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Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
PVR add-on timer type
Representation of a timer event.
Topics | |
Value Help | |
class PVRTimersResultSet | |
PVR add-on timer transfer class To transfer the content of kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient::GetTimers(). | |
Classes | |
class | kodi::addon::PVRTimer |
Functions | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetClientIndex (unsigned int clientIndex) |
required The index of this timer given by the client. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetClientIndex () const |
To get with SetClientIndex changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetState (PVR_TIMER_STATE state) |
required The state of this timer. | |
PVR_TIMER_STATE | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetState () const |
To get with SetState changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetTimerType (unsigned int timerType) |
required The type of this timer. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetTimerType () const |
To get with SetTimerType changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetTitle (const std::string &title) |
required A title for this timer. | |
std::string | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetTitle () const |
To get with SetTitle changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetParentClientIndex (unsigned int parentClientIndex) |
optional For timers scheduled by a repeating timer. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetParentClientIndex () const |
To get with SetParentClientIndex changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetClientChannelUid (int clientChannelUid) |
optional Unique identifier of the channel to record on. | |
int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetClientChannelUid () const |
To get with SetClientChannelUid changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetStartTime (time_t startTime) |
optional Start time of the recording in UTC. | |
time_t | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetStartTime () const |
To get with SetStartTime changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetEndTime (time_t endTime) |
optional End time of the recording in UTC. | |
time_t | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetEndTime () const |
To get with SetEndTime changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetStartAnyTime (bool startAnyTime) |
optional For EPG based (not Manual) timers indicates startTime does not apply. | |
bool | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetStartAnyTime () const |
To get with SetStartAnyTime changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetEndAnyTime (bool endAnyTime) |
optional For EPG based (not Manual) timers indicates endTime does not apply. | |
bool | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetEndAnyTime () const |
To get with SetEndAnyTime changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetEPGSearchString (const std::string &epgSearchString) |
optional A string used to search epg data for repeating epg-based timers. | |
std::string | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetEPGSearchString () const |
To get with SetEPGSearchString changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetFullTextEpgSearch (bool fullTextEpgSearch) |
optional Indicates, whether SetEPGSearchString() is to match against the epg episode title only or also against "other" epg data (backend-dependent). | |
bool | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetFullTextEpgSearch () const |
To get with SetFullTextEpgSearch changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetDirectory (const std::string &directory) |
optional The (relative) directory where the recording will be stored in. | |
std::string | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetDirectory () const |
To get with SetDirectory changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetSummary (const std::string &summary) |
optional The summary for this timer. | |
std::string | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetSummary () const |
To get with SetDirectory changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetPriority (int priority) |
optional The priority of this timer. | |
int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetPriority () const |
To get with SetPriority changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetLifetime (int priority) |
optional Lifetime of recordings created by this timer. | |
int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetLifetime () const |
To get with SetLifetime changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetMaxRecordings (int maxRecordings) |
optional Maximum number of recordings this timer shall create. | |
int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetMaxRecordings () const |
To get with SetMaxRecordings changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetRecordingGroup (unsigned int recordingGroup) |
optional Integer ref to addon/backend defined list of recording groups. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetRecordingGroup () const |
To get with SetRecordingGroup changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetFirstDay (time_t firstDay) |
optional The first day this timer is active, for repeating timers. | |
time_t | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetFirstDay () const |
To get with SetFirstDay changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetWeekdays (unsigned int weekdays) |
optional Week days, for repeating timers (see PVR_WEEKDAY_* constant values) | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetWeekdays () const |
To get with SetFirstDay changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetPreventDuplicateEpisodes (unsigned int preventDuplicateEpisodes) |
optional Prevent duplicate episodes. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetPreventDuplicateEpisodes () const |
To get with SetPreventDuplicateEpisodes changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetEPGUid (unsigned int epgUid) |
optional EPG event id associated with this timer. Event ids must be unique for a channel. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetEPGUid () const |
To get with SetEPGUid changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetMarginStart (unsigned int marginStart) |
optional If set, the backend starts the recording selected minutes before SetStartTime. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetMarginStart () const |
To get with SetMarginStart changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetMarginEnd (unsigned int marginEnd) |
optional If set, the backend ends the recording selected minutes after SetEndTime. | |
unsigned int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetMarginEnd () const |
To get with SetMarginEnd changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetGenreType (int genreType) |
optional Genre type. | |
int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetGenreType () const |
To get with SetGenreType changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetGenreSubType (int genreSubType) |
optional Genre sub type. | |
int | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetGenreSubType () const |
To get with SetGenreType changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetSeriesLink (const std::string &seriesLink) |
optional Series link for this timer. | |
std::string | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetSeriesLink () const |
To get with SetSeriesLink changed values. | |
void | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::SetCustomProperties (const std::vector< PVRSettingKeyValuePair > &properties) |
optional Array containing the custom properties. | |
std::vector< PVRSettingKeyValuePair > | kodi::addon::PVRTimer::GetCustomProperties () const |
To get with SetCustomProperties changed values. | |
PVR add-on timer type
Representation of a timer event.
