Kodi Documentation 22.0
Kodi is an open source media player and entertainment hub.
No Matches
ActionIDs.h File Reference


constexpr const int ACTION_NONE = 0
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_LEFT = 1
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT = 2
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_UP = 3
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_DOWN = 4
constexpr const int ACTION_PAGE_UP = 5
constexpr const int ACTION_PAGE_DOWN = 6
constexpr const int ACTION_SELECT_ITEM = 7
constexpr const int ACTION_HIGHLIGHT_ITEM = 8
constexpr const int ACTION_PARENT_DIR = 9
constexpr const int ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU = 10
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_INFO = 11
constexpr const int ACTION_PAUSE = 12
constexpr const int ACTION_STOP = 13
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_ITEM = 14
constexpr const int ACTION_PREV_ITEM = 15
constexpr const int ACTION_FORWARD = 16
constexpr const int ACTION_REWIND = 17
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_GUI = 18
 Toggle between GUI and movie or GUI and visualisation.
constexpr const int ACTION_ASPECT_RATIO = 19
 Toggle quick-access zoom modes. Can be used in videoFullScreen.zml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_STEP_FORWARD = 20
 Seek +1% in the movie. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_STEP_BACK = 21
 Seek -1% in the movie. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_BIG_STEP_FORWARD = 22
 Seek +10% in the movie. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_BIG_STEP_BACK = 23
 Seek -10% in the movie. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_OSD = 24
 Show/hide OSD. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_SUBTITLES = 25
 Turn subtitles on/off. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_SUBTITLE = 26
 Switch to next subtitle of movie. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_DEBUG = 27
 Show debug info for VideoPlayer.
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_PICTURE = 28
 Show next picture of slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_PREV_PICTURE = 29
 Show previous picture of slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_OUT = 30
 Zoom in picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_IN = 31
 Zoom out picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_TOGGLE_SOURCE_DEST = 32
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_PLAYLIST = 33
 Used to toggle between current view and playlist view. Can be used in all mymusic xml files.
constexpr const int ACTION_QUEUE_ITEM = 34
 Used to queue a item to the playlist. Can be used in all mymusic xml files.
constexpr const int ACTION_REMOVE_ITEM = 35
 Not used anymore.
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_FULLSCREEN = 36
 Not used anymore.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_NORMAL = 37
 Zoom 1x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_1 = 38
 Zoom 2x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_2 = 39
 Zoom 3x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_3 = 40
 Zoom 4x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_4 = 41
 Zoom 5x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_5 = 42
 Zoom 6x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_6 = 43
 Zoom 7x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_7 = 44
 Zoom 8x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_8 = 45
 Zoom 9x picture during slideshow. Can be used in slideshow.xml window id=2007.
constexpr const int ACTION_ZOOM_LEVEL_9 = 46
constexpr const int ACTION_CALIBRATE_SWAP_ARROWS = 47
constexpr const int ACTION_CALIBRATE_RESET = 48
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE = 49
constexpr const int ACTION_ROTATE_PICTURE_CW = 50
constexpr const int ACTION_ROTATE_PICTURE_CCW = 51
constexpr const int ACTION_SUBTITLE_DELAY_MIN = 52
 Decrease subtitle/movie Delay. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_SUBTITLE_DELAY_PLUS = 53
 Increase subtitle/movie Delay. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_AUDIO_DELAY_MIN = 54
 Increase avsync delay. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_AUDIO_DELAY_PLUS = 55
 Decrease avsync delay. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_AUDIO_NEXT_LANGUAGE = 56
 Select next language in movie. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_CHANGE_RESOLUTION = 57
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_PROCESS_INFO = 69
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_PROGRAM_SELECT = 70
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_RESOLUTION_SELECT = 71
constexpr const int ACTION_SMALL_STEP_BACK = 76
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_FORWARD = 77
 FF in current file played. global action, can be used anywhere.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_REWIND = 78
 RW in current file played. global action, can be used anywhere.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_PLAY = 79
constexpr const int ACTION_DELETE_ITEM = 80
constexpr const int ACTION_COPY_ITEM = 81
 Copy current selected item. Can be used in myfiles.xml window id=3.
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_ITEM = 82
 Move current selected item. Can be used in myfiles.xml window id=3.
constexpr const int ACTION_TAKE_SCREENSHOT = 85
 Take a screenshot.
constexpr const int ACTION_RENAME_ITEM = 87
 Rename item.
constexpr const int ACTION_VOLUME_UP = 88
constexpr const int ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN = 89
constexpr const int ACTION_VOLAMP = 90
constexpr const int ACTION_MUTE = 91
constexpr const int ACTION_NAV_BACK = 92
constexpr const int ACTION_VOLAMP_UP = 93
constexpr const int ACTION_VOLAMP_DOWN = 94
constexpr const int ACTION_CREATE_EPISODE_BOOKMARK = 95
constexpr const int ACTION_CREATE_BOOKMARK = 96
 Creates a bookmark of the currently playing video file.
constexpr const int ACTION_CHAPTER_OR_BIG_STEP_FORWARD = 97
 Goto the next chapter, if not available perform a big step forward.
