Kodi Development 22.0
for Binary and Script based Add-Ons
No Matches

Inherits IAddonInstance.


class  CStream

Public Member Functions

virtual GAME_ERROR CheatReset ()
 Reset the cheat system.
 CInstanceGame ()
 Game class constructor.
void CloseGame (void)
 Callback to Kodi Function
Requests the frontend to stop the current game
virtual bool ConnectController (bool connect, const std::string &port_address, const std::string &controller_id)
 Connect/disconnect a controller to a port on the virtual game console.
virtual GAME_ERROR Deserialize (const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 Deserialize the game from the given state.
bool EnableHardwareRendering (const game_hw_rendering_properties &properties)
 Callback to Kodi Function
Enable hardware rendering functionality
virtual bool EnableKeyboard (bool enable, const std::string &controller_id)
 Enable/disable keyboard input using the specified controller.
virtual bool EnableMouse (bool enable, const std::string &controller_id)
 Enable/disable mouse input using the specified controller.
bool Extensions (std::vector< std::string > &extensions)
 Callback to Kodi Function
The extensions in the <extensions> property from addon.xml.
virtual void FreeTopology (game_input_topology *topology)
 Free the topology's resources.
std::string GameClientDllPath () const
 Callback to Kodi Function
The path of the game client being loaded.
virtual GAME_ERROR GetGameTiming (game_system_timing &timing_info)
 Get timing information about the loaded game.
virtual GAME_ERROR GetMemory (GAME_MEMORY type, uint8_t *&data, size_t &size)
 Get a region of memory.
virtual GAME_REGION GetRegion ()
 Get region of the loaded game.
virtual game_input_topologyGetTopology ()
 Get the input topology that specifies which controllers can be connected.
virtual bool HasFeature (const std::string &controller_id, const std::string &feature_name)
 Check if input is accepted for a feature on the controller.
virtual GAME_ERROR HwContextDestroy ()
 Called before the context is destroyed.
virtual GAME_ERROR HwContextReset ()
 Invalidates the current HW context and reinitializes GPU resources.
game_proc_address_t HwGetProcAddress (const char *sym)
 Callback to Kodi Function
Get a symbol from the hardware context
virtual bool InputEvent (const game_input_event &event)
 Notify the add-on of an input event.
bool KodiInputEvent (const game_input_event &event)
 Callback to Kodi Function
Notify the port of an input event
virtual GAME_ERROR LoadGame (const std::string &url)
 Load a game.
virtual GAME_ERROR LoadGameSpecial (SPECIAL_GAME_TYPE type, const std::vector< std::string > &urls)
 Load a game that requires multiple files.
virtual GAME_ERROR LoadStandalone ()
 Begin playing without a game file.
std::string ProfileDirectory () const
 Callback to Kodi Function
The writable directory of the frontend.
bool ProxyDllPaths (std::vector< std::string > &paths)
 Callback to Kodi Function
Paths to proxy DLLs used to load the game client.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCEnableRichPresence (const std::string &script)
 Enables rich presence.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCGenerateHashFromFile (std::string &hash, unsigned int consoleID, const std::string &filePath)
 Generates a RetroAchievements hash for a given game that can be used to identify the game by RetroAchievements.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCGetGameIDUrl (std::string &url, const std::string &hash)
 Gets a URL to the endpoint that returns the game ID.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCGetPatchFileUrl (std::string &url, const std::string &username, const std::string &token, unsigned int gameID)
 Gets a URL to the endpoint that returns the patch file.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCGetRichPresenceEvaluation (std::string &evaluation, unsigned int consoleID)
 Gets the rich presence evaluation for the current frame. Rich presence must be enabled first or this will fail.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCPostRichPresenceUrl (std::string &url, std::string &postData, const std::string &username, const std::string &token, unsigned int gameID, const std::string &richPresence)
 Gets a URL to the endpoint that updates the rich presence in the user's RetroAchievements profile.
virtual GAME_ERROR RCResetRuntime ()
 Resets the runtime. Must be called each time a new rom is starting and when the savestate is changed.
virtual bool RequiresGameLoop ()
 Return true if the client requires the frontend to provide a game loop.
virtual GAME_ERROR Reset ()
 Reset the current game.
bool ResourceDirectories (std::vector< std::string > &dirs)
 Callback to Kodi Function
The "system" directories of the frontend.
virtual GAME_ERROR RunFrame ()
 Run a single frame for add-ons that use a game loop.
virtual GAME_ERROR Serialize (uint8_t *data, size_t size)
 Serialize the state of the game.
virtual size_t SerializeSize ()
 Get the number of bytes required to serialize the game.
virtual GAME_ERROR SetCheat (unsigned int index, bool enabled, const std::string &code)
 Set a cheat code.
virtual void SetControllerLayouts (const std::vector< kodi::addon::GameControllerLayout > &controllers)
 Set the layouts for known controllers.
bool SupportsVFS () const
 Callback to Kodi Function
The value of the <supports_vfs> property from addon.xml.
virtual GAME_ERROR UnloadGame ()
 Unload the current game.
 ~CInstanceGame () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from IAddonInstance
bool CheckInstanceSettingBoolean (const std::string &settingName, bool &settingValue)
template<typename enumType>
bool CheckInstanceSettingEnum (const std::string &settingName, enumType &settingValue)
bool CheckInstanceSettingFloat (const std::string &settingName, float &settingValue)
bool CheckInstanceSettingInt (const std::string &settingName, int &settingValue)
bool CheckInstanceSettingString (const std::string &settingName, std::string &settingValue)
virtual ADDON_STATUS CreateInstance (const kodi::addon::IInstanceInfo &instance, KODI_ADDON_INSTANCE_HDL &hdl)
std::string GetInstanceAPIVersion () const
bool GetInstanceSettingBoolean (const std::string &settingName, bool defaultValue=false)
template<typename enumType>
enumType GetInstanceSettingEnum (const std::string &settingName, enumType defaultValue=static_cast< enumType >(0))
float GetInstanceSettingFloat (const std::string &settingName, float defaultValue=0.0f)
int GetInstanceSettingInt (const std::string &settingName, int defaultValue=0)
std::string GetInstanceSettingString (const std::string &settingName, const std::string &defaultValue="")
std::string GetInstanceUserPath (const std::string &append="")
 IAddonInstance (const kodi::addon::IInstanceInfo &instance)
bool IsInstanceSettingUsingDefault (const std::string &settingName)
virtual ADDON_STATUS SetInstanceSetting (const std::string &settingName, const kodi::addon::CSettingValue &settingValue)
void SetInstanceSettingBoolean (const std::string &settingName, bool settingValue)
template<typename enumType>
void SetInstanceSettingEnum (const std::string &settingName, enumType settingValue)
void SetInstanceSettingFloat (const std::string &settingName, float settingValue)
void SetInstanceSettingInt (const std::string &settingName, int settingValue)
void SetInstanceSettingString (const std::string &settingName, const std::string &settingValue)

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