Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
No Matches
Subclass - ControlLabel

Used to show some lines of text. More...


class  XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlLabel


 XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlLabel::getLabel ()

Function: getLabel()

Returns the text value for this label.
 XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlLabel::setLabel (...)

Function: setLabel(label[, font, textColor, disabledColor, shadowColor, focusedColor, label2])

Sets text for this label.
 XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlFadeLabel::reset ()

Function: reset()

Clear this fade label.

Detailed Description

Used to show some lines of text.

Class: ControlLabel(x, y, width, height, label[, font, textColor, /// disabledColor, alignment, hasPath, angle])

    The label control is used for displaying text in Kodi. You can choose
    the font, size, colour, location and contents of the text to be

    @note This class include also all calls from \ref python_xbmcgui_control "Control"

    @param x                    integer - x coordinate of control.
    @param y                    integer - y coordinate of control.
    @param width                integer - width of control.
    @param height               integer - height of control.
    @param label                string or unicode - text string.
    @param font                 [opt] string - font used for label
                                    text. (e.g. 'font13')
    @param textColor            [opt] hexstring - color of enabled
                                    label's label. (e.g. '0xFFFFFFFF')
    @param disabledColor        [opt] hexstring - color of disabled
                                    label's label. (e.g. '0xFFFF3300')
    @param alignment            [opt] integer - alignment of label
    - \ref kodi_gui_font_alignment "Flags for alignment" used as bits to have several together:
    | Definition name   |   Bitflag  | Description                         |
    | XBFONT_LEFT       | 0x00000000 | Align X left
    | XBFONT_RIGHT      | 0x00000001 | Align X right
    | XBFONT_CENTER_X   | 0x00000002 | Align X center
    | XBFONT_CENTER_Y   | 0x00000004 | Align Y center
    | XBFONT_TRUNCATED  | 0x00000008 | Truncated text
    | XBFONT_JUSTIFIED  | 0x00000010 | Justify text
    | XBFONT_TRUNCATED_LEFT | 0x00000020 | Truncated text from left
    @param hasPath              [opt] bool - True=stores a
                                    path / False=no path
    @param angle                [opt] integer - angle of control.
                                    (<b>+</b> rotates CCW, <b>-</b> rotates C)


    # ControlLabel(x, y, width, height, label[, font, textColor,
    #              disabledColor, alignment, hasPath, angle])
    self.label = xbmcgui.ControlLabel(100, 250, 125, 75, 'Status', angle=45)

Function Documentation

◆ getLabel()

String XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlLabel::getLabel ( )

Function: getLabel()

Returns the text value for this label.

This label


label = self.label.getLabel()

◆ reset()

void XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlFadeLabel::reset ( )

Function: reset()

Clear this fade label.



◆ setLabel()

void XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::ControlLabel::setLabel ( ...)

Function: setLabel(label[, font, textColor, disabledColor, shadowColor, focusedColor, label2])

Sets text for this label.

labelstring or unicode - text string.
font[opt] string - font used for label text. (e.g. 'font13')
textColor[opt] hexstring - color of enabled label's label. (e.g. '0xFFFFFFFF')
disabledColor[opt] hexstring - color of disabled label's label. (e.g. '0xFFFF3300')
shadowColor[opt] hexstring - color of button's label's shadow. (e.g. '0xFF000000')
focusedColor[opt] hexstring - color of focused button's label. (e.g. '0xFF00FFFF')
label2[opt] string or unicode - text string.