constexpr const int ACTION_CHAPTER_OR_BIG_STEP_BACK = 98
 Goto the previous chapter, if not available perform a big step back.
constexpr const int ACTION_CYCLE_SUBTITLE = 99
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_START = 100
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK = 100
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK = 101
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_MIDDLE_CLICK = 102
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK = 103
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP = 104
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN = 105
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_DRAG = 106
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_MOVE = 107
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_LONG_CLICK = 108
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_DRAG_END = 109
constexpr const int ACTION_MOUSE_END = 109
constexpr const int ACTION_BACKSPACE = 110
constexpr const int ACTION_SCROLL_UP = 111
constexpr const int ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN = 112
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_FORWARD = 113
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_REWIND = 114
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_ITEM_UP = 115
 move item up in playlist
constexpr const int ACTION_MOVE_ITEM_DOWN = 116
 move item down in playlist
constexpr const int ACTION_CONTEXT_MENU = 117
 pops up the context menu
constexpr const int ACTION_SHIFT = 118
 stuff for virtual keyboard shortcuts
constexpr const int ACTION_SYMBOLS = 119
 stuff for virtual keyboard shortcuts
constexpr const int ACTION_CURSOR_LEFT = 120
 stuff for virtual keyboard shortcuts
constexpr const int ACTION_CURSOR_RIGHT = 121
 stuff for virtual keyboard shortcuts
constexpr const int ACTION_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION = 122
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_OSD_TIME = 123
 Displays current time, can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_SEEK_FORWARD = 124
 seeks forward, and displays the seek bar.
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_SEEK_BACK = 125
 seeks backward, and displays the seek bar.
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_PRESET_SHOW = 126
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_PRESET_NEXT = 128
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_PRESET_PREV = 129
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_PRESET_LOCK = 130
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_PRESET_RANDOM = 131
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_RATE_PRESET_PLUS = 132
constexpr const int ACTION_VIS_RATE_PRESET_MINUS = 133
constexpr const int ACTION_SHOW_VIDEOMENU = 134
constexpr const int ACTION_ENTER = 135
constexpr const int ACTION_INCREASE_RATING = 136
constexpr const int ACTION_DECREASE_RATING = 137
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_SCENE = 138
 switch to next scene/cutpoint in movie
constexpr const int ACTION_PREV_SCENE = 139
 switch to previous scene/cutpoint in movie
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_LETTER = 140
 jump through a list or container by letter
constexpr const int ACTION_PREV_LETTER = 141
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS2 = 142
 Jump direct to a particular letter using SMS-style input.
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS3 = 143
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS4 = 144
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS5 = 145
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS6 = 146
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS7 = 147
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS8 = 148
constexpr const int ACTION_JUMP_SMS9 = 149
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_CLEAR = 150
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS2 = 151
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS3 = 152
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS4 = 153
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS5 = 154
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS6 = 155
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS7 = 156
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS8 = 157
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER_SMS9 = 158
constexpr const int ACTION_FIRST_PAGE = 159
constexpr const int ACTION_LAST_PAGE = 160
constexpr const int ACTION_AUDIO_DELAY = 161
constexpr const int ACTION_SUBTITLE_DELAY = 162
constexpr const int ACTION_MENU = 163
constexpr const int ACTION_SET_RATING = 164
constexpr const int ACTION_RECORD = 170
constexpr const int ACTION_PASTE = 180
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_CONTROL = 181
constexpr const int ACTION_PREV_CONTROL = 182
constexpr const int ACTION_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 183
constexpr const int ACTION_CHANNEL_UP = 184
constexpr const int ACTION_CHANNEL_DOWN = 185
constexpr const int ACTION_NEXT_CHANNELGROUP = 186
constexpr const int ACTION_PREVIOUS_CHANNELGROUP = 187
constexpr const int ACTION_PVR_PLAY = 188
constexpr const int ACTION_PVR_PLAY_TV = 189
constexpr const int ACTION_PVR_PLAY_RADIO = 190
constexpr const int ACTION_PVR_SHOW_TIMER_RULE = 191
constexpr const int ACTION_CHANNEL_NUMBER_SEP = 192
constexpr const int ACTION_PVR_ANNOUNCE_REMINDERS = 193
constexpr const int ACTION_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN = 199
 switch 2 desktop resolution
constexpr const int ACTION_TOGGLE_WATCHED = 200
 Toggle watched status (videos)
constexpr const int ACTION_SCAN_ITEM = 201
 scan item
constexpr const int ACTION_TOGGLE_DIGITAL_ANALOG = 202
 switch digital <-> analog
constexpr const int ACTION_RELOAD_KEYMAPS = 203
 reloads CButtonTranslator's keymaps
constexpr const int ACTION_GUIPROFILE_BEGIN = 204
 start the GUIControlProfiler running
constexpr const int ACTION_TELETEXT_RED = 215
 Teletext Color button Red to control TopText.
constexpr const int ACTION_TELETEXT_GREEN = 216
 Teletext Color button Green to control TopText.
