | string | - Returns
- The moods of the currently selected artist.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Style) | string | - Returns
- The styles of the currently selected artist.
ListItem.Property(Artist_Genre) | string | - Returns
- The genre of the currently selected artist.
ListItem.Album | string | - Returns
- The album of the currently selected song in a container.
ListItem.Property(Album_Mood) | string | - Returns
- The moods of the currently selected Album.
ListItem.Property(Album_Style) | string | - Returns
- The styles of the currently selected Album.
ListItem.Property(Album_Theme) | string | - Returns
- The themes of the currently selected Album.
ListItem.Property(Album_Type) | string | - Returns
- The Album Type (e.g. compilation, enhanced, explicit lyrics) of the currently selected Album.
ListItem.Property(Album_Label) | string | - Returns
- The record label of the currently selected Album.
ListItem.Property(Album_Description) | string | - Returns
- A review of the currently selected Album.
ListItem.Property(Album_Totaldiscs) | string | - Returns
- The total number of discs belonging to an album.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Album_Totaldiscs)
ListItem.Property(Album_Isboxset) | string |
- Returns
- True if the album is a boxset.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infobool] ListItem.Property(Album_Isboxset)
ListItem.Property(Album_Duration) | string |
- Returns
- The duration of the album in HH:MM:SS.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Album_Duration)
ListItem.DiscNumber | string |
- Returns
- The disc number of the currently selected song in a container.
ListItem.Year | string | - Returns
- The year of the currently selected song, album, movie, game in a container.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Title extended to support games
ListItem.Premiered | string |
- Returns
- The release/aired date of the currently selected episode, show, movie or EPG item in a container.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Premiered now also available for EPG items.
ListItem.Genre | string |
- Returns
- The genre of the currently selected song, album or movie in a container.
ListItem.Genre(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of genres, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for videos or music. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Genre(separator)
ListItem.Contributors | string |
- Returns
- The list of all people who've contributed to the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Contributors
ListItem.ContributorAndRole | string |
- Returns
- The list of all people and their role who've contributed to the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ContributorAndRole
ListItem.Director | string |
- Returns
- The director of the currently selected movie in a container.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Director also supports EPG.
ListItem.Director(separator) | string |
- Returns
- A list of directors, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for video items. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Director(separator)
ListItem.Country | string |
- Returns
- The production country of the currently selected movie in a container.
ListItem.Episode | string | - Returns
- The episode number value for the currently selected episode. It also returns the number of total, watched or unwatched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season, based on the the current watched filter.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Episode also supports EPG.
ListItem.Season | string |
- Returns
- The season value for the currently selected tvshow.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Season also supports EPG.
ListItem.TVShowTitle | string |
- Returns
- The name value for the currently selected tvshow in the season and episode depth of the video library.
ListItem.Property(TotalSeasons) | string | - Returns
- The total number of seasons for the currently selected tvshow.
ListItem.Property(TotalEpisodes) | string | - Returns
- the total number of episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season.
ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodes) | string | - Returns
- The number of watched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season.
ListItem.Property(UnWatchedEpisodes) | string | - Returns
- The number of unwatched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season.
ListItem.Property(NumEpisodes) | string | - Returns
- The number of total, watched or unwatched episodes for the currently selected tvshow or season, based on the the current watched filter.
ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodePercent) | string | - Returns
- The percentage of watched episodes in the tvshow (watched/total*100) or season.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodePercent)
ListItem.PictureAperture | string |
- Returns
- The F-stop used to take the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF FNumber tag (hex code 0x829D).
ListItem.PictureAuthor | string | - Returns
- The name of the person involved in writing about the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Writer tag (hex code 0x7A).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureAuthor
ListItem.PictureByline | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who created the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Byline tag (hex code 0x50).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureByline
ListItem.PictureBylineTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the person who created the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC BylineTitle tag (hex code 0x55).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureBylineTitle
ListItem.PictureCamMake | string |
- Returns
- The manufacturer of the camera used to take the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF Make tag (hex code 0x010F).
ListItem.PictureCamModel | string | - Returns
- The manufacturer's model name or number of the camera used to take the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF Model tag (hex code 0x0110).
ListItem.PictureCaption | string | - Returns
- A description of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Caption tag (hex code 0x78).
ListItem.PictureCategory | string | - Returns
- The subject of the selected picture as a category code.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Category tag (hex code 0x0F).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCategory
ListItem.PictureCCDWidth | string |
- Returns
- The width of the CCD in the camera used to take the selected picture.
- Note
- This is calculated from three EXIF tags (0xA002 * 0xA210 / 0xA20e).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCCDWidth
ListItem.PictureCity | string |
- Returns
- The city where the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC City tag (hex code 0x5A).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCity
ListItem.PictureColour | string |
- Returns
- Whether the selected picture is "Colour" or "Black and White".
- Deprecated
ListItem.PictureColour is deprecated and will be removed in future Kodi versions
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureColour
ListItem.PictureComment | string |
- Returns
- A description of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF User Comment tag (hex code 0x9286). This is the same value as Slideshow.SlideComment.
ListItem.PictureCopyrightNotice | string | - Returns
- The copyright notice of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Copyright tag (hex code 0x74).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCopyrightNotice
ListItem.PictureCountry | string |
- Returns
- The full name of the country where the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC CountryName tag (hex code 0x65).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCountry
ListItem.PictureCountryCode | string |
- Returns
- The country code of the country where the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC CountryCode tag (hex code 0x64).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCountryCode
ListItem.PictureCredit | string |
- Returns
- Who provided the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Credit tag (hex code 0x6E).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureCredit
ListItem.PictureDate | string |
- Returns
- The localized date of the selected picture. The short form of the date is used.
- Note
- The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureDate
ListItem.PictureDatetime | string |
- Returns
- The date/timestamp of the selected picture. The localized short form of the date and time is used.
- Note
- The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureDatetime
ListItem.PictureDesc | string |
- Returns
- A short description of the selected picture. The SlideComment, EXIFComment, or Caption values might contain a longer description.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF ImageDescription tag (hex code 0x010E).