The related values here are automatically initiated to defaults and need only be set if supported and used.
The following table contains values that can be set with class PVRTimer :
Name | Type | Set call | Get call | Usage |
Client index | unsigned int | SetClientIndex | GetClientIndex | required to set |
State | PVR_TIMER_STATE | SetState | GetState | required to set |
Type | unsigned int | SetTimerType | GetTimerType | required to set |
Title | std::string | SetTitle | GetTitle | required to set |
Parent client index | unsigned int | SetParentClientIndex | GetParentClientIndex | optional |
Client channel unique identifier | int | SetClientChannelUid | GetClientChannelUid | optional |
Start time | time_t | SetStartTime | GetStartTime | optional |
End time | time_t | SetEndTime | GetEndTime | optional |
Start any time | bool | SetStartAnyTime | GetStartAnyTime | optional |
End any time | bool | SetEndAnyTime | GetEndAnyTime | optional |
EPG search string | std::string | SetEPGSearchString | GetEPGSearchString | optional |
Full text EPG search | bool | SetFullTextEpgSearch | GetFullTextEpgSearch | optional |
Recording store directory | std::string | SetDirectory | GetDirectory | optional |
Timer priority | int | SetPriority | GetPriority | optional |
Timer lifetime | int | SetLifetime | GetLifetime | optional |
Max recordings | int | SetMaxRecordings | GetMaxRecordings | optional |
Recording group | unsigned int | SetRecordingGroup | GetRecordingGroup | optional |
First start day | time_t | SetFirstDay | GetFirstDay | optional |
Used timer weekdays | unsigned int | SetWeekdays | GetWeekdays | optional |
Prevent duplicate episodes | unsigned int | SetPreventDuplicateEpisodes | GetPreventDuplicateEpisodes | optional |
EPG unique identifier | unsigned int | SetEPGUid | GetEPGUid | optional |
Margin start | unsigned int | SetMarginStart | GetMarginStart | optional |
Margin end | unsigned int | SetMarginEnd | GetMarginEnd | optional |
Genre type | int | SetGenreType | GetGenreType | optional |
Genre sub type | int | SetGenreSubType | GetGenreSubType | optional |
Series link | std::string | SetSeriesLink | GetSeriesLink | optional |
Custom properties | PVRSettingKeyValuePair | SetCustomProperties | GetCustomProperties | optional |
inline |
To get with SetClientChannelUid changed values.
inline |
To get with SetClientIndex changed values.
inline |
To get with SetCustomProperties changed values.
inline |
To get with SetDirectory changed values.
inline |
To get with SetEndAnyTime changed values.
inline |
To get with SetEndTime changed values.
inline |
To get with SetEPGSearchString changed values.
inline |
To get with SetEPGUid changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFirstDay changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFullTextEpgSearch changed values.
inline |
To get with SetGenreType changed values.
inline |
To get with SetGenreType changed values.
inline |
To get with SetLifetime changed values.