constexpr const int ACTION_TELETEXT_YELLOW = 217
 Teletext Color button Yellow to control TopText.
constexpr const int ACTION_TELETEXT_BLUE = 218
 Teletext Color button Blue to control TopText.
constexpr const int ACTION_INCREASE_PAR = 219
constexpr const int ACTION_DECREASE_PAR = 220
constexpr const int ACTION_VSHIFT_UP = 227
 shift up video image in VideoPlayer
constexpr const int ACTION_VSHIFT_DOWN = 228
 shift down video image in VideoPlayer
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_PLAYPAUSE = 229
 Play/pause. If playing it pauses, if paused it plays.
constexpr const int ACTION_SUBTITLE_VSHIFT_UP = 230
 shift up subtitles in VideoPlayer
constexpr const int ACTION_SUBTITLE_VSHIFT_DOWN = 231
 shift down subtitles in VideoPlayer
constexpr const int ACTION_SUBTITLE_ALIGN = 232
 toggle vertical alignment of subtitles
constexpr const int ACTION_FILTER = 233
constexpr const int ACTION_SWITCH_PLAYER = 234
constexpr const int ACTION_STEREOMODE_NEXT = 235
constexpr const int ACTION_STEREOMODE_PREVIOUS = 236
constexpr const int ACTION_STEREOMODE_TOGGLE = 237
 turns 3d mode on/off
constexpr const int ACTION_STEREOMODE_SELECT = 238
constexpr const int ACTION_STEREOMODE_TOMONO = 239
constexpr const int ACTION_STEREOMODE_SET = 240
constexpr const int ACTION_SETTINGS_RESET = 241
constexpr const int ACTION_SETTINGS_LEVEL_CHANGE = 242
constexpr const int ACTION_TRIGGER_OSD = 243
 Show autoclosing OSD. Can be used in videoFullScreen.xml window id=2005.
constexpr const int ACTION_INPUT_TEXT = 244
constexpr const int ACTION_VOLUME_SET = 245
constexpr const int ACTION_TOGGLE_COMMSKIP = 246
constexpr const int ACTION_BROWSE_SUBTITLE = 247
 Browse for subtitle. Can be used in videofullscreen.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_RESET = 248
 Send a reset command to the active game.
constexpr const int ACTION_TOGGLE_FONT = 249
 Toggle font. Used in TextViewer dialog.
constexpr const int ACTION_VIDEO_NEXT_STREAM = 250
 Cycle video streams. Used in videofullscreen.
constexpr const int ACTION_QUEUE_ITEM_NEXT = 251
 Used to queue an item to the next position in the playlist.
constexpr const int ACTION_HDR_TOGGLE = 260
 Toggle display HDR on/off.
constexpr const int ACTION_CYCLE_TONEMAP_METHOD = 261
 Switch to next tonemap method.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_DEBUG_VIDEO = 262
 Show debug info for video (source format, metadata, shaders, render flags and output format)
constexpr const int ACTION_KEYBOARD_COMPOSING_KEY = 263
 Keyboard is composing a key (sequence started by a dead key press)
 Keyboard has canceled the key composition.
 Keyboard has finishing the key composition.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_INCREASE_TEMPO = 266
 Tempo change in current file played. global action, can be used anywhere.
constexpr const int ACTION_PLAYER_DECREASE_TEMPO = 267
constexpr const int ACTION_VOICE_RECOGNIZE = 300
constexpr const int ACTION_TOUCH_TAP = 401
 touch actions
constexpr const int ACTION_TOUCH_TAP_TEN = 410
 touch actions
constexpr const int ACTION_TOUCH_LONGPRESS = 411
 touch actions
constexpr const int ACTION_TOUCH_LONGPRESS_TEN = 420
 touch actions
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_NOTIFY = 500
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_BEGIN = 501
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_ZOOM = 502
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_ROTATE = 503
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_PAN = 504
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_ABORT = 505
 gesture was interrupted in unspecified state
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT = 511
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT_TEN = 520
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT = 521
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT_TEN = 530
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_UP = 531
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_UP_TEN = 540
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN = 541
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN_TEN = 550
constexpr const int ACTION_GESTURE_END = 599
 5xx is reserved for additional gesture actions
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE_X_LEFT = 601
 Other, non-gesture actions.
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE_X_RIGHT = 602
 analog thumbstick move, vertical axis, up; see ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE_Y_UP = 603
 analog thumbstick move, vertical axis, down; see ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE
constexpr const int ACTION_ANALOG_MOVE_Y_DOWN = 604
constexpr const int ACTION_ERROR = 998
constexpr const int ACTION_NOOP = 999
constexpr const int REMOTE_0 = 58
constexpr const int REMOTE_1 = 59
constexpr const int REMOTE_2 = 60
constexpr const int REMOTE_3 = 61
constexpr const int REMOTE_4 = 62
constexpr const int REMOTE_5 = 63
constexpr const int REMOTE_6 = 64
constexpr const int REMOTE_7 = 65
constexpr const int REMOTE_8 = 66
constexpr const int REMOTE_9 = 67