ListItem.PictureDigitalZoom | string | - Returns
- The digital zoom ratio when the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF DigitalZoomRatio tag (hex code 0xA404).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureDigitalZoom
ListItem.PictureExpMode | string |
- Returns
- The exposure mode of the selected picture. The possible values are:
- "Automatic"
- "Manual"
- "Auto bracketing"
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF ExposureMode tag (hex code 0xA402).
ListItem.PictureExposure | string | - Returns
- The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the selected picture was taken. Values include:
- "Manual"
- "Program (Auto)"
- "Aperture priority (Semi-Auto)"
- "Shutter priority (semi-auto)"
- etc
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF ExposureProgram tag (hex code 0x8822).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureExposure
ListItem.PictureExposureBias | string |
- Returns
- The exposure bias of the selected picture. Typically this is a number between -99.99 and 99.99.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF ExposureBiasValue tag (hex code 0x9204).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureExposureBias
ListItem.PictureExpTime | string |
- Returns
- The exposure time of the selected picture, in seconds.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF ExposureTime tag (hex code 0x829A). If the ExposureTime tag is not found, the ShutterSpeedValue tag (hex code 0x9201) might be used.
ListItem.PictureFlashUsed | string | - Returns
- The status of flash when the selected picture was taken. The value will be either "Yes" or "No", and might include additional information.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF Flash tag (hex code 0x9209).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureFlashUsed
ListItem.PictureFocalLen | string |
- Returns
- The lens focal length of the selected picture.
ListItem.PictureFocusDist | string | - Returns
- The focal length of the lens, in mm.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF FocalLength tag (hex code 0x920A).
ListItem.PictureGPSLat | string |
- Returns
- The latitude where the selected picture was taken (degrees, minutes, seconds North or South).
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSLatitude and GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef tags.
ListItem.PictureGPSLon | string | - Returns
- The longitude where the selected picture was taken (degrees, minutes, seconds East or West).
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSLongitude and GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef tags.
ListItem.PictureGPSAlt | string | - Returns
- The altitude in meters where the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF GPSInfo.GPSAltitude tag.
ListItem.PictureHeadline | string | - Returns
- A synopsis of the contents of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Headline tag (hex code 0x69).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureHeadline
ListItem.PictureImageType | string |
- Returns
- The color components of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC ImageType tag (hex code 0x82).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureImageType
ListItem.PictureIPTCDate | string |
- Returns
- The date when the intellectual content of the selected picture was created, rather than when the picture was created.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC DateCreated tag (hex code 0x37).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureIPTCDate
ListItem.PictureIPTCTime | string |
- Returns
- The time when the intellectual content of the selected picture was created, rather than when the picture was created.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC TimeCreated tag (hex code 0x3C).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureIPTCTime
ListItem.PictureISO | string |
- Returns
- The ISO speed of the camera when the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF ISOSpeedRatings tag (hex code 0x8827).
ListItem.PictureKeywords | string | - Returns
- The keywords assigned to the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Keywords tag (hex code 0x19).
ListItem.PictureLightSource | string | - Returns
- The kind of light source when the picture was taken. Possible values include:
- "Daylight"
- "Fluorescent"
- "Incandescent"
- etc
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF LightSource tag (hex code 0x9208).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureLightSource
ListItem.PictureLongDate | string |
- Returns
- Only the localized date of the selected picture. The long form of the date is used.
- Note
- The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. If the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureLongDate
ListItem.PictureLongDatetime | string |
- Returns
- The date/timestamp of the selected picture. The localized long form of the date and time is used.
- Note
- The value of the EXIF DateTimeOriginal tag (hex code 0x9003) is preferred. if the DateTimeOriginal tag is not found, the value of DateTimeDigitized (hex code 0x9004) or of DateTime (hex code 0x0132) might be used.
ListItem.PictureMeteringMode | string | - Returns
- The metering mode used when the selected picture was taken. The possible values are:
- "Center weight"
- "Spot"
- "Matrix"
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF MeteringMode tag (hex code 0x9207).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureMeteringMode
ListItem.PictureObjectName | string |
- Returns
- A shorthand reference for the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC ObjectName tag (hex code 0x05).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureObjectName
ListItem.PictureOrientation | string |
- Returns
- The orientation of the selected picture. Possible values are:
- "Top Left"
- "Top Right"
- "Left Top"
- "Right Bottom"
- etc
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF Orientation tag (hex code 0x0112).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureOrientation
ListItem.PicturePath | string |
- Returns
- The filename and path of the selected picture.
ListItem.PictureProcess | string | - Returns
- The process used to compress the selected picture.
- Deprecated
ListItem.PictureProcess is deprecated and will be removed in future Kodi versions
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureProcess
ListItem.PictureReferenceService | string |
- Returns
- The Service Identifier of a prior envelope to which the selected picture refers.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC ReferenceService tag (hex code 0x2D).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureReferenceService
ListItem.PictureResolution | string |
- Returns
- The dimensions of the selected picture.
ListItem.PictureSource | string | - Returns
- The original owner of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC Source tag (hex code 0x73).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureSource
ListItem.PictureSpecialInstructions | string |
- Returns
- Other editorial instructions concerning the use of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC SpecialInstructions tag (hex code 0x28).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureSpecialInstructions
ListItem.PictureState | string |
- Returns
- The State/Province where the selected picture was taken.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC ProvinceState tag (hex code 0x5F).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureState
ListItem.PictureSublocation | string |
- Returns
- The location within a city where the selected picture was taken - might indicate the nearest landmark.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC SubLocation tag (hex code 0x5C).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureSublocation
ListItem.PictureSupplementalCategories | string |
- Returns
- A supplemental category codes to further refine the subject of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC SuppCategory tag (hex code 0x14).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureSupplementalCategories
ListItem.PictureTransmissionReference | string |
- Returns
- A code representing the location of original transmission of the selected picture.
- Note
- This is the value of the IPTC TransmissionReference tag (hex code 0x67).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureTransmissionReference
ListItem.PictureUrgency | string |
- Returns
- The urgency of the selected picture. Values are 1-9.
