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Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
Inputstream add-on stream info
This is used to give Kodi the associated and necessary data for an open stream.
Topics | |
Value Help | |
Classes | |
class | kodi::addon::InputstreamInfo |
Inputstream add-on stream info
This is used to give Kodi the associated and necessary data for an open stream.
Used on kodi::addon::CInstanceInputStream::GetStream().
The following table contains values that can be set with class InputstreamInfo :
inline |
Clear content light static Metadata.
inline |
Clear additional data.
inline |
Clear mastering static Metadata.
inline |
Compare extra data from outside with class.
[in] | extraData | Pointer with memory of extra data for compare |
[in] | extraSize | Size to compare |
inline |
To get with SetAspect changed values.
inline |
To get with SetBitRate changed values.
inline |
To get with SetBitsPerSample changed values.
inline |
To get with SetBlockAlign changed values.
inline |
To get with SetChannels changed values.
inline |
To get with SetCodecFourCC changed values.
inline |
To get with SetCodecInternalName changed values.
inline |
To get with SetCodecName changed values.
inline |
To get with SetCodecProfile changed values.
inline |
To get with SetColorPrimaries changed values.
inline |
To get with SetColorRange changed values.
inline |
To get with SetColorSpace changed values.
inline |
To get with SetColorTransferCharacteristic changed values.
inline |
To get with SetContentLightMetadata changed values.
inline |
To get with GetCryptoSession changed values.
inline |
To get with SetExtraData changed values.
inline |
To get size with SetExtraData changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFeatures changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFeatures changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFpsRate changed values.
inline |
To get with SetFpsScale changed values.
inline |
To get with SetHeight changed values.
inline |
To get with SetLanguage changed values.
inline |
To get with SetMasteringMetadata changed values.
inline |
To get with SetName changed values.
inline |
To get with SetPhysicalIndex changed values.
inline |
To get with SetSampleRate changed values.
inline |
To get with SetStreamType changed values.
inline |
To get with SetWidth changed values.
inline |
Display aspect of stream.
[in] | aspect | Aspect ratio to use |
Bit rate.
[in] | bitRate | Rate to use |
(required) Bits per sample.
[in] | bitsPerSample | Bits per sample to use |
To set the necessary stream block alignment size.
[in] | blockAlign | Block size in byte |
(required) Amount of channels.
[in] | sampleRate | Channels to use |
Codec If available, the fourcc code codec.
[in] | codecFourCC | Codec four CC code |
inline |
(optional) Internal name of codec (selectionstream info).
[in] | codecName | Internal codec name |
inline |
(required) Name of codec according to ffmpeg.
See https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavcodec/codec_desc.c about available names.
[in] | codeName | Codec name |
inline |
(optional) The profile of the codec.
[in] | codecProfile | Values with STREAMCODEC_PROFILE to use |
inline |
Chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23001-8_2013 § 7.1.
[in] | colorPrimaries | The with INPUTSTREAM_COLORPRIMARIES setable values |
inline |
Color range if available.
[in] | colorRange | The with INPUTSTREAM_COLORRANGE setable color space |
inline |
Definition of colorspace.
[in] | colorSpace | The with INPUTSTREAM_COLORSPACE setable color space |
inline |
Color Transfer Characteristic. These values match the ones defined by ISO/IEC 23001-8_2013 § 7.2.
[in] | colorTransferCharacteristic | The with INPUTSTREAM_COLORTRC setable characteristic |
inline |
Content light static Metadata.
The maximum content light level (MaxCLL) and frame average light level (MaxFALL) for the metadata for HDR10.
[in] | contentLightMetadata | The with class InputstreamContentlightMetadata setable metadata |
inline |
To set stream crypto session information.
[in] | cryptoSession | The with cpp_kodi_addon_inputstream_Defs_Interface_StreamCryptoSession setable info |
Additional data where can needed on streams.
[in] | extraData | List with memory of extra data |
inline |
Additional data where can needed on streams.
[in] | extraData | Pointer with memory of extra data |
[in] | extraSize | Size to store |
inline |
Set special supported feature flags of inputstream.
[in] | features | By INPUTSTREAM_CODEC_FEATURES defined type |
inline |
Set supported flags of inputstream.
[in] | flags | The on INPUTSTREAM_FLAGS defined flags to set |
Rate to use for stream.
[in] | fpsRate | Rate to use |
Scale of 1000 and a rate of 29970 will result in 29.97 fps.
[in] | fpsScale | Scale rate |
Height of the stream reported by the demuxer.
[in] | height | Height to use |
inline |
RFC 5646 language code (empty string if undefined).
[in] | language | The language to set |
inline |
Mastering static Metadata.
Describes the metadata for HDR10, used when video is compressed using High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). This is used to describe the capabilities of the display used to master the content and the luminance values of the content.
[in] | masteringMetadata | The with class InputstreamMasteringMetadata setable metadata |
inline |
(optional) Name of the stream, leave empty for default handling.
[in] | name | Stream name |
(required) Physical index.
[in] | id | Index identifier |
(required) Sample rate.
[in] | sampleRate | Rate to use |
inline |
Set the wanted stream type.
[in] | streamType | By INPUTSTREAM_TYPE defined type |