Kodi Documentation 22.0
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CFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for CFile, including all inherited members.

Copy(const CURL &file, const CURL &dest, XFILE::IFileCallback *pCallback=NULL, void *pContext=NULL)CFilestatic
Copy(const std::string &strFileName, const std::string &strDest, XFILE::IFileCallback *pCallback=NULL, void *pContext=NULL)CFilestatic
CURLAddOption(CURLOptionType type, const char *name, const char *value)CFile
CURLCreate(const std::string &url)CFile
CURLOpen(unsigned int flags)CFile
Delete(const CURL &file)CFilestatic
Delete(const std::string &strFileName)CFilestatic
DetermineChunkSize(const int srcChunkSize, const int reqChunkSize)CFilestatic
Exists(const CURL &file, bool bUseCache=true)CFilestatic
Exists(const std::string &strFileName, bool bUseCache=true)CFilestatic
GetBitstreamStats() constCFileinline
GetImplementation() constCFileinline
GetPosition() constCFile
GetProperty(XFILE::FileProperty type, const std::string &name="") constCFile
GetPropertyValues(XFILE::FileProperty type, const std::string &name="") constCFile
IoControl(IOControl request, void *param)CFile
LoadFile(const CURL &file, std::vector< uint8_t > &outputBuffer)CFile
LoadFile(const std::string &filename, std::vector< uint8_t > &outputBuffer)CFile
Open(const CURL &file, const unsigned int flags=0)CFile
Open(const std::string &strFileName, const unsigned int flags=0)CFile
OpenForWrite(const CURL &file, bool bOverWrite=false)CFile
OpenForWrite(const std::string &strFileName, bool bOverWrite=false)CFile
Read(void *bufPtr, size_t bufSize)CFile
ReadLine(std::string &line)CFile
ReadLine(char *buffer, std::size_t bufferSize)CFile
Rename(const CURL &file, const CURL &urlNew)CFilestatic
Rename(const std::string &strFileName, const std::string &strNewFileName)CFilestatic
Seek(int64_t iFilePosition, int iWhence=SEEK_SET)CFile
SetHidden(const CURL &file, bool hidden)CFilestatic
SetHidden(const std::string &fileName, bool hidden)CFilestatic
Stat(const CURL &file, struct __stat64 *buffer)CFilestatic
Stat(const std::string &strFileName, struct __stat64 *buffer)CFilestatic
Stat(struct __stat64 *buffer)CFile
Truncate(int64_t iSize)CFile
Write(const void *bufPtr, size_t bufSize)CFile