- Note
- The "1" is most urgent. Some image management programs use urgency to indicate picture rating, where urgency "1" is 5 stars and urgency "5" is 1 star. Urgencies 6-9 are not used for rating. This is the value of the IPTC Urgency tag (hex code 0x0A).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureUrgency
ListItem.PictureWhiteBalance | string |
- Returns
- The white balance mode set when the selected picture was taken. The possible values are:
- Note
- This is the value of the EXIF WhiteBalance tag (hex code 0xA403).
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PictureWhiteBalance
ListItem.FileName | string |
- Returns
- The filename of the currently selected song or movie in a container.
ListItem.Path | string | - Returns
- The complete path of the currently selected song or movie in a container.
ListItem.FolderName | string | - Returns
- The top most folder of the path of the currently selected song or movie in a container.
ListItem.FolderPath | string | - Returns
- The complete path of the currently selected song or movie in a container (without user details).
ListItem.FileNameAndPath | string | - Returns
- The full path with filename of the currently selected song or movie in a container.
ListItem.FileExtension | string | - Returns
- The file extension (without leading dot) of the currently selected item in a container.
ListItem.FileNameNoExtension | string | - Returns
- The filename without extension of the currently selected item in a container.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.FileNameNoExtension
ListItem.Date | string |
- Returns
- The file date of the currently selected song or movie in a container / Aired date of an episode / Day, start time and end time of current selected TV programme (PVR).
ListItem.DateTime | string | - Returns
- The date and time a certain event happened (event log).
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.DateTime
ListItem.DateAdded | string |
- Returns
- The date the currently selected item was added to the library / Date and time of an event in the EventLog window.
ListItem.Size | string | - Returns
- The file size of the currently selected song or movie in a container.
ListItem.Rating([name]) | string | - Returns
- The scraped rating of the currently selected item in a container (1-10).
- Parameters
name | - [opt] you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve a specific rating, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml. |
- v18 Skinning engine changes
- [Infolabel Updated]
ListItem.Rating([name]) replaces the old ListItem.Ratings([name]) infolabel.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Ratings([name])
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Ratings for songs it's now the scraped rating.
ListItem.Set | string |
- Returns
- The name of the set the movie is part of.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Set
ListItem.SetId | string |
- Returns
- The id of the set the movie is part of.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.SetId
ListItem.Status | string |
- Returns
- One of the following status:
- "returning series"
- "in production"
- "planned"
- "cancelled"
- "ended"
- Note
- For use with tv shows.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Status
ListItem.EndTimeResume | string |
- Returns
- Returns the time a video will end if you resume it, instead of playing it from the beginning.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.EndTimeResume
ListItem.UserRating | string |
- Returns
- The user rating of the currently selected item in a container (1-10).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
- [Infolabel Updated]
ListItem.UserRating now available for albums/songs.
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.UserRating
ListItem.Votes([name]) | string |
- Returns
- The scraped votes of the currently selected movie in a container.
- Parameters
name | - [opt] you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve specific votes, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml . |
- v17 Skinning engine changes
- [Infolabel Updated]
ListItem.Votes([name]) add optional param name to specify the scrapper.
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Votes
ListItem.RatingAndVotes([name]) | string |
- Returns
- The scraped rating and votes of the currently selected movie in a container (1-10).
- Parameters
name | - [opt] you can specify the name of the scraper to retrieve specific votes, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml . |
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.RatingAndVotes([name])
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.RatingAndVotes now available for albums/songs.
ListItem.Mood | string |
- Returns
- The mood of the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Mood
ListItem.Mpaa | string |
- Returns
- The MPAA rating of the currently selected movie in a container.
ListItem.ProgramCount | string | - Returns
- The number of times an xbe has been run from "my programs".
- Todo
description might be outdated
ListItem.Duration | string |
- Returns
- The duration of the currently selected item in a container in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Duration will return hh:mm:ss instead of the duration in minutes.
ListItem.Duration(format) | string |
- Returns
- The duration of the currently selected item in a container in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
ListItem.DBTYPE | string | - Returns
- The database type of the ListItem.DBID for videos (movie, set, genre, actor, tvshow, season, episode). It does not return any value for the music library.
- Note
- Beware with season, the "*all seasons" entry does give a DBTYPE "season" and a DBID, but you can't get the details of that entry since it's a virtual entry in the Video Library.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.DBTYPE now available in the music library.
ListItem.DBID | string |
- Returns
- The database id of the currently selected listitem in a container.
ListItem.Appearances | string | - Returns
- The number of movies featuring the selected actor / directed by the selected director.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Appearances
ListItem.Cast | string |
- Returns
- A list of cast members, separated by carriage returns.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Cast also supports EPG.
ListItem.Cast(separator) | string |
- Returns
- A list of cast members, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by carriage returns. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Cast(separator)
ListItem.CastAndRole | string |
- Returns
- A list of cast members and roles, separated by carriage returns. Every cast/role combination is formatted 'cast' as 'role' where 'as' is localised.
ListItem.CastAndRole(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of cast members and roles, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by carriage returns. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.CastAndRole(separator)
ListItem.Studio | string |
- Returns
- The studio of current selected Music Video in a container.
ListItem.Top250 | string | - Returns
- The IMDb top250 position of the currently selected listitem in a container.
ListItem.Trailer | string | - Returns
- The full trailer path with filename of the currently selected movie in a container.
ListItem.Writer | string | - Returns
- The name of Writer of current Video in a container.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Writer also supports EPG.
ListItem.Writer(separator) | string |
- Returns
- A list of writers, separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for video items. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Writer(separator)
ListItem.Tag | string |
- Returns
- The summary of current Video in a container.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Tag
ListItem.Tagline | string |
- Returns
- A Small Summary of current Video in a container.
ListItem.PlotOutline | string | - Returns
- A small Summary of current Video in a container.
ListItem.Plot | string | - Returns
- The complete Text Summary of Video in a container.
ListItem.IMDBNumber | string | - Returns
- The IMDb ID of the selected Video in a container.
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.IMDBNumber
ListItem.EpisodeName | string |
- Returns
- The name of the episode if the selected EPG item is a TV Show (PVR).