inline |
To get with SetMarginEnd changed values.
inline |
To get with SetMarginStart changed values.
inline |
To get with SetMaxRecordings changed values.
inline |
To get with SetParentClientIndex changed values.
inline |
To get with SetPreventDuplicateEpisodes changed values.
inline |
To get with SetPriority changed values.
inline |
To get with SetRecordingGroup changed values.
inline |
To get with SetSeriesLink changed values.
inline |
To get with SetStartAnyTime changed values.
inline |
To get with SetStartTime changed values.
inline |
To get with SetState changed values.
inline |
To get with SetDirectory changed values.
inline |
To get with SetTimerType changed values.
inline |
To get with SetTitle changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFirstDay changed values.
Unique identifier of the channel to record on.
PVR_TIMER_ANY_CHANNEL will denote "any channel", not a specific one. PVR_CHANNEL_INVALID_UID denotes that channel uid is not available.
The index of this timer given by the client.
PVR_TIMER_NO_CLIENT_INDEX indicates that the index was not yet set by the client, for example for new timers created by Kodi and passed the first time to the client. A valid index must be greater than PVR_TIMER_NO_CLIENT_INDEX.
inline |
Array containing the custom properties.
[in] | properties | List of properties. |
The following table contains values that can be set with class PVRSettingKeyValuePair :
Name | Type | Set call | Get call |
Key | unsigned int | SetKey | GetKey |
| Type | PVR_SETTING_TYPE | SetType | GetType | required to set | Int Value | int
| SetIntValue | GetIntValue | String Value | std::string
| SetStringValue | GetStringValue
inline |
The (relative) directory where the recording will be stored in.
For EPG based (not Manual) timers indicates endTime does not apply.
Default = false
inline |
End time of the recording in UTC.
inline |
A string used to search epg data for repeating epg-based timers.
Format is backend-dependent, for example regexp.
EPG event id associated with this timer. Event ids must be unique for a channel.
Valid ids must be greater than EPG_TAG_INVALID_UID.
inline |
The first day this timer is active, for repeating timers.
Indicates, whether SetEPGSearchString() is to match against the epg episode title only or also against "other" epg data (backend-dependent).
Genre sub type.
Subtypes groups related to set by SetGenreType:
Genre type.
Lifetime of recordings created by this timer.
Value > 0 days after which recordings will be deleted by the backend, < 0 addon defined integer list reference, == 0 disabled.
If set, the backend ends the recording selected minutes after SetEndTime.
If set, the backend starts the recording selected minutes before SetStartTime.
Maximum number of recordings this timer shall create.
Value > 0 number of recordings, < 0 addon defined integer list reference, == 0 disabled.
For timers scheduled by a repeating timer.
The index of the repeating timer that scheduled this timer (it's clientIndex value). Use PVR_TIMER_NO_PARENT to indicate that this timer was no scheduled by a repeating timer.
inline |
Prevent duplicate episodes.
Should 1 if backend should only record new episodes in case of a repeating epg-based timer, 0 if all episodes shall be recorded (no duplicate detection).
Actual algorithm for duplicate detection is defined by the backend. Addons may define own values for different duplicate detection algorithms, thus this is not just a bool.
Integer ref to addon/backend defined list of recording groups.
inline |
Series link for this timer.
If set for an epg-based timer rule, matching events will be found by checking with here, instead of SetTitle() (and SetFullTextEpgSearch()).
For EPG based (not Manual) timers indicates startTime does not apply.
Default = false.
inline |
Start time of the recording in UTC.
Instant timers that are sent to the add-on by Kodi will have this value set to 0.
inline |
The state of this timer.
inline |
The summary for this timer.
The type of this timer.
It is private to the addon and can be freely defined by the addon. The value must be greater than PVR_TIMER_TYPE_NONE.
Kodi does not interpret this value (except for checking for PVR_TIMER_TYPE_NONE), but will pass the right id to the addon with every PVRTimer instance, thus the addon easily can determine the timer type.
inline |
A title for this timer.
Week days, for repeating timers (see PVR_WEEKDAY_* constant values)