SActorInfo | XBMCAddon::xbmc::Actor::ToActorInfo () const |
CStreamDetailVideo * | XBMCAddon::xbmc::VideoStreamDetail::ToStreamDetailVideo () const |
CStreamDetailAudio * | XBMCAddon::xbmc::AudioStreamDetail::ToStreamDetailAudio () const |
CStreamDetailSubtitle * | XBMCAddon::xbmc::SubtitleStreamDetail::ToStreamDetailSubtitle () const |
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::InfoTagVideo (const CVideoInfoTag *tag) |
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::InfoTagVideo (CVideoInfoTag *tag, bool offscreen=false) |
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::InfoTagVideo (...) |
| Function: xbmc.InfoTagVideo([offscreen])
Create a video info tag.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::~InfoTagVideo () override |
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getDbId () |
| Function: getDbId()
Get identification number of tag in database
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getDirector () |
| Function: getDirector()
Get film director who has made the film (if present).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getDirectors () |
| Function: getDirectors()
Get a list of film directors who have made the film (if present).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getWritingCredits () |
| Function: getWritingCredits()
Get the writing credits if present from video info tag.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getWriters () |
| Function: getWriters()
Get the list of writers (if present) from video info tag.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getGenre () |
| Function: getGenre()
To get the Video Genre if available.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getGenres () |
| Function: getGenres()
Get the list of Video Genres if available.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getTagLine () |
| Function: getTagLine()
Get video tag line if available.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPlotOutline () |
| Function: getPlotOutline()
Get the outline plot of the video if present.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPlot () |
| Function: getPlot()
Get the plot of the video if present.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPictureURL () |
| Function: getPictureURL()
Get a picture URL of the video to show as screenshot.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getTitle () |
| Function: getTitle()
Get the video title.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getTVShowTitle () |
| Function: getTVShowTitle()
Get the video TV show title.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getMediaType () |
| Function: getMediaType()
Get the media type of the video.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getVotes () |
| Function: getVotes()
Get the video votes if available from video info tag.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getVotesAsInt (type) |
| Function: getVotesAsInt([type])
Get the votes of the rating (if available) as an integer.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getCast () |
| Function: getCast()
To get the cast of the video when available.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getActors () |
| Function: getActors()
Get the cast of the video if available.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getFile () |
| Function: getFile()
To get the video file name.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPath () |
| Function: getPath()
To get the path where the video is stored.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getFilenameAndPath () |
| Function: getFilenameAndPath()
To get the full path with filename where the video is stored.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getIMDBNumber () |
| Function: getIMDBNumber()
To get the IMDb number of the video (if present).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getSeason () |
| Function: getSeason()
To get season number of a series
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getEpisode () |
| Function: getEpisode()
To get episode number of a series
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getYear () |
| Function: getYear()
Get production year of video if present.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getRating (type) |
| Function: getRating([type])
Get the video rating if present as float (double where supported).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getUserRating () |
| Function: getUserRating()
Get the user rating if present as integer.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPlayCount () |
| Function: getPlayCount()
To get the number of plays of the video.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getLastPlayed () |
| Function: getLastPlayed()
Get the last played date / time as string.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getLastPlayedAsW3C () |
| Function: getLastPlayedAsW3C()
Get last played datetime as string in W3C format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getOriginalTitle () |
| Function: getOriginalTitle()
To get the original title of the video.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPremiered () |
| Function: getPremiered()
To get premiered date of the video, if available.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getPremieredAsW3C () |
| Function: getPremieredAsW3C()
Get premiered date as string in W3C format (YYYY-MM-DD).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getFirstAired () |
| Function: getFirstAired()
Returns first aired date as string from info tag.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getFirstAiredAsW3C () |
| Function: getFirstAiredAsW3C()
Get first aired date as string in W3C format (YYYY-MM-DD).