- v15 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.EpisodeName
ListItem.PercentPlayed | string |
- Returns
- The percentage value [0-100] of how far the selected video has been played.
ListItem.LastPlayed | string | - Returns
- The last play date of Video in a container.
ListItem.PlayCount | string | - Returns
- The playcount of Video in a container.
ListItem.ChannelName | string | - Returns
- The name of current selected TV channel in a container.
ListItem.ChannelLogo | string | - Returns
- The path for the logo of the currently selected radio or TV channel, if available (PVR).
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ChannelLogo
ListItem.VideoCodec | string |
- Returns
- The video codec of the currently selected video. Common values:
- 3iv2
- av1
- avc1
- div2
- div3
- divx
- divx 4
- dx50
- flv
- h264
- microsoft
- mp42
- mp43
- mp4v
- mpeg1video
- mpeg2video
- mpg4
- rv40
- svq1
- svq3
- theora
- vp6f
- wmv2
- wmv3
- wvc1
- xvid
- etc
ListItem.VideoResolution | string | - Returns
- The resolution of the currently selected video. Possible values:
- 480
- 576
- 540
- 720
- 1080
- 4K
- 8K
- Note
- 540 usually means a widescreen format (around 960x540) while 576 means PAL resolutions (normally 720x576), therefore 540 is actually better resolution than 576.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Updated Infolabel] ListItem.VideoResolution added 8K as a possible value.
ListItem.VideoAspect | string |
- Returns
- The aspect ratio of the currently selected video. Possible values:
- 1.00
- 1.19
- 1.33
- 1.37
- 1.66
- 1.78
- 1.85
- 2.00
- 2.20
- 2.35
- 2.40
- 2.55
- 2.76
ListItem.AudioCodec | string | - Returns
- The audio codec of the currently selected video. Common values:
- aac
- ac3
- cook
- dca
- dtshd_hra
- dtshd_ma
- eac3
- mp1
- mp2
- mp3
- pcm_s16be
- pcm_s16le
- pcm_u8
- truehd
- vorbis
- wmapro
- wmav2
ListItem.AudioChannels | string | - Returns
- The number of audio channels of the currently selected video. Possible values:
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AudioChannels if a video contains no audio, these infolabels will now return empty. (they used to return 0)
ListItem.AudioLanguage | string |
- Returns
- The audio language of the currently selected video (an ISO 639-2 three character code: e.g. eng, epo, deu)
ListItem.SubtitleLanguage | string | - Returns
- The subtitle language of the currently selected video (an ISO 639-2 three character code: e.g. eng, epo, deu)
ListItem.Property(AudioCodec.[n]) | string | - Returns
- The audio codec of the currently selected video
- Parameters
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(AudioCodec.[n])
ListItem.Property(AudioChannels.[n]) | string |
- Returns
- The number of audio channels of the currently selected video
- Parameters
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(AudioChannels.[n])
ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage.[n]) | string |
- Returns
- The audio language of the currently selected video
- Parameters
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(AudioLanguage.[n])
ListItem.Property(SubtitleLanguage.[n]) | string |
- Returns
- The subtitle language of the currently selected video
- Parameters
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(SubtitleLanguage.[n])
ListItem.Property(Addon.Disclaimer) | string |
- Returns
- The disclaimer of the currently selected addon.
ListItem.Property(Addon.Changelog) | string | - Returns
- The changelog of the currently selected addon.
ListItem.Property(Addon.ID) | string | - Returns
- The identifier of the currently selected addon.
ListItem.Property(Addon.Status) | string | - Returns
- The status of the currently selected addon.
- Todo
missing reference in GuiInfoManager.cpp making it hard to track.
ListItem.Property(Addon.Orphaned) | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the Addon is orphanad.
- Todo
missing reference in GuiInfoManager.cpp making it hard to track.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.Property(Addon.Orphaned)
ListItem.Property(Addon.Path) | string |
- Returns
- The path of the currently selected addon.
ListItem.StartTime | string | - Returns
- The start time of current selected TV programme in a container.
ListItem.EndTime | string | - Returns
- The end time of current selected TV programme in a container.
ListItem.StartDate | string | - Returns
- The start date of current selected TV programme in a container.
ListItem.EndDate | string | - Returns
- The end date of current selected TV programme in a container.
ListItem.NextTitle | string | - Returns
- The title of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextGenre | string | - Returns
- The genre of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextGenre(separator) | string | - Returns
- A list of genres of the the next item (PVR), separated by given separator, or if no separator was given separated by the advanced settings value \“itemseparator\” for videos. Possible values for separator: comma, pipe, slash, cr, dash, colon, semicolon, fullstop
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.NextGenre(separator)
ListItem.NextPlot | string |
- Returns
- The plot of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextPlotOutline | string | - Returns
- The plot outline of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextStartTime | string | - Returns
- The start time of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextEndTime | string | - Returns
- The end of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextStartDate | string | - Returns
- The start date of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextEndDate | string | - Returns
- The end date of the next item (PVR).
ListItem.NextDuration | string | - Returns
- The duration of the next item (PVR) in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.NextDuration
ListItem.NextDuration(format) | string |
- Returns
- The duration of the next item (PVR) in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.NextDuration(format)
ListItem.ChannelGroup | string |
- Returns
- The channel group of the selected item (PVR).
ListItem.ChannelNumberLabel | string | - Returns
- The channel and subchannel number of the currently selected channel that's currently playing (PVR).
- v14 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ChannelNumberLabel
ListItem.Progress | string |
- Returns
- The part of the programme that's been played (PVR).
ListItem.StereoscopicMode | string | - Returns
- The stereomode of the selected video:
- mono
- split_vertical
- split_horizontal
- row_interleaved
- anaglyph_cyan_red
- anaglyph_green_magenta
- v13 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.StereoscopicMode
ListItem.HasTimerSchedule | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item was scheduled by a timer rule (PVR).
- v16 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.HasTimerSchedule
ListItem.HasReminder | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item has a reminder set (PVR).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.HasReminder
ListItem.HasReminderRule | .HasReminderRule boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item was scheduled by a reminder timer rule (PVR).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.HasReminderRule
ListItem.HasRecording | boolean |
- Returns
- True if a given epg tag item currently gets recorded or has been recorded.
ListItem.TimerHasError | boolean | - Returns
- True if the item has a timer and it won't be recorded because of an error (PVR).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.TimerHasError
ListItem.TimerHasConflict | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item has a timer and it won't be recorded because of a conflict (PVR).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.TimerHasConflict
ListItem.TimerIsActive | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item has a timer that will be recorded, i.e. the timer is enabled (PVR).
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.TimerIsActive
ListItem.Comment | string |
- Returns
- The comment assigned to the item (PVR/MUSIC).
ListItem.TimerType | string | - Returns
- The type of the PVR timer / timer rule item as a human readable string.
ListItem.EpgEventTitle | string | - Returns
- The title of the epg event associated with the item, if any.
ListItem.EpgEventIcon | string | - Returns
- The thumbnail for the EPG event associated with the item (if it exists).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.EpgEventIcon
ListItem.InProgress | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the EPG event item is currently active (time-wise).
ListItem.IsParentFolder | boolean | - Returns
- True if the current list item is the goto parent folder '..'.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] ListItem.IsParentFolder
ListItem.AddonName | string |
- Returns
- The name of the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonName replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Name) .
ListItem.AddonVersion | string |
- Returns
- The version of the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonVersion replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Version) .
ListItem.AddonCreator | string |
- Returns
- The name of the author the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonCreator replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Creator) .
ListItem.AddonSummary | string |
- Returns
- A short description of the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonSummary replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Summary) .
ListItem.AddonDescription | string |
- Returns
- The full description of the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonDescription replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Description) .
ListItem.AddonDisclaimer | string |
- Returns
- The disclaimer of the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonDisclaimer replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Disclaimer) .
ListItem.AddonBroken | string |
- Returns
- A message when the addon is marked as broken in the repo.
- Deprecated
but still available, use ListItem.AddonLifecycleDesc instead
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonBroken replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Broken) .
ListItem.AddonLifecycleType | string |
- Returns
- String name when the addon is marked as special condition in the repo.
- Label: 24169 (Normal) - Used if an add-on has no special lifecycle state which is the default state
- Label: 24170 (Deprecated) - The add-on should be marked as deprecated but is still usable
- Label: 24171 (Broken) - The add-on should marked as broken in the repository
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonLifecycleType replaces ListItem.AddonBroken .
ListItem.AddonLifecycleDesc | string |
- Returns
- From addon defined message text when it is marked as special condition inside repository.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonLifecycleDesc replaces ListItem.AddonBroken .
ListItem.AddonType | string |
- Returns
- The type (screensaver, script, skin, etc...) of the currently selected addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.AddonType replaces ListItem.Property(Addon.Type) .
ListItem.AddonInstallDate | string |
- Returns
- The date the addon was installed.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonInstallDate
ListItem.AddonLastUpdated | string |
- Returns
- The date the addon was last updated.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonLastUpdated
ListItem.AddonLastUsed | string |
- Returns
- The date the addon was used last.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonLastUsed
ListItem.AddonNews | string |
- Returns
- A brief changelog, taken from the addons'
addon.xml file.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonNews
ListItem.AddonSize | string |
- Returns
- The filesize of the addon.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.AddonSize
ListItem.AddonOrigin | string |
- Returns
- The name of the repository the add-on originates from.
ListItem.ExpirationDate | string | - Returns
- The expiration date of the selected item in a container, empty string if not supported.
ListItem.ExpirationTime | string | - Returns
- The expiration time of the selected item in a container, empty string if not supported
ListItem.Art(type) | string | - Returns
- A particular art type for an item.
- Parameters
type | - the art type. It can be any value (set by scripts and scrappers). Common values:
- clearart - the clearart (if it exists) of the currently selected movie or tv show.
- clearlogo - the clearlogo (if it exists) of the currently selected movie or tv show.
- landscape - the 16:9 landscape (if it exists) of the currently selected item.
- thumb - the thumbnail of the currently selected item.
- poster - the poster of the currently selected movie or tv show.
- banner - the banner of the currently selected tv show.
- fanart - the fanart image of the currently selected item.
- set.fanart - the fanart image of the currently selected movieset.
- tvshow.poster - the tv show poster of the parent container.
- tvshow.banner - the tv show banner of the parent container.
- tvshow.clearlogo - the tv show clearlogo (if it exists) of the parent container.
- tvshow.landscape - the tv show landscape (if it exists) of the parent container.
- tvshow.clearart - the tv show clearart (if it exists) of the parent container.
- season.poster - the season poster of the currently selected season. (Only available in DialogVideoInfo.xml).
- season.banner - the season banner of the currently selected season. (Only available in DialogVideoInfo.xml).
- season.fanart - the fanart image of the currently selected season. (Only available in DialogVideoInfo.xml)
- artist.thumb - the artist thumb of an album or song item.
- artist.fanart - the artist fanart of an album or song item.
- album.thumb - the album thumb (cover) of a song item.
- artist[n].* - in case a song has multiple artists, a digit is added to the art type for the 2nd artist onwards e.g
Listitem.Art(artist1.thumb) gives the thumb of the 2nd artist of a song.
- albumartist[n].* - n case a song has multiple album artists, a digit is added to the art type for the 2nd artist onwards e.g
Listitem.Art(artist1.thumb) gives the thumb of the 2nd artist of a song.
- Todo
Find a better way of finding the art types instead of manually defining them here.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] ListItem.Art(type) add artist[n].* and albumartist[n].* as possible targets for type
ListItem.Platform | string |
- Returns
- The game platform (e.g. "Atari 2600") (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Platform
ListItem.Genres | string |
- Returns
- The game genres (e.g. "["Action","Strategy"]") (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Genres
ListItem.Publisher | string |
- Returns
- The game publisher (e.g. "Nintendo") (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Publisher
ListItem.Developer | string |
- Returns
- The game developer (e.g. "Square") (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Developer
ListItem.Overview | string |
- Returns
- The game overview/summary (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Overview
ListItem.GameClient | string |
- Returns
- The add-on ID of the game client (a.k.a. emulator) to use for playing the game (e.g. game.libretro.fceumm) (RETROPLAYER).