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getTrailer () |
| Function: getTrailer()
To get the path where the trailer is stored.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getArtist () |
| Function: getArtist()
To get the artist name (for musicvideos)
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getAlbum () |
| Function: getAlbum()
To get the album name (for musicvideos)
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getTrack () |
| Function: getTrack()
To get the track number (for musicvideos)
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getDuration () |
| Function: getDuration()
To get the duration
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getResumeTime (...) |
| Function: getResumeTime())
Gets the resume time of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getResumeTimeTotal (...) |
| Function: getResumeTimeTotal())
Gets the total duration stored with the resume time of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::getUniqueID (key) |
| Function: getUniqueID(key)
Get the unique ID of the given key. A unique ID is an identifier used by a (online) video database used to identify a video in its database.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setUniqueID (...) |
| Function: setUniqueID(uniqueid, [type], [isdefault])
Set the given unique ID. A unique ID is an identifier used by a (online) video database used to identify a video in its database.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setUniqueIDs (...) |
| Function: setUniqueIDs(values, defaultuniqueid)
Set the given unique IDs. A unique ID is an identifier used by a (online) video database used to identify a video in its database.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setDbId (...) |
| Function: setDbId(dbid)
Set the database identifier of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setYear (...) |
| Function: setYear(year)
Set the year of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setEpisode (...) |
| Function: setEpisode(episode)
Set the episode number of the episode.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSeason (...) |
| Function: setSeason(season)
Set the season number of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSortEpisode (...) |
| Function: setSortEpisode(sortepisode)
Set the episode sort number of the episode.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSortSeason (...) |
| Function: setSortSeason(sortseason)
Set the season sort number of the season.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setEpisodeGuide (...) |
| Function: setEpisodeGuide(episodeguide)
Set the episode guide of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTop250 (...) |
| Function: setTop250(top250)
Set the top 250 number of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSetId (...) |
| Function: setSetId(setid)
Set the movie set identifier of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTrackNumber (...) |
| Function: setTrackNumber(tracknumber)
Set the track number of the music video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setRating (...) |
| Function: setRating(rating, [votes], [type], [isdefault])
Set the rating of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setRatings (...) |
| Function: setRatings(ratings, [defaultrating])
Set the ratings of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setUserRating (...) |
| Function: setUserRating(userrating)
Set the user rating of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setPlaycount (...) |
| Function: setPlaycount(playcount)
Set the playcount of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setMpaa (...) |
| Function: setMpaa(mpaa)
Set the MPAA rating of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setPlot (...) |
| Function: setPlot(plot)
Set the plot of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setPlotOutline (...) |
| Function: setPlotOutline(plotoutline)
Set the plot outline of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTitle (...) |
| Function: setTitle(title)
Set the title of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setOriginalTitle (...) |
| Function: setOriginalTitle(originaltitle)
Set the original title of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSortTitle (...) |
| Function: setSortTitle(sorttitle)
Set the sort title of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTagLine (...) |
| Function: setTagLine(tagline)
Set the tagline of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTvShowTitle (...) |
| Function: setTvShowTitle(tvshowtitle)
Set the TV show title of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTvShowStatus (...) |
| Function: setTvShowStatus(tvshowstatus)
Set the TV show status of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setGenres (...) |
| Function: setGenres(genre)
Set the genres of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setCountries (...) |
| Function: setCountries(countries)
Set the countries of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setDirectors (...) |
| Function: setDirectors(directors)
Set the directors of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setStudios (...) |
| Function: setStudios(studios)
Set the studios of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setWriters (...) |
| Function: setWriters(writers)
Set the writers of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setDuration (...) |
| Function: setDuration(duration)
Set the duration of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setPremiered (...) |
| Function: setPremiered(premiered)
Set the premiere date of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSet (...) |
| Function: setSet(set)
Set the movie set (name) of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setSetOverview (...) |
| Function: setSetOverview(setoverview)
Set the movie set overview of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTags (...) |
| Function: setTags(tags)
Set the tags of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setVideoAssetTitle (...) |
| Function: setVideoAssetTitle(videoAssetTitle)
Set the video asset title of the item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setProductionCode (...) |
| Function: setProductionCode(const String& productioncode)
Set the production code of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setFirstAired (...) |
| Function: setFirstAired(firstaired)
Set the first aired date of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setLastPlayed (...) |
| Function: setLastPlayed(lastplayed)
Set the last played date of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setAlbum (...) |
| Function: setAlbum(album)
Set the album of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setVotes (...) |
| Function: setVotes(votes)
Set the number of votes of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setTrailer (...) |
| Function: setTrailer(trailer)
Set the trailer of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setPath (...) |
| Function: setPath(path)
Set the path of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setFilenameAndPath (...) |
| Function: setFilenameAndPath(filenameandpath)
Set the filename and path of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setIMDBNumber (...) |
| Function: setIMDBNumber(imdbnumber)
Set the IMDb number of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setDateAdded (...) |
| Function: setDateAdded(dateadded)
Set the date added of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setMediaType (...) |
| Function: setMediaType(mediatype)
Set the media type of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setShowLinks (...) |
| Function: setShowLinks(showlinks)
Set the TV show links of the movie.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setArtists (...) |
| Function: setArtists(artists)
Set the artists of the music video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setCast (...) |
| Function: setCast(actors)
Set the cast / actors of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::setResumePoint (...) |
| Function: setResumePoint(time, [totaltime])
Set the resume point of the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::addSeason (...) |
| Function: addSeason(number, [name])
Add a season with name. It needs at least the season number.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::addSeasons (...) |
| Function: addSeasons(namedseasons)
Add named seasons to the TV show.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::addVideoStream (...) |
| Function: addVideoStream(stream)
Add a video stream to the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::addAudioStream (...) |
| Function: addAudioStream(stream)
Add an audio stream to the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::addSubtitleStream (...) |
| Function: addSubtitleStream(stream)
Add a subtitle stream to the video item.
| XBMCAddon::xbmc::InfoTagVideo::addAvailableArtwork (...) |
| Function: addAvailableArtwork(images)
Add an image to available artworks (needed for video scrapers)
Access and / or modify the video metadata of a ListItem.