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.GameClient
ListItem.Property(propname) | string |
- Returns
- The requested property of a ListItem.
- Parameters
propname | - the property requested |
ListItem.Property(Role.Composer) | string | - Returns
- The name of the person who composed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Composer)
ListItem.Property(Role.Conductor) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who conducted the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Conductor)
ListItem.Property(Role.Orchestra) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the orchestra performing the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Orchestra)
ListItem.Property(Role.Lyricist) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who wrote the lyrics of the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Lyricist)
ListItem.Property(Role.Remixer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who remixed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Remixer)
ListItem.Property(Role.Arranger) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who arranged the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Arranger)
ListItem.Property(Role.Engineer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who was the engineer of the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Engineer)
ListItem.Property(Role.Producer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who produced the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.Producer)
ListItem.Property(Role.DJMixer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the dj who remixed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.DJMixer)
ListItem.Property(Role.Mixer) | string |
- Returns
- The name of the person who mixed the selected song.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Role.DJMixer)
ListItem.Property(Game.VideoFilter) | string |
- Returns
- The video filter of the list item representing a gamewindow control (RETROPLAYER). See RetroPlayer.VideoFilter for the possible values.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Game.VideoFilter)
ListItem.Property(Game.StretchMode) | string |
- Returns
- The stretch mode of the list item representing a gamewindow control (RETROPLAYER). See RetroPlayer.StretchMode for the possible values.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Game.StretchMode)
ListItem.Property(Game.VideoRotation) | integer |
- Returns
- The video rotation of the list item representing a gamewindow control (RETROPLAYER). See RetroPlayer.VideoRotation for the possible values.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.Property(Game.VideoRotation)
ListItem.ParentalRating | string |
- Returns
- The parental rating of the list item (PVR).
ListItem.ParentalRatingCode | string | - Returns
- The parental rating code (eg: 'PG', etc) of the list item (PVR).
- v21 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ParentalRatingCode
ListItem.ParentalRatingIcon | string |
- Returns
- The parental rating icon path of the list item (PVR).
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ParentalRatingIcon
ListItem.ParentalRatingSource | string |
- Returns
- The source used to determine the parental rating of the list item (PVR). Values could include the Country alpha-3 code or the name/abbreviation of the authority issuing the rating code. Can be used with the
ParentalRatingCode for skin-derived icons if required.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ParentalRatingSource
ListItem.CurrentItem | string |
- Returns
- The current index of the item in a container starting at 1.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.CurrentItem
ListItem.IsNew | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item is new (for example, a Live TV show that will be first aired).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.IsNew
ListItem.IsPremiere | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item is a premiere (for example, a Movie first showing or season first on Live TV).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.IsPremiere
ListItem.IsFinale | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item is a finale (for example, a season finale showing on Live TV).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.IsFinale
ListItem.IsLive | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item is live (for example, a Live TV sports event).
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.IsLive
ListItem.DiscTitle | string |
- Returns
- The disc title of the currently selected album or song.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.DiscTitle
ListItem.IsBoxset | boolean |
- Returns
- True if the item is part of a boxset album.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.IsBoxset
ListItem.TotalDiscs | boolean |
- Returns
- The total number of discs belonging to an album.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.TotalDiscs
ListItem.ReleaseDate | string |
- Returns
- The release date of the item.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.ReleaseDate
ListItem.OriginalDate | string |
- Returns
- The original release date of the item. Can be full or partial date.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.OriginalDate
ListItem.BPM | string |
- Returns
- The BPM of a song.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.BPM
ListItem.UniqueID(name) | string |
- Returns
- The scraped metadata id of the currently selected item in a container, for use in dialogvideoinfo.xml.
- Parameters
name | - the name of the metadata provider. |
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.UniqueID(name)
ListItem.BitRate | string |
- Returns
- The bitrate of a song. Actual rate for CBR, average rate for VBR.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.BitRate
ListItem.SampleRate | string |
- Returns
- The sample rate of a song / 1000.0 eg 44.1, 48, 96 etc.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.SampleRate
ListItem.MusicChannels | string |
- Returns
- The number of audio channels of a song.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.NoOfChannels
ListItem.TvShowDBID | string |
- Returns
- The database id of the TvShow for the currently selected Season or Episode.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.TvShowDBID
ListItem.AlbumStatus | string |
- Returns
- The Musicbrainz release status of the album (official, bootleg, promotion etc)
- v19 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.HdrType | string |
- Returns
- String containing the name of the detected HDR type or empty if not HDR. See StreamHdrType for the list of possible values.
- v20 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.SongVideoURL | string |
- Returns
- Link to a video of a song
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.VideoWidth | string |
- Returns
- String containing width of video in pixels - empty if unknown.
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.VideoHeight | string |
- Returns
- String containing height of video in pixels - empty if unknown.
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.HasVideoVersions | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the selected item has multiple video versions.
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.IsVideoExtra | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the selected item is a video extra.
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.VideoVersionName | string |
- Returns
- String containing the name of the version of a video - empty for extras or if no version available
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.HasVideoExtras | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the selected item has video extras.
- v21 Skinning engine changes
- [New Infolabel]
ListItem.PVRClientName | string |
- Returns
- If selected item is of type PVR (recording, timer, EPG), the name of the PVR client add-on, as specified by the add-on developer. Empty if the item is not of type PVR.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PVRClientName
ListItem.PVRInstanceName | string |
- Returns
- If selected item is of type PVR (recording, timer, EPG), the name of the instance of the PVR client add-on, as specified by the user in the add-on settings. Empty if the PVR client add-on does not support multiple instances or item is not of type PVR.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PVRInstanceName
ListItem.PVRGroupOrigin | string |
- Returns
- If selected item is of type PVR channel group, the creator (user, system, client) of the group.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.PVRGroupOrigin
ListItem.EpisodePart | string |
- Returns
- string containing the number of parts of a single episode - empty if no data provided
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.EpisodePart
ListItem.MediaProviders | string |
- Returns
- string containing the names of the media providers of the item, separated by commas if muliple are present.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.MediaProviders
ListItem.TitleExtraInfo | string |
- Returns
- string containing extra information, enriching the title of the item.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] ListItem.TitleExtraInfo
Labels | Type | Description |
PVR.IsRecording | boolean | - Returns
- True when the system is recording a tv or radio programme.
PVR.HasTimer | boolean | - Returns
- True when a recording timer is active.
PVR.HasTVChannels | boolean | - Returns
- True if there are TV channels available.
PVR.HasRadioChannels | boolean | - Returns
- True if there are radio channels available.
PVR.HasNonRecordingTimer | boolean | - Returns
- True if there are timers present who currently not do recording.
PVR.BackendName | string | - Returns
- The name of the backend being used.
PVR.BackendVersion | string | - Returns
- The version of the backend that's being used.
PVR.BackendHost | string | - Returns
- The backend hostname.
PVR.BackendDiskSpace | string | - Returns
- The available diskspace on the backend as string with size.
PVR.BackendDiskSpaceProgr | integer | - Returns
- The available diskspace on the backend as percent value.
- v14 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.BackendDiskSpaceProgr
PVR.BackendChannels | string (integer) |
- Returns
- The number of available channels the backend provides.
PVR.BackendTimers | string (integer) | - Returns
- The number of timers set for the backend.
PVR.BackendRecordings | string (integer) | - Returns
- The number of recordings available on the backend.
PVR.BackendDeletedRecordings | string (integer) | - Returns
- The number of deleted recordings present on the backend.
PVR.BackendNumber | string | - Returns
- The backend number.
PVR.TotalDiscSpace | string | - Returns
- The total diskspace available for recordings.
PVR.NextTimer | boolean | - Returns
- The next timer date.
PVR.IsPlayingTV | boolean | - Returns
- True when live tv is being watched.
PVR.IsPlayingRadio | boolean | - Returns
- True when live radio is being listened to.
PVR.IsPlayingRecording | boolean | - Returns
- True when a recording is being watched.
PVR.IsPlayingEpgTag | boolean | - Returns
- True when an epg tag is being watched.
PVR.EpgEventProgress | integer | - Returns
- The percentage complete of the currently playing epg event.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] PVR.EpgEventProgress replaces the old PVR.Progress infolabel.
PVR.ActStreamClient | string |
- Returns
- The stream client name.
PVR.ActStreamDevice | string | - Returns
- The stream device name.
PVR.ActStreamStatus | string | - Returns
- The status of the stream.
PVR.ActStreamSignal | string | - Returns
- The signal quality of the stream.
PVR.ActStreamSnr | string | - Returns
- The signal to noise ratio of the stream.
PVR.ActStreamBer | string | - Returns
- The bit error rate of the stream.
PVR.ActStreamUnc | string | - Returns
- The UNC value of the stream.
PVR.ActStreamProgrSignal | integer | - Returns
- The signal quality of the programme.
PVR.ActStreamProgrSnr | integer | - Returns
- The signal to noise ratio of the programme.
PVR.ActStreamIsEncrypted | boolean | - Returns
- True when channel is encrypted on source.
PVR.ActStreamEncryptionName | string | - Returns
- The encryption used on the stream.
PVR.ActStreamServiceName | string | - Returns
- The service name of played channel if available.
PVR.ActStreamMux | string | - Returns
- The multiplex type of played channel if available.
PVR.ActStreamProviderName | string | - Returns
- The provider name of the played channel if available.
PVR.IsTimeShift | boolean | - Returns
- True when for channel is timeshift available.
PVR.TimeShiftProgress | integer | - Returns
- The position of currently timeshifted title on TV as integer.
PVR.TimeShiftSeekbar | integer | - Returns
- The percentage we are seeking to in a timeshifted title.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeShiftSeekbar
PVR.NowRecordingTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the programme being recorded.
PVR.NowRecordingDateTime | Date/Time string | - Returns
- The start date and time of the current recording.
PVR.NowRecordingChannel | string | - Returns
- The channel name of the current recording.
PVR.NowRecordingChannelIcon | string | - Returns
- The icon of the current recording channel.
PVR.NextRecordingTitle | string | - Returns
- The title of the next programme that will be recorded.
PVR.NextRecordingDateTime | Date/Time string | - Returns
- The start date and time of the next recording.
PVR.NextRecordingChannel | string | - Returns
- The channel name of the next recording.
PVR.NextRecordingChannelIcon | string | - Returns
- The icon of the next recording channel.
PVR.TVNowRecordingTitle | string | - Returns
- The title of the tv programme being recorded.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNowRecordingTitle
PVR.TVNowRecordingDateTime | Date/Time string |
- Returns
- The start date and time of the current tv recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNowRecordingDateTime
PVR.TVNowRecordingChannel | string |
- Returns
- The channel name of the current tv recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNowRecordingChannel
PVR.TVNowRecordingChannelIcon | string |
- Returns
- The icon of the current recording TV channel.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNowRecordingChannelIcon
PVR.TVNextRecordingTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the next tv programme that will be recorded.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNextRecordingTitle
PVR.TVNextRecordingDateTime | Date/Time string |
- Returns
- The start date and time of the next tv recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNextRecordingDateTime
PVR.TVNextRecordingChannel | string |
- Returns
- The channel name of the next tv recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNextRecordingChannel
PVR.TVNextRecordingChannelIcon | string |
- Returns
- The icon of the next recording tv channel.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TVNextRecordingChannelIcon
PVR.RadioNowRecordingTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the radio programme being recorded.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNowRecordingTitle
PVR.RadioNowRecordingDateTime | Date/Time string |
- Returns
- The start date and time of the current radio recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNowRecordingDateTime
PVR.RadioNowRecordingChannel | string |
- Returns
- The channel name of the current radio recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNowRecordingChannel
PVR.RadioNowRecordingChannelIcon | string |
- Returns
- The icon of the current recording radio channel.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNowRecordingChannelIcon
PVR.RadioNextRecordingTitle | string |
- Returns
- The title of the next radio programme that will be recorded.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNextRecordingTitle
PVR.RadioNextRecordingDateTime | Date/Time string |
- Returns
- The start date and time of the next radio recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNextRecordingDateTime
PVR.RadioNextRecordingChannel | string |
- Returns
- The channel name of the next radio recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNextRecordingChannel
PVR.RadioNextRecordingChannelIcon | string |
- Returns
- The icon of the next recording radio channel.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.RadioNextRecordingChannelIcon
PVR.IsRecordingTV | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the system is recording a tv programme.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] PVR.IsRecordingTV
PVR.HasTVTimer | boolean |
- Returns
- True if at least one tv timer is active.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] PVR.HasTVTimer
PVR.HasNonRecordingTVTimer | boolean |
- Returns
- True if there are tv timers present who currently not do recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] PVR.HasNonRecordingTVTimer
PVR.IsRecordingRadio | boolean |
- Returns
- True when the system is recording a radio programme.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] PVR.IsRecordingRadio
PVR.HasRadioTimer | boolean |
- Returns
- True if at least one radio timer is active.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] PVR.HasRadioTimer
PVR.HasNonRecordingRadioTimer | boolean |
- Returns
- True if there are radio timers present who currently not do recording.
- v17 Skinning engine changes
[New Boolean Condition] PVR.HasRadioTimer
PVR.ChannelNumberInput | string |
- Returns
- The currently entered channel number while in numeric channel input mode, an empty string otherwise.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.ChannelNumberInput
PVR.CanRecordPlayingChannel | boolean |
- Returns
- True if PVR is currently playing a channel and if this channel can be recorded.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] PVR.CanRecordPlayingChannel replaces the old Player.CanRecord infolabel.
PVR.IsRecordingPlayingChannel | boolean |
- Returns
- True if PVR is currently playing a channel and if this channel is currently recorded.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] PVR.IsRecordingPlayingChannel replaces the old Player.Recording infolabel.
PVR.IsPlayingActiveRecording | boolean |
- Returns
- True if PVR is currently playing an in progress recording.
- v19 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.IsPlayingActiveRecording
PVR.TimeshiftProgressPlayPos | integer |
- Returns
- The percentage of the current play position within the PVR timeshift progress.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressPlayPos
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEpgStart | integer |
- Returns
- The percentage of the start of the currently playing epg event within the PVR timeshift progress.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressEpgStart
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEpgEnd | integer |
- Returns
- The percentage of the end of the currently playing epg event within the PVR timeshift progress.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressEpgEnd
PVR.TimeshiftProgressBufferStart | integer |
- Returns
- The percentage of the start of the timeshift buffer within the PVR timeshift progress.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressBufferStart
PVR.TimeshiftProgressBufferEnd | integer |
- Returns
- The percentage of the end of the timeshift buffer within the PVR timeshift progress.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressBufferEnd
PVR.EpgEventIcon | string |
- Returns
- The icon of the currently playing epg event, if any.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.EpgEventIcon
PVR.ClientCount | integer |
- Returns
- Number of PVR clients enabled.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Integer Value] PVR.ClientCount
PVR.ClientName | string |
- Returns
- The name of the PVR client add-on, as specified by the add-on developer.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.ClientName
PVR.InstanceName | string |
- Returns
- The name of the instance of the PVR client add-on, as specified by the user in the add-on settings. Empty if the PVR client add-on does not support multiple instances.
- v22 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.InstanceName
PVR.EpgEventDuration | string | - Returns
- The duration of the currently playing epg event in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] PVR.EpgEventDuration replaces the old PVR.Duration infolabel.
PVR.EpgEventDuration(format) | string |
- Returns
- The duration of the currently playing EPG event in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime | string | - Returns
- the time of the current position of the currently playing epg event in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[Infolabel Updated] PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime replaces the old PVR.Time infolabel.
PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime(format) | string |
- Returns
- The time of the current position of the currently playing epg event in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.EpgEventRemainingTime | string | - Returns
- The remaining time for currently playing epg event in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.EpgEventRemainingTime
PVR.EpgEventRemainingTime(format) | string |
- Returns
- The remaining time for currently playing epg event in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.EpgEventSeekTime | string | - Returns
- The time the user is seeking within the currently playing epg event in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.EpgEventSeekTime
PVR.EpgEventSeekTime(format) | string |
- Returns
- The time the user is seeking within the currently playing epg event in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.EpgEventFinishTime | string | - Returns
- The time the currently playing epg event will end in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.EpgEventFinishTime
PVR.EpgEventFinishTime(format) | string | Returns the time the currently playing epg event will end in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeShiftStart | string | - Returns
- The start time of the timeshift buffer in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
PVR.TimeShiftStart(format) | string | Returns the start time of the timeshift buffer in different formats. - Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeShiftEnd | string | - Returns
- The end time of the timeshift buffer in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
PVR.TimeShiftEnd(format) | string | - Returns
- The end time of the timeshift buffer in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeShiftCur | string | - Returns
- The current playback time within the timeshift buffer in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
PVR.TimeShiftCur(format) | string | Returns the current playback time within the timeshift buffer in different formats. - Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeShiftOffset | string | - Returns
- The delta of timeshifted time to actual time in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
PVR.TimeShiftOffset(format) | string | Returns the delta of timeshifted time to actual time in different formats. - Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeshiftProgressDuration | string | - Returns
- the duration of the PVR timeshift progress in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressDuration
PVR.TimeshiftProgressDuration(format) | string |
- Returns
- The duration of the PVR timeshift progress in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeshiftProgressStartTime | string | - Returns
- The start time of the PVR timeshift progress in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressStartTime
PVR.TimeshiftProgressStartTime(format) | string |
- Returns
- The start time of the PVR timeshift progress in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEndTime | string | - Returns
- The end time of the PVR timeshift progress in the format hh:mm:ss.
- Note
- hh: will be omitted if hours value is zero.
- v18 Skinning engine changes
[New Infolabel] PVR.TimeshiftProgressEndTime
PVR.TimeshiftProgressEndTime(format) | string |
- Returns
- The end time of the PVR timeshift progress in different formats.
- Parameters
format | [opt] The format of the return time value. See TIME_FORMAT for the list of possible values. |